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Posts posted by cosmicarus

  1. I work in community radio, here in Melbourne (Australia) putting together a couple of shows, my favourite of which is a show about comic books called 'Panel Beaters'. I also work at a free-to-air staion here, in the news library archiving and retirieving.

    Role-playing wise, its something I'd wanted to do for as long as I could remember, and then when I moved away for uni (to study acting) I thought "What better place to start?" I got involved with a great bunch of peeps down there, and so when I moved back home at the beginning of this year I found I missed the sound of rolling dice. So here I am. I just finished a run of 'As You Like It' and we're moving onto '12th Night' before the end of the year - if any of you are in the area, come on down! :D

    ...oh, and I'm a Libran who enjoys black and white movies and long walks on the beach. ;)

  2. I work in community radio, here in Melbourne (Australia) putting together a couple of shows, my favourite of which is a show about comic books called 'Panel Beaters'. I also work at a free-to-air staion here, in the news library archiving and retirieving.

    Role-playing wise, its something I'd wanted to do for as long as I could remember, and then when I moved away for uni (to study acting) I thought "What better place to start?" I got involved with a great bunch of peeps down there, and so when I moved back home at the beginning of this year I found I missed the sound of rolling dice. So here I am. I just finished a run of 'As You Like It' and we're moving onto '12th Night' before the end of the year - if any of you are in the area, come on down! :D

    ...oh, and I'm a Libran who enjoys black and white movies and long walks on the beach. ;)

  3. I work in community radio, here in Melbourne (Australia) putting together a couple of shows, my favourite of which is a show about comic books called 'Panel Beaters'. I also work at a free-to-air staion here, in the news library archiving and retirieving.

    Role-playing wise, its something I'd wanted to do for as long as I could remember, and then when I moved away for uni (to study acting) I thought "What better place to start?" I got involved with a great bunch of peeps down there, and so when I moved back home at the beginning of this year I found I missed the sound of rolling dice. So here I am. I just finished a run of 'As You Like It' and we're moving onto '12th Night' before the end of the year - if any of you are in the area, come on down! :D

    ...oh, and I'm a Libran who enjoys black and white movies and long walks on the beach. ;)

  4. I also think it's crazy and likely to end in disaster for Cos most of the time. :|

    Hehe - you know, as I slept last night I was thinking the same thing. I liked the idea of the character being able to believe that she could have a planet dropped on her and survive, but came to the realisation that this maybe wasn't the best way to do it...

    My next question is, if there a way to make Impervious Toughness weak to something other than penetrating? Say to mental or a broad type of energy blasts instead. I realise mental blasts bypass thoughness anyways but, being a mental construct (as you will see she is when I put her history up later), I thought a physical weakness to mental attacks would make sense. Perhaps an automatic stunned result on a failed will save against them? Thoughts?

    I was thinking just a straight out "Impervious Toughness 10", with the belief thing used as flavour text - I just can't seem to work out a way to stat the previous idea up fairly and neatly.

    But what the Will roll should be to activate the Immuity is a good question. Its not realy an opposed roll, as its her power she is tryng to activate, the level of the attack coming in doesn't really affect that more. And as Silver said, to activate the needed Immunity (say non-lethal physical) is 20 ranks of Immunity, needing a Will check of 30. Not sure if there is a good way to simulate this, I'll think about is some more.

    The way I was originally looking at it, it's a power she can bring to bear if she believes she can. Therefore the DC would be less for overcoming being hit by a car than for a bulding falling on her. But, as I said, I think this whole thing was a little lumpy now that I actually get it out there...

    Just so everyone knows, the Refs are discussing this now. The main question, of course, is . . . "Are we going to allow players to buy immunity to normal damage, and if so, to what degree?"

    And at least some good will come of the build :)

  5. I also think it's crazy and likely to end in disaster for Cos most of the time. :|

    Hehe - you know, as I slept last night I was thinking the same thing. I liked the idea of the character being able to believe that she could have a planet dropped on her and survive, but came to the realisation that this maybe wasn't the best way to do it...

    My next question is, if there a way to make Impervious Toughness weak to something other than penetrating? Say to mental or a broad type of energy blasts instead. I realise mental blasts bypass thoughness anyways but, being a mental construct (as you will see she is when I put her history up later), I thought a physical weakness to mental attacks would make sense. Perhaps an automatic stunned result on a failed will save against them? Thoughts?

    I was thinking just a straight out "Impervious Toughness 10", with the belief thing used as flavour text - I just can't seem to work out a way to stat the previous idea up fairly and neatly.

    But what the Will roll should be to activate the Immuity is a good question. Its not realy an opposed roll, as its her power she is tryng to activate, the level of the attack coming in doesn't really affect that more. And as Silver said, to activate the needed Immunity (say non-lethal physical) is 20 ranks of Immunity, needing a Will check of 30. Not sure if there is a good way to simulate this, I'll think about is some more.

    The way I was originally looking at it, it's a power she can bring to bear if she believes she can. Therefore the DC would be less for overcoming being hit by a car than for a bulding falling on her. But, as I said, I think this whole thing was a little lumpy now that I actually get it out there...

    Just so everyone knows, the Refs are discussing this now. The main question, of course, is . . . "Are we going to allow players to buy immunity to normal damage, and if so, to what degree?"

    And at least some good will come of the build :)

  6. I also think it's crazy and likely to end in disaster for Cos most of the time. :|

    Hehe - you know, as I slept last night I was thinking the same thing. I liked the idea of the character being able to believe that she could have a planet dropped on her and survive, but came to the realisation that this maybe wasn't the best way to do it...

    My next question is, if there a way to make Impervious Toughness weak to something other than penetrating? Say to mental or a broad type of energy blasts instead. I realise mental blasts bypass thoughness anyways but, being a mental construct (as you will see she is when I put her history up later), I thought a physical weakness to mental attacks would make sense. Perhaps an automatic stunned result on a failed will save against them? Thoughts?

    I was thinking just a straight out "Impervious Toughness 10", with the belief thing used as flavour text - I just can't seem to work out a way to stat the previous idea up fairly and neatly.

    But what the Will roll should be to activate the Immuity is a good question. Its not realy an opposed roll, as its her power she is tryng to activate, the level of the attack coming in doesn't really affect that more. And as Silver said, to activate the needed Immunity (say non-lethal physical) is 20 ranks of Immunity, needing a Will check of 30. Not sure if there is a good way to simulate this, I'll think about is some more.

    The way I was originally looking at it, it's a power she can bring to bear if she believes she can. Therefore the DC would be less for overcoming being hit by a car than for a bulding falling on her. But, as I said, I think this whole thing was a little lumpy now that I actually get it out there...

    Just so everyone knows, the Refs are discussing this now. The main question, of course, is . . . "Are we going to allow players to buy immunity to normal damage, and if so, to what degree?"

    And at least some good will come of the build :)

  7. Players Name: Cosmicarus

    Power Level: 11 (161 PPs)

    Unspent PPs: 11

    Characters Name: Exemplar

    Alternate Identity: Rose Lovell

    Height: 5' 9â€Â

    Weight: 48kg

    Hair: Light Brown

    Eyes: Brown



    Valkyrie's body is made of pure mental energy made physical. That said, in some cases she's as real as you or I. Her costume is ornate, but is nothing more than dressing - she hasn't manifested the materials out of thin air and woven them by force of will. Despite her being a mental contruct, most effects that normally work on human beings seem to work on her. It's as if her mind believes that these affects pose a threat and then believes again in their ability to harm her - and when you're a being made from pure belief, conviction is everything.

    History: It was supposed to be the greatest day of Rose Lovell's life - the first stepping stone on the road to a brilliant career. Unfortunately, that wasn't to be. Halfway through her meeting with Millennium Comics her phone rang - the macarena meant that it was one of her sisters.

    "I'm so sorry - I have to take this."

    Awkwardly, she left the room. "Cadence? Why are you calling me today? I'm at the Mill..." She went silent. Of course there was another drama - the sun was shining, wasn't it? Sheepishly she stuck her head back into the meeting room and excused herself.

    There was always something going on with Rose's sisters; bad boyfriend, debt, school issues, illness... the list goes on. The only thing as sure as the problems they had was Rose's willingness to help out. It was her duty, after all, being the oldest of the seven Lovell girls. Their father died when the youngest daughter, Michelle, was still only 9, leaving Rose's mother constantly working to support the girls. That meant that it was left to Rose to raise them.

    It had been that way for twelve years. Now 28, Rose was meeting with the people that would make her dreams come true. She'd been working on the 'Valkyrie' comic for just over five years. It was a character that came to her in a dream when she was in her early 20's, a perfect being of athleticism and skill formed in the mind of a woman who certainly wouldn't describe herself as either athletic of physically skilled in the slightest. In the comic, one of Odin's Valkyries left her post to fight alongside a cause she truely believed in. She became an example to all of her sisters, and then all of the world for doing what she thought was right. Valkyrie was more than just some new superhero for the comics, she was going to be an example of all that you could be if you believed hard enough.

    All Rose could think about right then, however, was getting to her sisters house. Cadence had lost her long term boyfriend, and now her job in the same week. She needed Rose and Rose, as usual, would do her best to be there for her. She wasn't going to make it there that day. No-one is sure what happened. Rose still can't remember. All she recalls is driving towards her sisters house and then waking up in hospital. The first thing she saw was her own face; naturally she thought that she was looking into a mirror, before she realised that her 'reflection's' eyes were closed. Looking up and down, Rose realised that she was floating above her own body which was connected to a myriad of machines in Freedom City Hospital - she panicked. Flailing her arms wildly and tried to scream, but no sound came out. Instead, she floated further into the air before plunging down and permeating through the floor! She found herself floating in the lobby of the Hospital, surrounded by people and yet no-one seemingly able to detect her presence. Rose composed herself. All she had to do was think - there had to be some way out of this...

    For a good week, Rose spent her weird unlife hovering around her body. She learnt that the car she was driving had been in a major accident. That being the case, she wasn't dead - they'd even taken her body off life support because it wasn't needed. She just wasn't waking up! Constant visits by her sisters kept her sane, but she worried that she couldn't physically help them with anything. She'd mastered flying around now, that was easy, but whenever she tried to touch something, she moved through it, as though it wasn't there. This irked her more than a little bit. Even though her sisters seemed to be getting on well without her (a new turn that made Rose feel much better about the whole situation), she still wanted to be there for them. A fortnight after Rose's reawakening, Cadence stayed with Rose's sleeping physical body until hospital visiting hours were over. Glancing outside at the encroaching night, Rose worried about her sister's safety. She hadn't left her body since this whole strange turn of events, but she left the hospital that night, following Cadence home, worried that something may happen to her. Just by coincidence, something did.

    Night had settled completely on Freedom City by the time Cadence, tailed by Rose, rounded the block where Cadence lived. Unbeknownst to either of them, the visible of the two was being watched, and had been for some time. Nicely nicely. As Cadence reached for her keys a dirty, brown blur swept through and carried her into a near-by alley. Momentarily shocked, Rose gathered herself together and followed. In the alley she saw a large rat - as big as a man - trying to shove Cadence through an open manhole cover. Go nicely, into the dark! Before she could think, Rose rushed forward; "Get off my sister!" The rat man had only enough time to look around before Rose grabbed his shoulder and threw him down the alley towards the street. He landed with a thump. Rose helped Cadence to her feet, who could only stare up at this miraculous woman who had saved her. They only had a few moments before the giant rat had recovered. He leapt on Rose's back, trying to restrain her, but he found her far too strong; "Get back into your hole, rat man." And with that, Rose flew over to the manhole cover and threw the creature into it, slamming the cover back on afterwards. It wasn't until Cadence ran to and hugged her that Rose realised that not only could she be seen, but she could touch. More, even! She could fly! And it seemed like she was a lot stronger than she was before.

    Cadence and Rose went into the former's apartment, trying to work out just what was going on. Cadence asked Rose where she got her costume from, to which Rose only raised a confused eyebrow. Looking in the mirror, Rose realised that she was wearing the costume she'd given to her comic character, Valkyrie! She even physically resembled the character. Rose turned back to her sister and shrugged.

    By Cadence's next birthday, a month later, Rose's physical body had been discharged by the hospital to Cadence's care. They thought it best that Rose's true identity was kept a secret from the public, both to protect their family and Rose's vulnerable physical self - only the seven sisters know the truth. The rest of Freedom City know Rose only as Valkyrie, the super-hero who tells you that if you believe, you can do anything!


    Str: 10/32/52 (+0/+11)

    Dex: 12 (+1)

    Con: 18 (+4)

    Int: 14 (+2)

    Wis: 16 (+3)

    Cha: 14 (+2)

    24 points spent

    BAB: 8 (4 + 4 (attack focus (melee)))

    BDB: 8 (5 + 3 (dodge focus))

    18 points spent

    Initiative: 5


    Toughness: 4/14

    Fortitude: 7 (3 + 4)

    Reflex: 5 (1 + 4)

    Will: 11 (3 + 8)

    15 points spent


    Concentration 11 (3 + 8)

    Diplomacy 7 (2 + 5)

    Drive 3 (1+ 2)

    Knowledge: Art 4 (2 + 2)

    Knowledge: Current Events 4 (2 + 2)

    Knowledge: Popular Culture 4 (2 + 3)

    Notice 6 (3 + 3)

    Search 5 (2 + 3)

    7 points spent


    Accurate Attack

    Attack Focus (melee) 4

    Dodge Focus 3

    Improved Grab

    Improved Initiative

    Move-By Action

    Power Attack

    Second Chance (concentration check to maintain power)

    Ultimate Effort (will save)

    14 points spent


    Enhanced Strength 22

    FLAW: Duration [continuous to sustained] (-1)

    FEAT: Affects incorporeal

    12 points spent

    Super-Strength 4

    FLAW: Duration [continuous to sustained] (-1)

    4 points spent

    Protection 2

    2 points spent

    Protection 8

    EXTRA: Impervious (+1)

    FLAW: Duration [continuous to sustained] (-0)

    16 points spent

    Permeate 2

    4 points spent

    Immunity (life support; thirst/starvation)

    10 points spent

    Flight 4

    8 points spent

    Regeneration [recovery rate]

    All to standard actions (bruised 2, unconscious 2, injured 5, staggered 5, disabled 7, ability 7)

    FLAW: Check required [will] (-1)

    FEAT: Persistent

    FEAT: Regrowth

    16 points spent

    Regeneration [recovery bonus] 6

    6 points spent

    Costs: Abilities (22) + Combat (16) + Saves (14) + Skills (7) + Feats (14) + Powers (77) - Drawbacks (00) = Total Cost (150)

    TRADEOFF: Defence/Toughness 3

    NOTES: Regeneration DCs (rate + bonus): Bruised 18, Unconscious 18, Injured 21, Staggered 21, Disabled 23, Ability 23)

    Rose's immediate family:

    Lisa (mother) – 49

    Lisa lost her husband, Henry, 12 years ago. Since then she’s had to work hard to support her daughters. She’s lucky she had Rose and, to a lesser extent Maria (who could be a little too ‘holier-than-thou’ at times), to help her out. In either case, she’s had to work two job for most of that time to make ends meet. Now that her youngest, Michelle, has left high school, it’s time for Lisa to relax. She’s settled back to one job, working in the Freedom City Public Library. Although there were trying times, she has a good relationship with all of her daughters.

    Rose – 28

    Rose always loved art. Drawing and painting in particular. There was something about it that captured her imagination. She can remember the day she read her first comic when she was fourteen – it detailed the latest exploits of the Centurion (this was just before his death). Something about capturing those moments of life in the frame of a comic spoke to her and she knew that she was going to be a comic book artist. Because she had to be a surrogate mother for her six sisters, it took fourteen years for Rose to have her chance, but fate had something else in store for her.

    Maria (sister) – 26

    Maria is the most studious of the sisters. She was always reading and studying. Maria works as a stenographer in the State Supreme Court, supporting herself whilst she goes through University, mastering in Law. Although she is the most well read of the sisters, she can also be the most jaded. Perhaps it’s having to deal with people of the criminal persuasion on a daily basis that has made her suspicious of her fellow man more often than not. The again, perhaps it's something else that her sister don't know about...

    Cadence (sister) – 24

    Perhaps because Maria was so engrossed in her studies, Cadence chose the life of freedom. She never went on to further study after high school, preferring instead to move in with her, then, latest boyfriend. Unfortunately it didn’t last. Cadence has been in and out of relationships since then, but has calmed down after becoming involved with Matthew Marsden, a man revealed to be a member of The Brotherhood. The full extent of his prejudices were revealed following quite a brutal attack on Cadence’s Spanish landlord. Though he escaped prosecution, Matthew has been ordered by the courts not to come within 400 feet of either Cadence or her landlord, Carla Martinez.

    Jessica (sister) – 23

    Jessica always wanted a family of her own, and that’s what she got. After graduation she married her high school sweetheart, James Thurgood. They now have two little ones of their own. James works as an accountant for Freedom City baseball team the Freedom City Comets. It’s not all smooth sailing, but it’s obvious to all that the couple love each other dearly.

    Fiona (sister) – 22

    Music came easily to Fiona Lovell. She was a veritable prodigy, excelling with the piano, harp and flute especially. She was granted a scholarship to Freedom City University after high school, which she recently graduated at the head of her class. She’s currently touring South Eastern Asia with the Freedom City Orchestra.

    Margaret (sister) – 20

    Margaret always felt left out from the rest of the sisters. She isn’t sure why, but she never quite fit in. She admired Rose’s drawing ability, and Fiona’s musical talent, but has never had any of her own. Intent on making her own mark, she opted to study journalism at Freedom City University – perhaps by reporting on the exploits of others she can become known herself.

    Michelle (sister) – 19

    Michelle is a sports fanatic. Rowing in particular is her forte, but she’ll try anything. She’s also an avid rock climber and bike rider. She was currently attends Freedom City University (where she was given a rowing scholarship) with her sister, Margaret. As a consequence of this, the girls have taken to living together, all their other sisters having dispersed elsewhere.

    Image borrowed from here. With thanks going to lokai.

  8. Players Name: Cosmicarus

    Power Level: 11 (161 PPs)

    Unspent PPs: 11

    Characters Name: Exemplar

    Alternate Identity: Rose Lovell

    Height: 5' 9â€Â

    Weight: 48kg

    Hair: Light Brown

    Eyes: Brown



    Valkyrie's body is made of pure mental energy made physical. That said, in some cases she's as real as you or I. Her costume is ornate, but is nothing more than dressing - she hasn't manifested the materials out of thin air and woven them by force of will. Despite her being a mental contruct, most effects that normally work on human beings seem to work on her. It's as if her mind believes that these affects pose a threat and then believes again in their ability to harm her - and when you're a being made from pure belief, conviction is everything.

    History: It was supposed to be the greatest day of Rose Lovell's life - the first stepping stone on the road to a brilliant career. Unfortunately, that wasn't to be. Halfway through her meeting with Millennium Comics her phone rang - the macarena meant that it was one of her sisters.

    "I'm so sorry - I have to take this."

    Awkwardly, she left the room. "Cadence? Why are you calling me today? I'm at the Mill..." She went silent. Of course there was another drama - the sun was shining, wasn't it? Sheepishly she stuck her head back into the meeting room and excused herself.

    There was always something going on with Rose's sisters; bad boyfriend, debt, school issues, illness... the list goes on. The only thing as sure as the problems they had was Rose's willingness to help out. It was her duty, after all, being the oldest of the seven Lovell girls. Their father died when the youngest daughter, Michelle, was still only 9, leaving Rose's mother constantly working to support the girls. That meant that it was left to Rose to raise them.

    It had been that way for twelve years. Now 28, Rose was meeting with the people that would make her dreams come true. She'd been working on the 'Valkyrie' comic for just over five years. It was a character that came to her in a dream when she was in her early 20's, a perfect being of athleticism and skill formed in the mind of a woman who certainly wouldn't describe herself as either athletic of physically skilled in the slightest. In the comic, one of Odin's Valkyries left her post to fight alongside a cause she truely believed in. She became an example to all of her sisters, and then all of the world for doing what she thought was right. Valkyrie was more than just some new superhero for the comics, she was going to be an example of all that you could be if you believed hard enough.

    All Rose could think about right then, however, was getting to her sisters house. Cadence had lost her long term boyfriend, and now her job in the same week. She needed Rose and Rose, as usual, would do her best to be there for her. She wasn't going to make it there that day. No-one is sure what happened. Rose still can't remember. All she recalls is driving towards her sisters house and then waking up in hospital. The first thing she saw was her own face; naturally she thought that she was looking into a mirror, before she realised that her 'reflection's' eyes were closed. Looking up and down, Rose realised that she was floating above her own body which was connected to a myriad of machines in Freedom City Hospital - she panicked. Flailing her arms wildly and tried to scream, but no sound came out. Instead, she floated further into the air before plunging down and permeating through the floor! She found herself floating in the lobby of the Hospital, surrounded by people and yet no-one seemingly able to detect her presence. Rose composed herself. All she had to do was think - there had to be some way out of this...

    For a good week, Rose spent her weird unlife hovering around her body. She learnt that the car she was driving had been in a major accident. That being the case, she wasn't dead - they'd even taken her body off life support because it wasn't needed. She just wasn't waking up! Constant visits by her sisters kept her sane, but she worried that she couldn't physically help them with anything. She'd mastered flying around now, that was easy, but whenever she tried to touch something, she moved through it, as though it wasn't there. This irked her more than a little bit. Even though her sisters seemed to be getting on well without her (a new turn that made Rose feel much better about the whole situation), she still wanted to be there for them. A fortnight after Rose's reawakening, Cadence stayed with Rose's sleeping physical body until hospital visiting hours were over. Glancing outside at the encroaching night, Rose worried about her sister's safety. She hadn't left her body since this whole strange turn of events, but she left the hospital that night, following Cadence home, worried that something may happen to her. Just by coincidence, something did.

    Night had settled completely on Freedom City by the time Cadence, tailed by Rose, rounded the block where Cadence lived. Unbeknownst to either of them, the visible of the two was being watched, and had been for some time. Nicely nicely. As Cadence reached for her keys a dirty, brown blur swept through and carried her into a near-by alley. Momentarily shocked, Rose gathered herself together and followed. In the alley she saw a large rat - as big as a man - trying to shove Cadence through an open manhole cover. Go nicely, into the dark! Before she could think, Rose rushed forward; "Get off my sister!" The rat man had only enough time to look around before Rose grabbed his shoulder and threw him down the alley towards the street. He landed with a thump. Rose helped Cadence to her feet, who could only stare up at this miraculous woman who had saved her. They only had a few moments before the giant rat had recovered. He leapt on Rose's back, trying to restrain her, but he found her far too strong; "Get back into your hole, rat man." And with that, Rose flew over to the manhole cover and threw the creature into it, slamming the cover back on afterwards. It wasn't until Cadence ran to and hugged her that Rose realised that not only could she be seen, but she could touch. More, even! She could fly! And it seemed like she was a lot stronger than she was before.

    Cadence and Rose went into the former's apartment, trying to work out just what was going on. Cadence asked Rose where she got her costume from, to which Rose only raised a confused eyebrow. Looking in the mirror, Rose realised that she was wearing the costume she'd given to her comic character, Valkyrie! She even physically resembled the character. Rose turned back to her sister and shrugged.

    By Cadence's next birthday, a month later, Rose's physical body had been discharged by the hospital to Cadence's care. They thought it best that Rose's true identity was kept a secret from the public, both to protect their family and Rose's vulnerable physical self - only the seven sisters know the truth. The rest of Freedom City know Rose only as Valkyrie, the super-hero who tells you that if you believe, you can do anything!


    Str: 10/32/52 (+0/+11)

    Dex: 12 (+1)

    Con: 18 (+4)

    Int: 14 (+2)

    Wis: 16 (+3)

    Cha: 14 (+2)

    24 points spent

    BAB: 8 (4 + 4 (attack focus (melee)))

    BDB: 8 (5 + 3 (dodge focus))

    18 points spent

    Initiative: 5


    Toughness: 4/14

    Fortitude: 7 (3 + 4)

    Reflex: 5 (1 + 4)

    Will: 11 (3 + 8)

    15 points spent


    Concentration 11 (3 + 8)

    Diplomacy 7 (2 + 5)

    Drive 3 (1+ 2)

    Knowledge: Art 4 (2 + 2)

    Knowledge: Current Events 4 (2 + 2)

    Knowledge: Popular Culture 4 (2 + 3)

    Notice 6 (3 + 3)

    Search 5 (2 + 3)

    7 points spent


    Accurate Attack

    Attack Focus (melee) 4

    Dodge Focus 3

    Improved Grab

    Improved Initiative

    Move-By Action

    Power Attack

    Second Chance (concentration check to maintain power)

    Ultimate Effort (will save)

    14 points spent


    Enhanced Strength 22

    FLAW: Duration [continuous to sustained] (-1)

    FEAT: Affects incorporeal

    12 points spent

    Super-Strength 4

    FLAW: Duration [continuous to sustained] (-1)

    4 points spent

    Protection 2

    2 points spent

    Protection 8

    EXTRA: Impervious (+1)

    FLAW: Duration [continuous to sustained] (-0)

    16 points spent

    Permeate 2

    4 points spent

    Immunity (life support; thirst/starvation)

    10 points spent

    Flight 4

    8 points spent

    Regeneration [recovery rate]

    All to standard actions (bruised 2, unconscious 2, injured 5, staggered 5, disabled 7, ability 7)

    FLAW: Check required [will] (-1)

    FEAT: Persistent

    FEAT: Regrowth

    16 points spent

    Regeneration [recovery bonus] 6

    6 points spent

    Costs: Abilities (22) + Combat (16) + Saves (14) + Skills (7) + Feats (14) + Powers (77) - Drawbacks (00) = Total Cost (150)

    TRADEOFF: Defence/Toughness 3

    NOTES: Regeneration DCs (rate + bonus): Bruised 18, Unconscious 18, Injured 21, Staggered 21, Disabled 23, Ability 23)

    Rose's immediate family:

    Lisa (mother) – 49

    Lisa lost her husband, Henry, 12 years ago. Since then she’s had to work hard to support her daughters. She’s lucky she had Rose and, to a lesser extent Maria (who could be a little too ‘holier-than-thou’ at times), to help her out. In either case, she’s had to work two job for most of that time to make ends meet. Now that her youngest, Michelle, has left high school, it’s time for Lisa to relax. She’s settled back to one job, working in the Freedom City Public Library. Although there were trying times, she has a good relationship with all of her daughters.

    Rose – 28

    Rose always loved art. Drawing and painting in particular. There was something about it that captured her imagination. She can remember the day she read her first comic when she was fourteen – it detailed the latest exploits of the Centurion (this was just before his death). Something about capturing those moments of life in the frame of a comic spoke to her and she knew that she was going to be a comic book artist. Because she had to be a surrogate mother for her six sisters, it took fourteen years for Rose to have her chance, but fate had something else in store for her.

    Maria (sister) – 26

    Maria is the most studious of the sisters. She was always reading and studying. Maria works as a stenographer in the State Supreme Court, supporting herself whilst she goes through University, mastering in Law. Although she is the most well read of the sisters, she can also be the most jaded. Perhaps it’s having to deal with people of the criminal persuasion on a daily basis that has made her suspicious of her fellow man more often than not. The again, perhaps it's something else that her sister don't know about...

    Cadence (sister) – 24

    Perhaps because Maria was so engrossed in her studies, Cadence chose the life of freedom. She never went on to further study after high school, preferring instead to move in with her, then, latest boyfriend. Unfortunately it didn’t last. Cadence has been in and out of relationships since then, but has calmed down after becoming involved with Matthew Marsden, a man revealed to be a member of The Brotherhood. The full extent of his prejudices were revealed following quite a brutal attack on Cadence’s Spanish landlord. Though he escaped prosecution, Matthew has been ordered by the courts not to come within 400 feet of either Cadence or her landlord, Carla Martinez.

    Jessica (sister) – 23

    Jessica always wanted a family of her own, and that’s what she got. After graduation she married her high school sweetheart, James Thurgood. They now have two little ones of their own. James works as an accountant for Freedom City baseball team the Freedom City Comets. It’s not all smooth sailing, but it’s obvious to all that the couple love each other dearly.

    Fiona (sister) – 22

    Music came easily to Fiona Lovell. She was a veritable prodigy, excelling with the piano, harp and flute especially. She was granted a scholarship to Freedom City University after high school, which she recently graduated at the head of her class. She’s currently touring South Eastern Asia with the Freedom City Orchestra.

    Margaret (sister) – 20

    Margaret always felt left out from the rest of the sisters. She isn’t sure why, but she never quite fit in. She admired Rose’s drawing ability, and Fiona’s musical talent, but has never had any of her own. Intent on making her own mark, she opted to study journalism at Freedom City University – perhaps by reporting on the exploits of others she can become known herself.

    Michelle (sister) – 19

    Michelle is a sports fanatic. Rowing in particular is her forte, but she’ll try anything. She’s also an avid rock climber and bike rider. She was currently attends Freedom City University (where she was given a rowing scholarship) with her sister, Margaret. As a consequence of this, the girls have taken to living together, all their other sisters having dispersed elsewhere.

    Image borrowed from here. With thanks going to lokai.

  9. Players Name: Cosmicarus

    Power Level: 11 (161 PPs)

    Unspent PPs: 11

    Characters Name: Exemplar

    Alternate Identity: Rose Lovell

    Height: 5' 9â€Â

    Weight: 48kg

    Hair: Light Brown

    Eyes: Brown



    Valkyrie's body is made of pure mental energy made physical. That said, in some cases she's as real as you or I. Her costume is ornate, but is nothing more than dressing - she hasn't manifested the materials out of thin air and woven them by force of will. Despite her being a mental contruct, most effects that normally work on human beings seem to work on her. It's as if her mind believes that these affects pose a threat and then believes again in their ability to harm her - and when you're a being made from pure belief, conviction is everything.

    History: It was supposed to be the greatest day of Rose Lovell's life - the first stepping stone on the road to a brilliant career. Unfortunately, that wasn't to be. Halfway through her meeting with Millennium Comics her phone rang - the macarena meant that it was one of her sisters.

    "I'm so sorry - I have to take this."

    Awkwardly, she left the room. "Cadence? Why are you calling me today? I'm at the Mill..." She went silent. Of course there was another drama - the sun was shining, wasn't it? Sheepishly she stuck her head back into the meeting room and excused herself.

    There was always something going on with Rose's sisters; bad boyfriend, debt, school issues, illness... the list goes on. The only thing as sure as the problems they had was Rose's willingness to help out. It was her duty, after all, being the oldest of the seven Lovell girls. Their father died when the youngest daughter, Michelle, was still only 9, leaving Rose's mother constantly working to support the girls. That meant that it was left to Rose to raise them.

    It had been that way for twelve years. Now 28, Rose was meeting with the people that would make her dreams come true. She'd been working on the 'Valkyrie' comic for just over five years. It was a character that came to her in a dream when she was in her early 20's, a perfect being of athleticism and skill formed in the mind of a woman who certainly wouldn't describe herself as either athletic of physically skilled in the slightest. In the comic, one of Odin's Valkyries left her post to fight alongside a cause she truely believed in. She became an example to all of her sisters, and then all of the world for doing what she thought was right. Valkyrie was more than just some new superhero for the comics, she was going to be an example of all that you could be if you believed hard enough.

    All Rose could think about right then, however, was getting to her sisters house. Cadence had lost her long term boyfriend, and now her job in the same week. She needed Rose and Rose, as usual, would do her best to be there for her. She wasn't going to make it there that day. No-one is sure what happened. Rose still can't remember. All she recalls is driving towards her sisters house and then waking up in hospital. The first thing she saw was her own face; naturally she thought that she was looking into a mirror, before she realised that her 'reflection's' eyes were closed. Looking up and down, Rose realised that she was floating above her own body which was connected to a myriad of machines in Freedom City Hospital - she panicked. Flailing her arms wildly and tried to scream, but no sound came out. Instead, she floated further into the air before plunging down and permeating through the floor! She found herself floating in the lobby of the Hospital, surrounded by people and yet no-one seemingly able to detect her presence. Rose composed herself. All she had to do was think - there had to be some way out of this...

    For a good week, Rose spent her weird unlife hovering around her body. She learnt that the car she was driving had been in a major accident. That being the case, she wasn't dead - they'd even taken her body off life support because it wasn't needed. She just wasn't waking up! Constant visits by her sisters kept her sane, but she worried that she couldn't physically help them with anything. She'd mastered flying around now, that was easy, but whenever she tried to touch something, she moved through it, as though it wasn't there. This irked her more than a little bit. Even though her sisters seemed to be getting on well without her (a new turn that made Rose feel much better about the whole situation), she still wanted to be there for them. A fortnight after Rose's reawakening, Cadence stayed with Rose's sleeping physical body until hospital visiting hours were over. Glancing outside at the encroaching night, Rose worried about her sister's safety. She hadn't left her body since this whole strange turn of events, but she left the hospital that night, following Cadence home, worried that something may happen to her. Just by coincidence, something did.

    Night had settled completely on Freedom City by the time Cadence, tailed by Rose, rounded the block where Cadence lived. Unbeknownst to either of them, the visible of the two was being watched, and had been for some time. Nicely nicely. As Cadence reached for her keys a dirty, brown blur swept through and carried her into a near-by alley. Momentarily shocked, Rose gathered herself together and followed. In the alley she saw a large rat - as big as a man - trying to shove Cadence through an open manhole cover. Go nicely, into the dark! Before she could think, Rose rushed forward; "Get off my sister!" The rat man had only enough time to look around before Rose grabbed his shoulder and threw him down the alley towards the street. He landed with a thump. Rose helped Cadence to her feet, who could only stare up at this miraculous woman who had saved her. They only had a few moments before the giant rat had recovered. He leapt on Rose's back, trying to restrain her, but he found her far too strong; "Get back into your hole, rat man." And with that, Rose flew over to the manhole cover and threw the creature into it, slamming the cover back on afterwards. It wasn't until Cadence ran to and hugged her that Rose realised that not only could she be seen, but she could touch. More, even! She could fly! And it seemed like she was a lot stronger than she was before.

    Cadence and Rose went into the former's apartment, trying to work out just what was going on. Cadence asked Rose where she got her costume from, to which Rose only raised a confused eyebrow. Looking in the mirror, Rose realised that she was wearing the costume she'd given to her comic character, Valkyrie! She even physically resembled the character. Rose turned back to her sister and shrugged.

    By Cadence's next birthday, a month later, Rose's physical body had been discharged by the hospital to Cadence's care. They thought it best that Rose's true identity was kept a secret from the public, both to protect their family and Rose's vulnerable physical self - only the seven sisters know the truth. The rest of Freedom City know Rose only as Valkyrie, the super-hero who tells you that if you believe, you can do anything!


    Str: 10/32/52 (+0/+11)

    Dex: 12 (+1)

    Con: 18 (+4)

    Int: 14 (+2)

    Wis: 16 (+3)

    Cha: 14 (+2)

    24 points spent

    BAB: 8 (4 + 4 (attack focus (melee)))

    BDB: 8 (5 + 3 (dodge focus))

    18 points spent

    Initiative: 5


    Toughness: 4/14

    Fortitude: 7 (3 + 4)

    Reflex: 5 (1 + 4)

    Will: 11 (3 + 8)

    15 points spent


    Concentration 11 (3 + 8)

    Diplomacy 7 (2 + 5)

    Drive 3 (1+ 2)

    Knowledge: Art 4 (2 + 2)

    Knowledge: Current Events 4 (2 + 2)

    Knowledge: Popular Culture 4 (2 + 3)

    Notice 6 (3 + 3)

    Search 5 (2 + 3)

    7 points spent


    Accurate Attack

    Attack Focus (melee) 4

    Dodge Focus 3

    Improved Grab

    Improved Initiative

    Move-By Action

    Power Attack

    Second Chance (concentration check to maintain power)

    Ultimate Effort (will save)

    14 points spent


    Enhanced Strength 22

    FLAW: Duration [continuous to sustained] (-1)

    FEAT: Affects incorporeal

    12 points spent

    Super-Strength 4

    FLAW: Duration [continuous to sustained] (-1)

    4 points spent

    Protection 2

    2 points spent

    Protection 8

    EXTRA: Impervious (+1)

    FLAW: Duration [continuous to sustained] (-0)

    16 points spent

    Permeate 2

    4 points spent

    Immunity (life support; thirst/starvation)

    10 points spent

    Flight 4

    8 points spent

    Regeneration [recovery rate]

    All to standard actions (bruised 2, unconscious 2, injured 5, staggered 5, disabled 7, ability 7)

    FLAW: Check required [will] (-1)

    FEAT: Persistent

    FEAT: Regrowth

    16 points spent

    Regeneration [recovery bonus] 6

    6 points spent

    Costs: Abilities (22) + Combat (16) + Saves (14) + Skills (7) + Feats (14) + Powers (77) - Drawbacks (00) = Total Cost (150)

    TRADEOFF: Defence/Toughness 3

    NOTES: Regeneration DCs (rate + bonus): Bruised 18, Unconscious 18, Injured 21, Staggered 21, Disabled 23, Ability 23)

    Rose's immediate family:

    Lisa (mother) – 49

    Lisa lost her husband, Henry, 12 years ago. Since then she’s had to work hard to support her daughters. She’s lucky she had Rose and, to a lesser extent Maria (who could be a little too ‘holier-than-thou’ at times), to help her out. In either case, she’s had to work two job for most of that time to make ends meet. Now that her youngest, Michelle, has left high school, it’s time for Lisa to relax. She’s settled back to one job, working in the Freedom City Public Library. Although there were trying times, she has a good relationship with all of her daughters.

    Rose – 28

    Rose always loved art. Drawing and painting in particular. There was something about it that captured her imagination. She can remember the day she read her first comic when she was fourteen – it detailed the latest exploits of the Centurion (this was just before his death). Something about capturing those moments of life in the frame of a comic spoke to her and she knew that she was going to be a comic book artist. Because she had to be a surrogate mother for her six sisters, it took fourteen years for Rose to have her chance, but fate had something else in store for her.

    Maria (sister) – 26

    Maria is the most studious of the sisters. She was always reading and studying. Maria works as a stenographer in the State Supreme Court, supporting herself whilst she goes through University, mastering in Law. Although she is the most well read of the sisters, she can also be the most jaded. Perhaps it’s having to deal with people of the criminal persuasion on a daily basis that has made her suspicious of her fellow man more often than not. The again, perhaps it's something else that her sister don't know about...

    Cadence (sister) – 24

    Perhaps because Maria was so engrossed in her studies, Cadence chose the life of freedom. She never went on to further study after high school, preferring instead to move in with her, then, latest boyfriend. Unfortunately it didn’t last. Cadence has been in and out of relationships since then, but has calmed down after becoming involved with Matthew Marsden, a man revealed to be a member of The Brotherhood. The full extent of his prejudices were revealed following quite a brutal attack on Cadence’s Spanish landlord. Though he escaped prosecution, Matthew has been ordered by the courts not to come within 400 feet of either Cadence or her landlord, Carla Martinez.

    Jessica (sister) – 23

    Jessica always wanted a family of her own, and that’s what she got. After graduation she married her high school sweetheart, James Thurgood. They now have two little ones of their own. James works as an accountant for Freedom City baseball team the Freedom City Comets. It’s not all smooth sailing, but it’s obvious to all that the couple love each other dearly.

    Fiona (sister) – 22

    Music came easily to Fiona Lovell. She was a veritable prodigy, excelling with the piano, harp and flute especially. She was granted a scholarship to Freedom City University after high school, which she recently graduated at the head of her class. She’s currently touring South Eastern Asia with the Freedom City Orchestra.

    Margaret (sister) – 20

    Margaret always felt left out from the rest of the sisters. She isn’t sure why, but she never quite fit in. She admired Rose’s drawing ability, and Fiona’s musical talent, but has never had any of her own. Intent on making her own mark, she opted to study journalism at Freedom City University – perhaps by reporting on the exploits of others she can become known herself.

    Michelle (sister) – 19

    Michelle is a sports fanatic. Rowing in particular is her forte, but she’ll try anything. She’s also an avid rock climber and bike rider. She was currently attends Freedom City University (where she was given a rowing scholarship) with her sister, Margaret. As a consequence of this, the girls have taken to living together, all their other sisters having dispersed elsewhere.

    Image borrowed from here. With thanks going to lokai.

  10. Ver-Man couldn't contain his excitement. Nicely nicelys! In his frenzied state he wasn't even sure what these little strip of paper meant but, by the sewers, they were magnificent! Something about seeing so many of them together, bundled so carefully, it just... it just... Ver-Man screeched with exhultation before doing his best to compose himself. Got to get the nicelys out! He smiled as best he could before grabbing the first sack and attempting to throw it out the back doors of the truck.

  11. Ver-Man couldn't contain his excitement. Nicely nicelys! In his frenzied state he wasn't even sure what these little strip of paper meant but, by the sewers, they were magnificent! Something about seeing so many of them together, bundled so carefully, it just... it just... Ver-Man screeched with exhultation before doing his best to compose himself. Got to get the nicelys out! He smiled as best he could before grabbing the first sack and attempting to throw it out the back doors of the truck.

  12. Ver-Man couldn't contain his excitement. Nicely nicelys! In his frenzied state he wasn't even sure what these little strip of paper meant but, by the sewers, they were magnificent! Something about seeing so many of them together, bundled so carefully, it just... it just... Ver-Man screeched with exhultation before doing his best to compose himself. Got to get the nicelys out! He smiled as best he could before grabbing the first sack and attempting to throw it out the back doors of the truck.

  13. In short, communication is the key, and until we have an official method for communicating this, we should all be patient and extra considerate.

    *Puts on old, pompous man's voice* - Here, here!

    While I said I am not a big fan of PvP, I am a big fan of good stories, so I could well get involved in some PvP where the story is good.

    I also like that particular brand of beer. :)

    When I first heard of the site, the PvP aspect was what really got me on board, so it surprised me when people were looking for other things (just an example of my blinkered nature). That said, this site can really cater to all tastes as long as users are clear about what they're doing and what interaction they want with others. Thevshi has got me interested now in what I can do in the City on my lonesome - my thought cogs are turning...

  14. In short, communication is the key, and until we have an official method for communicating this, we should all be patient and extra considerate.

    *Puts on old, pompous man's voice* - Here, here!

    While I said I am not a big fan of PvP, I am a big fan of good stories, so I could well get involved in some PvP where the story is good.

    I also like that particular brand of beer. :)

    When I first heard of the site, the PvP aspect was what really got me on board, so it surprised me when people were looking for other things (just an example of my blinkered nature). That said, this site can really cater to all tastes as long as users are clear about what they're doing and what interaction they want with others. Thevshi has got me interested now in what I can do in the City on my lonesome - my thought cogs are turning...

  15. In short, communication is the key, and until we have an official method for communicating this, we should all be patient and extra considerate.

    *Puts on old, pompous man's voice* - Here, here!

    While I said I am not a big fan of PvP, I am a big fan of good stories, so I could well get involved in some PvP where the story is good.

    I also like that particular brand of beer. :)

    When I first heard of the site, the PvP aspect was what really got me on board, so it surprised me when people were looking for other things (just an example of my blinkered nature). That said, this site can really cater to all tastes as long as users are clear about what they're doing and what interaction they want with others. Thevshi has got me interested now in what I can do in the City on my lonesome - my thought cogs are turning...

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