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Posts posted by playah

  1. Randy only managed to touch the doorknob, when some dreadlocked fellow stopped him with annoying questions. He had no time for this- he already lost more time then he should while his cab waited outside. He sighed deeply and turned over to the stranger.

    Nothing happened here, bub. Mind your own business.

    A talk like this wasnt exactly polite, but either old habits or just bad mood usually won over. If guy is smart, he'll leave it be.

  2. Old man Harry looked surprised at the apparent costumer. Surprised untill he realized that he didnt put the "closed" sign on the door. He hastily took of and walked toward Weasley.

    "Oh, I-Im sorry, I forgot to put the 'closed sign'. But oh well, c-costumer is a costumer, how can I help you? Oh, please dont mind the small mess, its nothing to worry about."

    That said he walked behind the counter and waited for Weasley's answer. He was visibly shaking and scared of whatever happened just a while ago. Randy meanwhile realized he's staying a little too long here and should be going back to work (the cookies were great though).

    "Whatever, I'll go for now. Watch out for yourself, old man. You dont want any more troubles, do you? See ya."

    That said he headed back to his cab, walking toward the door, but couldnt help but to look at Weasley. 'Do I know him?' he thought.

  3. Questionnaire: (in progress)


    Give a two or three word description of yourself. (Describe your character's concept.)

    Snarky street hero.

    Do you have any nicknames, street names, titles, or nom de plume?

    Non at the moment, other then name, former name and superhero name. Do they count?

    What is your full birth name?

    Carter Mendell. Currently has a new (semi) legit name- Randy Cash.

    Where do you live?

    Small apartment in Theatre District, Freedom City.

    Why do you live there?

    Its cheap and relatively close to both jobs.

    What do you perceive as your greatest strength?

    Stree smarts.

    What do you perceive as your greatest weakness?

    Quick temper, especially toward other people I dont care about.

    Physical Traits

    How old are you? (Chronological age as well as age category.)

    30 years old.

    What is your sex?

    Currently not good... oh, you mean gender... Male.

    What is your race?

    White human. Or should I say cuacasian, am I supposed to be politically correct?

    How tall are you?

    Read the sheet. Just tall enough.

    How much do you weigh?

    See above. Fairly avarage, unless turned into some hard stuff.

    What is your general body type, frame, bone structure, and poise?

    Tall, fairly muscled but hardly visible at first glance.

    What is your skin colour?

    Didnt you ask already? White.

    What is your hair colour?


    What is your hair style?

    Long, messy "whatever I wake up with".

    Do you have any facial hair?

    Few days worth of shave.

    What is your eye colour?


    How attractive are you?

    I've seen worse.

    What is your most distinguishing feature?

    Nothing really. I look like a regular guy in thirties who doesnt like to shave too often.

    Do you have any scars, tattoos, or birthmarks?


    What is your handedness (left/right/ambidextrous)?

    Right handed.

    Do you resemble some currently known person?

    None that I know of (Im not into pop culture).

    What kind of clothing do you wear?

    SImple stuff like blue jeans, t-shirts and maybe a brown jacket on cold days.

    Do you wear makeup?

    No, Im not gay.

    What sort of vocal tone do you have?

    Rough, intimidating one.


    Where is your homeland?

    USA, Freedom City.

    Are you aware of its history?

    More or less.

    Are you patriotic or a social outcast?

    In the middle- I dont care about politics, but if someone tried to invade it, I'll be in the frontlines.

    What are your opinion of home?

    Its okay. Not much to compare to, but I have no reason to leave.

    Where is your home town?

    Freedom City. I said that already!

    Are your real reasons for becoming an adventurer different from what you tell others?

    I got nothing to hide from my friends. Friends equal those I can trust.

    How far would you go to keep such secrets from being revealed? What would you do if the truth became known?

    I'd rather nobody found out, for the sake of my daughter. And if anyone discovers it, I'll use some heavy diplomacy to make them my "friends". Or silence them forever... nah, kidding.

    What do you fear would occur if the truth became known?

    I fear it would hurt my daughter. Its the last thing someone will do in their life.

    How do you feel about other races?

    Neutral. I know a lot of bad and good people, race doesnt matter.

    Were there any traumatic experiences in your early years (death of a family member, abandonment, orphaned at an early age)?

    I grew up with abusive parents. Explains a lot.

    Briefly describe a defining moment in your childhood and how it influenced your life.

    There isnt one that overshadows others. Probably something to do with my father, but I dont wanna talk about it.

    What stupid things did you do when you were younger?

    Joined a gang, bullied a lot of kids and were generally an a-hole. I dont really regret them though, what happened happened.

    Which toys from your childhood have you kept?

    None. Not that I had any at all.

    Do you have any deep, dark secrets in the past that may come back to haunt you?

    Yeah, the "laboratory" where I got my powers. These guys think Im dead, but I turned out more powerfull then they hoped, so Im expecting a visit one day or another.

    Are you who you claim to be?

    Depends who I talk to. If its someone trusted, friend or family- then no, Im not hiding anything. Anyone else- not their business, I have a new name for a reason.

    Do you have any sort of criminal record?

    Where do I begin... gangs, heists, petty theft, henchman to several small villains. The list goes on.

    How do you view the heroes/legends of your country?

    I never met any, so I cant tell how much is a lie. I'll get on that when I find out more.


    Who were your parents?

    Mom was a nurse, and Father was (mostly) unemployed abusive drunk. Good think my mom knew first aid, couse she defenitely didnt know about common sense to move out.

    Were you raised by them? If not, then why didn't they and who did raise you?

    Raised? Thats a good one. I was raised by street, they cared about me more then these two.

    What was their standing in the community?

    None at all. They were laughinstock or subject of pity, depending how compassionate you were.

    Did your family stay in one area or move around a lot?

    They stayed in one place. Far as I know, they still are.

    How did you get along with their parents?


    How would your parents describe you? Answer this in the voice of your mother, then in your father's.

    I dont care about them enough to remember. Besides, all my father knew was how to embarass and humiliate me, so that might be answer of it all.

    Do you have any siblings? If so how many and what were their names? How did you get along with each of your siblings?

    No, thankfully. I doubt anyone else could survive in our home like this.

    What was your birth position in the family?

    Didnt you pay attention at all?

    List all current knowledge of family locations, spouses, children, birth dates, schooling, and any important incidents that only you and they might remember.

    Im ignoring this question.

    Do you stay in touch with them or have you become estranged?

    Take a guess (estranded).

    Do you love or hate one member of the family in particular?

    I dont care about them, but hate might be close.

    Is any member of the family special to you in any way (perhaps, as a confidant, mentor, or arch-rival)?


    Are there any black (or white) sheep in the family (including you)?

    The entire family is a black sheep. I might be the only one to grow out of it, actually getting a regular job and some higher goals.

    Do you have a notorious or celebrated ancestor?

    Nope. Grandpa was supposedly a war hero, but I never knew him.

    If so, what did this person do to become famous or infamous?

    He led a platoon during World War II and was there in Vietnam, but I dont know the details.

    Do you try to live up to the reputation of your ancestor, try to live it down, or ignore it?

    Not really, though he does seem like a good guy.

    Do you ever want to have a family of your own someday?

    I already did, but Im not against getting married again, or getting more kids. Who knows, for now Im concentrated on my first child.

    Would anything change your mind on this issue and if so, what?

    I dont know. Maybe finding out my future kids will grow powerfull and evil might change my mind, but I doubt it.

    What type of person would be your ideal mate?

    Anything that isnt like my ex-wife, she can die. An avarage, kind and not-ugly is basically all I want right now, Im not picky.


    Do you have any close friends? If so, who and what are they like?

    Not really close friends, but a lot of drinking buddies and collegues from back then. Most of them are criminals or involved with some shady business though.

    What is the history of their relationship(s) with you?

    We grew up together, worked together and often fought alongside- a bond was sure to ensue.

    Do you currently have a best friend whom you would protect with your reputation or your life?

    Not really, no.

    If so, who are they and what caused you to feel so close to them? What would have to happen for you to end this relationship?


    Who is your most trusted ally?

    Not really.

    Who do you despise and why?

    Name seven things you hate in others.

    Is your image consistent?

    Do you deliberately present yourself differently in different situations, and how?

    What would you die for?

    What is the worst thing someone has done to you?

    What is your general reaction to an attractive member of the opposite sex who lets you know they are available?

    How do you get along with others of the same adventuring class?

    Have you lost any loves?

    How did you handle the situation (short & long term)?

    Who would miss you should you go missing?

    How close are you to your adventuring companions?

    What do they not know about you?

    Are you a member of any house, guild, organization, or church? What is your level of involvement?

    Personality & Beliefs

    Do you, or did you, have any role models?

    Do you have any heroes or idols, either contemporary or from legend?

    Did you ever become disillusioned with former heroes or idols? If so, why and what were the circumstances?

    When did you decide to become an adventurer?

    Why have you chosen to risk your life as a career?

    What do you expect to get out of being an adventurer? What, if anything, would make you stop adventuring?

    Do you have any dreams or ambitions? If not, why?

    What are your short term goals (what would you like to be doing within a year)?

    What are your long term goals (what would you like to be doing twenty years from now)?

    If these goals seem at odds with each other, or with your dreams, how do you reconcile the differences?

    Do you have any great rational or irrational fears or phobias? If so, what are the origins of, or reasons behind them?

    How do you react when this fear manifests itself?

    What are your attitudes regarding material wealth?

    Are you miserly with your share of the wealth, or do you spend it freely?

    Do you see wealth as a mark of success, or just as a means to an end?

    How do you generally treat others?

    Do you trust easily (perhaps too easily) or not?

    Are you introverted (shy and withdrawn) or extroverted (outgoing)?

    Are you a humble soul or blusteringly proud?

    What habits do you find most annoying in friends?

    What are your most annoying habits?

    Is there any race, creed, alignment, religion, class, profession, political viewpoint, or the like against which you are strongly prejudiced, and why?

    What is your favourite food?

    What is your favourite drink?

    What is your favourite treat (desert)?

    Do you favour a particular cuisine?

    Do you savor the tastes when eating or "wolf down" your food?

    Do you like food mild or heavily spiced?

    Are there any specific foodstuffs that you find disgusting or refuse to eat?

    What are your favourite colour(s)?

    Is there any colour that you dislike?

    Do you have a favourite (or hated) song, type of music, or instrument?

    If you have a favourite scent, what is it?

    What is your favourite type of animal?

    Are you allergic to any kinds of animals?

    Is there anything that enrages you?

    Is there anything which embarrasses you?

    Do you enjoy "roughing it", or do you prefer your creature comforts?

    Do you have a patron deity?

    Are you devout or impious?

    Do you actively worship and proselytize or do you simply pay lip service?

    What lengths would you go to defend your faith?

    Was your faith influenced or molded by anyone special?

    Do you belong to a dominant church, or an independent church, cult, or sect (and is the group accepted, frowned upon, or considered heretics)?

    Will you kill?

    When did you decide (or learn) that you would?

    When do you consider it okay to kill (under what circumstances)?

    When do you consider it wrong to kill (under what circumstances)?

    What would you do if someone else attempted to (or successfully did) kill under your "wrong" circumstances, what would be your reaction?

    What if it were your enemy?

    What if it were your friend?

    What if the opponent were not in control of their own actions (under duress, charmed, dominated, possessed)?

    What would you do if something were stolen from you?

    What would you do if you were badly insulted publicly?

    What would you do if a good friend or relative were killed by means other than natural death?

    What is the one task you would absolutely refuse to do?

    What do you consider to be the worst crime someone could commit and why?

    How do you feel about government (rulers) in general? Why do you feel that way?

    Do you support the current government of your homeland?

    If so, how far are you willing to go to defend the government? If not, do you actively oppose it?

    What form of government do you believe is the best (democracy, monarchy, anarchy, aristocratic rule, oligarchy, matriarchy) and why?

    Do you have any unusual habits or dominant personality traits that are evident to others?

    If so, describe them and how you acquired them, as well as when they might be more noticeable and what causes them.

    Do you have any unusual or nervous mannerisms, such as when talking, thinking, afraid, under stress, or when embarrassed?

    What is your most treasured possession?

    If your life were to end in 24 hours, what 5 things would you do in those remaining hours?

    Career & Training

    Where and how were you educated?

    Who trained you in your adventuring class(es)?

    What was your relationship with your teacher(s)/mentor(s)?

    Is this person or institution still in existence?

    Were you a prize student or did you just barely pass?

    Look at your skills. How did you acquire them (especially the unusual ones)?

    Have you ever done anything else for a living?

    How do you function in combat (maneuvers, weaknesses)?

    Have you ever received any awards or honours?

    Is there anything that you don't currently know how to do that you wish you could?

    Are you envious of others who can do such things in a good-natured way or are you sullen and morose about it?

    Lifestyle & Hobbies

    When not adventuring, what is your normal daily routine?

    How do you feel and react when this routine is interrupted for some reason?

    What are your hobbies when you are not adventuring or training?

    What do you do for relaxation? What things do you do for enjoyment? What interests do you have?

    How do you normally dress when not in your adventuring gear?

    What do you normally wear in bed at home?

    What do you normally wear in bed while adventuring?

    Do you wear any identifiable jewelry?

    Where do you normally put your weapons, magic items, or other valuables when you are sleeping?

    What morning or evening routines do you normally have?

    Do these change when you are adventuring?

    Travel: how do you get around locally?

    Do you have a Last Will and Testament?

    What does it say?


    What would you like to be remembered for after your death?

    What kind of threat do you present to the public?

    If your features were to be destroyed beyond recognition, is there any other way of identifying your body?

    As a player, if you could, what advice would you give your character? Speak as if he/she were sitting right here in front of you. Use proper tone so they might heed your advice...

  4. The bald thug swung the pipe at Randy and tried to hit him, but all he had to do was to raise his hand and block the pipe with sheer power of his muscles. The look on thug's face was priceless when he realized the futility of such attacks, while Randy looked at him with a 'Seriously, you think you have a chance?" face. And then he clenched his right fist and threw it straight at his opponents face, breaking his nose and knocking him back like he was a ragdoll. Unlike his buddy right next to him, he wasnt down yet, but his bloodied nose and face full of tears (ugly, deformed face) meaning he had enough, while Randy could go like this all day, and thats even without using his powers. Randy crossed his arms and leered at the two, as the more consciouss one woke up the second one and gave a cue to escape. They carefully passed Randy and closed to the door. Randy couldnt resist the urge to step toward, hilariously scaring them out of their pants. They ran away like Roadrunners, leaving only dust behind and by now were probably in mexico already, while Randy couldnt stop giggling.

    "Hey, old man, they're gone. You can come out now."

    The old clerk peeked out of the counter and looked around carefully. Realizing that Randy wasnt a common thug (little did he knew), he stepped away and took a breather, looking sadly at the damage done by vandals and ensuing fight.

    "Im getting too old for this..." exclaimed the man "Im sorry for the trouble, young man."

    "Dont mention it. Types like that need a beating anyways, or else they'll wont ever learn."

    Randy knew he should've just go now, but he couldnt leave the old man alone just now. The store was all messy and old man barely walked, tired and stressed out, so he decided to stay and help a little, in case the thugs were going back. He also called in the police... or tried to, but apparently they couldnt spare anyone now, especially without any actual evidence (and no witnessess, as the street was almost empty) and no culprits. Its okay though- these two seemed like random thugs, they probably wont come here again if they risked meeting him again. Unless they're a part of larger gang and come for retribution, which was another reason to stay.

    He spent some time with old man Harry (as this was his name) and listened to his story.

    "I was born and raised in Freedom, but I moved away when I met the most beautiful women in the world. I married Gloria and spent 41 good years with her, god bless her soul."

    He reached for his wallet and showed Randy a picture of himself right next to some kind looking old lady. 'So thats where this bakery got its name. Cute', thought Randy. Despite the fact that he was ready to strangle people talking about their lives just few minutes ago, he listened to old man's story carefully. Cup of coffee and chocolate cookies sure helped.

    "After she died, I came back and realized my dream. You see, I always dreamed about my own bakery, however small it is, but back in New York times were tough, I had to work two shifts to keep the family." he reached for two more pictures. One was a young couple with a small baby carried by the mother, while the other, older couple was surrounded by bunch of kids. He introduced man in second picture as Charles, his older son, and his large family. Said he owns some small printing company. On first picture was his younger son, Robert, a New York policeman, just married. He talked warmly about them and Randy could feel just how much he cared about them and how much he sacrificed to allow them a good life. But then he asked.

    "Do you have any kids, Mr Cash?"

    "Call me Randy, and yes, I have a daugher." He took out a picture from his wallet. It was one year outdated, but he didnt have any current pictures, what with him and his 'death'.

    "She's only ten years old and I'd move stars for her (maybe even literally), but..."

    "Whats the problem, young man?"

    "Well, me and her mother, my ex-wife, dont really get along. She wont let me near her anymore, but I cant blame her. Im not exactly the greatest role model ever..."

    Old Man Harry patted Randy's should and looked him deep into eyes.

    "Listen up, sonny, Im 61 and I know a good man when I see one. And you know what? There's no bad man in my shop right now."

    Randy smiled. Simple words like those from a stranger werent exactly going to cheer him up or change his situation, but it still felt good that there's someone out there ready to help another person, even if just to thank for earlier. He liked Old Man Harry- if onlt becouse he was nothing like his father. Jobless, abusing alcocholic that enjoyed nothing more then booze and telling everyone how much he hates them, especially his only son. What would his life look if Old Man Harry was his father? Would he get his own company or become a cop? Who knew...

  5. He could've taken them easily just by touching the wall and crushing them, but that would've been overkill and he'd risk exposing his identity. Back in the days he managed to beat down thugs like those with his fists alone, so thats what he'll do now. The door didnt have a bell on it, so it was easy to just walk in and run toward the nearest guy, which is when a punch ensued. He didnt know what hit him, but it was tough and powerfull enough to send him flying, untill he met the wall on the other side of the store. His friend dropped his jaw and only looked as his buddy hit the wall and didnt wake up. Carbon... no, Randy was on a roll, so he stepped forward and readied another smack, but the guy lucked out and swayed back avoiding similiar fate.

    "W-who the !@#$ are you?"

    "Uh-uh, language."

    The thug didnt think of escaping, hoping a big lead pipe in his hands will give him advantage. The fool he was. The clerk hid behind the counter and waited untill its over.

  6. My first attack, from surprise and charged and I rolled... a natural 20. Ouch. Talk about Overkill.... He's knocked out cold and knocked back at the wall (knockback- 10 feet!). Thanks to Takedown Attack, he gets a free attack against another guy (who at this point is still surprised). Which missed.

    Initiative check for next round:

    Carbon rolled 10

    Thug#2 rolled 16

    Store clerk is a bystander not joining the fight, therefore he wont roll.

    Turn order:

    1. Thug#2 (16)

    2. Carbon (10)

  7. This will be my first solo-adventure here and its more a tutorial then actual story, so bear with me. It'll be a short story, but a small mystery and some butt-kicking/punching will ensue.

    If anyone wants to join, feel free to ask.

  8. Freedom City, Southside

    March 24th , 2:11PM

    Another boring day was getting longer and longer, as Randy Cash cursed his recent changes in life and his new "legal" job as a taxi driver. He almost missed all those shootouts, gang wars, heists and god knows what else he did back in his younger days, but a quick glance at a picture of his little daughter, which he keeps right next to the steering wheel reminded him why he agreed to keep it up. It gave him strenght to not freak out as he delivered people all over Freedom City and listened to their problems like he was some kind of priest listening to confessions. Why did they kept on talking? And why should he care about their private lifes, dates, jobs and creepy neighbours peeping on them with binoculars everytime they dress up for jobs. 'Tell that to police, not a cab driver', was a reaction he always fought inside of him. As a thug, he stole a lot of money and beat up a lot of people, as Carbon he stopped several muggers and gang wars, but holding back his punch before these people was the feat he was most proud of to date. It had to change- either his superheroic life had to evolve, or his day job had to change. But what else is he to do, with no education or backing?

    Today he had only few costumers and right now one of them finally left somewhere on Moore St. A rich businessman with who knows what business here (he said something about it, but Randy couldnt care less), left him with money saying "Keep the change", and ran of somewhere. Randy counted the money. Quarter wasnt exactly the greatest tip ever, but it was the thought that counted, or maybe he was too rich to bother with a small coin? Randy tried to keep himself out of ranting, but couldnt help it and broken car radio didnt help the matter. He had to get it fixed soon, but was too busy with work and superheroing.

    Before he left Moore St, he noticed two familiar silhuetes walking. He didnt know them, but he knew what they looked like- long black jeans, leather jackets with flaming skulls on backs (seriously, where do they get these?), one bald and other wearing a baseball cap turned backside. Both walked on the streets, in a white day no less, with baseball bat and lead pipe in their hands, respectively. You had be dumb to think its not suspicious, and while Randy himself wasnt a genius per say, he had enough street smarts to realize these guys wanted troubles. He didnt jumped at them right now (they didnt do anything... yet), but even if he did, he wouldnt've stop them from entering a nearby store. "Gloria", was the name of a small bakery with absolutely nothing special about it, including zero visible security and only one, meak looking balding old man behind the counter. Randy walked out of his cab and locked it behind him and walked slowly toward the entrance door and peeked inside. Just as he suspected, they werent here for a cake. He couldnt hear them through locked door and windows, but one of them was holding the clerk by his shirt and speaking loudly, while other broke one glass counter after another, having a lot of fun doing so. No alarms activated, so this old man was pretty much screwed.

    Or was he?

  9. Can a character with above avarage wealth (In my case: Wealth 2/Rich) buy MUNDANE equipment at the start without getting Equipment Feat? I dont mean anything fancy, in fact my list consists only of:

    Shurikens [Dmg +1; Range: 10ft; Piercing, Autofire] (3ep)

    Undecover Shirt [Toughness +2, Subtle] (3ep)

    Grapple Gun (Speed 1+Super-Movement 1 [swinging]) (3ep)

    Caltrops (1ep)

    Smoke Bombs [4ep]

    Im asking becouse Im having troubles cutting down more points for Equipment, and my character is rich anyway... so yeah.

  10. Hopefully Im done, but just in case I'd like to get a clarification.



    Blast 8 [16pp]

    Flight 4 [Drawback] [6pp]

    Immunity 9 (Life Support) [9pp]

    Insubstantial 3 [15pp]

    Strike 6 [Aura, Permanent] [6pp]

    Teleport 2 [100 Feet; Flaws: Medium,Short Range] [1pp]

    Vulnerability (Water Attacks, Frequency: Uncommon, Intensity: Major [x2 DMG]) [-3PP]


    Blast 7 [12pp]

    Flight 4 [Drawback] [6pp]

    Immunity 1 (Life Support) [9pp]

    Insubstantial 3 [15pp]

    Strike 5 [Aura, Permanent] [6pp]

    Teleport 4 [1 Mile Feet; Flaws: Medium,Short Range] [2pp]



    Blast 7 [14pp]

    Concealment 2 [Visual, Limited to Underwater] [1pp]

    Elongation 4 [4pp]

    Immunity 9 (Life Support) [9pp]

    Insubstantial 1 [5pp]

    Suffocate 6 [12pp]

    Swimming 6 [6pp]


    Blast 7 [14pp]

    Corrosion 6 [Permanent] [12pp]

    Elongation 4 [4pp]

    Immunity 9 (Life Support) [9pp]

    Insubstantial 1 [5pp]

    Suffocate 3 [6pp]



    Density 8 (+ 16 Strenght; +4 Toughness, Impervious; Immovable 2; Super Strenght 2. Feats: Groundstrike; Mass x8) [25pp]

    Enhanced Strenght 5 (+10 Strenght) [10pp]

    Immunity 9 (Life Support) [9pp]

    Protection 9 [9pp]

    Vulnerability (Bludgeoning Attacks, Frequency: Very Common, Intensity: Minor [+1 DMG]) [-3PP]


    Density 10 (+ 20 Strenght; +5 Toughness, Impervious; Immovable 3; Super Strenght 3; Mass x12, Distracting) [20pp]

    Immunity 9 (Life Support) [9pp]

    Protection 10 (Reflective (ranged attacks) 10 Limited: Only vs Light descriptor) [15pp]


    Water mist

    Concealment 4 (Visual senses; Innate; Flaws: Partial) [3pp]

    Flight 3 (50MPH) [6pp]

    Immunity 20 (All non-lethal Energy attacks; Limited) [10pp]

    Insubstantial 2 [10pp]

    Suffocate 5 (Area 2 [10 feet]; Cloud; Touch Range) [20pp]

    Weakness (Strong Wind, 1/round, Frequency: Common, Intensity: Major [cumulative -1 drain on all abilities]) [-9PP]

  11. Also, no Gas Forms? Oxygen is all around him at all times (on Earth, anyway)...
    Turning into oxygen would be cheating, which I dont like to do. And I forgot about gases, gotta make some more.
    Also, Density is most cost efficient when purchased at 6, 12 and 18 ranks.

    Also, caught a mistake on the diamond form:

    Density 10 (+ 20 Strenght; +5 Toughness, Impervious; Immovable 3; Super Strenght 3; Mass x12, Distracting) [20pp]

    Immunity 9 (Life Support) [9pp]

    Protection 10 [Reflective] [20pp]

    Doesn't work like that. Reflective is an extra that is slapped onto of the Impervious ranks and it works against either all ranged attack or all melee attacks. But, for your current point cost you could get:

    Protection 10

    Impervious 5 (stacking with the Impervious from Density)

    Reflective (ranged attacks) 10 Limited: Only vs Light descriptor

    or something to that effect.

    But, by and large, you won't get any mileage out of reflective. Any credible threat on the boards can get past your Impervious. Impervious mostly just sees play by limiting the distance you're knocked back, not taking damage from being knocked back, and being able to ignore mooks.

    To be honest I wasnt sure what to take and more then anything, I just wanted to make sure each form is at least somewhat different then other (otherwise its no point in differentiating), which is why Density has uneven number. And given the nature of this power it can be changed anytime with little explanation needed.

    Really, Im just getting tired of thinking and want to get over it and start playing, efficiency be damned.

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