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The Freedom League Holiday Party


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Okay, as I have been talking about in chat for over a month now, the Freedom League hosted holiday party has The primary hosts for the party will be the five PC League members.


So the party is open to any of the PC heroes on the boards.  Many of course have some connection with the League already, and easily would have received invitations through those connections.  For those heroes that have yet to make any connection with the League, it can be assumed that at some point in the weeks leading up to the part, a member of the League (perhaps a yellow clad speedster ;)) caught up with them during some bit of crime fighting to provide them with an invitation.


The thread is rather likely to get pretty big, so paying some attention to what others are posting to understand the scenes is appreciated.  This also represents a rather good time to make use of the quote features of the boards, so it is easier for others to track what conversation(s) your characters are replying to and the like.


The normal rules about limiting a player to one character in a thread will not apply for this thread.  We hope everyone takes this opportunity to have their character interact with some others they might not normally encounter, and above all, have some fun!


Any questions or issues, please feel free to post them here.

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