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Posts posted by Shofet

  1. "The ah, Forever Boy, gotcha," Mia said, tilting her head. She considered Pan for a moment, wondering what his angle could be. He kind of gave her a bit of a Pan's Labyrinth vibe, now that she thought about it. 'Follow me, little girl, I'll show you a bunch of horrifying stuff and also Spanish fascism yadda yadda yadda...' She probably should have paid more attention when she watched that movie. 


    "Okay, sure, I'm down," Mia said with a shrug.


    "Whatcha got planned?" She realized that this was potentially a terrible idea, but she could teleport on out at any moment, right? Also she could blast him with the force of a Howitzer on steroids. Lots of potential exit strategies. 

  2. "Jesus, Judy, I mentioned that in confidence," Mia mumbled to herself, before looking up at Eira and sighing. "No, it was shoplifting. I, uh... Grew up poor and not allowed to use my whole..." She paused, and generated a small Funko pop style doll of Eira. "Matter thing." She laid the thing down on the table, sliding it over to Eira. "Go ahead, take it, it's genuine matter."


    "Can make anything I want, so long as it doesn't have a soul. Even elements they can only make in labs," she said. "Though, uh, can't make any precious metals, money or anything like that or the government will kick in my ribs." She had given the speech before, but she found it useful to point out. A few people were really into the idea of her making herself rich. 


    "What's your powers?"

  3. Mia was the first to arrive, after Eira. She had been interested in meeting the new student, mostly because she had heard little about her beyond the bad attitude. That intrigued her. The fact that this was a team-building day did not, really. She didn't know exactly why they were doing this now instead of at the start of the semester, but hey. Whatever, it was a credit.


    Heading into the room, she smirked as she saw Eira, taking a seat across from her. Mia was dressed fairly casually, wearing the new psychedelic hoodie she had gotten for Christmas from her dad, along with a set of faded jeans and a new set of cherry knockoff Doc Martens. She felt fairly fancy today, these were probably the most expensive pieces of clothing she had ever worn in her entire life. Sure, she could make stuff like this for free, but actually receiving it from her parents? That was special.


    "So, you're Eira," Mia said. "I'm Mia."

  4. Gabe rolls to counter - 23. He's safe. FOR NOW.


    Toughness save from Termita: 31. Still a tough lady. 


    I am going to give both characters present a hero point as I alter the scene to the bad guys' benefit. Now, a cop has been observing quietly, and Gabe has just noticed him. Wanting to go tit-for-tat, he envelops the officer and begins forcing his smokey self into the guy's lungs. Let's see if the cop can avoid the doomfart. As expected, he does not, with a 14. He makes his fort save... 10. 


    Well, police officer's constitution isn't doing very well. 

    Angela isn't going to do much beyond let her boyfriend know that he's proooobably going too far? 

    Soliton is going to remember she's a teleporter and is thus going to teleport down, grab the officer, and then yoink him out of there. And I just confirmed AoO don't exist so that's pretty neat and doesn't ruin any plans I have at all.

  5. The Meta-Naut


    "Sure can," the Meta-Naut said, walking over to the one she had blasted in the arm and crouching down over him. "They were insulting us earlier. They're pretty confident in themselves in general, seems like, which is pretty rich for a bunch of losers who had to attack from the shadows."


    She walked over to the one she had shot in the arm, leaning over top of him. "I'm about to heal him, so I'd be ready in case he pulls any dumb stunts," she said, leveling the healing gun to his head.


    Once Justice was in position, she began bombarding the archer with healing energy, before she quickly shifted her healing gun back to blaster mode, keeping it leveled at his face. She didn't actually intend to do anything but knock him out again if he attacked, but he didn't have to know that.


    "Hey," she said in their language. "Wake up. We got some questions to ask you."

  6. Mia smirked at Micah. "If you need any stockings, just lemme know, I can conjure up a pair. Any time," she said.


    Micah seemed nice enough, a good guy, but she wished she was hanging out with him on different terms. The whole set-up was a little off-putting, but she knew Judy's heart was in the right place. It always was. Still, though, the idea of sitting through a three hour movie - while entirely sober! - was a fairly daunting proposition.


    Mia knew it wasn't accurate, but she was just wearing a toga, one with some purple on it, the kind senators wore, because why not, really? How many historians were there going to be to tell her girls couldn't wear a toga? Most of the girls were probably wearing them too.


    Heading on in, she waved at Judy. "Yo," she said. "We are here and ready to watch."


    She nodded at the father as well.

  7. "I'm suddenly really glad I'm not wearing one'a my band shirts," Serena remarked. Revealed on her back were more tattoos that Lynn had never seen before, some of which were definitely old stick and pokes. One was a roughly made heart with an arrow through it on her shoulder, with faded names that were now illegible, while a much nicer looking small one detailed a woman holding a billowing red and black flag


    Then she shivered. Not at the massage, but at Lynn's correction. Okay, a little at the massage. But her mind raced at the possibility, before it all melted away thanks to whatever it was Lynn was doing to her back. She exhaled sharply, and almost sounded like she was deflating. 


    "Okay, yeah, I could do with more of this," Serena mumbled. "I swear, yer good at so many things."


    "Mmf, thank you, Lynn. I know I'm... Oh, okay, something popped just there... Kind of a birthday hater but this... I appreciate this," she said, sounding relaxed for the first time that night.

  8. Serena pouted. "Don' call me kiddo," she said under her breath, but she wasn't able to hold onto the sentiment for long because what Lynn did next took most of her attention. The idea of a massage was not one that she expected to come up tonight.


    "Ah, I mean, ah... I mean, alright!" Serena stuttered, removing her hoodie but leaving her shirt on as she walked over to the table, looking back at Lynn for a moment, before laying down on top of it, face down as instructed.


    This one threw her for a loop. She wasn't entirely sure what to make of this entire situation, especially as Lynn had turned her down earlier and was now giving her a massage. She told herself she was the one making this weird, not Lynn, and just tried to go with it. Lynn was a free spirit and this fit her MO, anyway.


    "Alright, I'm complyin', officer," she joked, her accent momentarily becoming even thicker than it normally was. "So what's the procedure here? Because I have never done this."

  9. "The Knights, the Interceptors. Don't even have a name for our group. We're just the Group That Bails Serena Out of Her Mess," Serena said. "I guess you're right, they're not perfect, but... Ionno. I still feel like a screw up in comparison. I've never managed to do anything right. I messed up my whole life by being young, dumb and angry, and then I messed up my daughter's life by being too afraid of the consequences of what I did, and now... I just don't feel very heroic."


    "I'm sorry, I am being a huge downer. Like I said, I know I did well for myself, but you spend most of your childhood with people who tell you you're not good enough or you're not their REAL kid so you better remember to behave yourself oand you end up with... Self esteem issues, I guess. MAN. The 80s foster care system sucked. Especially in Jersey."


    Serena poured herself a double shot and downed.


    "I'm trying. I really am."

  10. Corona


    Serena finally managed to get control of herself after two bags, taking deep breaths to ensure she was fine. Then, she looked over at Facsimile, giving him a weak smile. "Uh, well, Akhona is going to have to go ahead and land us in a few hours, but unfortunately, we don't really know what's down there. I'm gonna go ahead and assume Wu's got guys who'll be there to meet us at the landing site, which means, uh... Probably should... Urp... I'm fine, just gimme a second... Okay. We're going to want our sturdier people leaving the ship first, and then squishier people firing from behind," she said.


    "So that'd probably be me... you, Facs... and Black Mamba? I can soak some pretty heavy damage, part of my whole... It's so my powers don't turn me into a hunka carbon every time I use them. And Facs, well we all know your whole shtick here, while uh... Well Mamba's got power armour. Right? That's power armour."


    She leaned back in her chair. "Once we're in, we're gonna try to neutralize Heather and Wu. Gonna hafta be careful. I'm pretty sure she's gonna try and mind control one of us into fighting the others."

  11. Soliton


    Mia stared at the boy, trying to figure out what to make of him. She'd seen him in the halls before, but beyond that hadn't interacted with him in the slightest. Which made her a little bit wary, all things considered.


    "So, like, I don't really know you at all, and just, uh... Not really inclined to just go off and do stuff when I don't even know your name, you know? Do you even know mine? What's going on here?"


    She realized she might come off as rude here, but by the same token even Mia wasn't keen to run off somewhere without knowing what was going on, teleportation powers or not. 

  12. The Meta-Naut


    Get the dealer? The Meta-Naut could do that. Flying up into the air, the Meta-Naut put herself high above the fray as her translucent tractor beam-caster materialized over her hand. She took aim at the dealer, an evil grin on her face as she fired it out, enveloping the man in its power.


    "Gotcha!" She cried, using the beam to reel her target in.


    "Hey, so I got you now, so... What do you think? Should I use you to wail on the other guys or should we fly up like a thousand feet and I can practice my juggling. Oh, oh, or you could call off your guys and I don't have to do either of those things. Up to you, but I am pretty partial to the first option."

  13. The Meta-Naut


    As the last of them dropped, the red mist departed her. She looked down over the bodies, and sighed to herself, realizing she had really lost her head there. Grimacing, the Meta-Naut descended towards her wounded friend, looking more serious.


    "Hey, we have to move quick, but stand still for a second," she said as her translucent blaster morphed into a more medical looking device.


    She pressed it against the hero, and began releasing vita-rays into her. "Here, this should help stimulate healing. It's not the best, but it is good in a pinch," she said as she looked over at one of the goons. "Should I heal up one of them for interrogation?"

  14. "I think... once Mia's old enough, I might stop doing the whole 'secret identity' thing. Or maybe not. It really depends on who I am protecting. Like...  I don't really act different in costume anyway, and the government definitely already knows since they have that file on me from when I was.... Y'know, Revolt," she said, staring at her reflection in the glass. "Man, if I could go back in time... Ehhh, I dunno."


    She fished out a piece of fried chicken and waved it around. "I mean, I've done pretty well for myself despite the weirdness. Made a lot of new friends now that I'm doing this, uh... Helped a lot of people, but... It's not something I was really ready for. I was just going to do small time stuff. Help out of the little guy, y'know? Stop muggings, maybe intervene when a cop starts to do the whole police brutality thing, that sort of stuff. Instead, I've gone from street level to like... This feels like Freedom League stuff. And I'm not Freedom League. They're all perfect and understanding and kind... They had the Centurion with'em and I'm just some lady who can throw star-stuff at people and used to rob banks."


    "Maybe this is penance. Used to be a little brat, and now I have to deal with my ex-best friend trying to turn people's brains into pudding and save her kids from whatever crazy crap she has going on," she mused to herself.


    "I'd be lying if I said there wasn't this... desire to run and hide and just go back to delivering stuff out of the back of my car, or waitressing, or... Anything but this. Wasn't great, but you know, I wasn't afraid I was going to die."

  15. Soliton


    Mia stared down the note, wondering exactly what "having some fun" entailed. The thought that someone had noticed her crossed her mind, quickly followed by the thought that someone was messing with her. She mulled it over for a moment. If someone was messing with her, she could just teleport back to class... Yeah, sure, why not? Rather than make any sort of excuse, she just wouldn't show up. Students did it sometimes. She hadn't, yet, but she probably afford the "absent", right? It was harder at a boarding school, but... hey.


    She was briefly stopped by the thought of her parents looking disappointed, but she pushed that aside. Hey, they were already disappointed by the whole 'thief' thing anyway. What more was there to lose at this point? Jeez, Mia, maybe you should visit the school counselor, she thought to herself.


    Heading outside, she looked around, hands jammed in her pockets. "Hello? This better not be you messing with me, because I can totally teleport out of here, or like... summon a whole bunch of bear mace in your vicinity. So... you know. Don't be mean," she said.

  16. The Meta-Naut


    Raya cackled as she hit the one who had mocked her. Yet as one of the arrows struck Justice, she went right back to seething. Not only were they insulting her, they were attacking her friend.


    Levelling her blaster at the arm the guy used to pull back the bowstring, she fired. Her thinking was that by doing so, she might prevent him from using that bow arm for a while even after he woke up, if this stunned him. Make sure he wasn't a threat. He'd lost his arm privileges, basically.


    "Hey!" She shouted in their language. "I can keep shooting all day unless you start surrendering!"

  17. Corona


    Serena felt exhausted. Her body was sore and tired from the pressure exerted on her by the take-off, while the magnitude of what she had just done still weighed heavily on her mind. She looked down at the blue orb beneath them, though, and felt a sense of wonder she hadn't felt in ages.


    And nausea. Terrible nausea. She reached under her seat to produce a brown paper bag, held it open up to her face, and let go. She took a moment to look inside, cursed herself for doing so, and then dropped it down a chute to the ship's disposal.


    "Uagh," she said, still sounding queasy. "We're actually in space. How am I going to explain this to Mia? To my dad?"


    She looked down at the Earth again and for a moment was filled with that wonder again. "God, that's our home," she said. "Gorgeous. Really gorgeous and --hurk" she said as she reached for another bag.


  18. GM


    Now that the matter was settled, the group was ushered onto the spaceship. While the exterior was very much Buck Rogers, the interior was definitely state of the art, with modern screens and devices staring back at the heroes. Their seats were reinforced to stand the intense force of leaving the atmosphere, and had thick straps to keep them in their seat while they were still going up. Breathing masks hung in reach in case anyone needed them, connected to tubes going up into the ceiling.


    "Alright, you're ready for blast-off," Rachel's voice crackled over the communicator.


    The takeoff process was rough. It felt like the Earth itself was trying to crush them, one last desperate attempt to keep the heroes from leaving her surface. Then they rose up, and surged up into the air, rocketing towards the void. That portion lasted hours, until they finally broke free of the atmosphere, drifting amongst the stars, the Earth below them shining blue in infinite black. Suddenly, everyone felt weightless in their seats.


    "Alright! I just got notified you're up in orbit. Now all you need to do is have Akhona take over and bring you to the point I've showed you here," Rachel's voice crackled as a screen showed their destination. "Then you'll be able to fly over to the Moon. Not detecting any weird activity on the surface, which I hope means your landing should be pretty easy."


    Then, the artificial gravity engaged, bringing them all back to their normal weights.


    "With the artificial gravity on, you can walk around now, use the bathroom, stuff like that. Anyway, good luck everyone."

  19. The Meta-Naut


    Raya suddenly felt her eye twitch beneath her helmet visor. She clenched her teeth, then she took a moment to confirm just who had the stones to mock her. The blaster around her hand changed shape, somewhat, taking on a more martial air as she leveled it at the enemy. They were going to regret this.


    "OH YEAH?" she spat, her translator changing her speech into their tongue. "WELL LET'S SEE HOW FUNNY YOU FIND THIS!"


    She fired off her blast, aiming it directly for the groin of her mocker. She had no idea if there was even anything there, but she really hoped there was. It was a spectacularly spiteful move, but Raya Wells was a spectacularly spiteful person when needled, and oh boy was she needled. 

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