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Everything posted by beard

  1. okay then, Mr. Maelstrom before you post your actions for round 1 you'll need to make a bluff, sense motive, or wisdom check to see if you fall prey to the Nightrival's feint. it matters because if you fail your sense motive check then your defense drops just low enough for him to hit you and you'll have to make a toughness save as well.
  2. okay then, Mr. Maelstrom before you post your actions for round 1 you'll need to make a bluff, sense motive, or wisdom check to see if you fall prey to the Nightrival's feint. it matters because if you fail your sense motive check then your defense drops just low enough for him to hit you and you'll have to make a toughness save as well.
  3. well I don't see a major problem with it, but thats probably just me. Minions also I'm fine with but its gonna have to wait for a general consensus of the refs before that gets passed.
  4. well I don't see a major problem with it, but thats probably just me. Minions also I'm fine with but its gonna have to wait for a general consensus of the refs before that gets passed.
  5. well I don't see a major problem with it, but thats probably just me. Minions also I'm fine with but its gonna have to wait for a general consensus of the refs before that gets passed.
  6. Nightrival, in the quest to make reading combat as easy for noncombatants as possible try and keep all the numbers and ooc and links and what not in the occ thread, its why we have it after all... [OOC]http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1348756), Acrobatic Bluff = DC 18 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1348758) that being said you can't move and feint and attack. move and feint sure, move and attack sure, feint and attack at range sure but not all three unless you want to extra effort to surge to get a second standard action.
  7. Nightrival, in the quest to make reading combat as easy for noncombatants as possible try and keep all the numbers and ooc and links and what not in the occ thread, its why we have it after all... [OOC]http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1348756), Acrobatic Bluff = DC 18 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1348758) that being said you can't move and feint and attack. move and feint sure, move and attack sure, feint and attack at range sure but not all three unless you want to extra effort to surge to get a second standard action.
  8. Nightrival, in the quest to make reading combat as easy for noncombatants as possible try and keep all the numbers and ooc and links and what not in the occ thread, its why we have it after all... [OOC]http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1348756), Acrobatic Bluff = DC 18 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1348758) that being said you can't move and feint and attack. move and feint sure, move and attack sure, feint and attack at range sure but not all three unless you want to extra effort to surge to get a second standard action.
  9. okay, I did the math...well preliminary math on my end and I got 149 but i think I know the difference in math. I got 57 points of skills (five points of languages +2 to read/speak English, +2 for read/speak Chinese, +1 for speak Korean, figured Japanese was your native language), and I think you forgot to add in the two points from Restricted x2 for the battlesuit. Thats a minor difference though. I checked over the math for the battlesuit...which by the way I don't see as being all that complex really I understood it at first glance just had a question about the shapshift power but you answered that to my satisfaction. All said and done I don't see any major problems with him at this stage.
  10. okay, I did the math...well preliminary math on my end and I got 149 but i think I know the difference in math. I got 57 points of skills (five points of languages +2 to read/speak English, +2 for read/speak Chinese, +1 for speak Korean, figured Japanese was your native language), and I think you forgot to add in the two points from Restricted x2 for the battlesuit. Thats a minor difference though. I checked over the math for the battlesuit...which by the way I don't see as being all that complex really I understood it at first glance just had a question about the shapshift power but you answered that to my satisfaction. All said and done I don't see any major problems with him at this stage.
  11. okay, I did the math...well preliminary math on my end and I got 149 but i think I know the difference in math. I got 57 points of skills (five points of languages +2 to read/speak English, +2 for read/speak Chinese, +1 for speak Korean, figured Japanese was your native language), and I think you forgot to add in the two points from Restricted x2 for the battlesuit. Thats a minor difference though. I checked over the math for the battlesuit...which by the way I don't see as being all that complex really I understood it at first glance just had a question about the shapshift power but you answered that to my satisfaction. All said and done I don't see any major problems with him at this stage.
  12. What sounds like a small tornado comes rushing at the Nightrival right around the level of his knees. The gust of wind moved so quickly the agile martial artist had no time to dodge out of its way but with a quick tuck and roll to the side he was able to maintain a fighting pose and his pride for the time being. As Maelstrom turned his attention to this new interloper the guards who had been closing in on him backed off, still keeping their guns drawn and ready but waiting to see what happened next as the patrons and regular staff all fled for the back door or employee exits.
  13. What sounds like a small tornado comes rushing at the Nightrival right around the level of his knees. The gust of wind moved so quickly the agile martial artist had no time to dodge out of its way but with a quick tuck and roll to the side he was able to maintain a fighting pose and his pride for the time being. As Maelstrom turned his attention to this new interloper the guards who had been closing in on him backed off, still keeping their guns drawn and ready but waiting to see what happened next as the patrons and regular staff all fled for the back door or employee exits.
  14. What sounds like a small tornado comes rushing at the Nightrival right around the level of his knees. The gust of wind moved so quickly the agile martial artist had no time to dodge out of its way but with a quick tuck and roll to the side he was able to maintain a fighting pose and his pride for the time being. As Maelstrom turned his attention to this new interloper the guards who had been closing in on him backed off, still keeping their guns drawn and ready but waiting to see what happened next as the patrons and regular staff all fled for the back door or employee exits.
  15. Fair enough, a 26 is more than enough to avoid being tripped by a very harsh gust of wind. Now onto round 1, post your actions please gentlemen and I'll resolve them and post a synopsis for round one while the two of you work on round 2. speaking of I'll go post up the synopsis of that surprise round.
  16. Fair enough, a 26 is more than enough to avoid being tripped by a very harsh gust of wind. Now onto round 1, post your actions please gentlemen and I'll resolve them and post a synopsis for round one while the two of you work on round 2. speaking of I'll go post up the synopsis of that surprise round.
  17. Fair enough, a 26 is more than enough to avoid being tripped by a very harsh gust of wind. Now onto round 1, post your actions please gentlemen and I'll resolve them and post a synopsis for round one while the two of you work on round 2. speaking of I'll go post up the synopsis of that surprise round.
  18. beard

    Southside OOC

    not so much in the way of 'explosive' really, you're hovering above a planned community so there isn't much other than lawns and houses...there are a few cars in driveways and out on the street...they might explode nicely.
  19. beard

    Southside OOC

    not so much in the way of 'explosive' really, you're hovering above a planned community so there isn't much other than lawns and houses...there are a few cars in driveways and out on the street...they might explode nicely.
  20. beard

    Southside OOC

    not so much in the way of 'explosive' really, you're hovering above a planned community so there isn't much other than lawns and houses...there are a few cars in driveways and out on the street...they might explode nicely.
  21. duh, my bad Nightrival you may choose between a strength, dexterity or acrobatics check to avoid being tripped (you'd have to beat a 19). Sorry to hold up combat guys but once we get that cleared up we can begin round on with Nightrival at 18 and Maelstrom at 3. oh, and the casino's goon squad at 5 initiative roll (1d20=5)
  22. duh, my bad Nightrival you may choose between a strength, dexterity or acrobatics check to avoid being tripped (you'd have to beat a 19). Sorry to hold up combat guys but once we get that cleared up we can begin round on with Nightrival at 18 and Maelstrom at 3. oh, and the casino's goon squad at 5 initiative roll (1d20=5)
  23. duh, my bad Nightrival you may choose between a strength, dexterity or acrobatics check to avoid being tripped (you'd have to beat a 19). Sorry to hold up combat guys but once we get that cleared up we can begin round on with Nightrival at 18 and Maelstrom at 3. oh, and the casino's goon squad at 5 initiative roll (1d20=5)
  24. okay, bear in mind this is a very brief look over for me because I have to get ready to go to work in like 10 minutes but.... the stats, if you're wearing a power suit or have an alternate form that alters your stats post them up as unaugmented/augmented so for example Str: 8/18. That aside the character looks alright I haven't run the numbers yet and won't until I come home from work tonight but as an idea I think it works out. I don't know that we're allowing headquarters yet for players or not as well as minions. Those are both topics of discussion at the moment. I'm also not so sure I like the modular systems thing also by book rules shapeshift 3 would mean you couldn't add any powers or bonuses on your character higher than 3...which seems like sort of a waste to me. I think you might be better suited working out something else to use those points on. anyway, just my two cents. Off to work now.
  25. okay, bear in mind this is a very brief look over for me because I have to get ready to go to work in like 10 minutes but.... the stats, if you're wearing a power suit or have an alternate form that alters your stats post them up as unaugmented/augmented so for example Str: 8/18. That aside the character looks alright I haven't run the numbers yet and won't until I come home from work tonight but as an idea I think it works out. I don't know that we're allowing headquarters yet for players or not as well as minions. Those are both topics of discussion at the moment. I'm also not so sure I like the modular systems thing also by book rules shapeshift 3 would mean you couldn't add any powers or bonuses on your character higher than 3...which seems like sort of a waste to me. I think you might be better suited working out something else to use those points on. anyway, just my two cents. Off to work now.
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