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Posts posted by Quinn

  1. "At it again, Harper?"


    A snarled voice came from a nearby doorway - the entrance to the gymnasium and exercise building. A click of boot heels on pavement, a rustle of cloth against metal; they saw more than a few students give the approaching figure a wide berth. For reasons that became obvious, once a low hum could be heard.


    He was medium-height, and lanky. Fairly well-built, going by his shoulders and chest; though those were slightly obscured by the humming metal vest he was wearing. Below that was a worn Claremont-colors t-shirt, and a pair of blue jeans below that, with the clicking coming from a genuine pair of cowboy boots on his feet. His arms were exposed, even in the cold snap of winter, but he didn't seem to have any goosebumps. On top of his head was a wide-brimmed hat, a finger on his hand pushing up the brim to show a scowling young face. He might have been handsome, if it wasn't for that twist to his mouth; clean-shaven, strong chin, tanned skin. Though the red eyes were a bit odd...


    "I been havin' a bad day, chum. A real bad day. An' now I come out an' find ya harassin' somebody else?" He inhaled, his scowl softening. Slightly. "Why don't ya just dry up, an' scram."

  2. Okay! No problem with the Notice + Drive check - you easily avoid the suddenly-tweaked lights that send stopped cars roaring forward on those side streets (causing no end of traffic jam when they realize the lights were kerfrakked) - and you get ahead of the racing Mini Coopers! Post IC accordingly!


    KD, you hear/spot something other than the lights behind you going haywire, causing the police to get caught up in traffic. There's a crackling over your comms link, and you're hearing something...odd...like a couple of overlayed voices. Someone else using that kind of radio, perhaps? Post IC accordingly!

  3. Stepping forward as the smoke finally dispersed, she was confronted with the sight of...




    Ever see old-school cartoons? Usually featuring opera singers copying Wagner, in a horned helmet, spear, and breastplate, built like brick outhouses, yelling at the top of their lungs?


    Picture that, except Arabian-flavored. The distinctly female figure floating in midair (and taking up nearly half the room!) half-smoke half-human, was clad in voluminous robes that nonetheless ill-hid the sheer size of her bust and healthy waistline, which bounced with every rolling laugh that filled the room. She wasn't laughing now, admittedly, instead staring at the tiny (relatively) Grimalkin in what could only be described as abject shock.




    She swelled up, seemingly in fury, cheeks puffing, face turning red...


    Before doing what could only be described as deflating. The fury and bombast drained out of the genie like she'd been pricked with a pin, shoulders slumping, eyes watering, lower lip wobbling. "...how?"


    Morgan seemed to be gamely shaking his head, even as Gretchen leaned down. Aye, he had the signs of a concussion; but those gritted teeth and focused eyes distinctly spoke to someone who wasn't going to let that slow him down. She saw him use the wall to start getting himself up; gesturing for Gretchen to get behind him. "Able. Didn't know that was in there?"

  4. Morgan whipped 'round, staring at...The Sidhe? The Sidhe. The Sidhe saw red lined runes burn underneath that black hood, the scent of wood smoke filling the air as said smoke curled up and floated into the air, lending a somewhat hellish mien to the Cowl's appearance. He felt a gaze rake him up and down - even as other heroes appeared - like he was being weighed, measured, evaluated, scanned, searched, rendered into component pieces and reassembled - a scrutiny that was by no means pleasant, and by no means likely to end well if either party decided to make a point of it.


    Cannonade might have noticed the Crow-glare was still alive and well.


    "...no, you aren't." Came a dry tone. The cowl crossing his arms, and stepping back to put his back against a tree. "...A Sidhe. Grammar fixed."


    His shoulders shook, once, with a low chuckle. It disappeared as quickly as the hellish red, and the wood-smoke. In turn, he noted Gabriel's side-eye, and gave a quiet nod - a small gesture of respect, his hands taken out of his sleeves, and kept in view of the heavenly hero. Woodsman got an evaluating look as well, and a tiny approving nod too. Nods were his stock in trade, it seemed. Stealth like that was damned good, you gave it credit when you saw it. Grim, though, wrought a bit of caution in his body language. Too much fey business going on here for the half-blood's liking, too much.


    Still, no call for hucking knives around or starting Let's You And Him Fights. Shut up, Eye.


    "...all here for the same thing." A look around. He was reminded of the gathering of heroes, before the Public Anomie Affair; at least this time he wasn't jumping jelly-kneed between a pair of heroes about to take a swing at each other! "...cooperate? Cover more ground in park that way."


  5. Early evening, and not a criminal in sight.


    Morgan hopped another rooftop, before disappearing in the blink of an eye and reappearing - balanced on an elaborate wrought-iron street lamp. He let his shoulders dip just a bit, leaned his head forward; appearing for all the world to be either an elaborate addition to the lamp, or some nightmarish equivalent to a vulture.


    Times like these, affecting the brooding loner bit was more entertaining than what was happening on the ground. A sigh, he knew he should have stuck to the Downtown or Waterfront tonight. At this rate he'd be getting to Nick's for his mid-patrol cinnamon bun and black tea hours ahead of schedule. Granted, a hero wishing for criminals to appear or run about harassing folk wasn't exactly overly Centurion-y of him, but he figured the greatest of the greats had his smudges sometimes, right?




    On the positive side, the snow covering the Park was absolutely beautiful - just a pristine blanket of white, marred only by a few sets of footy-prints on the perfect surface. Well, there might have been chaps up to mischief in there, maybe; you could always find a prowler or two amongst the trees lurking. The mask under his hood glowed slightly as he panned it left and right, halting on a large, extremely muscled figure looming ominously amongst the pines. A grin. Sweet. Big guys like that were the best of the superstitious, cowardly lot. He vanished again, this time appearing in the middle of the path before him, hand outstretched, fingers sparking, face shadowed, GRIM REAPER ARRIVETH-style. Something in Hemingway today, he thought.


    "DOST THOU KNOW WHEN THE BELL TO-oh. Hey, Cannon."

  6. Morgan's vision was swimming - she could see his eyes focus and unfocus - before a sharp strike to his cheek from his own hand got his head back on straight. "...no...fine..." Deep breath. "...ow..."


    While she was checking his face, the aforementioned Genie; itself still obscured - and now taking up about half the room in smoke, spark, and IRON. HARD. ABS. - was striking another pose. The booming voice echoing, causing the very windows to rattle, the papers on her desk to go flying, and her teeny-tiny faerie ears to ring!



  7. Oh, he loved it when they were interested. He cracked his knuckles, taking the bobby pins. "Okay, so most magic is pretty overt if you know what to look for. Always on, right? I can't sense it like a proper wiz, but the gloves popping off like that says ward-on, apply directly to magic."


    With an oddly deft hand, he started working at the lock - with a steady click-click-click sound. "Beautiful thing about runes? They're like anti-virus programs, off until you need them. Means often, they're below the radar, your average baddo can't see or sense 'em. Means your happy little burglar's working away at the lock, doesn't know he's tripping the rune, and the alarm." Smirk. "Which means here's Johnny Robber getting his rocks off breaking his picks or ruining his clippers, and doesn't know it's because of the magic little dingus in the ba-"



    Well. That was...unexpected. One moment he'd been happily working away - the next, there was a sharp scream from the metal on the back of the safe, a twist and a crunch - and then an earsplitting blast that sent the young man bouncing across the floor, to impact into the wall; face covered in soot. A massive voice rung through the office, clear and unmerciful, echoing with the sound of ages!


    "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH-OY!" Crack. "TEN! THOUSAND! YEEEEEEARS! Will give you such a crick in the neck!"


    A figure, rather well-framed and broad of shoulder, could be seen in the smoke; stretching and waving, the squat block of the safe right underneath it.

  8. "Oh, for a claymore and a machine gun prosthetic." He finished, dryly - though he did sneak a few covert glances. Redhead. She had to go for redhead. Oy.


    "So, layman's terms, what I'm doing is basically the equivalent of taking a computer program or a DVD and sliding it into a computer. Your systems are already set up, see - I'm just installing a new program." A hand snaked into his bag and popped out one of those stencils, followed by a spray-paint can. "What we have here-" Morgan held up the stencil, a rune that looked like a very straight lightning bolt. His other hand shaking about, the spray-paint going shooka-shooka-shooka. "-is an Eihwaz rune. Eihwaz, not Ehwaz. Veeeery different. Defense, trustworthiness, protection, motivation. Fun fact, I've actually recorded a minor efficiency increase when security guards carry stones with these in their pockets." Grin.


    He slapped the stencil on. "So, slap this on, empower with a bit of the local ambient power, salt to taste with my own paint mixture and the flakes of the connecting runestones, and hey presto - you've got a basic protection on your safe. Thieves'll find their tools breaking, mishearing combination clicks, or worst-case, the safe'll seal shut. Pain in the butt for you, sure, but they won't have what's in it." Shooka-shooka-shooka.


    "Oh, and remember, NEVER get one of these stencils reversed. Reversed rune does the exact opposite - in our Eihwaz's case, confusion, destruction, and fallibility. You'd be like to have the safe collapse on you." Chuckle. "Anywho..." PSHHHHT.


    The paint was a dark green, hard to see against the safe - but it glistened only for a few seconds. Morgan muttered a few words in the Ould Gaelic, pushing the safe door shut and locking it - before reaching and tapping his fingers onto the rune. A faint glow, and the safe just seemed...realer. Like it was just that much more...solid.


    A satisfied nod, and he rapped on the top with his knuckles. "Oookay...so, quick-and-dirty like that oughta last you...oh, about a day, maybe two. Either of you have a pair of bobby pins you wouldn't mind losing?"

  9. She saw the door to the staircase swinging, when she came out - following in and...there he was. Just inside the door; just out of sight. Thumping his head against the wall. His hat was hanging in his hand, his other holding the half-melted plastic bag; smushed chips visible, along with a slightly cracked Tupperware container. Just thump. Thump. Thump.


    "...stupid. Stupid. Stupid."


    A distinctly frustrated look - a familiar one to everyone who knew him - was across his face. His head thumps intensified for a moment, before he outright punched the wall; eyes sparking again. "Damnit!"

  10. Okay! Here's Da Rulez.


    The phonebooth has one turn before it falls into the water - which would be bad - and is currently sealed shut thanks to a bent/smashed door. Strength checks to haul the thing up or pull it open, or Dexterity checks to smash the windows, or whatnot, are acceptable; be inventive! Just make note that you'll be behind in the pursuit if you stop to help it. :)


    The fireworks are a hazard, and a big one. Drivers as they pass it will need to make a Drive check not to take some vehicular damage (some of those fireworks are shooting sideways), let's say Blast 5 - but poor Miracle Girl in the air is dealing with the things after they start exploding. Reflex check, DC 18, to avoid a Blast 8!


    And finally, for those who want to keep on the Veyron (otherwise it'll get a lead on you guys), roll a Drive check (Ace), OR an Acrobatics check (Thoughtspeed), to follow him through the displays. Failure will mean damaging some innocent student's artwork! Miracle Girl don't give no fraks in this case, she can flyyyyyyy.

  11. The presence of the heroes went unnoticed - briefly - the drivers more concerned with the police than anything else. Of course, that changed dramatically in short order; Miracle Girl having probably a moment of amusement seeing two infrared heads whip round to stare at the oncoming Dangermobile. Veteran vehicle like that, any car thief would have given their right arm to pinch it. Or their left arm to have it go away in a pursuit. In turn, she saw the driver of the Veyron actually poke his head out of his car; a Freedom City baseball cap atop a surprisingly distinguished-looking face. A graying beard, craggy face, and a nonplussed look at her; before he simply tipped his hat, and tugged his head back in.


    Naturally, that's when everything went sideways in a handbasket.


    The Lamborghini took the initiative in shaking off pursuit - deliberately swerving to sideswipe a phonebooth (they still had those?) - the sheer speed of the vehicle causing the thing to literally go flying sideways; phone cord underneath spooling out fast. It toppled off the edge of the Boardwalk, the little old lady inside flailing and trying to push out of the dented door!


    The Ferrari was even less subtle - with Miracle Girl flying above the lead, he ploughed clean through another stand...except this one wasn't selling Centurion shirts. As if guided by a mischevious god, the stand he'd ploughed through started to spark and fume, and a metric ton of fireworks just blazed up and exploded above the Boardwalk - illuminating the whole area with colorful lights, sparks, and mayhem - and making the air a whole lot more hazardous!


    The Veyron chose a different pursuit as his competitors swerved and smashed - instead swinging into a bootlegger turn, roaring through an art display from the University of Freedom. Deft maneuvers sent him swinging and swerving through the sculptures and displays; moving about like on a slalom course - forcing any direct pursuers to be very careful in how they went through!

  12. Oh thank God, they were talking business now. Morgan didn't bother trying to force Gretchen to meet his eyes, instead letting out a long rush of air and popping up to his feet - adopting a perky (...no, not crazed) look that even the Perennially Preposterously Peppy Part-Fae across from him might have seen as excessive. He clapped his hands together and hefted up his duffel bag. "Excellent! Safe's a nice safe test site, straight angles, durable, and that's an old-school one too, so it won't show scorch marks. Lemme just pop it open so you can empty the thing."


    A neat little two-step over to it, and he knelt down - knocking at the side, examining the structure, leaning down, going around the back. "So! Either of you two worked with this kind of magic, before?" He poked his head up from behind it - speaking in a truly ridiculous Scottish brogue. "Magik roonz, lassies?"


    He turned the key to pop the thing open, gesturing for Lynn to clean out the inside. Just in case.

  13. ...on the one hand, she hadn't laughed at him for missing them. That was pretty cool.


    On the other hand, the little voice in his head was now screaming bloody murder about being talked down to. Stupid little voice in his head. Yeah, he hadn't seen the cameras. Or the state of the art detectors. He'd missed it. She was right. Shut up, little voice, we are not calling Chaos down on her head for her impudence and no he was not calling for the Eye to do it here and-


    Deep breath. Lynn saw him go stony under Gretchen's tirade, before simply shutting down as she calmed down her girlfriend. He kept a blank face, eyes meeting Gretchen's dead on without twitching - did they spark purple for a - NO. - before shaking his head slightly, and managing to give a somewhat more stilted smile. "Don't suppose you teach classes on concealment, Miss?" The stilted look turned somewhat wry. "Can tell I'm used to dealing with older tech. Less likely to go on the fritz when you slap a rune on it, but a lot more obvious."


    Cough. "...anyway. If you, uh, want a demonstration..." He cast about for a subject change before the slow roil in his gut got worse. Shut up, Eye. "You got a storage room or a box or something? I can put a basic demo on that, null sweat."

  14. He looked a bit blank as they went through that. Okay, so...animation, necromancy, basically anything under the heading of 'dark magic'.


    "You know? That portal one? If I hadn't once closed a gap to Dis in the middle of a suburban development, I'd find that mighty odd."




    "Anyway. Don't worry about affording. You're already getting a discount and you may qualify for others, depending. I like giving cash breaks." Grin. "Okay, so. My specialty's runes - creation, application, building and breaking. Think like an engineer or an electrician rather than, like..." He waved at Lynn/Grimalkin. "Miss Programmer there. She works with the real thing, I just work with pre-existing systems. That being said, that means I've usually got a reliable answer for anything. It's kind of situational, granted - can't do chaos-based runes when there's, say, live radiation inside. Learned that the hard way experimenting with Baron Katastrof. Fantastic boom, not so much on the protecting property dealie." A snicker.


    "So. Blocking black magic can be covered under any package, then - we work on the principle of the four D's. Detect, Distract, Defense, Discourage. Detect malfeasance, magical or otherwise, distract and distract and bamboozle 'em, defend your employees and property, and discourage further action. If you want specifics, tho'...off the top of my head, this building'd probably want the Bodega Special, then. Small, two-story place, half business half home? Downstairs, punch a few holes in the walls and put reinforced rune plates into the main struts, enhancing building structure and serving as a focus point for the detection system, with a master control plate upstairs in a secure location. Now, I see you don't have a camera system, so I can hook you up with that - old-school fat ones, mind, the newer ones tend to burn out fast when you slap a lens of true sight on the front. As for Distract and Defense - you've already got a good ward system, but I can set you up with a more selective, and activatable, Faraday Cage equivalent - a few runes of power in the building corners, taking up a lot of local energy, messes up more than a bit of magic. Add some shield runes sewn into your uniforms and you've got a recipe for giving an attacker the good stuff with a garden hose while they just got a squirt gun. Or just zapping them with a taser."


    He stretched. "Combine those with the alarm system I'm already offering, and a few of the 'discourage' options on the flyer, and that's what I'd be comfortable sticking in this building. I've also got cards from a few regular security companies - trustworthy guys, good joes - they can set you up with better quality burglar alarms and locks than I can." Chuckle. "If you like, I did bring kit for a demonstration."

  15. ...gee, ask him an easy one, whydontcha. Morgan leaned back in his seat, letting out a rush of air - running his hand through his hair, briefly. She could see the glove and backplate in finer detail now; the runes intricately carved into the iron, the careful and minute adjustments of each line and circle fitting the old lore. Oddly, though, the kid didn't seem to have a lick of personal magic. Funny, that.

    "...ask me an open-ended one, why don't you..." He pondered where to go from there. Ultimately, shaking his head. "One sec. I'm - really sorry, I actually have...one moment."


    Rummage, rummage. He put a stack of flyers on the table. "Okay. Before I get into anything else - I really should have said this beforehand. First off, I'm not by any stretch of the imagination a 'wizard'. Not a 'warlock', or a 'mage', 'magus', 'magician', or a pretty staggering number of other choices - so don't bother trying to apply one of those titles while I'm going through the package. Secondly, I don't do artifacts of legendary power - I'm not a serious smith or a magical forger. I can do some things, order in others - those'll be on the list - but don't expect indestructible golems wandering about with giant flaming swords. Seriously, those things are a pain in the arse."


    Deep breath. Yeah, now he was in full flow.


    "Third, don't trust magic wholesale. I cannot stress this enough. Put it this way - I can make something better than a pack of guard dogs and a set of security cameras; and it'll do the job, but determined mundane can get through as the arcane if they know what they're doing. Most don't, but those that do rarely expect guard dogs or security cameras afterwards. Fourth, the impossible is doable, but rarely worth it. And it costs extra."


    A crooked smile. "Now that that's clear - asking what they can and can't stop depends on what you want them to stop. Let me take a stab - small business, decent part of town, not far off from the main drag...stick-up artists, shoplifters, maybe the odd second-story man after the rare tomes?"

  16. A more than slightly bashful grin crossed his face as he admired the picture - putting it into an inner coat pocket and patting it. "Thanks. I've been tryin' to keep track of most of the major magic heroes in Freedom City. For obvious reasons." A laugh, as Morgan seemed to be going more at his ease. The tang of cold iron still wafted in the air, though; annoyingly. "S'fine. Okay, so - yeah, back to sanity and business!"


    He reached down and picked up the duffel bag, putting it on the side of the desk. "So - right now, after...well, that-" He waved a hand, as if the brief murderthoughts were of no nevermind to him. "-s'pretty obvious you got the whole magic faraday cage rig going up; matches what you told me. Didn't hear any alarms or see anything light up when I tried to power up the gloves, though, so I'm guessing you haven't got any basic alarms or alerts tied to it, right? So - I brought with me a basic rig for our Blinky Light Package."


    She saw him unzip the duffel and take out a few oddly shaped stones, along with some stencil cutouts of Gaelic runes, and a can of spraypaint. "Now, normally I'd go with proper metal plates, a blowtorch, and some spot-welding, but since you aren't after a full installation - yet - this stuff's just for a temporary test-drive. Basic installation's fairly straightforward, and I'll do that pro bono today; how it works is these runes-" He tapped the stencils. "-basically tie into your existing system and start to light up when the wards go off. The paint used on these stencils'll then be used to make similar runes on these rocks, principles of sympathy, which'll heat up and start to make a blinky light. Good to keep in a pocket or on your desk, and I encourage decoration. Pet rocks are terrific."


    Morgan picked one up, tossing it up and down in his hand. Oddly, his whole explanation didn't sound like a pitch - more like an engineer or an electrician going through the motions. "Normally, I'd be welding a few plates into your building's internal structure; sticking 'em under the floorboards or in the walls, and attaching metal flakes to the rock. Much more permanent and long-term, and with the plates I can work up a whole building reinforcement if you want that as an add-on. As it stands, I reckon you're wanting to see something simple first, before looking into extras or bigger packages?"


    Beat. "Bigger security packages. Security."

  17. Yeah, he was still beet red and not at all at equilibrium. Moreso when she literally misted into a leather catsuit right in front of him.


    That, got him literally picking up the glass of water, and throwing it into his own face. He blinked, shivering as an ice chip went down his collar, and shook his head firmly. "Okay! Cold! Agh! So! Grimalkin! Heard of you! Really heard of you. Like, wow. You're..." A blink, and his face got slowly far more animated. "Just...wow. Okay, so, you've been on...well, you're...wow!"


    Finely honed mind that Morgan's was, occasionally it could indeed crash. It helped he wasn't dressed as Crow and was trying to be frightening as hell in his usual persona right now - or that other persona wasn't...not thinking about that right now.


    Ahem. So. Finely honed mind back in order, focused, ready, sharp as a tack and-"Can I have your autograph?" DAMNIT MORGAN.

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