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Posts posted by Aoiroo

  1. Reaching down into the bag she pulled out her notepad and pen,

    "Well, first off you can probably explain what exactly it is you do. Momentum sounds like someone who can run fast but what else can you do. Battle stradegies are based on what one has available. Like Creature Feature here is actually a shapeshifter with a taste for horror films, he's pretty much an extreme version of as seen on TV. Like the wolfguy his best stradegy involves mostly offensive tactics. I'm technically a shapeshifter as well but on the other end of the spectrum completely, so I rely on stuff like defense and surprise attacks."

    Not to mention sneakiness, she was without a doubt very sneaky.

  2. Carrie let out a sigh,

    "I could barely afford my normal costume, let alone a 'battle suit'. This is just my old sparring gear from college."

    Reaching for her watch she saw it was only a little after one.

    "Well it would probably be late if it was a weekday, but you could probably hang around and spar with Creature Feature. It'll probably benefit the both of you since both of you have powers that simulate the effects of some nasty little drugs that have been floating around the underground."

  3. "Yeah, you and every other hero in the city. Heck, if he tried that robot thing again I bet that German scientist guy, umm, ohh Doktor Archeville could probably build his own robot army to match. Actually, I wouldn't be surprise if he already have one just gathering dust."

    She started to stretch her arms out, less to loosen up, and more to hide the look on her face as she let out a dry heave. Though there was nothing but digestive fluids in her stomach, it felt like those were threatening to make a hasty exit. Relaxing her face as the arms came down she reached into her purse and procurred a water bottle and her ginger pills. Downing two of the capsules she took a sip of water before saying,

    "Sorry, antibiotics, I'm just coming off the three day grace period for a bad cold I had last week."

  4. Breathing out quietly through her nose, she looked from Vance, to Momentum before walking over to Vance. Reaching up, she smacked him hard on the back of the head.

    "If you had been paying attention, you would of realized I just told him in my introduction. If you had also been paying attention, you would of noticed that I introduced myself as Carrie, you know because of what I'm wearing."

    She moved her hand down the t-shirt and old paint plattered pants to her trainers then back up to her nonclothed covered face. Looking over at momentum she said,

    "As you can tell, he's fairly new to this. Anyway, Momentum is an obvious handle for a speeder."

  5. She glanced over at Vance and let out a sigh,

    "Costumes serve a couple of purposes like protection, concealment, as well as recognization among the public. You powers pretty much cover the first two, the last, well we'll work on that later."

    Probably after we figure out what the heck happened to you and Ms. Lights.

    "Anyway, I'm Carrie, and I hang out with well weirdos in general, mostly artists and heroes. Or in CF's case, trainees. You look like you could probably use some help as well, or at least a new costume, that hoody cannot be terribly aerodynamic."

  6. Turning to Vance she let out another sigh.

    "No, we aren't doing anything illegal, it's just your choices in alternate forms is a bit unsettling to most people and I don't have any real way to vouch for you. That's why I'm trying to get you to learn to control yourself, if you slip up and accidently hurt or even kill somebody the public will absolutely crucify you."

    Looking over at the random boy again she started to scan his outfit.

    "No, I don't think he's in any gangs, his pants actually fit."

  7. "First off, he's not a thing, currently he's the wolfguy. Second off, we're only out here so late at night because there's supposed to be no one around. We can't have people screaming and calling the cops in the middle of out training sessions."

    Walking closer she took one finger and put it on his chest,

    "The real question is, why is someone who's barely old enough to shave running around downtown after midnight, unchaperoned. Your parents can't of allowed you out at such an hour."

  8. "Movies, they always try to rework the continuety to try and make sense of things like extended absenses. If he was coming back, he would of by now especially with everything going on, anyway, more importantly, YOU MET HIM. That is AWESOME! I always wanted to meet him when I was a little girl, I would always look through news reports when my father flicked on the weekly news to try and find any footage of his heroics. I so wanted to go to Freedom City when I was a little girl so I could go and meet him, but the invasion happened."

    She looked down and cletched her fist,

    "It's stupid, but I sort of want to go there, even if it's dangerous just so I can punch that smug bastard in the nuts for what he did. Even when I did get to visit like two years later, the whole city seemed so empty like the spirit had just gone up and left it all behind when he did. Given, it was probably just me, because I was sick the whole time we were their it was awful."

    She really hated that last bit, especially since she couldn't attend the muesums and had to sleep for like two days straight just to get the strengh back to properly attend her grandparents vow renewal since that's the reason they technically came.

  9. Reaching over she took her fingers and flicked him on the forehead and said with an irritated voice,

    "What makes you think I need to be saved by a little twerp like you? I've taken out guys twice your size with no trouble, and I have no doubt I take Creature Feature over here if I really needed to."

    Before continuing, she spun him around to face Vance head on,

    "Plus, what sort of idiot just runs in against something like him expecting it to do anything. You might want to reaccess your weight class, because he's got at least three hundred pounds of pure muscle on your scawny hind end."

  10. Carrie just watched the seen quietly as she held her notebook and started to scribble down more notes, a few words were added to the advantages section, like intimidation and toughness. In addition to that, a short sentence was added at the end of the disadvantages section, unable to properly read situations.

    Walking from behind Creature Feature, she got a look at the kid he held in his grasp. It was a rather scrawny kid that wasn't terribly different then how Vance looked in human form. He seemed pretty fond of red and white, though he was pretty glad that he wasn't wearing blue because that is incredibly overused. Looking from his angle over at Vance she was surprise the kid didn't just pass out from fright, reaching over she slid her hand onto his shoulder,

    "Isn't it just a bit past your curfew kid?"

  11. Carrie didn't really see the blur that just randomly bum rushed Creature Feature off his feet, and annoying back onto her. This time she was able to avoid crushing as he pulled himself up and she slipped out of his grasped. Hearing his immediate demand she realized that someone must of been there. Backing up quietly to give him some room she started to remove her arm guards so she could fight properly(them being too thick for her to go flat with), she started to scan the area to see if she could find the source of the trouble.

  12. "I can imagine. Well, if that's all you've got we have a problem."

    Unrolling wrappings she began to wrap her hand and she spoke,

    "We have a problem, because while you retain that form, you gain a lot of things. You probably have enhanced senses, smell and hearing like it is with wolves, as well as strengh, but you don't have the instinct or battle skills. Having you fight with your size and strengh in a real battle without training is like operating a table saw without reading the manual. While you might be able to get the work done, more likely than not you're going to get yourself, or someone else hurt or worse."

    Loosening up she started to stretch a little bit before she looked up at him,

    "Now, we'll work on things like punching, and kicking, for combat where you might actually be facing someone who's at your level in that form. However, a good bit of the criminals in the city aren't giant monsters, ultra powerful creatures from another dimension or rich nutjobs with cybernetic suites. A lot of them are normal, fragile humans like you when you're normal, well maybe not nearly as wimpy but yeah. To start, we'll work on grabbing and pinning."

    Reaching down she put on some hand guards over her fists before she walked over to him,

    "Now, I want you to try and grab me."

  13. "Well, I don't mind them terribly, they're good company. I spend a couple of times up front with them, but I'm always in the front or in the back. I like the middle best honestly, but there's always someone in front of me blocking my view. I'd imagine you'd have a similar problem since you probably always have to sit in the back so you're sort of not. Unless you're at a drive in, I miss drive in movies, I haven't been in forever. Given, that's probably because I don't have a car, and the owners wouldn't let me set up my lawn chair and portable radio because it was a safety hazard."

    Looking down at the two Ems she let out a sigh,

    "I'd probably take these two to a movie to kill time, but there's nothing showing that's appropriate for them, but not so mindnumbingly so that I wouldn't be able to enjoy it. But yeah, nothing's original nowadays. It's just several clever adaptions of plots and characters that have been retooled. At least they stopped the line of superhero movies, some were good, a couple were so terrible it was insulting, like that whole Centurion Returns thing, god just the actors alone bugged the heck out of me. Though Shadows Wrath was okay, even though Strike of Midnight didn't do well, the continuing continuity was okay, especially since this is like the forth attempt at reconning the characters."

  14. He was in the right place, but the bench Carrie previously occupied was completely empty. The moon shoned brightly onto the space, but there was no shadow because of the angle. At least, there wasn't until she regained her full form. Taking her shape right behind Vance, Carrie announced her presense with a simple,

    "You're late."

    Walking past him as she looked at her watch she let out a sigh,

    "Well at least it's not a school night, so come on."

    They got off the path set to the park and entered an outcrop of trees. It didn't take long before they got to a clearing that was marked by some chalk. In the clearing was also a duffle bag that Carrie picked up and rummaged through before picking out some light arm and shoulder guards as she strapped them on.

    "So, have you ever been in an actual fight, I mean of course against another person that didn't involve just a bunch of shouting and slamming doors."

  15. Four minutes to midnight Carrie sat crossed legged on the bench as she tapped her watch quietly. He was late. Sitting cross legs in her trainers and some old bleach stained pants she pulled reached into her purse and started to skim through her note pad lightly. Getting to her observations page she reread what she had written previously.


    Advantages: Size, strengh, increased swiftness, claws

    Disadvantages: Intimidating, really an unskilled teenager underneath, possible weaknesses to silver.

    Letting out a sigh, she picked out a pen and started to add at the end,

    Not good at keeping attendence.

    Smiling she looked at the pad which was an overview of monster but was starting to look like professor notes. Given, that was her job today, teacher. He needed someone to show him at least some basic self defense otherwise he'd just be swinging around in a form and tripping over himself like he did when they met.

  16. Taking the number in kind she slid it in one of her pockets before glancing at the clock.

    "Getting late, well later, and the police will probably be sweeping the campus so I guess we can say adue."

    Reaching forward, she grabbed his hand and did a quick shake,

    "It was nice meeting you, nastiness aside, though if I catch you drunk and in costume again, I will probably have knock a good bit of sense into you, and maybe one or two teeth out."

    She gave him a smile that could not be seen behind the full cloth mask,

    "Just kidding."

    Letting go, she turned towards the door, and made her way to the steps. It was comforting that there was someone else in the area. Now there was only the task of her getting back to the dorms, hopefully she wouldn't bump into anyone else in costume, or Sarah for that matter, things were awkward enough as it is.

  17. Her own attack having no effect she saw the retailation coming and realized quickly she wasn't going to be able to get out of the way complete. Turning sideways with her hands in front she took the hit on her a bit of her side just a bit above the kidney and a little bit on her lower arm. It stung like heck, but she stayed on her feet as she backed up a few paces and finally got a good look at her potiential assualter, except, he wasn't a mugger. Ohh, he was definitely not a mugger, the black figure before her, red eyes, and that really nice hat only meant one thing. She really needed to get her purse. Darting away from him and onto the other side of the dumpster she grabbed her bag and dug in for a few seconds before grabbing what she wanted and reappearing from it side. He was coming forward, the same look on his face, but she didn't look back or fear, instead she had a new determination on her face as she held up her object desired to reveal a bright orange notepad,

    "Can I have your autograph?"

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