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Posts posted by Aoiroo

  1. It was hard to see from there, given, directly behind the dumpster so it was hard to see anything. However, she heard everything just fine, there was a loud thump. Was someone else there? He probably didn't see her, probably, she was in shadow, and relatively dark clothing (a purple top and some black track pants), maybe she could take him out before he saw her, call the police like she usually did and be on her way. Leaning down, she picked up the good lengh of pipe her flat finger grasping it quietly as she brought it up in the darkness. Stalking out slowly, she stayed flat, though this made it hard to really see exactly who it was, he was definitely tall, and seemed to have a more forboding presense then the earlier mugger. Ohh well she had done forboding before. Walking forward, she brought the pipe up and at the last second regained her form once more as she brought it down over his head.

  2. The show had run late, well actually the show ran it's expected lengh especially since it was the third showing, the after party ran late. Carrie was the designated sober person at said party, mostly because after the whole mess of they went through just to get started that night she was the only person who wanted to remember after party. After calling cabs, collecting keys to park some cars in a garage for the night, and walking the assistant director back to her loft so she could crash in the comfort of her own bed, she herself was feeling the dreer of sleep set upon her steadily as she passed quietly from the theatre district over to the Fens.

    It was about three blocks in that she noticed the eyes on the back of her head. Not turning her head, she continued along, dreary but not unaware of person who was matching her steps. Reaching into her purse, she pulled out a set of keys with a octagon keychain attached that she fiddled with a bit. Letting it dangle, the front was red like a stop sign, the other was silver and reflective and gave her a glimpse of the man behind her. Long sleeved jacket, dark pants, she couldn't make out a face, but she saw his hand go into the front of the jacket, he was probably reaching for a weapon. Grabbing a key off the top of the chain she held it up as she turned into an alley without looking back.

    The way she had walked was sort dizzy, she took a while with the keys so she was probably drunk. She was short, and didn't seem the type to fight back plus she didn't even notice him as she turned down the alley. It would be easy, just a cut or two and she'd probably forget all about her purse, maybe he could grab some jewellery too. Smiling, he finally took the knife out from his coat, it was a well sharpened, well kept combat blade he grabbed from the flee market and it shoned quietly in the moonlight as he stalked into the alley. While he put on his best face, he looked to find that his target was no where to be found. Except for a dumpster and a dead end, nothing, walking forward, knife at the ready he continued down. Maybe she was hiding, or there was a door somewhere he couldn't see. As he continued though this proved to not be the case, as he got to the end he put his hand on the wall and started to curse to himself as he looked down at the reflection of the moonlight in the knife once more. Or he did, until the reflection went dark as it was overtaken by a shadowy Silhouette, and then something hit him and everything else went dark as well.

  3. "Sounds good, except I don't drink coffee. It bitter, and to be honest I do not really taking in that much caffenine, it's bad for my stomach."

    Speaking of stomach it was still acting up, given she didn't show it. She had grown used to it, it was completely empty (another sensation she'd gotten used to) so there was nothing coming up anytime soon.

    "I don't go much for what's considered the classics, Star Wars in the lot. Tv has pretty much numbed me to the experience of watching those types of movies movie, there's no real surprise anymore, everyone knows the plot the ending and all the little twists and turns along the way. I honestly have more of a taste for musicals, I'm fond of several modern adaptions made into film like Sweeney Todd and Rent, though I've seen, and well helped out at several modern plays as well. Among my favorites are Wicked, as well as Avenue Q which I actually saw off broadway. Actually I've seen a couple of musicals on and off of broadway, a few weeks back actually I went with my mother and my cousin Eva to see the Addams Family as well as Mary Poppins. Weird thing about the plays, I tend to memorize the songs and well sing along, though too loud of course, I mean the only place I could get away with that is at the Rocky Horror Picture show and even then I'm always drowned out by the drag queens up front."

    She felt a tug on her arm and saw Emanuel looking past him she saw a giggle Emilia he apparently mummified with the measuring tape,

    "What's a drag queen?"

    Leaning down, to his eye level she said,

    "Men who like try to look pretty, and sometimes suceed. Now if you want a real laugh, ask you're parents about it after I've left."

    The curiousity turned to horror as Emilia joined him.

    "No, no, don't go. Stay, we want to play stay."

    Together they both started to tug on her arm again,

    "Calm down, calm down, I'm still stuck with you for a few hours calm down."

    Reaching into her purse she started to dig until she managed to pull it out. Jingling and shining she got out a mass of keychains covered in cute eyed chibis, funny saying and as well as the logo from the Freedom Friends show. Danging the chain in front of them, she took out a mini clip off of it that contained an array of little Disney characters, one such in a pink dress with yellow hair.

    "I KNOW YOU!"

    The two of squealed as she handed them the smaller mass off the larger set of keychain of the characters and began to play with them like they were full sized dolls. Backing away from the two she let out a sigh,

    "Six dollars a chain at the disney store, and worth every penny."

  4. On the stage, they're all on the stage in full view of the audience. The actions involving Medea teleporting and turning techs into beetles was up above the part of the stage hidden by the tope part of the curtians where the lights are. Now they are front and center, Carrie was there, but sine Medea summoned demons that were much more interesting then she was no one really notice as she backed off the stage, turned 2D and slipped through the cracks on the wooden floor into the under area of the stage.

  5. Power Level: 3

    Trade-Offs: None

    Unspent PP: 0

    In Brief: Carolines younger sister, an engaged med student.

    Alternate Identities: Allison Wendle

    Identity: Public

    Birthplace: Athens, Georgia

    Occupation: Student

    Affiliations: None

    Family: Caroline, Marylyn, Demarco, Trent Wendle

    Age: October 6th, 22

    Apparent Age: 22

    Gender: Female

    Ethnicity: Caucasion, Hispanic

    Height: 5'11"

    Weight: 150 lbs

    Eyes: blueish/green

    Hair: Dirty Blonde

    Description: Allison is a pretty girl with a very soft and rounded features. She's been taller then her classmates for several years, and generally been mistaken for being older then she was because of her manner. She's in very good shape because of training, as well as initially getting into college with a ROTC scholarship. She tans pretty well, and wears thick framed glasses(because they were the cheapest). Her hair is naturally straight, and is cut just above the neckline.

    History: Allison lived and grew up with Carrie, and for a good while they were the best of friends. When she got into her teens she branched off and started getting more involved with school joining clubs like band and ROTC. Dispite this, she knows Carrie probably the best out of her family, and is the only person who knows of her ability. She does not know however that Carrie has recently taken up a costumed idenity.

    Currently, she attends college at Freedom University while interning at a local hospital. She's in her senior year, and will be graduating at the end of the fall semester and it's around that time she'll also be getting married to her long time boyfriend Jared in a ceremony set to happen on Christmas Eve.

    Personality & Motivation: Allison is very much an A type personality, she's very neat, very driven and has occasional bouts of OCD. It isn't bad enough for her to need therapy, but she does like to sort things by color whenever more then three kinds are present and will sometimes wander around stores if she's bored and properly place anything that's been moved to it's proper shelf. She has no real tolerance for people who do or say stupid things, or seem excessively lazy and will often push them into work if she has too. Given, she doesn't get overly angry too easily and is generally very good with people.

    Abilities: 6 + 2 + 4 + 4 + 8 + 6 = 42pp

    Str 16 (+3)

    Dex 12 (+1)

    Con 14 (+2)

    Int 14 (+2)

    Wis 18 (+4)

    Cha 16 (+3)

    Combat: 4 + 0 = 4pp

    Initiative: +1

    Attack: +2

    Grapple: +5

    Defense: +0

    Knockback: -1

    Saving Throws: 0pp

    Toughness: +2 (+2 Con)

    Fortitude: +2 (+2 Con)

    Reflex: +1 (+1 Dex)

    Will: +4 (+4 Wis)

    Skills: 72r = 18pp

    Climb 4 (+7)

    Diplomacy 6 (+9)

    Intimidate 4 (+7)

    Knowledge (Business) 4 (+6)

    Knowledge (Pop Culture) 4 (+6)

    Knowledge (Life Sciences) 4 (+6)

    Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) 2 (+4)

    Medicine 10 (+12)

    Notice 4 (+8)

    Perform (Percussion) 6 (+9)

    Perform (Piano) 6 (+9)

    Profession (Physical Therapist) 10 (+14)

    Search 4 (+8)

    Swim 4 (+7)


    Cell Phone 1

    Multi-Tool (Military Swiss Army Knife) 1

    Laptop 1

    DC Block:

    Unarmed Touch DC15 Toughness (Staged) Damage

    Abilities (42) + Combat (4) + Saving Throws (0) + Skills (18) + Feats (0) + Equipment (1) + Powers (0) - Drawbacks (0) = 65pp

  6. "Well, for all intents purposes, if not for the fact that I have a copy of my birth certificate I'd accuse them of adopting me."

    Well she had actually accused them as such before, just not out loud, but research had proved that they were in fact directly related. Though she didn't go as far as to have a faternity test since that might lead to some other testing that she sort of didn't want to go through with her parents. She didn't doubt that they would accept her regardless, she knew they were, it would just be so darn awkward. Especially since there would be a million jokes at her expense, most of which would probably come from Trent who couldn't keep a secret if it could save his life.

    "Dinner sounds nice, you can choose the venue, after all you're probably paying for it. In fact you're almost definitely paying for because I've already paid my bills this month, and unless we're ordering off the dollar menu I'm not going to be able to pick up any part of that tab."

    She reached into her purse and held something close to her palm. Opening it she revealed nothing, she did this all while fishing with her other hand and pulling out a small cloth case. Unzipping it, she flipped it a little bit to show an accordian style thing that was labled with letters of the alphabet with various business cards making it a rather functioning portable rolodex. She held the small case up level with the iphone in Mona's hands.

    "The company that made mines been in decline for about several decades now, it doesn't get reception anywhere, but it has a ton of storage space. Plus I never mispress a button while texting."

    Smiling, she pulled out two precut pieces of paper, one she scribbled down her own number on before handing it off to her, and the other she held in her hand pen as she started to write,

    "I didn't get you're last name, mine's Wendle by the way, the endings dle, not dell though."

  7. Shaking his hand she let go and shrugged,

    "I can't expect you to be one, this isn't much of an area for detective work. Colleges aren't places of mystery, there's security cameras in every building, locks on every door and regular patrols by trained officers. The only reason anything really happened is because the focus for colleged aged crime is almost always off campus on the weekends when everyone is out clubbing or visiting their parents."

    Looking down at her pocket, she let out a sigh,

    "Anyway, the source of this is probably more from my side of town. I heard a little of the conversation before I busted in, it seemed that they were making a new formula of zoom. The seizures were probably an alternate side effect inflicted for this new product."

    "We can try to take this out, but drug rings are tricky especially if this connects to the mob, then it gets even trickery. The college crowd is always a big market for zoom dealers, if you keep up patrols you can make the area no longer profitable, and they'll probably retreat from North End with less fuss. Just make sure you call the ambulences ahead of time, we were lucky that this was an alternate formula, because if you knock out zoomers on the regular stuff they're heart can stop right when they get knocked out."

    Walking around the classroom she found a desk and opened a drawer, locating a pencil she started to scribble on a piece of paper she tore from a larger one she got from one of her pockets before handing it to Supercape.

    "Here's my permenant number, call me if you need some help or if you find any leads on your own. Just don't do it if your about to pass out in an alley because I need at least an hours notice to get here otherwise your better off calling the cops."

  8. "First off, that is an off mythology reference, banshees don't fight, they just wail to notify a family if someone has or is about to die. Secondly, if I could read minds I probably wouldn't be here, I'd be applying to appear on jeopardy. Given, I probably wouldn't get much past the scanners, but yeah, flat is all I got. It's not fancy, but it can't backfire on me spectacularly, your's however, well I'm glad it's you who has it and not some nastier folk. Good thing you can fly too, because no one's letting you through airport security any time soon."

    Atom control, there were simply a ton of applications for a power like that, a lot of them were less then pleasant and less then legal, but there was still more then that. Well most people never seemed to ask heroes how they do the things they do, because otherwise everything that he does is just what is viewed as the standard package of what a hero should be able to do if they want to take out a supervillian, though that never stopped Geckoman.

    "There is something bigger here, I'm sure, this for example."

    Reaching up she held up the phone with the unknown number,

    "It'll require some investigation, but they'll probably back off the college scene at least in North End while the heats still on."

    Slipping the phone into one of her many pockets,

    "Anyway, I haven't introduced myself, at least not properly,"

    She held out his hand to his,

    "My handle's Silhouette."

  9. Looking up while she down onto her captive, she saw the crystalized bonds surround the young speeder, and found herself simply staring at the spectical,

    "Holy sh...."

    Her attention to this event as well as her speech was cut off by a slight buzzing under he left thigh. Moving it slightly she flipped up the targets lab coat to find a cell phone with an unlisted number. The sound of it seemed to make the dealer more ambient to try and stop her from answering, but he could not move himself from his restrained bonds. Instead he started to shout profanities that Sil stopped by grabbing some cotton balls from the table she had knocked over on the way in and stuff them into his mouth. Letting it ring a couple of times she picked it up and held the phone to her ear,

    "Good evening."

    There was silence before the person on the other line said,

    "Who's this?"

    "Ms. Flourance Blots, how may I help you today?"

    There was a few seconds of hestitation in the background, as well as some coughing as the young man under her tried to spit out the cotton balls,

    "Cut the carp and put Danny on the line?"

    "He's a bit tied up at the moment, can I take a message?"

    They person on the other end just hung up after that, looking at the number, she quietly dialed 911 again and waited for the response.

    The ambulence and the police came soon after, they entered the building and found the rather peculiar scene of the two heros restraining their respective captives. Though the sight of the casing that Supercape had prepared for his captive was interesting, their was flat out laughter of the sight of Silhouette sitting with her legs crossed on her's while she was flipping through a medical magazine she had found on the floor. Both captives were cuffed, however, the zoomer who was coming off of his dose was immediately taken to an ambulenced to be properly monitored in case his heart failed.

    When it was all said and done it had been a rather short matter, but there was a few things that were still missing from the entire picture. Pocketing the phone, Sil walked over to Supercape and said very simply,

    "I'd only seen a couple tonight, and they all seem somehow related, but I do have to ask, how many powers do you even have?"

  10. Sil was a bit busy with the young dealer in a lab coat. He struggled and kicked her in the face but she managed to slide by his foot and grab it so she got better leverage as she pulled him back and forcing him face first on the ground while she wrapped and tied his hands with medical tubing. He struggled a bit, but she managed to keep him down as she looked up to see Supercape having zapped another zoomer,

    "Hurry up and restrain him."

    The zoomer was still a bit woozy after the hit and had to take a second to get back up and get his bearings.

  11. Well in all his blue glory, Supercape came just in time to be bypassed by a blur in a concert t-shirt. The other dude who was wearing a similar outfit plus a lab jacket tried to duck under the table but Sil grabbed at his legs and pulled him back. Looking back at SC she said,

    "Go catch the speeder."

  12. She pointed a thumb at the dasterly duo,

    "Nah, Trent's their dad, and he's a card carrying nerd. He and his wife dumped these two on me so they could watch a Lord of the Rings Marathon without having them screaming and stuff during it."

    She took a quick glance at her watch,

    "They're probably halfway through the first one by now. As for me being smaller, one thing you got to understand about my family, I've always been the smallest. Both my parents are taller then me, my dad's a few inches off of six feet, my mom's five six, my younger sister's five eleven in her bare feet, and Trent's a whooping six eight. While my parents and my sister get my personal space, Trent never has. When we were younger, he'd often just stand behind me so I'd run into him when I turned around, he also developed habits like putting his chin on my head as well, he called me shorty for a while too, but I'd always correct him with the fact that I wasn't short, he was just tall. Funny thing about that though, he married a chick who needs three inch heels to meet my eye level."

    Looking back at the Centurion with the last statement, she shrugged,

    "When I learned he was six feet from research I actually thought he'd be taller, given my perception of what is and isn't tall is a bit warped from a lifetime of always having to look up at the people I spent the most time with. Given, looking down is just as frustrating."

    She said the last bit while moving her head slightly in the direction of the twins, who were now wrapping each other in the measuring tape. Looking at them,

    "Be careful not to fall, because I'm not untangling you little demons."

  13. I'm screwed,

    Those words sort of circulated in her head as she watched the witch try to decide how her good deed should not be left unpunished. Nevermind that she probably stopped someone from being poisoned, in fact she was almost certian that the woman in front of her had had something nasty in mind for the actress who was going to be handling that dress. At least the other techs were still alive, even if they were beetles. That was reversible right? She'd probably have to find out first hand, especially since no one seemed to be doing an...

    Her thoughts were cut off by what looked like a blonde wookie jumping down from the stands. She didn't recognize whoever this was, but heck she'd gladly take help from Counsin It against this greek age psycopath.

    The look of horror on the young woman in front of her was befitting of her presense, she should change her that could still make that face. Probably not a bug, they have no real expression, maybe a smaller mammal, brown hair, a squirrel then. Preparing the spell she nearly spoke it when she noticed that the girls attention was no longer looking at her, but past her. Turning her head almost immedately she found herself face to hair with a mass of golden lochs attached to another woman,

    "You look like you could use a hair cut."

    Appearing before her two demons, not much taller then a human, but definitely more built appeared. They extended their claws and jumped forward at Gossamer claws extended to strike.

    Carrie couldn't really decide what was stranger about the incident, that she was being saved by a mass of hair, or that she was actually lucky enough to get the woman to turn her back on her. She was sure some people were still looking at her, but once the demons came up, no one was as they were at them. Backing out of the spotlight, she felt the floor quietly and positioned and readied herself. Turning 2D she had to remember not to scream as she fell through the gap in the wood and into the under area of the stage.

  14. She pressed a single finger on her forehead before saying,

    "We haven't even confirmed that he's doing anything wrong yet."

    Looking at him quietly she said,

    "You know what, I'll go in, and if I'm not back in five minutes, or you have any reason to suspect that something is amiss, like maybe yelling, random crashes or gunshots then you can come on in and give him a right good talking too."

    She held up air quotes on the last too words before she slipped around the side of the building then went right inside.

    She glanced around the first floor taking a look down the hallways looking and listening for the boy, then decided to head to the second. On the stair case entrance her eyes caught the light of a room just down the hallway and she moved quietly, getting close to the door she caught the middle bit of the conversation.

    "sure this stuff is safe? I heard some really nasty things."

    She didn't know who to attribute the voice too, because she didn't dare take a peek while the lights were still on.

    "I did some preliminary testing, and though it doesn't last as long, their has been no record of heart failures and all the subjects come out just fine."

    The other person seemed convinced,

    "Alright man, hook me up."

    It was a little before that Sil stared to move, reaching her hand around the door frame she came in low and quiet as she reached around for a light switch. Very slowly and quietly she sneaked around until she was up far enough and she found it and flipped it. With the lights shut off, Silhouette dashed across the room in the few seconds they were blinded by the lack of light. Running across the room, she had to slow down to avoid bumping into the tables and chairs scattered across the room. The guy holding a needle was the first to recover from the shock and effectively slide a chair into Sil's feet, she cleared it with a leap, but was too distracted as the guy found the vein of his friend and inserted the needle.

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