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HellQ for Rot

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Who are you? Sum yourself up in one sentence.


Claremont Academy misfit


Do you have any nicknames, street names, titles, or nom de plume?


Superhero name is "Rot" on account of my ability to decay matter.


What is your full birth name?


Consuelo Nunez


Where do you live?


I've lived with my mom in one crummy place after another. Maybe they'll let me just stay at Claremont, now that I'm in?


How old are you? What year were you born (if applicable)?


I'm 16. I was born on February 29, which is just one more excuse to forget my birthday.


Physical Traits


Ordinary 16 year old Hispanic girl. Living things are instinctively repulsed by my powers, so that's great. I've got long green dreadlocks and wear all black because, well, everyone thinks I'm a creep already anyway, you know?


What is your gender? If not applicable, please explain.




How would you describe your heritage?


Both sets of grandparents were from Mexico, my mom says. But I've never met any of them.


How tall are you?


5' 4"


What is your body type?




Do you have any particular weaknesses, such as allergies or physical disabilities?


I mean, I can't stop everything I touch from gradually withering away, and there's the whole repellant to everything that lives bit, but otherwise, no, not really.


How do you carry yourself? Are you graceful, or heavy on your feet? Can you be stealthy, do you walk with confidence?


I keep at a distance - for your safety, not mine. I've had to get really good at talking nicely, since my powers tend to make everyone hate me. I'm quite confident. I guess, maybe I could be stealthy, but why? As far as I can tell, I'm completely invincible.


Describe your skin, eye, and hair color.


Skin color is "olive", eyes are brown, hair would be black, but it turns out if you bleach your dreadlocks and apply green dye, that is the color they become.


How do you wear your hair, if applicable? Do you have facial hair?


Long dreadlocks. No facial hair at present. I'll tell you how that's going once I hit 50.


Do you consider yourself attractive? Do others?


I know I'm a knockout. Guys would be falling all over me if they just saw my picture, or saw me across the room. People can smell the death on me though. It's instinctive. Once anyone gets too close, I become a monster to them.


Do you have any scars, tattoos, piercings, or birthmarks?


No, and I'm not sure my invulnerability would even let me get a tattoo (or a scar, I guess) if I tried.


Do you resemble anyone famous?


Not yet . . . 


Do you have a dominant hand?


I'm left handed because, why not be freaky in one more way, you know?


What kind of clothing do you wear?


Ha! I wish. When my powers first started up, my clothes would wear out in a couple of weeks. My mom was so mad about that! Now that I'm older, the only clothes that last out the day are my super suit. And that only lasts if it can divert the destruction to another sacrificial piece of clothing. But, you know, mostly I wear black. Black sheep. Bad seed. Why fight it?


Do you wear makeup?


Sometimes. I kind of like heavy eye liner. But makeup decays to nothing in an hour or so, once it touches my skin.


What is your vocal range? Is your voice distinctive in some way?


Um, I guess I'm like, a soprano?


Do you have any distinctive habits, nervous tics, or mannerisms? Where did they come from, and what causes them? Do other people notice and remark on these habits? Do they annoy you or other people?


I keep physical distance from people. I try to keep everyone calm, if I can, because people are always freaking out on me, of course. Once my superpowers really ramped up and I could fly, I kind of tend to hover a foot or two off the ground, just to get a little more distance.




I mean it's a big sad story. Cry, cry. My folks were poor. My dad hit my mom. My mom got into pills. My dad left my mom. My powers started destroying everything and freaking everybody out. My mom can't stand me. I can't stand her. I got this big break to get into Claremont Academy. Now I'm this dark mysterious kid super hero burdened with the danger of my own powers and always deeply misunderstood. Blah, blah, blah.


Where do you come from?


Born and raised in the Lincoln neighborhood of Freedom City, baby.


Have you made any major moves, or do you live in your hometown?


I mean, my mom is always getting kicked out of whatever place she is staying in by whatever lowlife loser she is dating. And . . . well maybe it's related to my powers too. I can be pretty hard on a small apartment. . . .


Do you feel loyal to your country of citizenship? Do you consider yourself patriotic? How do you feel about the government of your country?


I mean I guess, sort of? I mean, it's not like my family has been treated super well, but a lot of places are a lot worse, I guess.


How do you feel about the place you come from?


I take pride in my neighborhood, but it's kind of rough how many people there don't like me anymore.


Where is your home town? What was/is it like?


Lincoln neighborhood of Freedom City. We don't have a lot of fancy things there, but we're like, real people, you know?


Growing up, were most of the people you knew similar to you, or were you somehow a minority? How did that affect you?


Well, most people I grew up with were poor too. I was a pretty normal kid, until my powers started coming out, around nine years old.


Is there something you've always been really good at or really bad at? How has that affected your life?


I've had to get really good at trying to keep the peace. I try to be good at controlling my powers, but stuff always seems to go sideways.


Were there any traumatic experiences in your early years (death of a family member, abandonment, orphaned at an early age)?


Yeah, sure. My dad hit my mom a lot. Then he left. My mom pops pills now. It's sad. But she's had to put up with a lot too.


Briefly describe a defining moment in your childhood and how it influenced your life.


When my dad left, I blamed my mom. Then I blamed myself. I wanted to control things, make them safe. But I couldn't. Wow. Here, I am still trying to do the same, but it's even harder now, with these powers. But, you know, there is a lot I can do that other people can't. Sure, it is a pain, but these powers are a gift you know? And what kind of a person am I, if I don't put them to good use?


What stupid things did you do when you were younger?


I mean, I'm sixteen, right? I'm supposed to do stupid things now. Except, I kind of can't, because, if I do something stupid, it could be really, really bad. When I was a little girl, I know I blamed myself for a lot of things my parents did. Cause, it's like you can't control your parents, so if feels safer to blame yourself, you know? Now I think I see the world a little more clearly, though.


Where did you go to school? How much school did you have, and did you enjoy it?


I went to school at, well, a lot of different places, with all the moving around. And also, there were some years I played hooky a lot. I mean, how is a ten year old kid supposed to deal with it when their chair rots away as they are sitting on it? But at Claremont I fit in. Well, kind of. I mean, I'm still an outcast, but it's a lot less extreme.


Do you have any mementos of your childhood? What are they, and why did you keep them? If you have none, why not?


Ouch. Mementos sure would be nice. But I can't. They all just fall to pieces.


When did you decide to become a hero? Why? Did anyone influence you one way or another in the decision?


Honestly, I was pretty set on it by the time I was twelve. I mean, with my power set, being a bitter super villain would be a natural, right? But I'm not going to take the easy way out. That was my dad's way. Not mine.


Is the reason you give people for becoming a hero different than your real reason? If so, why?


I have to concentrate - all the time - just to not accidentally destroy stuff, okay? I've just got to believe my powers can be put to good use. There are some real jerks out there, with a really inflated sense of entitlement. I can stop them. Believe it.


Do you have any deep, dark secrets in the past that may come back to haunt you?


Wow, I hope not! I mean, I don't think I've killed anybody, which is kind of a miracle, when you think about my powers. But who knows, maybe I did when I was a kid and my mom hid it from me. Sheesh. Where do you get off asking these terrible questions?


Do you represent yourself as being different from who you really are? Why?


Um, that's like a really convoluted question for me. People can sense the danger of my power, and they think I'm a monster for it. But I'm not really a monster. But like, maybe I am monster, objectively speaking. So like, it's kind of complicated.


If you do have these secrets, what do you fear would happen if the truth became known? How far would you go to protect those secrets?


Wow, someone is seriously nosy! I mean, I guess, if I learned that I had killed someone or that like I'm an avatar for the destruction of the world, or like some other big drag, it would be really bad.


Do you have any sort of criminal record? If so, is it public knowledge?


I mean, I guess I could have gotten hit with destruction of public property or something, a lot of times. But, like that never materialized. But I don't steal. I don't do drugs.




My pill popping mom and I are at each other's throats a lot. Haven't seen my dad since I was six. Don't want to.


What are your biological parents' names?


Mother is Maria and dad was Hector.


Were you raised by them? If not, please explain and describe who raised you.


Dad left when I was six. That's three years before my powers started. Ouch. Mom raised me.


What was their standing in the community? What did/do they do for a living?


Dad was in construction, I think? Mom has been a waitress or a maid.


Where are your parents now?


Mom is in a crummy apartment in Lincoln neighborhood. Dad? Who knows?


Did your family stay in one area or move around a lot?


Moved around way too much, but always in or near Freedom City.


How did you get along with their parents? How do you get along with them now (if applicable).


I'm mean, when I was little, my parents were like petty gods to me. Now my dad is less than dirt to me. Mom and I love each other, but there's a lot of anger.


How do your parents view you now, or how would they?


I think my mom is relieved I'm in Claremont now. Maybe my life will make more sense now. Does my dad keep tabs on me? I doubt it.


Do you have any siblings? If so how many and what are their names? Describe your relationship with them.


No brothers or sisters.


What was your birth order in the family?




Where are your siblings now (if applicable)? Do they have families of their own? What do they do?




Do you stay in touch with them or have you become estranged?




Do you love or hate one member of the family in particular?


I hate my dad most of all, but my mom drives me crazy.


Is any member of the family special to you in any way (perhaps, as a confidant, mentor, or arch-rival)?


My mom always stuck around. That can't have been easy, with a kid that is basically cursed.


Are there any black (or white) sheep in the family (including you)? If so, please explain.


Well, let's just say there aren't any white sheep . . . 


Do you have a notorious or celebrated ancestor? If so, please explain, including how it has affected your life.


Who knows?


Do you have a partner and children currently? If so, please describe them.


Ew. I'm sixteen, okay. Slow down! I mean there are some cute boys in Claremont, but like, how is that going to work, when any living thing that gets near me is repulsed? . . . . Hmm. Maybe I could, like, date a vampire or something. . . 


If you do not have a partner or children, do you want them someday? How firm are you in your opinion on this, and what might change your mind?


I mean, it would be a dream to have a child, someday. Years from now. Treat them the way they should be treated. But would my powers even allow it? Seems impossible.


What type of person would be your ideal mate?


Invulnerable to my powers. Not a jerk. I mean, I would like to be attracted to them. But if I could get 1 and 2, that would be more than I would ever expect.




Tumultuous relationship with my mother. Just starting to get to know people at school. Already I think there's a popular girl that hates me. Like, hates me more than everyone else even.


Do you have any close friends? If so, please describe them, and how you came to be close to them.


Friendships don't really last for me. People sense the danger in me, and can't stay close.


Do you have a best friend? If so, how did they become your best friend? How close are you to your best friend?


I mean, I have an imaginary best friend, called Nancy, after a teddy bear I used to have. It's kind of sad, but it like helps me get through, you know?


If you were to go missing, who would worry about you?


I mean, if I were to go missing, people might worry from like a weapon of mass destruction tracking standpoint. I like to think my mom would come looking for me, and not just double up on her pill and hide. I like to think the official at Claremont would care and try to find me.


Have you lost any loves? If so, how did it happen, and what did you do?


My dad left. Does that count? I don't know. I miss my best friend Sara, from when I was little. But she literally thinks I'm of-the-devil now. So no going back there.


Do you have any bitter enemies? If so, please describe them and their history with you.


After my dad left, there was a long string of jerks - well, I guess, other jerks - that my mom hooked up with. There is a little part of me that wants to go back and get revenge on them. But really, they're like beneath me now. It wouldn't even be like squashing a bug. It would be like, you know those little tiny white flies you can accidentally inhale? It would be like that with them.


If you have enemies, how do you think they might attempt to work against you in the future?


Well, I'm like sixteen still. I'm sure I've still got plenty of time left to make a lot of enemies in my superhero career. Probably, they would like, try to mind-control me and turn me into their tool of destruction or something.


What is the worst thing someone has done to you?


Left me


Where do your loyalties lie? In what order?


My mom is still first. But supporting her hurts so much, because she is so self-destructive. So, like, will I be able to keep up that support forever?

Next is my neighborhood.

Then my school.

But, I'm still like really young, so things could still change a lot, right?


Who or what do you trust the most? Why?


Myself is both the person I trust most and least. I've had to rely on myself as my parents failed me and as people turned against me, from the bad parts of my powers. But also, like one little slip up, and I do so much damage. So I also trust myself least.


Who or what do you despise? Why?


I despise people that take out their anger on the weak. Man, I've seen like, way too much of that.


What qualities do you admire most in other people? Are these qualities you possess?


I admire, like when people can stay cool and think things out. I think I'm pretty good at that, mostly . . .


What qualities do you hate most in other people? Do you have any of those qualities?


Man, I hate it when people give up. I can kind of get it though, cause sometimes, it seems hopeless.


Do you have a secret identity? If so, who knows it? Do you hide it from people who are close to you? Why?


I mean, I put on a mask and a super suit when I'm "Rot" and not just Consuelo. But also, I've got, like, big green dreadlocks and people in the neighborhood know about this cursed little kid that destroyed a bunch of houses and is now going to superhero high school. So it's kind of a really crappy secret identity, to be honest.


Do you work well on teams and in groups? Are you a leader or a follower?


I like the idea of working on teams and groups. People have to understand that they can't stand too close, or they'll get spooked, though. I kind of feel sad for people that ask the question: "are you a leader or a follower", because, like that question supposes hierarchy is the only type of human relationship, you know? Hierarchy is kind of messed up - people are just people, right? But, like in this world, we can be expected to play roles of leader and follower. And I think, like a good leader is someone that helps people out with their special abilities, not like someone that bosses others around for their own ego. And I think that, someone that people might think is a follower is actually just trying to keep a low profile because they are trying to avoid drama they are tired of. So it's like, not quite so simple.


Are you on a super team? If so, how do you get along with your comrades? Do you trust them, or do you have secrets from them?


I'd like to be on a super team. But I know it's not going to be easy for my teammates, because my powers make everything complicated.


Are you a member of any church, fraternal organization, club, committee, political party, or other group? How much time do you spend on that?


I used to go to Catholic church sometimes, when I was a kid. But it got to be too much of a problem, with my powers. Now I'm not totally sure what I believe. Kind of figuring myself out a bit.


Personality & Beliefs


I try to be strong. I try to be smart. I try to let go of what I can't control. My powers are dangerous and difficult, but I could also be a great superhero.


Who are your heroes?


**I'm going to punt on this one, until I know more about the campaign setting, as a player.**


Did you ever become disillusioned with former heroes or idols? If so, why and what were the circumstances?


Sure. I've spent a lot of time mad at my parents. I still am. But I also have to move on.


Do you like being a hero? If so, what is the most rewarding part? If not, what makes you keep doing it?


I love it! My powers being something more than a reason to hate me? Sign me up! Of course, my same old problems follow me everywhere.


Is there anything that would make you give up hero work, or even switch sides?


I mean, you like to think "no". But, probably, every super villain thought "no" at one point too. 


What are your short term goals (what would you like to be doing within a year)?


Make some friends at Claremont. Be part of a super team. Maybe even control the bad parts of my powers better (yeah, right, wouldn't that be nice}?


What are your long term goals (what would you like to be doing twenty years from now)?


Same but more. More control. More friends. Better superhero.


What is your greatest fear? Why? What do you do when something triggers this fear?


That I'll kill someone close to me.


Is there anything you would give you life for?


Yeah, for sure. But like, I can't seem to get hurt now, so maybe this is an irrelevant question?


How do you feel about money and material wealth? Do you desire it or disdain it? Are you miserly with what you have, or do you like to share? Is it mark of success, or a means to an end?


I mean, everyone that grew up poor wants to be rich! But how would that even work for me? Everything I touch turns to dust, eventually.


How do you generally treat others?


I like, literally have to keep people at a distance. That's not a metaphor.


Are you a trusting person? Has your trust ever been abused?


Man, like every day. You have no idea.


Are you introverted (shy and withdrawn) or extroverted (outgoing)? Do you have a lot of self-confidence?


Confidence, yes. I extrovert as a defense mechanism, to keep the peace. But it's exhausting. So sometimes I introvert, just to try to avoid drama.


How do you act around attractive, available members of your preferred sex?


It's awful. If they get close, they'll hate me. Some time, I think I'll explode!


What are your most annoying habits?


Probably everyone thinks I'm a freak for how stand-offish I can be. But it's for everybody's protection.


Do you feel contempt for any general category of people? Who are they, and why?


Men that hit women. People that leave there kids. People that take there pain out on weaker people.


What is your favorite food? Do you prefer any particular type of food? Do you take the time to enjoy your food, or do you eat as fast as you can?


Dude. I frigging love gummy worms. I eat them with cereal. I eat them with chips. If people didn't think I was a freak for my powers, this is why they would shun me.


What is your favorite drink (alcoholic or otherwise)?


I could drink Yoohoo three times a day, easy.

What is your favorite treat (dessert)?


Oh wait, do I have to count gummy worms for this? They are more like, a staple for me. So I'm going to say chocolate for this one.


Are there any specific foodstuffs that you find disgusting or refuse to eat?


Pork belly is the worst thing ever.


What is your favorite color? Are there any colors you dislike?


Now it's black. Used to be green, though.


What sort of music do you like? Is there any that you hate?


I like dance music a lot.


If you have a favorite scent, what is it?




Do you have a favorite animal?


Squirrels! I love squirrels. They always stand up for themselves. And they are always saving things for later.


What is your most treasured possession? Why?


Sadly, the only thing I've been able to keep for any time is the special super suit I got from Claremont. Everything else just wears away.


Do you enjoy "roughing it", or do you prefer your creature comforts?


I like luxury. But again, that's more of a theory, because I've never really had it. Also, fancy stuff would disintegrate just as fast as cheap stuff, so . . . 


Is there a job or a task you would absolutely refuse to do?


I'd like to think I would never be like an oppressor or a killer.


Do you consider yourself a spiritual person? If so, how do your beliefs affect your life? How important is it to you?


Yes, definitely, but in a, like, very non-specific way.


Was your faith influenced or molded by anyone special?


When I was really young, my mom would read me religious stories. Wanted me to be a good person. That seems like forever ago.


If you belong to a religious organization, how often do you attend? Do you have a specific place of worship, or friends within the organization? How much do you agree with the beliefs of your organization?


Use to go to church sometimes. But it's not practical now, with my powers.


Could you kill? Have you killed?


I mean, physically, it would be very easy for me to kill. But I want to never do it, and hope I never have.


What circumstances led to you forming that conviction, or taking that action?


There's already so much suffering the world. And my powers are so destructive. If I were okay with killing, just imagine the monster I could become!


Are there circumstances under which you believe it is permissible to kill? What are they?


Wow, you're like, really obsessed with this question, you know? They would have to be extreme. Like, there was no other option available to prevent something even worse.


How would you react to watching someone kill another person? Would your reaction be different if the killer was a friend or an enemy of yours?


It would be really sad. How would I react? I don't know. Am I calm? Is it a heated moment?


How would you react if something important was stolen from you?


I feel like I don't have a lot, so it would be really tough. I could get angry or sad. Hopefully, I'd come out of it with a positive outlook. But that could take a while to get there.


How would you react to public humiliation?


This happens to me like every day. It stinks. But, I try not to take it personally. Most people really can't help but react really badly when they get close enough to feel my powers. I try not to blame them. But it's not easy.


How would you react if a good friend or relative were purposely or accidentally killed? Has it happened to you?


I would be so mad, I think. I would probably feel hopeless. What power do we have against mortality?


What do you consider to be the worst crime someone could commit and why?


I mean, there is no such thing as a "worst crime". Every crime you can imagine, you can imagine one a little bit worse, right? Maybe nuclear war?


If your life were to end in 24 hours, what five things would you do in those remaining hours?


Tell my mom I love her

Push myself to the absolute limit

Maybe volunteer for a suicide mission?

Disintegrate that disturbing statue of the giant bunny on Jefferson and Cook (morally, this would not be a crime)

Eat lots of gummy worms


Career & Training


I'm a sixteen year old high school student, yo.


Do you have any special training in your hero skills? If so, where and how did you get it?


Since I decided to be a superhero when I was twelve, I would sneak into junkyards and practice my moves on old beater cars. If I ever face a super villain based off a Ford Impala, they're toast.


Who taught you the most about your heroing abilities? What was your relationship with that person?


I mean, I haven't really had a mentor. Maybe that will happen now that I'm at Claremont.


Do you have any particularly unusual skills? How did you acquire them?


I mean, I can destroy matter with a thought. Or . . . without a thought. Because I'm a mutant freak.


Do you do something besides hero work for a living? Have you ever done anything else, or do you plan to?


I'm a high school student. My powers make normal life so very difficult. Superhero seems like the only good fit.


What is your preferred combat style?


Honestly, I like to get in close, and really give it to them. I get so drained always having to keep distance from people. But, if they're like, really quick, I can dissociate their molecules at a distance, too. Since my body appears to have adapted to my powers by becoming immune to physical harm, I don't really bother dodging, like hardly ever. Gym teacher says that's lazy. But if I don't dodge, then I'm already positioned for a counter-strike, right? Maybe when I start feeling the hits, I'll start dodging?


Have you ever received any awards or honours?


Umm, not yet?


What skill areas would you like most to improve in? Is there anything you can't do that you wish desperately you could?


If I could control my powers to not destroy everything I touch, I would be so pumped! Also, if there were some way to stop people from reacting so negatively once they get close enough to sense my powers, that would be even more amazing. But I'm not holding my breath on either of those.


How do you act around people who are more skilled than you in areas you'd like to improve? Are you jealous, or do you try and learn?


Like if someone could teach me how to reign in the negative aspects of my powers, I think I would join their cult. If they didn't have a cult yet, I would start their cult for them.


Lifestyle & Hobbies


I'm and avid hobbyist in the pass time of avoiding accidentally destroying things and people with my powers. It's kind of sad, but I have a rich imaginary life. I'm a daydreamer.


What is a normal day for you? How do you feel when something interrupts this routine?


Wake up in a crater where whatever I was sleeping on used to be. Find some loose clothing I can put over my super suit that the suit can use as a sacrifice to my powers so that I can end up not naked later in the day. Hydrate. Try to get my mom to wake up and actually go to work. Eat breakfast maybe. Go to school. Feel like less of a freak than normal while there. Pursue dream of becoming a superhero while not accidentally destroying or enraging other teenagers trying to do same. Eat lunch. Probably involving tater tots and gummy worms. Try to make friends. Try to get involved in extracurriculars. Apologize for whatever I destroy that day. Get teased and shunned. Go home. Bring mom home if she ends up somewhere messed up during the day. Try to find something for dinner. Study. Go to sleep, Ideally on a steel sheet on a the ground floor. Out on a gravel lot on warm days works too. Set alarm to wake up a couple times during the night to try to mitigate the unintended destruction during my sleep. So, the routine is a bit of a grind. A disruption could be good or bad, depending.


Do you have any hobbies, or interests outside hero work? What are they, and where did you pick them up?


I like all the normal things. I love interacting on my phone. Works way better than real life. I'm super careful to always use those gloves that you can swipe with, so the glove disintegrate, instead of the phone. But accidents happen. A lot. So I spend a lot of time without a phone too.


What do you do for fun?


If I can find a context where I can let loose with my powers, I really like that.


Do you have a costume? What does it look like?


My super suit is pretty basic and black body suit, little black mask. But, it's super awesome, because it's this super high tech smart nanomaterial that can redirect my destructive power to another object that it's touching. So, I can put on like a loose sweater or something over it, and the seater will wear away over the course of the day. But the suit will actually not get destroyed, which is like, a really, really big deal for me. I love this dang thing!


How do you normally dress when not in costume?


Well, like whatever I can find, knowing it won't last but a few hours before it's gone.


What do you wear to bed most nights?


This seems kind of like an inappropriate question. . . . But, it would be, like, not hygienic for me to wear my super suit literally all of the time. So I usually sleep without any clothing, because, it would just burn off before I wake up anyway.


Do you wear any special jewelry? What is it, and what does it look like?


Nope. Unless I want it to disintegrate.


Do you have a special place where you keep your valuables?


Not much in the way of valuables. Everything I touch crumbles to dust, remember?


What's your preferred means of local travel? How about long distance?


Honestly, since I started being able to fly, it's just way, way better. I would like catch the bus, but like sit on a newspaper, or keep on getting up and moving around to not wear through any of the seats. It's super embarrassing! 




When I was around ten, I got in trouble for being naked a lot, because I hadn't figured out the tricks to make sure all my clothes didn't disintegrate away before I could get to new ones. It was super awkward. Mom yelled at me, like, all the time.


Have you ever made a will, or tried to make arrangements for your death? What provisions did you make?


I have literally nothing to give away.


If your features were to be destroyed beyond recognition, is there any other way of identifying your body?


Um, I guess?


What would you like to be remembered for after your death?


Someone that really cared and helped people out. An advocate for the truth that nobody is disposable.


Do you believe you pose a threat to the public? Why or why not?


Um, 1,000% yes! Like every moment I'm worried about destroying something. What if some evil wizard or something mind-controlled me and set me loose? Bad news, right? But still, I'm a person and deserve to be free, right? I'm a good person and shouldn't be locked away, just because people are scared of me.


What do you perceive as your greatest strength?


I mean, seeing how crazy destructive and alienating my powers are, I think my greatest strength is that I am committed to being a good person anyway.


What do you perceive as your greatest weakness?


Wow. I feel a lot of strain on my mind a lot of the time. I'm worried that I might break and really do something super duper bad, like in the wrong context.


As a player, if you could, what advice would you give your character? Speak as if he/she were sitting right here in front of you. Use proper tone so they might heed your advice...


Seek the companionship of an indestructible yet emotionally mature sentient robot.


Edited by Huckleberry
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