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Posts posted by Kavos

  1. for the most part it all came online after the last sneeze, but due to its "newness" he may not be sure at exactly what he's smelling. but He should quickly catch on... or it will overload his sensors and knock him out :P

  2. Ember has been upgraded :D he now has some new super-sensors to play with

    Super-Sensors 5

    -Analytical (Scent) 1pp

    -Detect Magic -Range- (Scent) 2pp

    -Extended X100 (Hearing) 2pp

    Meaning he now has rather good hearing, and he can sniff out magic (and if I understand it correctly, give a fairly accurate description of the magic.)

  3. Ember suddenly sneezes rather violently, flames leaving his nostril's and ears, and the strange fur pattern on his chest and back glow before vanishing as quickly as it had started. looking around somewhat sheepishly ember says somewhat timidly "Sorry."

    As Ember wishes he hadn't just done that he begins to pick something up. his knows didn't itch anymore, and there was a strange scent on the air, especially around those with magic, he could almost.... It must be his imagination, what else could it be?

  4. OK than, in that case it should be something like this.

    50pp 1 hour per point or around 2 days.

    At take 20 that becomes 1,000 hours work or around 41 days.

    50pp at 100x faster means 50 minuets.

    At take 20 at 100x faster means 10 hours

    It would take him around 200hours (around 8 days) to build the item (not taking 10).

  5. Then we have problems. Increasing your Alternate form is going to cost you five points and give you only 5pps to play with. This means you won't have the Super senses 6 as listed above without changing the Super senses 3 you already have on the character. In either case, you'll still have 1pp left over. What do you want to do?

    Oh thats right, sorry, In that case make it just, and I'll add on the others later.

    Super-Sensors 5

    -Analytical (Scent) 1pp

    -Detect Magic -Range- (Scent) 2pp

    -Extended X100 (Hearing) 2pp

  6. Ember twitches a little at the high pitched sound of the radio but other than that ignores it, Somewhat glad he was rostered onto Surveillance. It meant he could play his part with the least amount of risk associated with himself. and if things did go south he was far enough away to vanish...

    Ember nodded in his acceptance of the role, Than he sneezed...

  7. If you wanted we could finish of the Fire and Brimstone thread, than do the shipment thread, than perhaps comeback to the F&B thread to finish it up with Sirius getting a job, and than close it down and open up a new thread for the happenings of the Antiques shop?

  8. "Not at all, I just have another meeting to go too, but that's not until late this afternoon." Sirius says pushing the rest of his plate away. "However if there is nothing more to add, than I suggest we part ways until we next meet for your shipment." Sirius adds, as he pulls out his wallet and gathers some cash for the meal.

  9. Is this power part of the alertnate form or separate? I just want to be clear before doing the update.

    Oh yes sorry, It's apart of Embers Alternate from, an enhancement to his Fox form sensors.

  10. I'd like to spend the 6points Ember currently has. His sneezing was a result of some of his sensors becoming more attuned.

    So I'd Like

    Super-Sensors 6

    -Analytical (Scent) 1pp

    -Detect Magic -Range- (Scent) 2pp

    -Extended X100 (Hearing) 2pp

    -Extended X10 (Scent) 1pp

    (after this there are only some minor additions to his sensors, being accurate hearing, extended sight, and tracking scent's. after that his physical and magical abilities will begin to mature.)


  11. Ember listen's quietly before speaking up, "Err I run fast, and jump high... oh and people tend to get burnt." Ember says rather quickly before he slunk back down in a bad attempt to stay unnoticed. Although to attempt to prove his point he holds his paw out for a second allowing flames to dance along his fur, before quickly suppressing them and moving his paw back to himself.

  12. Hmm well, For the most part it appears there meeting is over and there just finishing there meal at the moment making small talk.

    As to were we go next. I'd say finish of with a few more posts with some chitchat than move on to babysitting of Bel's cargo-container, which could lead to a minor confrontation between Bel and Ember (or not) and depending on what happen's the discovery of each other's powers at some point.

    And than lastly the setting up of Bel's shop.

    Than if you wanted we could use that as a launching plat form for a number of story-lines and missions as well as the possibility to introduce other players. (We could take turns running the's 'missions'? :D

  13. You can always post something. Players here need to be proactive, not just reactive.

    Oh I wasn't having a go at anyone, and I know that, I've been busy and haven't had the energy to start anything myself. I was just letting you know I was still buzzing around, and as to why I hand't posted anything as of late. :)

  14. Okay.. sorry on the delay. Could you explain the dimensional pocket thing? Also, as far as healing, affects others only on a power that already only affects machines.. seems not quite so much of a flaw

    No problems.

    OK Healing, I don't know why that flaw was added on, as you said it's not really a flaw. Reduced Healing down to 9 Ranks, Added Power Feats: Regrowth and Persistent.

    As for the Dimensional pocket, The real reason he has it, I had an Extra point to spend in. The Story reason he has it. It's someplace for him to keep stuff (like the med's he has to take every day.)

    The Reason behind the -1 flaw. Since the pocket is only a small (slightly larger than a human hand.) that sits on the arm of the wheelchair (behind a protective cover.) I felt It was reasonable to assume it was therefor nothing more than a glorified backpack, and so as such could not be used as an attack (as the description of the power says.)

    However If you feel It's not worth the flaw, I can always find something else to fill that 1pp slot ;)

  15. Sirius sat in his dark room, the moon coming through the half open window. It had been another year. Memories fluttered around in Sirius head, this time last year he had been home in Ireland.

    Sitting on his bed he frowned, she had been so unreasonable. So what if his father had been killed because of it, it was two different matters. Sirius wasn’t his father, and the Foxfire wasn’t a gift to be used on a whim. It was his own foolish fault he had gotten himself killed thus passing on the Foxfire to Sirius.

    Sighing Sirius shook his head, so in some small way he guessed he understood why his mother hated his birthday; after all it was the day she lost her husband, But that doesn’t give her the right to hold it over him every year.

    His father had always been an oddball, using the leaked foxfire power to perform minor magic tricks for children, The only time he would turn into Ember was to do some stupid trick that usually led to him getting hurt, and eventually killed.

    Mind you Sirius always resented his father for that. His mother and himself had been waiting at home for his father to come home for Sirius’s birthday, That’s when it had happened, Sirius’s markings had began to burn the Foxfire was released. Sirius’s mother didn’t need any other sign; she burst into tears, as she knew the only reason that the Foxfire would shift to Sirius was when its former host was dead…

    Sirius hated his father for that. They never found his body, so the police just pegged it to his father running away, But Sirius and his mother knew better he was dead… When the host in killed and the Foxfire leaves to go to the new bloodline host, the energy expelled literally disintegrates the former host body.

    A Few months’ later Sirius had left Ireland and headed to Europe, and than finally here to freedom city. Committing small crimes along the way, steeling artifacts that could hold the key to unlocking the Foxfire’s full power.

    Sirius had to try; he wasn’t going to be like his father and snuffed out in an instant. Sirius was going to do something with his life, he was going to master the Foxfire and be it’s master, He wasn’t about to go about barley making ends meat at kiddy parties performing childish magic tricks. He was going to unlock the secrets of the journal and master the Foxfire. This was his only goal in life…

    Sirius sighed again as he looked at the moon. He hadn’t spoken to his mother in such a long time. Perhaps it was time to wave the flag of truce. Sirius wanders over to the phone and starts to dial the number. Weighting nervously for the phone to be picked up Sirius’s hart was in his throat.

    The wringing finally stops and a woman answers the phone in Irish. “Hey mum, it’s me Sirius…â€Â

  16. His Enhanced Int no longer applies to Computing/Disable device.

    However His computing and disable device enhanced skills are still there.

    Both of them are still limited to Computing: Only when using Data link and Disable device: Deconstruction of advanced Technology.

  17. Sirius gave Jos a sudden sharp look, "Do not underestimate my words Mr Terhune, Unlike most people I know a great deal about my family history." Sirius takes another bite, "And as they say, Knowledge is power..."

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