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Everything posted by trollthumper

  1. "It's the makeup," said Nick. "It fools everyone." Nick turned to the angel. "As for what I'm doing in Lantern Hill," he said, "I'm somewhat new in town -- I mean, I've been in Freedom before, but never active in Freedom before. Understand? So, I'm trying to get the town under my feet -- get the feel for the territory, meet some of the local ghosts, maybe run into some of the heroes as well." He looked right into the eyes of Freedom Angel. "I've gotta say, Heyzel, meeting you in person is one interesting experience. I mean, I was kind of expecting to run into you at some point, but... yeah."
  2. Nick had prepared for this. He knew Freedom Angel made this cemetery his stomping grounds. He's done research on the guy. But still, that made no difference when an emissary of the divine appears before you in a flash of light. You've heard Nidhogg gnaw at the roots of Yggdrasil. Baron LaCroix has offered you fashion tips. You ran ahead of the Wild Hunt in Mag Mell. Charon himself told you not to drink the tap water. You've seen a lot of things on the other side, this is not any different... Nick tried to tell himself this. But it didn't help that the part of him, the little kid who got great marks in Sunday School, is screaming with joy and fear, that he was standing before a freaking angel. So he told the kid to sit in the corner for a while, and stuck forward his hand, as confident as he could be. "Name's Nick Cimitiere," he says. "May I just say it's a pleasure to meet you..." Emissary of the Host? Gloried of the Seraphim? "...sir."
  3. Nick Cimitiere: Fresh Plots (15) Interview (+1PP) 16 total posts
  4. "Yeah. Fleur's got the right of it," Nick said. "Magic can be especially tricky. Especially in cases where you're trying to compel stuff from entities -- you put on a poor show, and well, they're not gonna be happy. I'm just surprised things worked out okay for you. I mean, for the stories I've heard about those guys, things can get... weird." Nick then looked over the high school kid with skin an unearthly shade of green and tentacles where most men would have beards and said, "Well, uncomfortably weird, is what I mean."
  5. "Well, first off to answer the question from you and Fleur," Nick said, "I'm not technically a psychopomp. A psychopomp's the term for a mystical entity that leads a person onto their final judgment -- be it to the scales of Ma'at or the rings of Purgatory. I just... help send people along their way." He cracked a grin. "Besides, I've run into a few true psychopomps, and let me tell you, they've got some vicious union reps." "As for the poltergeist situation... well, if I can't get through to them, then yes, I do sometimes have to resort to an exorcism. It's just... well, it's sometimes easier to get a ghost to let go than try to break its chains. But then again, there are some nasty sons-of-dogs who stick around on this mortal coil, and some of them aren't exactly willing to let go. It's not like I have the thing on speed dial, though -- most exorcisms require time and effort to pull off right. Last thing you want is a ghost going truly unfettered without getting the attention of something to lead it on." He paused, then turned to Kid Cthulhu. "But hey, enough about me," Nick said. "How're you handling your line of work? I'll admit I haven't seen much representation of... them... around."
  6. "Well, I'm glad I could help there," Nick said. "What you need to remember is that a good chunk of ghosts aren't any different dead from how they were alive. In a number of cases, you'll get a ghost with bad PTSD, or a ghost who died in circumstances so rough that it left a semi-permanent echo -- that's where you get the idea of a 'drone' ghost, the repeat offender. Most ghosts, however, are pretty much as they were, if tapped into something larger. Doesn't necessarily make them nice, of course... and some of them can really pack a punch." "In some cases, I imagine it does," Nick said. "I mean, you've got the occasional sensitive, medium, sorcerer, or undead who's got the talent to register them... but that doesn't necessarily mean they're nice. And some ghosts can just get... forgotten. One summer I drove up to Philadelphia and saw kids who died in games of chicken on the side of the road. Some of 'em must've been there since the '50s." Nick shook his head, sadly. "Still, that's why I do what I do. I help 'em when they need it, in whatever way I can."
  7. Nick cast a quick glance over the graveyard, extending his senses -- Ping. Ping. Ping. Ping. Ping. "Yeah," he said, "quite a few of 'em. They could be sticking around for the real estate... or they could be sticking around because they're still fettered here by their business. It'd take an interview to figure that out." And with that, Nick got up from the bench and walked down the nearby path, heading for a simple plot. [bg=#000000]The ghost couldn't have been more than 21, and by the looks of it, had been a real wild child -- perhaps too much for her parents. Her hair was shaggy, and in clashing shades of red -- one a more natural copper-orange, the other the rich red of cherries. Two sets of earrings hung from her ears, but Nick could still see the piercing marks on her septum and her lips. She wore the bottom half of a respectable black dress, but the top half was tattered with the sleeves torn off, and topped with a studded denim jacket. The girl was humming something under her lips -- Patti Smith, by the sound of it -- and looked up when she saw Nick looking at her. "You're not the dead guy," she said.[/bg] "Not yet, miss," he said, "but maybe one day. Guessing you've been around this place a while." [bg=#000000]"Yeah, since '93," she said, sitting down on the gravestone.[/bg] Nick looked at the marker -- ANASTACIA MILAN, 1972-1993. [bg=#000000]"Man, that was a bad night. One too many beers -- Mark was there to help me, but I just... slipped, you know? Right into Lincoln Street... I would've been fine, I guess, but that cab --" She chuckles. "Eh, what can you do?"[/bg] "You seem to be taking it well, at least, Ana --" Nick said. [bg=#000000]"Call me Stacia," she said. "And I've kind of had a few decades to work on this. Look, I don't suppose you have a smoke?"[/bg] Nick reached into his jacket and produced a pack of cigarettes, as well as a lighter. He pulled one out of its packet, muttered a simple offering to Osiris, and lit the cigarette -- in the middle. He lay it on the grave marker and watched it burn to ashes. [bg=#000000]A few seconds later, an ectoplasmic cigarette appeared in Stacia's fingers. She took a long drag, and exhaled.[/bg] The ectoplasmic smoke trailed briefly into the night's mist. [bg=#000000]"God, it's been so long since I've had one of those," Stacia said. "Like I was saying, I've had a while to deal with it. My parents, though? Man, the funeral was a freakshow. They couldn't really take their darling Ivy League daughter being a punk, so they got the best morticians in town to give me a makeover. Respectable jewelry, proper dress, a hair color that looked like it originated on this planet." She gestured down to the plot. "Not like it really matters anymore. What's left is kinda fading fast, and the old me's coming back. Guess Marley just got a bum deal in the wardrobe department, huh?"[/bg] "Goes differently for different people. I've met a few folks who regretted dying during disco, and some who died at the turn of the century who looked a lot more contemporary." Nick paused. 'Hey, listen, Stacia... if you've got anything you want done..." [bg=#000000]"Look, thanks and all, but like I told Dead Head, it's cool," Stacia said. "I go about town myself, and everyone seems to be getting along all right. Mark remembers me, but he got married -- runs a tattoo shop down in the West End. The cab driver sought therapy, but he seems to be coping -- he actually leaves flowers here once a year. Mom and Dad..." Stacia got briefly wistful, and looked off to the horizon. "They come. They come a lot. They miss me. They're happy, and my bro and sis have their happy little clans, but... I mean, they miss me, but if I'm gonna tell them, it should come from me, okay? Not an intermediary." She perked up a little. "Besides, I don't wanna let this town go. Main reason I stuck behind was because of Freedom. I want see where it goes, y'know? See if I'm still here when we get flying cars and cyborg bodies and all that.[/bg] "Well, we probably already do, but who am I to deny a woman her dream?" Nick nodded to the empty air. "Take care, Stacia. If you need any help..." [bg=#000000]"Yeah, yeah, I'll give you a ring, um..."[/bg] "It's Nick. Nick Cimitiere." [bg=#000000]"God, you watched a lot of Bond when you were a kid, didn't you? Like I said, I'll give you a ring if that's the case. And thanks for the smoke, Nick."[/bg] Nick nodded, and walked back to the bench. "That's what I do," he said. "Know it doesn't look like much -- usually there's more of a light show if they decide to move on, but the young lady doesn't. I could always ask her if she wants to make herself known..." Down the road, a woman briefly winked into existence, a clash of cherry red and copper orange hair, torn dress and denim jacket, pierced ears and half-studded lips. "Hey, Nick," said Stacia, "don't go talking about me behind my back." And just as quickly as she appeared, she faded back into the mist. Nick chuckled. "My bad."
  8. All right, as mentioned in chat, I may be bringing this into plot territory, since Fleur just asked if I see any ghosts wandering in the cemetery. So... That's a 21 on the Notice check linked to Detect Ghosts. Guess it's time to find out.
  9. Nick nodded. "Congrats on the engagement," he said. "That's gotta be quite an experience. I kinda came into my powers after high school, so I didn't exactly get the Hogwarts experience. I mean, there was Eldrich, but it wasn't like there was a school full of hormones, cliques, and necromantic rituals." Nick pondered on that for a few seconds. "Come to think of it, maybe that was a good thing..."
  10. "Yeah," said Nick as he lay back a little on the park bench. His eyes were still tuned for disturbances, but he was enjoying the company -- and the cool breeze whipping down the path. "This is probably one of the better cemeteries I've walked through. And yeah, I know how weird that can sound, but hey, I've walked through a lot of cemeteries."
  11. "Heard about the guy," Nick says. "Heard he hangs out here. Haven't run into him yet -- this is kinda my first night of the beat here. Would be interesting to run into that old revenant, though." Nick nods back. "Now him, I have met," he says. "He helped me out when my powers were first developing -- well, maturing, I mean. He helped me get the hang of some of my tricks."
  12. "Samedi?" Nick laughs. "Nah. I'm more of an all-purpose representative for the plains beyond -- if I got anything in common with the Guede, it'd be Cimitiere and La Croix before Samedi." He pausues. "Besides, I ain't one to raise the dead -- least, those that don't want to crawl back up on their own accord. Using someone's body as a puppet just seems... disrespectful. The dead deserve their due."
  13. Nick's eye drifts to the new arrival. Green's big on this guy, but all over... and there's the wavy pentacle in white on his suit... and the... tentacles... Well. Good to know I'm not the only one dealing with an occult stigma here. He extends his hand to the friendly horror beyond space and time. "Nice to make your acquaintance. Name's Nick Cimitiere. Yours?"
  14. "Really?" Nick says, taking a seat on a nearby bench. He adjusts his jacket -- it may have been touched by the waters of the Styx and infused with the chill of death, but even then, it's heavy leather on a summer night. "Must be some beat. As for what I talk to them about... I guess the usual. Their lives, their unlives, if they've got any unfinished business they need taking care of, if they want it taken care of... last one's important. Bit bad to be a psychopomp who punches your client's ticket prematurely."
  15. Okay, yeah... not much changed from the last time I was here. Can feel a few guys kicking around in the crypts, but they seem to be long-term residents. Something coming out of that statue down there... Already. Huh. Knew this would work. Nick turned to look at the girl -- small, curvy, and bright green hair. Not bad. He could smell something earthy off of her, and saw the flowers in her hair. Plant girl, then. Should've done more research into folks beyond the occultists, Nick... Nick smiles convivially -- which is a bit of thing when you've already got a skeletal rictus painted on your jaw -- and bows, hoping the setting and the circumstances might pick up a little of the charm from that old goat Baron LaCroix. "Sorry 'bout that," he says, playing up an adopted Southern drawl, "just trying to get the feel for the place. Guessing you're one of the local caretakers? Name's Nick Cimitiere. I'm... well, I'm kind of a ghost talker."
  16. Thread's currently set up as a simple meet-up between Nick Cimitiere, Fleur de Joie, and possibly Kid Cthulhu. Others are welcome, and I'm creating this thing just in case a zombie dance party breaks out or something.
  17. Date: May 22nd, 2010. Saturday night. Typically a night of rest and relaxation. And Eric could've stood for some of that. End of his first week back in Freedom after graduation, and he'd gotten things all lined up. He'd hauled all his stuff back up from Savannah and into his new apartment, a small little studio in the West End. He'd managed to get his old summer job at the Black Petal Cafe back up on a more permanent basis, and already turned in more than a few hours slinging espresso. But there was still business to take care of. So he'd put on the black, ladled on the make-up and hit the streets. His smile wasn't entirely painted on -- it had been a while since he'd gotten the feel for Freedom, and tonight would be a great time to get the paths of the city back under his feet. Most of his tutelage under Eldrich was spent indoors, with only the occasional unguided foray into the plains of the dead. Sure, there'd been a crisis or two in need of stamping out, but most of his beat was down in the South. Freedom had always been a place to come home to. Even when you're home, though, there's always work to be done. He'd drafted up maps of the cemeteries and rumored "dumping grounds" around Freedom and established a nightly patrol route. Tonight was the first night of putting it into action. Lantern Hill would likely be a bit tame -- any place that plays stomping grounds to a revenant and an angel is likely well cared for in the department of psychopomps. But the cemetery had always fascinated him, even when he was a little boy. The place had always seemed like a true place of rest, not like some of the other rundown boneyards in the city. it would be a good place to reorient himself to the flow of mortality in the city, and perhaps a good place to get better acquainted with the local players. And if he found a ghost in need of assistance? Well, all the better for that. And as the witching hour struck, Nick Cimitiere crossed the gates of Lantern Hill Cemetery, his eyes opened to the second world. "Okay, guys," he muttered under his breath. "What is it you need? Just tell me..."
  18. Yes, I know I just got the guy approved, but I could stand a slight alteration on Nick Cimitiere. His Creeping Shade power is currently Darkness Control 5, Snare 5. Good for concealing, bad for grappling. So, I'd like to tweak it to be Darkness Control 3, Snare 7 -- still keeps a reasonably sized area (25 ft. radius) totally concealed, while also allowing for a higher DC to beat the Snare. Doktor'd
  19. Hey, all. I'm fairly new to this board -- found it through TVTropes. I've been haunting the chat room, which means if you're there, you may have seen me desperately asking for mechanics advice. Well, I've finally got my first character cobbled together. Guy's nom de crimefighting is Nick Cimitiere. He's a necromancer with a rock and roll edge. But no, he's not one of the necromancers you'll typically find in a Clark Ashton Smith story or a D&D module -- his deal's more about learning the ways of the dead, helping them with their unfinished business, and protecting them from people who'd enslave them and bind them (like, say, most of your other typical necromancers). He's also got a pretty strong obligation to the living, and a definite interest in the mystical and arcane. So, yeah. If you want to run into him slinging coffee out of costume in Riverside, haunting the graveyards of Freedom, or following a ghost as she leads him to her murderer in Southside, I'm totally up for a connection. You can shoot me a PM, or discuss it here. Looking forward to meeting ya.
  20. Well, you've definitely got a point there, Shaen, and as I didn't exactly sign up to play Kick-Ass, any advice to keep me from ending up in a pool of blood is much welcomed. As per your advice in the thread and in the chat room, I have stripped out Protection from the Array and transferred it to a Device, folded Astral Form into the Array, and spent the leftover points on Attack Focus, the Accurate PF for the Array, Dodge Focus, and an extra innate point of Defense.
  21. Thanks! I know about the role Baron Samedi plays in the setting (hence why I named Nick the way I did -- the Guede are associated with Baron Samedi, Baron LaCroix and Baron Cimitiere). Nick's not really meant as a voodoo hero, however, so much as a hero of death and the Underworld. And that means many Underworlds -- his near-death Orpheus trip took him to Guinee, Duat, Nilfheim and Tartarus alike. All right. I wanted to add some flavor with the descriptions of the Necromancy spells (one of my flaws is that I prefer self-made spells to be ornate and extravagant -- low-end being Mordenkaiden's Magnificient Mansion and high-end being a standard spell description in Exalted). However, I'll simply stick it together as an Array. How exactly do you code for indentations in a paragraph, though? I've seen it in other posts, but I'll be deviled if I can figure it out myself. Understandable. I knew I was probably doing something wrong in building the Summon power, but I just liked the idea of summoning up the restless dead. As per our discussion in the chat room, I'm assuming it would be better if I created a "Summon Ghosts" array on the assumption that the spirits in question would be using these powers while remaining insubstantial? Though I'd likely have to buy up the Action Extra on each one to use 'em in the same turn as anything else... EDIT: And upon further discussion in the chat room, it was decided that the "aid of the restless dead" stuff shall be bundled under the Necromancy Array. It can be described plotwise with some of them being the working of Nick's own will (the Creeping Shade power), some of them being assistance from ghosts he'd lending some of his will to, and some of them being tricks picked up from gods of the dead. EDIT 2: And the changes in question have been made.
  22. Character Name: Nick Cimitiere Power Level: 12/15 (218/250PP) [279] Trade-Offs: None Unspent PP: 32 Progress to Impervium Status: 130/150 In Brief: Slick psychobilly necromancer with an obligation to help the dead and the living alike. Alternate Identities: Eric LaCroix Identity: Secret Birthplace: Freedom City Occupation: Aspiring Singer, Coffee Slinger, Freelance Necromancer Affiliations: None Family: Jessica LaCroix (Mother), Peter LaCroix (Father), Mallory LaCroix (Sister) Description: Age: 25 (D.O.B. October 1987) Apparent Age: 22 Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5'11" Weight: 170 lbs. Eyes: Blue Hair: Black [floatr][/floatr] Description: Eric looks like the consummate rockabilly aficionado -- tight jeans, clunky engineer boots, white T (sometimes covered up with a stylized work shirt), shining leather jacket, and hair that could repel a sledgehammer. Tattoos of flames, skeletons, angels, and other symbols of death, salvation and damnation run up and down his arms in full sleeves. He's always got a cocky grin and a demeanor that's relaxed, if not cheerful. As Nick Cimitiere, not much changes -- Eric trades in his normal colors for all black (save the T-shirt) and his standard leather jacket for one studded with occult symbols, with the veve of Baron Cimitiere displayed most prominently across the back. What changes most, however, is the trademark grin. Through use of stage makeup and prosthetics that help give his face a different shape, Nick wears the image of a skull, complete with rictus. He can still be cheerful, of course, and is definitely helpful to the ghosts he encounters. The crooks, well, that's another story... History: As a young man, Eric's obsessions weren't really that different from anyone else's -- sex, cars, rock and roll, the usual. He may have had a taste for the morbid and the arcane, but hey, everyone's gotta stand out somehow. Upon graduating from high school, Eric planned to move on to Savannah, Georgia, to attend SCAD and work on getting his degree in art. That summer, however, Eric ended up in a hideous car crash. He survived, but not before being declared clinically dead for three minutes. During his near-death experience, Eric found himself in a winding cavern deep in the earth. As he traversed the cavern, he got glimpses of other worlds -- a carnivale on the African plains under a moonlit sky, a dark desert stretching along a winding river, a cold world of twisted roots and lost souls, and fields and prisons separated by a river of swirling memories. As he approached the river Lethe and looked into its depths, a mysterious figure in a robe grabbed his arm and said, "Not yet." The cavern faded, and Eric woke up on the operating table. After recovering from his experience, Eric passed the rest of the summer in peace, and headed off to Savannah in August. He was willing to write up his experience on the table as a hallucination, the jumbled reassembly of a dozen texts on various afterlives. As the first semester wore on, however, Eric began to realize that something had followed him back. Rooms he slept in became unnaturally cold -- which says a lot for Georgia in late summer -- and objects seemed to keep breaking around him. He kept seeing people out of the corner of his eye who weren't there when he turned, and heard things no one else did. And when he slept, he would descend again into that cavern, if only for a few minutes. Eric met his first ghost while studying in the library at midterms. She was lost, lonely, and covered in blood. She didn't speak much, but she spoke enough. By combing old newspapers and working on her accounts, Eric was able to find the man who killed her. After the murderer ended up in the grips of the police (through an anonymous tip, of course), the girl passed on to her final reward. And Eric knew he had found a new meaning in life. While still remaining devoted to his more mundane studies, Eric started browsing the hidden corners of Savannah -- and from there, the South in general. He took frequent road trips to New Orleans, seeking out arcane secrets. During this time, he began his career as Nick Cimitiere, costumed avenger of the dead -- and quickly discovered that's hard to do when your powers mainly consist of, "See ghosts, and maybe talk them into doing things for you." Things began to change after a trip to Atlanta in his sophomore year, however. Trying to gather evidence on a crime lord on behalf of a snitch whose soul was still bound to the car trunk he was killed in, Nick ended up running into a few hitters. Cornered and desperate, he called on his will for an answer... and it appeared, with the shadows in that dark alley lengthening and binding the hitters to the spot. At first Nick thought a ghost had answered his cries... but then realized that he had control over the shadow. He had somehow managed to learn the arts of necromancy by studying the manifestations of the restless dead. Trying to find answers, he headed back to Freedom for summer break and sought tutelage at the hands of Eldrich. Eldrich helped him to get a grip on his burgeoning sorcery, while reminding him of the inherent perils of necromancy. "Death is not to be feared, but it is not to be trifled with, either." Now, Nick has returned to Freedom City to set up shop, searching for a haunt (actually haunted, if he can manage it) and keeping in touch with his mentor. He's got a head full of dreams, a heart that bleeds for the living and the dead alike... and a nagging concern about just why he's been clued into the ways of death. Personality & Motivation: When out of costume, Eric is unabashedly charming, slick and helpful, both on stage and in the coffee shop. He's got a nice, laid back demeanor that helps keep people relaxed, and if they open up, he's always there to lend them a hand. When in costume as Nick Cimitiere, he's still got a lot of the same charm, towards both his fellow heroes and the restless dead alike. But like the loa he takes his name from, Nick's charm tends to turn venomous around the wicked. He hounds, pursues and nips at their heels, bringing up past misdeeds and warning them of the perils of the grave. It's not like he's going to actually kill anyone, but it helps to convince them that maybe it'd be better if they went down to the police station and confessed. Complications: Binders of the Dead, Beware: Nick rarely gets along with other self-professed necromancers, mainly because a good chunk of them are the type who raise zombies or bind ghosts to their service. He really hates necromancers and other sorcerers who bind the dead, and occasionally jumps the gun if presented with evidence of the dark side of their actions (e.g., a ghost trapped in a binding circle). "Mom, Dad, I'm a Superhero...Just Kidding": Nick's kept his nature as a hero a secret from his family, viewing the stranger side of sorcery as something he really doesn't want his loved ones to get tangled up in. Resolving Unfinished Business Don't Pay the Bills: Nick works as a barista during the day, a necromancer at night. Sometimes his "hobby" tends to get in the way of work, though... Talking To Ghosts Is Not a Trade Skill: Nick may be experienced in the ways of necromancy, but he doesn't know why he is. If he was chosen for some divine or nefarious purpose, he has no idea what it is. If some answer is offered, for good or for ill, there's a chance he may end up falling for it. Abilities: 2 + 4 + 4 + 6 + 4 + 6 = 26PP Strength 12 (+1) Dexterity 14 (+2) Constitution 14 (+2) Intelligence 16 (+3) Wisdom 14 (+2) Charisma 16 (+3) Combat: 16 + 16 = 32PP Attack: +8 Base, +12 Gifts of the Dead Defense: +12 (+8 Base, +4 Dodge Focus), +4 Flat-Footed Initiative: +6 Grapple: +24/+9 Knockback: -11/-1 Saving Throws: 6 + 6 + 10 = 22PP Toughness: +12/+3/+2 (+1 Con, +12 Work Jacket [impervious 12] OR +1 Leather Jacket) Fortitude: +8 (+2 Con, +6) Reflex: +8 (+2 Dex, +6) Will: +12 (+2 Wis, +10) Skills: 124R = 31PP Bluff 6 (+9, +13 Attractive) Computers 2 (+5) Concentration 8 (+10) Disable Device 6 (+9) Diplomacy 8 (+11, +15 Attractive) Drive 6 (+8) Gather Information 8 (+11) Intimidate 12 (+15) Investigate 4 (+7) Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 12 (+15) Knowledge (Art) 6 (+9) Knowledge (Life Sciences) 4 (+7) Knowledge (Pop Culture) 4 (+7) Knowledge (Tactics) 4 (+7) Knowledge (Theology/Philosophy) 8 (+11) Notice 10 (+12) Perform (Singing) 4 (+7) Search 4 (+6) Sense Motive 8 (+10) Feats: 21PP All-Out Attack Attractive Challenge (Fast Startle) Dodge Focus 4 Equipment 2 (10EP) Improved Initiative Luck 3 Master Plan 2 Power Attack Quick Change Ritualist Startle Uncanny Dodge (Mental) Well-Informed Equipment: 2PP = 10EP 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 5 = 10EP Cell Phone [1EP] Laptop [1EP] Leather Jacket (Protection 1) [1EP] Sap (Strike 1, Feats: Mighty) [2EP] Parkhurst Hotel (Shared HQ) [5EP] Powers: 2 + 20 + 1 + 51 + 12 = 86PP Descriptors: Magic, Mystical, Necromancy Comprehend 1 (Spirits) [2PP] Device 5 (25PP Container, Flaws: Hard-To-Lose) (Nick's "Work" Jacket, bathed in the waters of the River Styx) [20PP] Protection 10 (Extras: Impervious Toughness 12) [22PP] Immunity 3 (heat, cold, pressure) [3 PP] Features 1 (suite of minor necromantic rituals -- no major benefits, just several ritual offerings and last rites) [1PP] Gifts of The Dead (40PP Array, Feats: Accurate 2, Alternate Power 9) [51PP] Base Power: Darkness Control 2 (10ft radius, Extras: Linked [Dimensional Pocket]) [4PP] + Dimensional Pocket 12 (Extras: Linked [Darkness Control], Range [Ranged, 10 120ft Increments / 120ft Max Range]) [36PP] (Creeping Shade) [40PP] Alternate Power: Animate Objects 12 (150PP Minion, 1000ft Max Range, Flaws: Limited [Machines]) [24PP] + Comprehend 4 (Machines 2, Objects 2) [8PP] (One With the Rust) [32PP] Alternate Power: Astral Form 7 (200 miles, Feats: Dimensional 2 [underworlds], Selective, Subtle) [39PP] (Eurydice Calls) Alternate Power: Blast 12 (10 120ft Range Increments / 1200ft Max Range, Extras: Alternate Save [Will], Power Feats: Improved Critical, Indirect 1, Split Attack) [40PP] (Ignis Fatuus) Alternate Power: Disintegration 12 (10 120ft Range Increments / 1200ft Max Range, Flaws: Action [Full-Round], Affects Objects Only) ) [36PP] (Preparation of the Offerings) Alternate Power: [36 + 4 = 40PP] Emotion Control 12 (Extras: Area [General, Attached, 60ft Burst], Selective; Flaws: Limited [Fear]) (Banshee Wail) [36PP] Super-Senses 4 (Postcognition) [4PP] Alternate Power: Healing 12 (Extras: Total, Feats: Regrowth, Persistent) (Deny the Reaper) [38PP] Alternate Power: Nullify 12 (All "Dead/Death" Powers, 10 120ft Range Increments / 1,200ft Max Range, Extras: Effortless) (No Dominion) [36PP] Alternate Power: Strike 12 (Extras: Autofire 1, Penetrating [4]; Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Improved Critical [18-20], Incurable, Mighty, Reversible, Split Attack) (Ereshkigal's Talons) [34PP] Alternate Power: Telekinesis 12 (Lifting STR 60, 1200ft Max Range; Extras: Area [General, Burst, 60ft radius], Selective Attack, Flaws: Action [Full-Round]) (Poltergeist's Rage) [36PP] Super-Senses 12 (Death Awareness Extended 2 [1000 ft.], Detect Ghosts [Mental] Ranged 2 [100 ft.], Detect Magic Acute Ranged 2 [100 ft.]) 12 [12 PP] Drawbacks: 0PP None DC Block: ATTACK RANGE SAVE EFFECT Banshee Wail Perception/Area DC22 Will (Staged) Shaken/Frightened/Panicked Creeping Shade Ranged DC22 Reflex Imprisoned DC22 Will Escape Deny The Reaper Touch DC22 Fortitude (Harmless) Healing Ereshkigal's Talons Touch DC27 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Energy) Ignis Fatuus Touch DC27 Will (Staged) Damage (Energy) No Dominion Ranged DC27 Will Nullify Poltergeist's Rage Ranged/Area DC22 Reflex 1/2 Effect Grapple check (Staged) Pinned/Bound Preparation/Offerings Ranged DC22 Fortitude (Staged) Drain Toughness DC27 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Energy) Sap Melee DC18 Toughness (Staged) Damage (Physical) Abilities (26) + Combat (32) + Saving Throws (22) + Skills (31) + Feats (21) + Powers (86) - Drawbacks (0) = 218/250 Power Points
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