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Posts posted by EternalPhoenix

  1. Chronia


    The punch did not splatter on Kendra at all. “Ah. Sorry.” She meant it, but it was probably the most casual apology of all time. The blue clockwork of her magic spun around her wrists and rapidly she wiped up anything that Elena missed with napkins that appeared as if by magic. (This was true, kind of. Super speed via time magic.) “I have other shoes if you need them.” But Elena had walked away. Just a minute then. She was still visibly chewing but her plate had emptied over the last several seconds. Mysterious. She handed it to Benny. “More cookies, please!” She laughed. “Oh, I know where we could go to. The cookies are” She made the chef’s kiss motion and sound. “Any one of Eliza’s places will do.” The other two were highly likely to be unaware that she was referring to Eliza Seymour Lee. Oh, Kendra. Anyway, she dashed over to Elena and Astrid. No magic, thank god. Unfortunately, her shoes betrayed her again. Instead of half walking, half running up to them, she tripped, fell, and rolled instead. The Regency dress she was wearing helped, alas. “Ow, ow, ow. Oh, hi up there!” Because both girls were very tall, and Kendra’s viewpoint was currently the floor. “Luke said you might need my help with something, and he didn’t say what it was, and now he’s dancing with Muirne so I can’t ask him and I should get up.” This proved to be an effort filled endeavor. But she got up. “There. You’re still up there, huh?” She laughed again.

  2. Chronia


    Kendra tilted her head, but before Luke could have possibly made introduction the flighty chronomancer was toddling away on unsteady shoes. She’d never needed anyone to introduce her to anyone in her life. But first there was a cute robot to look over. She joined Danica and Ryder for a bit, and the stars in her eyes were almost literal. But it was tech, and she was magic, so she got bored and wandered off before either could speak to her. Benefits of chronomancy. Faster than normal escapes. She wandered by the snack table again and refilled her plate. Then in a flash of blue light she was next to Elena and Benny. “Hiya Benny!” She greeted him with a mouthful of chocolate chocolate chip. “Hiya Really Tall Person! I’m Kendra! Nice to meet you!” My, she was high energy tonight. Well, parties were fun. The huge grin on her face was a dead giveaway.

  3. Doktor'd!


    I'm gonna take it from the top of Terrifica's sheet to make things easier on you, Dok. Or whoever. 11 PP to spend, with me documenting how much is left at each stage.



    First, a notation change. Wisdom is now Enhanced Statistic like INT, instead Base for Skills.

    Second, +2 to Charisma. 16 (+3) now.

    PP available: 9



    No changes



    With Wisdom having an effect here now, I'm subtracting 7 from Will save. It will remain a +10 bonus, but yeah.

    PP available: 16



    +5 SP to Acrobatics, +4 SP to Bluff, +1 SP to Investigate -1 SP from Concentration, -1 SP from Diplomacy. Looks like:

    Acrobatics 11 (+15)

    Bluff 12 (+15)

    Diplomacy 7 (+10)

    Investigate 1 (+16)

    PP available: 14



    4 new feats:

    Challenge - Improved Feint

    Challenge - Improved Taunt

    Improved Trick


    Changing Skill Mastery skills (subtracting both Crafts, both Knowledges, and Medicine; adding Acrobatics, Bluff, Computers, Disable Device, and Investigate)

    Formatting error: Enhanced Feats from Superhuman Brain aren't between here and Equipment.

    PP available: 10



    Superhuman Brain container boosted to Rank 8. Remove Limited Flaw on Enhanced Wisdom. 3 PP left in container.

    Add power: Super Senses 3 (Analytical Vision, Analytical Normal Auditory) [3PP] 

    PP remaining after all changes: 0

  4. Kendra had actually made a low key entry for once. This was due to her dress and her shoes. Breathing and walking were proving more challenging than she remembered. For the first time since she’d been at school, she was actually wearing a different outfit. The uniform was one thing, they’d convinced her to wear it after a few weeks. This, however, was something entirely different. A bright red Regency gown that looked like it was ripped right out of that era. Which in fact it was, as Kendra had been there this morning. Her shoes (bright red heels) matched perfectly, but actually dated from the Roaring 20s. She had so many clothes scattered across the past.  Mr. Pibbles, her stuffed rabbit (tied to a small red sash around her waist), had also dressed up for the occasion in a white Regency gown trimmed in lace. She sipped punch quietly and munched cookies until Luke walked in with his Free Hugs shirt. She tried to join Danica in giving him a squeeze, but was 1) too slow and 2) tripped over her shoes and ended up half tackling him instead. “Hi Luke, don’t mind if I do!” She laughed at herself as usual.

  5. Terrifica pulled out an analysis tool, pressed it to her ear, and played the audio one more time. Bonham wasn’t there. Not at the first shooting.  “Listen to this again.” She played it again, but paused to comment on each line.



    ‘if you can shut it down, shut it down now. we can talk later about-‘


    “Patriot, most likely. Don’t rule out others, but still.”




    ‘no, i - you - you bastard! what did you do to him?’


    “Gonzalez. The current official read on this is Keres shot Patriot and the agent is reacting. Note the hesitation at the start. Disbelief, most likely.”


    'well well well agent, what would your superiors say if they knew what you just-'

    'go to hell you son of a bitch' and then bang bang bang, high-caliber ammunition tearing through Keres' frame


    “Keres first, and then the first appearance of Sadler. Seems easy to reason that Sadler shot Keres in anger at Patrio being down, which means he either saw Keres do the shooting and we’re all being jerks, he didn’t and merely made a reasonable assumption, or he was standing right next to Gonzalez and said nothing as Patriot was shot.”


    'dammit what did you do?'

    'he flipped him! he flipped the Patriot!'

    'my god...if they could do that to him, then...'


    “And the first appearance of Director Bonham, followed by Sadler and then Gonzalez. This is…fairly obvious about how Bonham wasn’t in the room with either android was shot. That bluster was him covering for his subordinates.” Terrifica sighed out loud. “You know what I think? I think Jack Simmons is a very old man. I think he’s been fighting the good fight longer than anyone born mortal would ever expect to. I think he’s very tired and riding the edge of burnout. I also think that AEGIS needs him, as a symbol, and that has, to an extent, overruled his personal feelings. In his mind and perhaps the Director’s as well. Generations of agents have and still do look up to him. And Jack Simmons was not the kind of man who would know how to hide the fatigue of decades of grinding struggle. Not from everyone. Not all the time. There would have been little clues. That the legend was only a man. So to speak.”


    She rubbed the bridge of her nose, just to feel something besides frustration at perfectly understandable human weakness. Listening to this, my current theory is that Agent Gonzalez saw two old enemies who know each other very well taking time to talk it out and fundamentally couldn’t believe what she was seeing. In her mind the Patriot should have been pounding Keres to scrap, not conversing with him calmly. She assumed he was compromised and shot him. Sadler covered for her when Bonham entered the room following the sounds of gunfire. Does that sound right to all of you?"

  6. For the record, already got 1PP's worth of KN (tech) out of Gadgets. No reason to put it away as yet. Pulling out Super Senses 3 (Analytical Hearing, Ultrahearing) and (if you'll allow it) Enhanced Skill 2 (Notice 8 [Limited to Hearing]; +23 total Notice for Hearing checks).


    Skill Mastery would give 33 with the skill boost, 25 without. And that's assuming taking 20 because of Mental Quickness 10 isn't permitted. Doesn't feel like that kind of situation, but you are the GM.

  7. You're not spending as much PP in the Combat section as listed. +3 Base Def is only 6PP, so you're overpaying. Though the correct cost is at the bottom, so maybe an oversight?.


    You have a skill rank left to spend. Me, I won't make you. But it's already bought so you might as well use it.


    Feats aren't alphabetized. 11 points in Feats, not 23. The rest are Enhanced Feats, which means their cost goes in Powers.


    This is advice and not required. There are better things to put on your base power than Knockback. Improved Crit, maybe. Some ranks of Penetrating. And with the Enhanced STR Rocket meant you could fill the whole array slot with it, not just 8 points. Enhanced STR 16 at least for that +8 bonus. 20 if you're not going to use any Mighty Damage powers. End advice, back to approval process.


    With Create Object, you need to list which Progression feat it is and the effects of it. Instead of the Force Field Extra on protection (which is literally just shorthand for adding both the Duration Extra and Duration Flaw to it), you can just take the actual Force Field power. We will know what it is. Though that's weird. The Force Field is Subtle, but the Enhanced Dodge Focus is Noticeable? What's up with that? Uncanny Dodge (mental), as the sheet is now, will only help if you're attacked by magic or magical folks. I don't know if that's intentional or not. And uh, the Enhanced Feats aren't listed down here at all, which they should be. They're powers, after all. And Energy Aura...we're gonna need to actually talk that one out.

  8. “I know, Miss Americana. I was trying something, and it partially worked.” Terrifica worked, multithreading. Keres had taken severe damage, but his basic mental functions should still function. Not particularly well, but they’d function. “I said nothing about taking the word of a murderous robot over that of law enforcement, and I only said that Patriot may have wanted to turn his coat. Wanting to do something and actually doing it are two separate things.” Memory was obviously corrupted in places, but a little science magic and ah, here we go. She did not reactivate him. That would have been moronic. She wasn’t a better coder than Scarab, but she was a faster one. Her mental speed had its advantages. “I think I’m finished over here. Truthfully I’m with Miss Americana. It’s as I said. They came here, asking for help and then have the audacity to lie to our faces? When what happened might contain necessary information to one, complete the repairs and two, perhaps prevent them occurring again in the future? It’s an insult to our collective intelligence.” Yes, Terrifica was annoyed. For once, she had very good reason. “We’re professional superheroes, not agents under his command.” She sighed. “But you’re right. The mission always comes first with them. Operational security is everything. Killing the opposition isn’t Plan A, B, or C…but they are for the most part only human. And without the levels of martial skill that can overcome that. So they do what they have to, not what they want to.”

  9. Move Object's listing in Combat is so very wrong. Bless you for including it, but yeah. Improved Overrun is borderline useless. But if you want to knock bad guys down with your car I won't stop you. And the Progression feat on Hammer Throw (the Blast) is confusing me. Is that supposed to be Improved Range or Progression (Increase Range). Because they don't do the same thing. 3E replaced them with just one advantage, so it's easy to understand how you'd mess that up.

  10. Quote

    Characters with expertise in robotics, engineering and/or space travel

    Characters specializing in sociology, psychology, or especially Freedom City history 

    Characters with a reputation for investigative or puzzle solving ability


    Terrifica is all of these things. I don't believe she'd do an on camera interview, but yes she is all of these things. JETTE was long out of prison by the time DoW happened, though she was in Bedlam by then. It wouldn't have been implausible for AEGIS to have scooped her as it was one of those "all hands on deck" situations.


    Queenie was a raw and green rookie in those days. I'm not sure she'd moved to Freedom yet, though, so less likely. And Chronia has been to lots of past times. Though she's the least likely due to who'd think to ask a Claremont student about something that happened almost before they were born?

  11. Behind her cowl, Terrifica’s eyes narrowed. “I would like to know what they both have to say about it. Agent Simmons and Keres both. That is how Keres referred to him, isn’t it? The only Simmons relative to AEGIS and important enough to merit all this attention would be Jack Simmons, the Patriot. But he’s dead. Died long ago. Cancer. Sad.” She looked at “Agent Irons”. “We should verify that recording’s provenance as soon as possible. Goodness, he looks just like him, aside from the robotics. It’s spooky.” She nodded at Miss A. “That is, indeed, the question. Was it an assassin droid, or was it one of the AEGIS agents at the scene. I mean, it’s perfectly understandable. If that recording is accurate, then Agent Irons-who I will remind you has the face of a legend and apparently impersonation programming good enough to fool Keres over a long period of time-when asked to betray everything he was programmed to hold dear…hesitated. As if he wanted to do it.” She looked at each agent in turn as she spoke. “Director. Sadler. Gonzalez. You have access to the top programming talent in the nation. That doesn’t make sense. Unless, of course…but no. That’s ridiculous. He couldn’t be the original man. Oh, the technology exists to download a mind, but that’s just too fantastic a notion, even for AEGIS. You’re right, the Foundry has probably corrupted Agent Irons’s programming. Well, I suppose we’ll find out in a few minutes, won’t we? In fact, let me help.” She unfolded her arms, fetched a visor from her belt to over her eyes, and started looking at Keres with tools in hand. “Voltage, do let me know when the partitions are ready. I’m going to prepare Keres’s memory data for transfer.”

  12. Terrifica folded her arms under her chest and looked at the two agents. One rank and file, more or less. The other the literal director of the agency. She said nothing. She said it a lot. The kind of silent stare (though she did blink behind the cowl) that spoke volumes about how she knew they were lying through their teeth. But like all things good and bad, the silence came to an end. “Director, would you care to elaborate and/or rephrase?” Yes, the witch was in town. Some ice sliding into that tone, yes indeed. “I understand that you’re the leader of a security and spy agency and thus must keep some secrets. I also understand that you’ve had a long, hard, and stressful day. But, with respect to Miss Americana, this isn’t the ‘Agent Irons’ repair shop.” With that little bit of emphasis showing that yeah, she knew that wasn’t his real name. “Our line of work is not robot and android repair. It is professional superheroics. While we’re happy to help with your agent, we are neither blind nor idiots. I would ask that you do not treat us like we are either. I find it disrespectful.” She clawed the ice out of her voice. Nicer Terrifica, yes. Difficult when people annoyed her, but worth it. Or so virtually everyone said. Terrifica herself still had lingering doubts. “So please. Take off the names and file off the serial numbers if you must, but tell us what really happened.”

  13. Terrifica stepped back and let the others work. It bothered her. She juggled her tools absentmindedly as her mind raced. The story being told here. It didn’t fit. Keres was a front man and an assassin. Why would he care about a decommissioned facility. The easy answer was that it wasn’t as decommissioned as AEGIS thought. But Keres could look like anyone he pleased. It didn’t make sense. “Director Bonham…with respect, can you explain the altercation please? It isn’t that I don’t believe you. The Director of AEGIS should know Keres’s capabilities as well as I do, if not better.” Leaving unspoken that he should be just as paranoid about them as she was if not moreso. Because it was entirely possible that Keres wasn’t Keres and he was posing as one of the AEGIS agents.

  14. For bookkeeping purposes:


    DC 20s are easily done by taking 10, though Terrifica is going to not do that with with Notice.


    Technology Pamphlet is out from Gadgets, so that 10 satifies the DC 30 Tech check as well.


    But Notice? Terrifica has Mental Quickness 10, which makes taking 20 on Notice checks a free action. So she can get both Notice checks effortlessly.

  15. Terrifica was moving by the time Angelic finished saying “accessible”, and gone before her sentence was finished. Nothing wrong with a little temporal acceleration and some expanded auditory sensitivity to catch the rest of her statement. She really did have something for every occasion in her utility belt. Going to the helipad would be useless. She didn’t bother with the elevator, instead literally running to the access stairs and up them in a blink. She was in Lab 3-A in the space of several heartbeats, stuffing away her gadgetry for a new set. She bet she was the only qualified medical doctor in the group, even if she didn’t have, well, a medical license. But Bonham did not say he needed one. Therefore, logically, Agent Irons didn’t. His condition was grave, so…fully technological, most likely. She pulled out her best tools and waited.

  16. “That’s fair, Scarab. Though as Miss Americana was just saying, there is significant wealth represented at this table.” Terrifica didn’t have as much liquidity as Miss A or Dragonfly, but she did have a few small companies that didn’t know she owned them. Between that and a supergenius with a hyperfast brain playing the stock market, she had some money. Not that she was going to mention it unprompted. “What features you’ve said out loud, Voltage, seems to be already in place. There may be some upgrading, as tech has advance in the past few years. Especially after-“ A momentary blip as the full and perfect memories of the Terminus Invasion came roaring back. The screams and the horrible smells would be enough to distract anyone. “-the recent Terminus incursion.”

  17. “Hmm.” Terrifica’s mind spun into high gear, and she started multithreading. Her hands prodded in places on the hologram, tweaking this. Changing that. “I do agree with that for the most part, Dragonfly. But I’m not just a physical scientist. I’m also a behavioral, biological, and forensic one, as well.” Her hands put together an ultramodern infirmary. “Omnidisciplinary, that’s me.” She smiled. “But I preach to the choir on that, I believe.” Her hands molded a small office with a sitting area in front of the desk. “Having a trained expert psychologist on staff would likely prove as useful in problem solving as anything else. At least it does in my hero work with naturally no disrespect to yours. In the same line of thought, we should also have a medical doctor.” Her hands added a surgical suite to the infirmary. “Superhuman medicine can get rather…complicated. The hospitals in town do good work, but even I’ve had to unravel a medical mystery or two.” Terrifica was thinking not just like a scientist, but like the costumed detective she also was. "I know it sounds unorthodox, but how many normal cases do we handle, really?"

  18. Terrifica nodded. “You know me. I heard some rumors and investigated. A good old fashioned brain trust.” What she kept in her head was her concerns about so many brainiacs in one place. There were her own issues with herself and it was highly likely others didn’t share them. Who said growth wasn’t a thing? “Though even with human contact among scientific and technical heroes such as ourselves, we should still take care to have a voice for those who aren’t geniuses of one flavor or another. We do have an alarming tendency to get lost in our own heads, after all. Someone to help keep us from not doing that would be excellent.”

  19. It was nice, Terrifica supposed, to speak with people on her own approximate knowledge and intelligence level from time to time. Still, she was surprised that Miss Americana had called. Or rather, left a message with Miracle Girl, who was a far easier person to contact. Terrifica’s relations with the broader superheroic community were, as ever, prickly at best. But there was coffee, refreshments, and several interesting ideas to turn over in her mind. One couldn’t think of literally everything, after all.


    She was, of course, wearing the fiber armor battlesuit and her usual longcoat. Well, one of them. Superheroing was a little hard on normal clothing from time to time, so she had a few. She was, naturally, seated at the conference table, the picture of confidence. “I’m sorry to say I’ve tried that experiment in the field and, well…results were interesting but not very useful. But Voltage is correct. Human interaction is what keeps us sane and not having, well, the kind of thoughts that end in tragedy or long prison sentences.”

  20. The Seawings As Of January 2019


    Whew. A lot’s changed since we last talked. Then again, a decade going by will do that. I guess we can start with me. I married Tobias, and we have a daughter, Lucia. She’s eight as we start this year and well…she’s…huh. I don’t know how to express this.



    Sweet kid, but so not born with an off switch. Not that I mind, heh.



    She’s her father’s daughter and yours at the same time. For good or ill.



    That’s a little…yeah, okay. Fair. Next we’ll do Rikki.



    Yas, as much as I love talking about me, you’re kind of burying the lead here.



    I agree. Individual updates are what the individual entries are for.



    All right, then we’ll just hit the big finish right now. You see, after we saved the world again and Tobias came back, the Seawings as they were just kind of…drifted apart. Not all at once, but over the next year or so we just spent less and less time together until the three of realized we really weren’t a team anymore and didn’t mind it so much. That sounds sadder than it is. I mean, Tobias and I got married, then I got pregnant. Rikki was pouring more and more of her effort into her tech and helping rebuild Techie Isle off of Macau. Portia had Coyote and needed to reconnect with her former squadmates. We didn’t call it quits or anything. We still got together now and then to adventure, but it wasn’t even a part time thing. Our lives just…separated, and that’s all there was to it.



    It’s true. We each had our own stuff to do that we’d been putting off a little. Or a lot, in my case. Techie Isle is my home. Yeah I know, Macau. It’s technically a part of the city, but it’s a small island off the coast. See, when Macau started to be a gambling wonderland my people-the techies, all mixed race like me-wanted their own place to do their thing. Couldn’t do it in the city, you know? Disturbed the tourists and gamblers. Too loud, occasionally dangerous. So we moved to the Isle. Done deal, right? Pretty much. Except the first time around saving the world with Yas, Tobias, and the rest it got kind of…blown up. I know, I know. It seemed like a good idea at the time. I mean, you try thinking rationally when two thirds of all your friends and family are dead or dying and the mountain sized magical monster responsible is breathing down your neck. Had to save Macau somehow, right? I think Dad did okay, considering. Anyway, the survivors were fixing the Isle up, but ain’t none of ‘em as good as me, see? So after Yas, Portia, n’ me saved the world again, there wasn’t any excuse left for me to put off helpin’ anymore. Tobias was back, happy ending to the story, right?



    Indeed. As for me, Yas is right. Part of their second-my first-time saving the world was saving my old squadmates. They were mostly all right afterward, but it was important to me for us to reconnect. And, of course, I had to sort out things with the French government. They thought I was dead, and since I wasn’t I was technically absent without leave. Between the two, I had less and less time for Seawings adventures. I did avoid jail time, but I was given the equivalent of a bad conduct discharge. It was better than being charged with desertion, so I did not contest it.



    So there we are, more or less broken up. Then, on what might have well been our last adventure for months, we met Nathaniel Truman. Everything started again from there. His…”Home For Dimensionally Displaced Girls”, in reality just his oversized and rundown mansion, was both finally starting to fall apart and was woefully underequipped for the sheer number of girls present. This wasn’t his fault, really. He gets dimensionally displaced himself, on a continuous basis. He’s only on our Earth for about ten days out of every thirty. Between that, and always coming back injured and exhausted, his financial status was a wreck. This is when I had an idea. I wanted the Seawings to continue, but the three of us couldn’t do it full time. So I suggested we combine forces. Many of his girls were capable fighters and eager to adventure like we do, and Nate was no slouch himself. He thought it over, and agreed. The Seawings Adventurer Guild was born.



    And ya know, this is when I met The Stranger and we hooked up. I asked our old buds Lucy, Willie, and Kaikoa to join, and they totally did! It was pretty awesome. So we’ve got like twelve people, right? And a handful of dimensionally displaced girls. Such a good start. And when we’re not kickin’ bad guy booty, exploring ancient places, or whatever else? Barbecue bash on the beach, baby!



    It was a good start, but so much more has happened since. Over time some of the displaced girls have managed to go home again, and more have come. And we ended up with another team. Rumble Hearts, as they call themselves. Even the children team up with each other for lesser adventures around town.



    Yes, they do. Lucia’s more or less in charge, but it does make me uncomfortable. What if they get hurt? She’s not that good of a white mage yet. But anyway, the way the Guild has ended up working is that we don’t all go out at the same time. It’s usually anywhere from three to seven together. So that’s us. No longer just one little team, but a whole guild of adventurers. Isn’t it exciting?


  21. Hana Choi


    Power Level: 6; Power Points Spent: 90/90


    STR: -2 (6), DEX: +1 (12), CON: +0 (10), INT: +5 (20), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +1 (12)


    Tough: -1/+4, Fort: +3, Ref: +3/+7, Will: +3


    Skills: Concentration 8 (+10), Craft (electronic) 5 (+10), Craft (mechanical) 5 (+10), Knowledge (physical sciences) 5 (+10), Knowledge (technology) 5 (+10), Language 2 (+2), Notice 3 (+5), Sense Motive 3 (+5)


    Feats: Eidetic Memory, Evasion, Improved Critical 2 (Slashing Mode (Strike 4)), Improvised Tools, Inventor, Skill Mastery (Craft (elec & mech), KN (phys sci & tech)), Takedown Attack, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



    Electro-Tech Sword (Device 3) (Easy to lose)

       Sword Modes (Array 5) (default power: strike; Accurate 2 (+4))

          Electro Blast Mode (Blast 4) (Array; DC 19; Precise)

          Heat Mode (Drain 4) (Array; drains: single trait - toughness, DC 14; Affects Objects)

          Shock Mode (Stun 4) (Array; DC 14)

          Slashing Mode (Strike 4) (Default; DC 19, Feats: Improved Critical 2 (Slashing Mode (Strike 4)); Penetrating)

    Kid Sized (Shrinking 4) (-4 STR, -1 Toughness, -1 size category, 3/4 movement speed; Permanent; Innate)

    Shielding Bracelet (Device 3) (Hard to lose; Subtle (subtle))

       Anti-AOE Defense (Enhanced Trait 5) (Traits: Reflex +4 (+7), Feats: Evasion)

       Enhanced Trait 1 (Feats: Uncanny Dodge (Auditory))

       Force Armor (Force Field 5) (+5 Toughness)

       Force Shield (Shield 4) (+4 dodge bonus)

    Spatial Sneakers (Device 3) (Hard to lose; Subtle (subtle))

       Space Warping (Teleport 4) (400 ft. as move action, 1 mile as full action; Accurate; Change Direction, Change Velocity, Easy)


    Attack Bonus: +4 (Ranged: +4, Melee: +4, Grapple: -3)


    Attacks: Electro Blast Mode (Blast 4), +8 (DC 19), Heat Mode (Drain 4), +8 (DC Fort/Staged 14), Shock Mode (Stun 4), +8 (DC Fort/Staged 14), Slashing Mode (Strike 4), +8 (DC 19), Unarmed Attack, +4 (DC 13)


    Defense: +8  (Flat-footed: +2), Size: Small, Knockback: -1


    Initiative: +1


    Languages: English, Japanese, Korean Native


    Totals: Abilities 18 + Skills 9 (36 ranks) + Feats 5 + Powers 40 + Combat 12 + Saves 6 + Drawbacks 0 = 90


    Age (as of Jan 2019): 9

    Height: 4’ 4”

    Weight: 65 lbs.

    Ethnicity: South Korean

    Hair: Black

    Eyes: Dark Brown


    Background: Hana Choi’s father, Sun-Woo, was a professional superhero in his native South Korea. A gadgeteer type, he put in many years and was well respected, but an injury and his wife’s cancer provided an opportune time for retirement. Unfortunately, his wife’s cancer proved fatal. After the funeral, Sun-Woo found it too painful to remain in South Korea. A job posting intrigued him, and he and Hana (then barely a toddler) came to Koror to work for the growing Seawings Adventurer Guild. With the two most skilled techies (Rebecca Heskett and Nathaniel Truman) often away from the Guild and Laki Sigrah still underage, the Guild needed help. This was and is Soon-Woo’s job, though it has become easier as Laki came of age and many of the “Truman Girls” have proven to have tech skills. Still, he provides steady support that won’t be off on an adventure tomorrow, so he still has his job. And Hana is growing up in the Guild. Though her father has kept her somewhat sequestered due to the sheer chaotic nature of daily Guild life, she is beginning to branch out as a part of the NuGen.


    Powers & Tactics: Hana has no superhuman powers of any kind. She does have three technological devices of her own design, as she’s quite the techie for her age and ferociously intelligent as well. Her father was the classic “raygun, force field belt, rocket pack” kind of gadgeteer, but she’s taking a different approach. Her Electro-Tech Sword is, well, a sword powered by electricity. It’s a sword, so it can cut things. The electricity can be a taser style shock, a ranged blast, or channeled through the blade to heat it up to melt through things. The Shielding Bracelet is exactly what it says it is, just more than a force field. It also helps her avoid being hit in the first place and even helps with area attacks. And her Spatial Sneakers are how she gets around, more or less. They let her teleport through local space via tiny wormholes.


    Tactically, well…Hana has very little combat experience at this stage. So she really just teleports up to the enemy and tries to slice them with Slashing Mode. If that’s transparently a bad idea, then Electro Blast Mode. She does use Shock Mode when violence is not the answer. Heat Mode is for cutting through objects, not enemies. And she can always teleport away and get an adult if things aren’t going well. She does know what a power stunt is, but not how to do one yet.


    Personality: Hana is bored out of her mind. She’s about as normal as a kid can be, growing up in Koror alongside the Guild. But god, is she ever bored. The perils of being a genius at age 9. Palau isn’t the biggest country in the world, in size or population, so she’s basically feeling that small town boredom. That sensation of being trapped somewhere where nothing interesting ever really happens. She’s having a nice quiet childhood and it is slowly driving her stimulation starved mind insane. So basically she’s kind of apathetic about everything, barring something significantly out of the ordinary. In those cases, the events have her full attention. Her eyes might even sparkle.

  22. Jing Zhang


    Power Level: 8; Power Points Spent: 120/120


    STR: +0 (10), DEX: +4 (18), CON: +3 (16), INT: +0 (10), WIS: +2 (14), CHA: +0 (10)


    Tough: +2/+4, Fort: +5, Ref: +8, Will: +5


    Skills: Acrobatics 8 (+12), Concentration 8 (+10), Diplomacy 10 (+10), Knowledge (theology & philosophy) 5 (+5), Language 2 (+2), Medicine 3 (+5), Notice 8 (+10), Sense Motive 8 (+10), Stealth 8 (+16)


    Feats: Acrobatic Bluff, Attack Focus (melee) 5, Defensive Roll 2, Dodge Focus 5, Elusive Target, Evasion 2, Grappling Finesse, Improved Disarm, Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Instant Up, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Redirect, Takedown Attack, Trance, Uncanny Dodge (Auditory)



    Chi Enhancement (Container, Passive 2)

       Leaping 2 (Jumping distance: x5)

       Speed 2 (Speed: 25 mph, 220 ft./rnd)

       Super-Movement 3 (slow fall, swinging, wall-crawling 1 (half speed))

    Child Prodigy (Shrinking 4) (-4 STR, -1 Toughness, -1 size category, 3/4 movement speed; Permanent; Innate)

    Martial Arts Techniques (Array 6) (default power: strike)

       Chi Healing (Healing 6) (Array; Restoration; Personal)

       Iron Fist Strike (Strike 6) (Default; DC 21; Penetrating)

       Paralyzing Palm (Paralyze 6) (Array; DC 16)

       Stunning Fist (Stun 6) (Array; DC 16)

       Thousand Fists (Strike 6) (Array; DC 21; Autofire (interval 2, max +5))


    Attack Bonus: +5 (Ranged: +5, Melee: +10, Grapple: +9)


    Attacks: Iron Fist Strike (Strike 6), +10 (DC 21), Paralyzing Palm (Paralyze 6), +10 (DC Staged/Will 16), Stunning Fist (Stun 6), +10 (DC Fort/Staged 16), Thousand Fists (Strike 6), +10 (DC 21), Unarmed Attack, +10 (DC 15)


    Defense: +10  (Flat-footed: +3), Size: Small, Knockback: -1


    Initiative: +8


    Languages: Chinese (Mandarin) Native, English, Japanese


    Totals: Abilities 22 + Skills 15 (60 ranks) + Feats 27 + Powers 31 + Combat 16 + Saves 9 + Drawbacks 0 = 120


    Age (as of Jan 2019): 7 (biological) / Approximately 1100 (chronological)

    Height: 3’ 11’

    Weight: 45 lbs.

    Ethnicity: Han Chinese

    Hair: Black

    Eyes: Dark Brown


    Background: Over 1100 years ago, during the waning years of the Tang Dynasty in China, there was a prophecy. Rebellions, natural disasters, and the ambitions of local officials threatened to destroy all the Tang had built. Even the Emperors themselves had lost interest in ruling in favor of the privileges said ruling afforded. The Mandate of Heaven was in danger of being lost. But the prophecy stated that a legend from the past would be reincarnated, and their might and wisdom would save all of China from the turmoil that accompanied a dynasty’s fall. This chosen one was Jing Zhang (Zhang Jing in the Chinese name order). There was some confusion and disdain regarding her gender among the monks, but the auguries and divinations were clear. It wasn’t exactly clear who she had been in a prior life, but her skill in the martial arts was unmistakable, and she had much wisdom for someone still in their first decade of life. The mistake that was made was in assuming that any child, even a chosen reincarnation, would be prepared for both the pressure of saving millions from chaos and the reality of what that entailed (being directly or indirectly responsible for the deaths of many). She was a few weeks past her seventh birthday. This was not what she wanted. Not at all. So she did what any child would do. She ran away. There was a storm. She was swept away by a river. If not for the cave, she would have drowned. She searched and searched, but there was no way out other than through the water, and she could not swim. So there was one thing to be done. Wait. A normal child would have died of starvation. Jing Zhang was no normal child. She entered a deep trance and fell into a state of suspended animation. Time ceased to have any meaning as she dreamt mindlessly. The monks would find her. And perhaps they would have, in time. But the Tang Dynasty came to it’s end inside of a decade, and in the chaos of the Five Dynasties/Ten Kingdoms era, the monastery was destroyed. Its records were lost. And so Jing Zhang sat, more motionless than a stature, as years and years went by.

    A millennium later, an earthquake and one of the many dams China built uncovered her cave. Chipped out of the stone was this wonderful statue of a little girl. The years and exposure had placed a layer of stone over her skin and hair, so that she resembled one. Chinese archaeologies recommended very careful handling so as not to break her. This layer of stone also prevented any light, sound, or other stimuli from reaching her dulled senses, and the careful handling prevented any real sensation of movement. The era of her creation could not be identified, and eventually she languished in a museum in Hong Kong post reunification. A careless movement put a chip in the stone behind her ear. It was not enough to cause her flesh to be viewable, but enough for the first bits of different sensation in a thousand years to reach her mind. Through backroom dealing, she ended up with a rich man as a part of his collection. He wanted her because of the gradually increasing chi inside of the statue, not knowing or caring that there was a person inside. Yasmine Sakaguchi, Rebecca Heskett, and Portia Rousseau, hearing of the mysterious statue through sources, determined that whatever was inside was waking up, and this was possibly a Very Bad Thing. Things inside ancient statures waking up being typically so. Especially when said statues are found in caves that had only been accessible by river for only the gods knew how long. But alas, the OG trio were just a bit late on this occasion. As the statue rocked, they prepared for a fight. Jing Zhang had been asleep for a very long time, and it had taken her a while to rouse enough to shake free. But tonight was the night. She broke free. Yas, Rikkil, and Portia looked at the kid for a second, then put away their weapons. Rikki even knelt down to talk to the tyke. Unfortunately, modern Cantonese matches Middle Chinese rather…poorly. And so the confused and irritated Jing punched Rikki in the nose. Rikki was comically laid out flat with a broken nose. Yas and Portia had to “fight” the little girl who was apparently one heck of a martial artist for her age. Jing couldn’t lay a hand on the quick stepping Yas without Portia stepping in the way and when she could hit Portia the obvious foreigner just tanked it. It was a problem. But then Rikki blinked the stars out of her eyes and pulled a Universal Translator out of her gear. Actually able to talk to one other, there was no need to fight. Soon, Jing found herself a member of the Seawings Adventurer Guild while she adapted to being way out of her own time and culture. She is currently with the NuGen because they needed a heavy hitter and she was one by their standards.


    Powers & Tactics: Jing Zhang technically doesn’t have any superhuman powers. Her “powers” come from the use of Chi, which all humans have and can train to use and training in the martial arts. She is, however, an epic level prodigy. Most of the monks had maybe half of her power and skill as grown adults, let alone children. The first part of what she does with it is become the ultimate parkour user. She jumps higher, runs faster, and basically can get around like gravity only half applies to her, wuxia style. The second part is a variety of martial arts techniques using Chi to increase their power. She can paralyze, stun, strike rapidly or incredibly hard, and even heal herself.


    Tacticallly, Jing doesn’t mess around. She’ll approach from Stealth if she can, but either way it’s Thousand Fists time. If they tank that through Impervious Toughness, then she’ll go with Iron Fist Strike. If their Toughness score is too high for that, then Paralyzing Palm and Stunning Fist come out to play. She’ll abuse Move by Action, naturally, and pull out Acrobatic Bluff at need. Power Attack is generally used to smash through walls and such. She can, of course, power stunt, but it’s a little uncommon. Strength of Chi (Enhanced Strength 12), Chi-splosion (Strike 6 [Burst Area]) and Blinding Fist (Dazzle 6 [Visual Senses]) are the most likely. Her suspended animation trick was one of these, but there’s no current need to repeat it.


    Personality: You know that trope, Arrogant Kung Fu Guy? Yeah, except she’s a girl and not actually a jerk. She’s just suffering extreme culture shock. 2019 Palau is very, very different from late Tang dynasty China. Her social skills kind of mostly don’t exist, on account of 1) culture shock, 2) being raised by an isolated society of monks, and 3) being seven years old. The monks did teach her protocol, and how to act in various social situations, but those were applicable only in that time and place. So she’s a weirdo (again, culture shock; she’s not actually all that strange) who can be likeable enough to make friends but also annoy anyone with her overblown pride in her ability. Said ability being the only thing she has left of the world she came from.

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