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Blue Rose

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Posts posted by Blue Rose

  1. Silvia was already in motion when her quarry starts to run, but too slow; the wall is already up, and she's seen teleporters on more than one occasion. Odds are, that scientist is gone.

    Which makes things simple.

    She turns to the woman who made the wall in the first place and raises a single finger, pointing at the console she's operating. She can't sell the weapon, and control panels are cheap. At best, she might be able to sell its power core, but even that's not going to be enough to break even after the damages to her ship, so right about now, she doesn't particularly care about damage to the gear. Instead, she gathers the same tiny bullet of air and wills it forward, tearing towards the control panel.

    "You may deal with me." She draws her sword.

  2. Sam slows down and lets Tona recover. She's been making those jumps since before she even came to Earth, so she's barely phased, and she'd forgotten what it can do to someone who wasn't used to it. And she has no objection to the position, besides.

    When Tona sinks, Sam crouches down next to her, to avoid mussing her clothes. They should have a few minutes of peace to talk, so she trusts Tona to have 'em back up when Changeling gets closer. "Yeah," she answers, not particularly awed by the notion. "My weirdness is magic." Her word for most powers. "Science doesn't know how to do most of what I do yet. Especially not well. It's a perk of being able to tell the laws of physics where to stick it. Even if they make me take physics anyways."

  3. As Tory speaks up, four crewmembers come in bearing furniture. An well-dressed elderly gentleman- the only one without furniture- who overheard the request opts to answer. "My apologies, gentlemen, but the crew, captain included, is dining at the moment."

    The other three come in, bringing in a pair of more comfortable chairs and a cart bearing the same meal being served above. The door to the cell wasn't even locked. "Please, enjoy your meal; the captain shall be with you shortly."

    And with that, the group leaves, closing (but not locking) the door behind them, and taking the guard with them to give the duo some alone time. It's looking more and more unlikely that they even have anything to spill, unfortunately.

    Silvia, meanwhile, continues eating. She contributes little to the conversation, distracted by her spying, but they don't have a great deal of information to share yet anyways. They're on their way to get answers, after all.

    Unless her guests start misbehaving, she has no intention of going to them until everyone has finished eating.

  4. She knows she shouldn't, but Sam can't help but laugh at Tona trying to fiddle with technology. But she takes the phone and takes a look. "I think I know phones, yes." She drops her veil entirely as Changeling leaves the lot and gets to work, going on the assumption someone helped her set the tracker up, which means they probably put an app on her smart phone, and anyone who knows Tona would make sure to keep it simple, so she just goes through looking for anything weirder than Bejeweled, and... "Here we go."

    She finds the app, opens it up, and a couple button-presses later, she has it. A map with a moving, numbered red dot. "Found her. And she already told us where she's going." She starts moving, "C'mon, I'll get us to her."

    Sam leads Tona to a dark, secluded corner behind a building, which just so happens to be well away from prying eyes. "Now, give me your hand," she commands, suddenly realizing what this must sound like. She starts to clarify, but instead just swallows and blushes, taking the hand and getting on with business. "N-now just relax. This'll be... weird. And I need to make a stop first." With that, a sudden coldness washes over the pair, and from where Tona sits, it looks like the shadows just grew around her, swallowing her. The sensation only lasts a moment, and then, black.

    "Stay still a sec, Tona," Sam says before calling out, "JUST DROPPING SOMETHING OFF REAL QUICK!" in case her roommate's still in. She slips her hand out of Tona's and takes off her vest; she has a feeling she won't be able to wear it much longer, and she'd rather not carry it all day. "Oh, careful you don't stare at my back. Magic tattoo. Not dangerous, but it'll give you a headache." And with that, she reaches for Tona again, missing her hand and grabbing her wrist. The cold comes and goes again, and this time, they're across town. Specifically, behind the main dumpsters for the Hanover Zoo; one of the little nooks in the city Sam'd scoped out in advance, so she's not hopping around blind. Not quite where they wanted to go, but close enough, and they have a few minutes before Changeling gets to the Promenade.

    As she steps out of the shadowy corner, still leading Tona by the wrist, all she can do is offer an old woman (at least forty) nearby a nervous smile as they're noticed. She offers Tona the phone back, hoping she's confident enough to try and following the map (once it finishes reestablishing a signal and recalculating their position). She needs to work with modern tech more.

  5. "We have doors," Sam mentions as Tona starts squeezing through the window. "Or, y'know, I can just-" Tona's out and gone. "Or not."

    She shrugs, drops the blinds, and heads back across the room to hit the lights, casting shadows across the room. Shadows she uses to cross campus her own way, as she slips between them and ends up behind a wall near the parking lot.

    There aren't a lot of ways Changeling can get here, so she walks over to a bench near the campus' main exit, keeping her eyes open for her and Tona. And in the meantime, she opts to put in the extra effort towards not being seen, extending her will upon everyone in the area. She's quite visible, but she simply chooses not to let others notice her. If she could, she'd limit it to Changeling, but she can't spare the moment it would take to notice her.

    And now, the waiting game. Always the worst part of a job, in her experience, but it doesn't pay to move before you get your break.

  6. Sam had already done the math on the tents. It was obviously going to be either individual or boy tent/girl tent, and there's a teacher here, but it's nice to dream. She grabs her scarf from a side-pouch and puts it on. Not to hide anything, of course; it's cold out.

    She clears her throat and latches onto the first available change in subject. "I don't think I've ever tried rabbit." And, as she drops her pouch (having walked the rest of the way there), she's not entirely sure she will this trip. She has faith in Tona, sure, but she's not the outdoorsy type, and catching and prepping meat on the spot seems kind of out there to her. Hence her pack being filled with enough canned food to get the group through the weekend. Or maybe she's wrong and they can try rabbit with pineapple.

    Tents, however, she trusts. Sticks and connectors and fabric. She knows how those work. Probably not well enough to go without looking at the directions, but she tries anyways. "So..." she asks, inserting tab A into slot B, "did you do this sort of thing a lot, y'know, where you come from?" She didn't know much about where Tona was from, and it seemed like a touchy subject. Or maybe Sam was just projecting.

  7. Sam gets out of the van, not in much rush, tossing her own backpack over her shoulder and stepping out into Mother Nature's loving embrace. There are trees. And rocks. And a patch of dirt. And more trees. And this is going to be so boring. Subito's itinerary doesn't improve things, either.

    Why did I come here, again? she thinks to herself, her eyes falling on Tona as she visibly perks up and calls back. Oh yeah.

    She hustles, her pack (smaller than most of the group's) slowing her down. In this weather, this far in the middle of nowhere, she has to bundle up. Poofy powder blue winter jacket over a sweatshirt over a long-sleeve shirt over a short-sleeve shirt over under armor, her lower body slightly less insane. She's not about to claw her way out of that with any haste.

    Having no idea what to do next, and having no desire to follow anyone into the forest to do what looks like real work, she waddles after Tona. "So, we do tents first?" she asks.

  8. Sam gets there last, a way-too-heavy bag in each hand. She bursts in, kicking the door open and just as quickly whirling around to push it shut, thinking to herself this escape plan is going smooth as glass, for something slapped together on the spot.

    She sets the bags down, one hand on the light switch, the other reaching out to her friends. "Okay, all here. There's an alley nearby, so take my hand and I can zap us all over there, then we get in the car, get it back to the alley, and I have us all back on campus before the po-"

    She cuts herself off short, finally noticing Tona and the others. "-oh. Um..." She tries to shift gears. "Are... you... okay?" she asks, trying to string together something personable and supportive instead, backed up by a bit of nervous giggling.

  9. Her foe defeated, Silvia's gaze turns towards Voltage's fight. An adequate showing, not a matter she need interfere with, which frees her up for other tasks.

    "Follow when you finish your dance. I shall leave a trail."

    With that, she sheathes her sword and closes her eyes, concentrating her energies and tracking their rude host by sound alone. Then, suddenly, the pressure in the room crashes, popping her companion's ears as she gathers a raging ball of mist in her hand. A beat and she thrusts that ball at the concrete and is spirals upon itself, birthing the bastard spawn of a drill and a tornado, tearing through everything in its path, its vacuum drawing Silvia along all the way to Green's apparent safe room. Or doom room. Whatever it is, she can figure that out later, as she floats over the still-deepening hole she's dug. As dust settles, hair and cape blow in the still swirling draft.

    "To abandon guests who have traveled so far?" she asks nonchalantly. "In some circles, that might be considered rude."

  10. Down. Down. Sam looks around for the runaway friend, not expecting to see much. She got him but good. Time to regroup and- bam! Tona bolts. Her eyes are two steps ahead, to the bathroom, and she puts two and two together, maybe getting five; time to go.

    She steps back into the backstage shadows she came from, falling through the void and coming out in the crowds right next to Cerys and Mali, before all Hell breaks loose. "Time to go! Mali, pick one and grab 'im. We regroup, I'll evac."

    She was taught many things in her former 'job.' When and how to grab the goods and get the Hell out of Dodge is one she learned best. And considering she hasn't had the best of experiences when cops hit the scene, especially if AEGIS is brought in?

    She breaks into a full sprint, but turns on a dime to grab Cerys and Tona's bags before continuing after her friend.

  11. The retort causes Silvia pause. Either it is beyond terrible at banter or something ominous is going on. But there's nothing for that now. As the sky explodes and the thing is blown back, she walks calmly towards him, looking him over. An odd invention. He might be worth a coin to somebody, if it can be dismantled. She walks right up to him calmly, then sweeps out its ankle, bringing the hilt of her sword to the side of its head and slamming it to the ground with a crash.

    That taken care of, she steps back to make sure Voltage doesn't suddenly get trounced by his dance partner, and make sure this one isn't about to explode or anything unfortunate.

  12. "I have a way, don't worry," Sam answers. "We may even get there before she does." After all, the entire city's just a step away, and she knows a few good places on the Promenade. Though it can't hurt to scout a few more.

    "C'mon, if we just get in the hallway..." she begins, gesturing her friend along, but stops herself. Apparently, there's actual business to be had outside the window, though she has no idea what that might be. "Here, let me," she says, nudging Tona aside and taking a look at the window, unconsciously slipping into her 'professional' mode as she assesses it. "These don't get used much. Tend to build up crud, get jammed. Need to do a little..." A series of soft taps at strategically selected points to loosen the buildup, a slow controlled turning of the levers, then a tentative rise bit by bit for that first couple inches and the window is open almost without noise.

    Then, she realizes what she's doing. She's not shy about her particular 'talents,' but usually she shows them off on purpose, not out of hand, and the realization leaves her blushing as she just lifts the thing the rest of the way with a whoosh, grinning dopily and failing to beat down a giggle.

  13. The creature thrusts straight for the heart, only to have what could have been a killing blow casually knocked aside. "Pshaw. Amateur." The parry sends the thing off balance as she steps past, then seeing Voltage faring well she throws her weight back against her own dance partner, sending him stumbling along a few steps further, lining up a clean shot.

    She raises her blade high and brings it down, calling forth the gale once more, ripping and tearing at both her enemies, and hopefully taking out the metal man. Preferably before taking down the building.

  14. "Schoolwork on a Sunday," Sam whines. Not that it's particularly rare, but usually, there's a chance of actual crime-fighting, not just a game of tag.

    But, she gets up and stretches out a bit, ready for the game to suddenly and unexpectedly begin without adequate explanation. "So, what're the rules and how do we win?" She sizes up the opposition, knowing full well looks don't count for much. But if she doesn't know which of the girls is which, then she probably doesn't know what they can do. After all, if she knew anything about that, she'd have pegged Tona by the big bag of gear.

    Though that makes the whole exercise a bit odd. The powers and skills change everything about the chase, and if she doesn't know that...

    Her mind keeps working overtime, looking for the trick. One way or another, that's what this is all about, after all. Once she figures that out, she's won.

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