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Posts posted by EternalPhoenix

  1. Terrifica let out a long sigh and rubbed the bridge of her nose. Wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. Glorified bodyguard duty. That said, you have misstepped, young lady. Fix it. She took a deep breath and forced the irritation out of her mind. "I apologize, Detective. I...don't react well to closemindedness, even when it is warranted. I am well aware of police procedure. That said, this young man is correct. Anything you can tell us would be of immense assistance. I do mean anything. As a detective yourself, you ought to be well aware that even most insignificant detail can mean a great deal." Humility did not come easy to Terrifica, that much was a fact. It was a struggle to be that easy on the man. She consulted her wrist computer. She began to input data into a what appeared to be a 3-D mapping program. "At any rate, you speak of a potential siege. If the blueprints for this building are available and my associates"-she glanced at them all meaningfully-"would not mind sharing their capabilities with me, I can put together an effective protection plan. Among my many strengths, I am also an excellent tactician. Even if we must travel, I am just as capable of a navigator." One of these days, this will come easier to me. Hopefully.


    She lowered her arm, and looked Divens straight in the eye. "You are in charge of this operation, Detective." And as much as I find it unpleasant to kowtow to a closeminded and crude pìyÇŽn, "My vast intellect, immense knowledge, and wide skill set is at your service."

  2. Terrifica slid her staff out of its case and shook it open just as the Psycho Collective called for aid. She smiled fiercely. Now everything made perfect sense. Theory number three is the winner.. "Now, now. That's not how you discipline wayward children. For shame. Centipedes do better, and they're centipedes. Are you more inept than a centipede? Because I must say, from what I know you've never succeeded at anything other than being an annoyance. Yes, oh great Collective. That is your reputation. You are a revolting joke that no one ever found funny." The Collective twitched oddly, the words striking home.

  3. Behind her mask, Terrifica's eyes narrowed. "I am not a hired fist, Detective. We are here because the police chief decided that the department couldn't be trusted to keep a secret from the Mafia, based on evidence written in the blood of US Marshals. Additionally, even if the secret could be kept, the rank and file don't have the skills, training, or equipment to deal with the specialists organized crime can call upon. The fact that we're expendable by comparison is a bonus. Have I missed anything so far?" She didn't give him a chance to answer. "Excellent. Do not misunderstand me. I have the utmost respect for your record and what it says about your skills. I even understand that because I do not carry a badge I am intrinsically worth less in your eyes than those that do carry them. However. I am not someone you point at the bad men to punch them away. I am the one who outwits them so you can put them in handcuffs and take them away." That was harsher than I intended. Tone it down, Samantha. You're better than that.

    "As for everything being cleared through you, I understand perfectly. You are our contact and authority figure. If there is something we need, you will tell us if it can be provided or accomplished. If you feel the mission is going too poorly, you can end this arrangement quickly." Terrifica took a breath. "So. With that said, I require more data. Specifics on who the Driogano family may have hired. Early autopsy reports on the Marshals. Essentially, everything you have so far. That is, if you are willing and able to provide these items. The more data I have, the closer I can get to doing my best work. And I assure you, Detective, my best work is nothing short of astonishing."

  4. Terrifica will pull out her staff and attempt to Taunt the Collective. Because really, how do you fight a amorphous bug swarm with fists and a stick? I think pulling out the staff would be a move action, as it's not specified to be. And Bluff/Fascinate/Demoralize are take standard actions unless one has the feats that say otherwise. Do I have that all right?

    18 total. Could be better, could be worse.

  5. Terrifica started to take a step, but stopped as Argonaut arrived on scene. Well...that's...subtle. Perhaps cheesecake night doesn't have to... Her train of thought paused as Nevermore glided over the street. Oh, this is interesting. Two heroes on scene already? She smiled. Cheesecake is fattening anyway. She reached down to her belt, pulled out her grapple gun, and fired it directly at the LFI building. It gripped and pulled her upward rapidly. At the top, a quick flip and a flick of the wrist left Terrifica on the roof a short distance away where Nevermore had landed. First, let's hear what these two have to say. Second, get the intel I require.


    She crouched down behind one of the A/C units, as Omegadrone-lite took note of the crime fighter. Hmm. Perhaps I'm being too cautious. These two could be of use should things go sideways, as happens with depressing regularity. She stood up and rapped on the A/C unit, just loud enough to draw attention. She walked around it and gave Argonaut a wave. "Evening. We're here for more or less the same reason, so I thought why not? After all, two heads are better than one. Or three, as it happens." They'll be slightly suspicious, but that can be worked past. I'm more concerned about having to explain everything to them. A small price to pay for dealing with hit squads easier. Honestly, the mafia can be such a pain in the neck.

  6. Terrifica got up (with some entirely unexpected difficulty), returned her reference materials to their case, and strode towards the sound of the detective's voice. She was well aware of his attitude concerning heroes and aside from herself (and certain unnamed others), she shared it. That didn't make their initial meeting go any better, however. I'm tempted to tell him exactly how little he knows about criminology and forensic science. That said, his history is littered with success after success, so he must be doing something right. She arrived in the living and gave everyone the once over. A musician, a small girl, and a living myth. Perhaps the detective has a point after all. "You rang, detective?" Personal biases aside, a man's life was in danger. It would extremely petty to let her...distaste for virtually everyone in the building interfere with his protection. Whether it was deserved or not.

  7. Terrifica was already inside the house. She sat on an overstuffed armchair in what appeared to be a rather large parlor. She'd gone with the jacket over top of the battlesuit for this time out. There was a tea set on a table in front of her, ready to be used, but Terrifica didn't trust it. Patience is not one of my strongest suits, I admit. That said, it's been-she consulted her wrist computer-eight minutes, and just over fifteen since I arrived. However, she wasn't exactly eager to meet Donald Ritchey. The man was an admitted criminal. He had knowledge of thefts, murders, and heaven knew what else. He kept it to himself and let the suffering continue. It made Terrifica's teeth clench. The only thing worse then savagery was the one who stood aside and allowed it happen. Perhaps it was for his family. But what was so altruistic about doing nothing? Enough. She reached into her utility belt, pulled out part of her reference materials, and began to read.

  8. "That's what I've been asking. The entire human race isn't about to bow down to an energy drainer and poor illusionist. It needs something more impressive, or I'm afraid no one-least of all me-is going to care."

    Terrifica's eyes narrowed at the sudden intrusion. Ah, so that's what you can do. In fact, I do have a plan. I always have a plan. Learn if this thing poses any real threat. If it does, we deal with it in traditional fashion. If not, we can all go home. One other thing. Touching minds without asking is impolite at the minimum. So kindly refrain from going any further into my brain. It's complex and I don't want you to get lost.


    "What's this? Advancement? Could you actually be planning violence?" With the ease of long practice, Terrifica slipped in a martial arts stance. Her right hand slid to her belt, where the Terrifi-Staff was attached. "How savage of you. Saying I'm not taking you seriously. For shame, Sir Roach Battalion. If I didn't take you seriously, I wouldn't have followed your clues in the first place."

  9. I should clarify. Terrifica's just pushing the thing so it'll show it's hand/get pissed off and make a grievous mistake. She's not about to fight if she doesn't have to do so.

  10. "Really? I was hoping for something more interesting. First you're energy vampires, and now you're pitiful excuses for illusionists? Pardon me while I wet myself from terror. A decade and all you've managed to do is annoy the Atoms. A little psychic power isn't going to change a group of annoying insects into something that actually matters." Terrifica's voice positively dripped with disdain as she spoke to the creature, but as she continued to speak she slowly backed away from the self proclaimed Psycho Collective. "Though...I suppose I shouldn't be so dismissive. After all, you're radioactive, and cockroaches are hardy insects. You could be able to impress me. My question from before remains unanswered. Can you, in fact, affect the physical world with more than your words? That would be truly impressive for a group of revolting, sewer dwelling bugs."

  11. Why was it that Robin Hood types were so...stupid? Terrifica mused as she stood in an alley across the street from the LFI building. Up against a wall, with the sunset providing excellent shadow, she might as well have been invisible. She'd worn the long coat this time around. Robbing one of the criminal elite was survivable. Robbing most of them was suicide by another name, and some of them could be less than scrupulous about getting their investment back. She shook her head. The theft had made the news in Freedom City, if somewhat quietly. The robberies didn't make the news, but Twitter was another story. Rumors and innuendo, naturally. Little more than idle gossip...except for the few details matching the stolen technology to a T. Most wouldn't be looking that closely, but Terrifica? Certainly. The police had made little progress, and criminal types aren't known for their patience. A few purposely overheard conversations in dark places, and she learned there was a price on the tech thief's head. Two, mostly likely. One, so LFI can get their technology back. Two, so the underworld can make an example out of this idiot. However, before I find him I need to know what that suit of his can specifically do. Hence, why I'm missing cheesecake night. How bothersome. More bothersome was the gossip she's overheard more recently of certain charities getting a sudden cash influx. Less than scrupulous indeed. Enough. Time to get to work.

  12. Terrifica had actually beaten Somnium there, arriving while the mentalist was struggling with her gate. Upon seeing the big man with the weapon, she had cautiously hung back in a more shadowed area. Now, she frowned briefly. I have to share my mystery now. Wonderful. Still, it makes sense. I couldn't have been the only one who noticed, and Freedom is filled to the brim with heroes. If this comes down to a fight, as this line of work often does, I expect they'll prove rather useful. Hmm. The last two sound young, and decidedly female. "Truthfully? If I'm foe, it's only to those would harm the defenseless." She stepped into view, and smiled. "Heroes, I assume? I would say it's a pleasure, but I doubt anything could feel pleasurable down here." The big man means muscle, which is always good. A flyer is nice as well, and judging by the glow she can do ranged damage. Uncertain what the other girl can do. May have to compensate. "Now then, shall we do introductions or just get down to business?" She glanced at the cockroaches. "Assuming they'll give us the time. It looks like there's been a small war down here and it's not unlikely that these creatures were involved in some way."

  13. Terrifica pursued the creatures at a cautious distance. Leave you alone? Without a good reason or so much as saying please? Ridiculous. Regardless of that, she quickly realized she wasn't dealing with a normal creature. Movement pattern is odd. Makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. She smiled. Good. I can sense the satisfactory ending already. All the same, the vision of her father had rattled some interior memories loose. Now is not the time, Mrs. Carson. There is a mystery to solve, and you've got worse demons. Like the one in the mirror. She ruthlessly quashed them down with that thought, and continued onward.

  14. A wave of conflicting emotion roared through Terrifica, but subsided instantly with one thought. No. Daddy would call me Qiaolian. He knows me by no other name. "Interesting. A poor illusion, designed to inflict emotional trauma and perhaps ward off any pursuers. You have failed on two counts. One, my father knows my name, and I have little doubt that he is entirely unaware of my masked identity. Two, this vision of him is taken directly from my memories. Those clothes were what he was wearing the last time I saw him. Therefore, you are an illusion, made with low level telepathy. The source of that could still be anything and is thus immaterial for the moment. That would mean all the sightings were illusions, as well. Interesting. Thank you, you've helped me eliminate half of my theories." She tilted her head slightly. "No, just over half. Now, are there other clues you'd like to give me? No? Then I'll be on my way." She started to turn, but stopped before she got halfway. "Unless, of course, you can affect the physical world with more than your words?"

  15. Another day, another investigation. Terrifica stood inside the Freedom City sewer system, her eyes narrowed against the stench. Note to self: install scent blockers in suit. By the heavens, this is terrible. She consulted her wrist computer for the umpteenth time as she strode forward. Let's see...left at this junction, use the grapple to get over that gap, and I should be near the area of highest reported activity. She had heard the rumors of underground creatures, and they had her mystery senses tingling. She had a dozen theories as to why subterranean creatures (fictional, long dead, or otherwise) would be appearing above ground. However, as of yet they hadn't caused any harm, barring a few bruised egos. Which is fortunate for me, otherwise I expect something like this would have drawn more attention. Mysteries are less fun when you have to explain things to the lesser lights.


    That said, nothing good ever happened in a sewer. They were dark, creepy, and smelled to high heaven. Sewage workers really should be paid more. There's that left. Terrifica turned left and kept walking until she got to the gap. Which just so happened to be a wall, considerably newer than the sewer around it. Naturally. Why would a municipal map be kept up to date? That'd take competent and efficient governance, and hell will freeze colder than intergalactic space before that ever happens. She sighed, and consulted her wrist computer again. It was looking like she wouldn't be getting any sleep for the conference at FCU in the morning. It wouldn't be the first time, and it certainly will be far from the last. A new path chosen, she turned around and started walking again.

  16. The Exiles & Exile House




    The Exiles In the Freedomverse


    Exile House


    So You Want To Be An Exile?


    Core Squad (Portland, Oregon)


    Blackrose (Raya Hall)

    Radical Dreamer (Noah Griswald)

    Myrcelle (Myra Mercer)

    Astra (Unknown)

    Flare (Francis Bowman)

    Stormy (Unknown)

    Cory (Unknown)

    Windstorm (Gwendolyn Carter)



    First Gen (formerly Portland, Oregon; now Vancouver, Canada)


    Tigress (Thelia Alton)

    Magi (Mazar Miller)

    Morphin (unknown)

    Clon (Cameron Edgerton)

    Priestess (Elizabeth Prentiss)



    Second Gen (Los Angeles, California)


    Barry Holden

    Cavatina (Tina Chavez)

    Stoker (Darrell Brown)

    Electric Lady (Janelle Stone)

    Opera (won’t tell)

    Miss Fist (unpronounceable to human tongues)



    Third Gen (Portland, Oregon)

    Their real names are kept secret for legal reasons. Thanks, Barry.




    Sailor Scout






    “.5” Gen (Portland, Oregon & Los Angeles, California)


    The “.5” Gen is not an official team, and honestly the group doesn’t so much superhero as suffer from the Exiles’ trademark awful luck and get away by the skin of their teeth while one of the actual teams (or a local hero, or the police) take care of the problem. And even then their adventures are far more “slice of life” than “superhero action/adventure” as far as genres go.




    Los Angeles



















  17. Important Disclaimer: My builds are based on how I understood the core rules, ultimate power, our House Rules, etcetera at the time of posting. Please consult said rules and our Rednamed Refs. If you ask me, I'll fix one up for you if it's wrong now. This doesn't mean it'll be accepted, mind you. I may be a Ref now but my approval isn't everything.


    Also, I generally don't use site format. Mostly because dear god, there's so many I'd have to do. But a little bit because you should learn how to do it yourself. We have a sample sheet and everything. You should've seen it by now.


    Table of Contents


    Character Factory




    The Icons


    The Exiles


    NPC Investigations


    The Seawings Adventurer Guild




    BLACK & The Phantom Network




    The Strength Revolution


    The League of Seven




    The Icons (original style)








    Tex Austin

    The Shining Guardian




    Spike Douglas



    Marian Soaring Eagle






    The Javier Academy



    Headmaster Carlos Javier


    Alpha Team


    Solaria (Autumn Winters)

    Pyrox (Rusty Jenkins)

    Broyle (Nick Lachlan, teen Nick Phoenix)

    Wilder (Anna-Marie Winston)

    Titan (Pietro Cole)

    Eagle Eye (Russell Harris, Staff Advisor)


    Beta Team


    Lightning (Richard Jones)

    Erased (Vernon Chase)

    Cinder (Phoenix Ramsey)

    Charger (Jason Montanez)

    Sureshot (Rachel Harris)

    Miss Invincible (Francine Simms, Staff Advisor)


    Gamma Team


    Relay (Tessa Matthews)

    Waverider (Naomi Suleiman)

    Slick (Olivia Montanez)

    Motor (Michael Taylor)

    Apocrypha (Aleki Uta'i)

    Aerialist (Frank Simms, Staff Advisor)


    Delta Team


    Augment (Cyrus Gramble)

    Taffi (Tomoko Nagatsuka)

    Eden (Ivy Reubenstein)

    Agent Fortune (Tariq al-Rabadi)

    Shift (Serafina Chavez)

    Starwoman II (Jody Thompkins, Staff Advisor)


    Theta Team


    Grava (Daraja Ishola)

    Kinetix (Fabien St. Pierre)

    Geonic (Isabelle Oliveira)

    Warp (TIffany Broadchurch)

    Sky Eye (Jacob Lewis)

    Illusionist Knight (Maia Turei, Staff Advisor)


    Notable Staff Members


    Monique Desjardins (Chief Counselor)

    Roulette (Stefan LeRoux, Security Consultant)

    Lisa Lindsay (Chief of Student Fitness)




    Pure Archetypes




    Super Soldier




    Archetype Blendarama


    Part 1, in alphabetical order:


    Color Controlling Cowl

    Device Using Psychiatrist

    Digital Shadow

    Fey-Touched Artificier

    Flying Transmuter

    Gravity Controller

    Johnny The Kid

    Kitsune Paragon

    Living Electromagnetism

    Magic Teddy Bear

    Martial Artist w/ Sonic Scream

    Matter Eater

    Mistress of Fear

    Mixed Martial Artist

    Phantom Swordsman

    Plant Battlesuit

    Poisonous Martial Artist

    Queen of Hellfire

    Ricardo The Mariachi

    Scarlet Witch

    Size Changing Golden Age Legacy

    Sky Dreamer

    Sonic Device User

    Speedster Archer

    Squid Girl



    Transforming Weapon Master

    Ultimate Martial Artist

    Winged Sniper




    Part 2, in alphabetical order


    Beast Master

    Child Assassin

    Cloud 9

    Cursed Mystic


    Elastic Paragon

    Electric Speedster


    Fairy Fencer

    God of the Sword

    Jester Hacker

    Magical Girl


    Martial Artist in a Battlesuit

    Master Blaster

    Master of Elements

    Motorcycle Daredevil

    Portal Sniper

    Powerhouse Archer

    Psionic Battlesuit

    Ranged Cowl

    Snow Elemental

    Space Warping Swordswoman

    Speedster Battlesuit

    Survivalist Archaeologist

    Telekinetic Thief

    Telepathic Speedster

    Tiny Paragon

    Weather Controlling Battlesuit

    Wolf Totem Swordsman




    Part 3, split in two.


    Conversion of the Sentinels, 3e's canon superhero team


    Kid Robot




    The Rook






    The rest, in alphabetical order

    Ancient Paragon

    Bird Themed Mystic

    Death Knight


    Full Contact Sorcerer

    Gepetto The Puppeteer

    Gunslinging Gadgeteer

    Icy Wyrm

    Lucky Sniper

    Mistress of Dark Lightning

    Nigh-Invincible Man

    Phantom Psionic

    Phoenix Corps Member

    Punchy Gadgeteer


    Sonic Controlling Speedster

    Stealth Android

    Survivalist Gadgeteer


    Winged Water Controller




    Part 4 aka Of Weapons And Sorcery, in alphabetical order


    Aristocratic Swordmaster

    Armored Wizard

    Bird Controlling Swordmaster

    Cold Controlling Swordmaster

    Cute Witch

    Cybernetic Martial Artist

    Cyborg Soldier

    Cyborg Warrior

    Darkness Controlling Powerhouse

    Demon Fighter


    Flying Demon Swordmaster

    Frost Archer

    Hawk Totem Mystic

    Kitsune Cat Swordmaster

    Lady of War

    Magic Painter

    Meteor Warrior


    One-Eyed Warrior

    Panda Totem

    Paragon with Sonic Device

    Plasma Warrior

    Punchy Mage

    Shield Knight

    Stealth Mage

    Telekinetic Artificier Infiltrator

    Undead Ectomancer

    Wilderness Warrior

    Winged Telekinetic Swordmaster




    Part 5, in alphabetical order:


    Android Gadgeteer

    Android. Idol. Soldier.

    Card Battler

    Chaos Mage

    Classic Kitsune

    Cyberpunk Mage

    Dancing Thief

    Device Using Bird Controller

    Downsized Creation God

    Dragon Mage

    Dragon Totem Swordmaster


    Force Field Gadgeteer

    Gadgeteer Paragon

    Jedi Knight Shadowcat

    Kaiju Hunter

    Magic Violinist

    Magical Baker

    Phantom Technopath

    Princess of Hell

    Psionic Spirit User

    Pyro Knight

    Rabbit Totem

    Sword Dancer


    Telepathic Gadgeteer

    Wandering Bard

    Wild West Swordmaster

    Willpower Warrior




    Part 6, in alphabetical order


    Aqua Maxima

    Armored Paragon


    Cold Controlling Songstress

    Cosmic Powered Space Warper

    Death God Scion

    Dragon Totem

    Giant Archer

    Goddess of the Sun

    Hard Boiled Gun Bunny

    Jewel Mage

    Magical Librarian

    Phoenix Totem Swordmaster

    Piratical Swashbuckler

    Pixie Mage

    Powerhouse Speedster

    Rain Controller

    Reaver of Souls

    Sci Fi Soldier

    Sentient Computer Program

    Smooth Talking Summoner

    Solar Mage

    Spatial Displacer

    Spear of the North

    Stage Magician


    Survivalist Animal Mimic
    Vampire Weather Controller

    Warrior Angel

    Warrior Queen




    Part 7, in alphabetical order w/ a surprise at the end


    Android Machine Gunner

    Black Ice Operative

    Chainsaw Cyborg

    Cold Sniper

    Cyber Gunner

    Dense Gadgeteer

    Flippy Martial Artist

    Goddess of the Sea

    Guitar Slinging Gadgeteer

    Heavy Artillery Soldier

    Ink Controller

    Machine Gun Samurai

    Mage Hunting Archer

    Mistress of Despair

    Naval Air Battlesuit

    Ocular Mentalist

    Poison Assassin

    Rifle Toting Gadgeteer

    Soccer Player

    Soul of Flame

    Speedster Swordmaster

    Swingin' Gadgeteer

    Transforming Gadgeteer

    Wind Controlling Swordmaster


    And now, the surprise: Xenosaga!


    Shion Uzuki



    Gaignun Kukai Jr.






    Part 8 (the PL 7s) in alphabetical order


    Aquarian Warrior


    Bio-Metal Brick

    Budding Mentalist w/ Pet

    Car Drivin' Badass

    Cat Totem Archer

    Coin Kinetic


    Electromagnetic Cyborg

    Fledgling Keymaster

    Frictionless Skin User


    Jet Black Dress

    Light Controlling Alien

    Lucky Mage

    Magical Energy Being

    Mystic Cowl

    Perfume Mage

    Pint Sized Powerhouse

    Pirate Queen


    Property Locker

    Psionic Warrior

    Psychometric Attention Diverter

    Pure Soul

    Rock and Roll Queen

    Stone Heart

    Time Displacing Martial Artist

    Vehicle Mimic

    Weapons Master




    Part 9, in which I go back to PL 10s but the last 10 are requested builds. How novel. All in alphabetical order.


    Blind Mystic

    Car Drivin' Badass Redux

    Draconic Battlesuit

    Feline Totem Speedster

    Frog Totem

    Goddess of Storms

    Gunslinger Mage

    Heart of the Earth

    Intrepid Pilot

    Physical Biokinetic

    Professional Doctor

    Property Locker Redux

    Scion of Artemis

    Scion of Asclepius

    Scion of Athena

    Scion of Hephaestus

    Scythe Wielding Cleric

    Spider Totem Mystic


    Weather Controlling Ninja


    As promised, the request builds.


    Avian Speedster

    Goddess of Art

    Insect Mimic

    Negative Woman

    Octopus Totem Mystic

    Skyler Storm

    Sonic the Hedgehog

    Telepathic Barrier Warrior

    Time Controlling Gadgeteer

    Vampire Hunter




    Part 10, in alphabetical order:


    Air Controlling Android

    Angel Android

    Clawed Genius

    Cosmic Energy Controlling Battlesuit

    Crimson Avenger

    Device Boosted Paragon

    Energy Manipulator

    Explosive Hero

    Feline Totem Battlesuit

    Gas Slinging Fox Totem

    Goddess of Summer

    Goddess of Winter

    Gunslinging Cowl

    Lucky Staff Master

    Medical Battlesuit

    Mistress of the Air

    Personal Mass Controller

    Powerhouse Cowl

    Shark Totem

    Skywalking Cowl

    Smoke Elemental

    Sneaky Blaster

    Solar Champion

    Spatial Warper

    String Controller

    Temporal Hacker

    Transmuting Powerhouse

    Undead Powerhouse

    Vampire Thief In Battlesuit

    Water Sprite




    Part 11, aka the johnbecaro commission builds, in alphabetical order.


    Acrobatic Powerhouse

    Android Speedster

    Archer Paragon

    Blind Battlesuit Speedster

    Blind Swordmaster

    Combat Maid

    Cyber Armed Flyer

    Demon Rider

    Elastic Kineticist

    Electric Cowl

    Electric Cyborg

    Electric Engineer

    Feline Martial Artist

    Fiery Martial Artist

    Goddess of Autumn

    Goddess of Spring

    Gravity Controlling Cyborg

    Holographic AI

    Immortal Warrior

    Invincible Battlesuit

    Light Controlling Gadgeteer

    Lightning Dragon Ninja

    Martial Artist Mystic

    Plant Controlling Powerhouse

    Psychic Ninja

    Psychic Paragon

    Spider Themed Spy

    Super Agent


    Undead Acrobat




    Part 12, Of Requests and Regular Builds, split apart but in alphabetical order




    Automotive Totem

    Black Swordsmage

    Cat Themed Fighter

    Cosmic Puncher

    Cyber Ninja

    Diamond Armored Hero

    Fiery Ringmaster

    Fusion Incarnate

    Half Undead Mystic

    Jedi Battlesuit

    Living Water

    Modern Day Viking

    Phasing Swordmaster

    Powerhouse Martial Artist

    Psionic Energy Controller

    Psychic Knight

    Silent Assassin

    Size Changing Swordmaster

    Skull Knight

    Snake Totem Battlesuit

    Star Gem User




    Graffiti Girl


    Love Fueled Illusionist

    Mantis Shrimp Totem

    Psychic Healer

    Tattooed Amazon

    Unicorn Totem




    Part 13, in alphabetical order


    Bird Themed Fighter

    Burning Swordmaster

    Cyber Angel

    Cybernetic Archaeologist

    Demonic Acrobat

    Draconic Ice Mage

    Electric Agent

    Energetic Gun Bunny

    Goddess of Flowers

    Gravity Controlling Paragon

    Heroic Mime

    Light Manipulating Battlesuit

    Lunar Shield Mage

    Magical Costumed Detective

    Master Infiltrator

    Metal Mimic

    Mystic Rope Summoner

    Neutronic Paragon

    Phantom Mystic

    Pirate Mermaid

    Precise Hydrokinetic

    Psychic Warrior

    Rocket Girl

    Snake Themed Master of Disguise

    Speedy Costumed Detective

    Spirit Shaman

    Tattooed Berserker

    Trickster Battlesuit

    Undead Cowl





    Part 14. Villains and Non Combat Focused, in alphabetical order. Some are requests.



    Battlesuit Dolphin

    Crime Lord

    Demonic Ninja Pirate Construct

    Doggone Evil

    Fallen Sidekick

    Fireworks Generating Thief

    Golden Bruiser

    Gravity Controlling Battlesuit

    Gun Toting Assassin

    Gunslinging Annihilist

    Lunatic Paragon

    Powerhouse Psychiatrist

    Rudo Luchador

    Sea Hunter

    Tentacled Biokinetic

    Trolling Troll

    Ultima Thule Outcast

    Vampire Were-Elephant


    Non Combat Focused

    Canine Detective

    Edutainment Child

    Human Top

    Lucky Pyrokinetic

    Master Farmer

    Morphin' Phenom


    Psychic Detective

    Quaker Shaker

    Saint Among Mortals

    The Bouncer

    The Critic



    Part 15. Back to Basics. In alphabetical order.


    Alien Martial Artist

    Classic Space Hero

    Crimson Huntress

    Dense Shrinker

    Detective Paragon

    Dhampir Gadgeteer

    Drone Using Technopath

    Earth Controlling Giant

    Electric Werewolf

    Empathic Spy Mage

    Firefighting Battlesuit

    Golden Huntress

    Gutsy Brick

    Hair Queen

    Heartland Soldier

    Infernalist Witch

    Immortal Powerhouse

    Ivory Huntress

    Master of Weapons

    Nanite Gadgeteer

    One Large Brick

    Plant Controlling Giant

    Powerhouse Medic

    Psionic Crossbowyer

    Shadow Huntress

    Shrine Guardian

    Snake Totem Mystic

    Street Level Hero


    Winged Gorilla Swordmaster




    Part 16, Yet More Basics in alphabetical order.


    Air Controlling Agent

    Alchemic Sorcerer

    Armor of Vengeance

    Armored Bounty Hunter

    Armored Speedster

    Child of the Sea

    Cold Controlling Agent

    Cosmic Archer

    Cosmic Energy Warrior

    Cowboy Shaman

    Digital Demon

    Divine Shepherd

    Earth Controlling Agent


    Espionage Expert

    EM Controller In A Battlesuit

    Feline Attuned Swordmaster

    Gun Toting Vigilante

    Jar Brain & Cyber Doll

    Laser Swordsman

    Light Controlling Agent

    Hammer Warrior

    Midas Wolf

    Mystic Adventurer

    Pixie Battlesuit

    Precognitive Sniper

    Psionic Archer

    Shrinking Battlesuit

    Space Warping Magus

    Wrist Crossbow Scout

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