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Lone Star

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Posts posted by Lone Star

  1. Kid Cthulhu is sitting with Rycon on a roof about a mile or so away from where the White Knight was making his threats. KC was sweating from the collar of his black AC/DC T-shirt. He was going to do it.

    Going to ask her out. He had fought on a mission with her. Why not? It wasn't that difficult. Just have to ask her.

    "So...uhh....Ashley. You...uh...want to see a movie with me this Saturday?"

  2. I really like to use PL 6, it's a lot better for me because it allows me to make a character who has to rely on their skills more, while a PL 10 character can lift tanks and take bullets without thinking twice. Plus, wouldn't it be kind of weird to have two Claremont characters be at that level? I vote to keep PL 6 as an option so our heroes can work their way up, not start at the top.

  3. "Yeah, let's head out." Blake said, heading along with Rycon.

    He walked a bit faster than Rycon, and held the door open for her. He grinned at her.

    "I gotta hold the door open for the pretty ladies..."

    Although he smiled on the outside, he was still concerned about what was happening to Chris. He only hoped that he could keep himself intact. Although Blake tried to be an optimist, his self-esteem sometimes got in the way. He hoped that wouldn't be the end of his career. Regardless, it was nice to know that his friend Rycon would be at Claremont with him. He hoped they could see a movie. Maybe something scary.

  4. He looked at Chris. "Hey, I didn't mean the whole Hoboman comment, I just like to kid around too much. I hope we're still cool."

    Not really. More disgusting."


    "Heh, well, I've certainly gotten worse. Recently. My appearance can be quite unsettling, but I've got a human form, too." KC said as he deactivated his squid form. After a wash of mystic fire, the boy Blake emerged, shaking a few green sparks out of his hair. He was slightly hurt by Chris' comment, but he would get over it. These things happen, and you just have to shrug them off. He wouldn't joke around with him, at least while he was in a bad mood. It would probably be best to leave him alone.

  5. Kid Cthulhu- I have nine points free. I'll spend a few now, and maybe when I free up some more time I'll add something else. But since he's leveled up to 7, I'll increase his Attack Focus (Ranged) one rank and increase his defense to 7, so that should be three points.


  6. "I assure you I am very real!" Not the worst reaction I've ever gotten.. "They call me Kid Cthulhu, Hoboman."

    As Chris grabbed one of his tentacles, they twitched. "Pretty cool, huh?" He was hoping Hoboman didn't try to stab him, or anything, like most hobos he encountered tried to do.

  7. KC looked down at the boy. He was haggard-looking, with messy hair and a serious case of five-o'-clock shadow. He hoped he wasn't a crazy guy who sneaked in. Either that, or he was...


  8. "That's true. We're all different in our own strange and bizarre and kind of cool way."

    "I've already met like ten people who are several times weirder than me. Squared. There's no reason to be ashamed of being the odd one out here, because I think we all are."

  9. James looked over with a wry grin. "Before coming here, and that was only at the start of this year, I'd never been at a school at all. I'm not exactly a star student, but if I adapted, I'm sure you'll be fine." He nodded at Mike's words. "No kidding. We've got some unusual cases at school. Though in our line of work, including you in that since apparently you've been doing a little 'heroing' before getting here, unusual is a relative term," he said with a chuckle.

    "I've met a few of them, but I've been hearing a lot about this 'Geckoman' character. Who's he?"

    Unusual was KC's middle name. "He sounds like a pretty happening dude."

  10. All dressed up, Ashley opens the door. "Good morning gentlemen."

    Standing in front of the three men was Rycon, wearing her father's dark blue trench coat, brown combat boots (she wears them most of the time) and gloves, a gray cloth around her head, and a light brown baseball hat (the only hat that would fit and stay on her head). "How do I look?" She askes them in a lower tone than Ashley. She turns to Mike, James, KC, and then to James again. "Sorry about confusing your offer with a date, I'd be glad to take you up on a bit to eat."

    "Rycon! I know you!!" KC said as he gave her a huge bear hug. "You seriously kicked butt last time we fought."

    Although he was very pleased on the surface, in the back of his head he wanted to ask her a lot of questions. But those could wait.

  11. "I've only been here for a few days, but I kind of slept out here in the lounge. No one seemed to mind, and it was a lot more comfortable than at my uncle's house."

    He held out his hand to James. "And a pleasure to meet you, James. What do they call you?"

  12. Like a Valkyrie from Hell, KC flies through the air. He swoops around, and divebombs down. He lands outside of the building, and enters.

    Unbeknowst to KC, he had already met the new girl before. He just didn't make the connection that they were the same person, is all. "Hi new person!"

  13. KC could not help but notice the word Adamantite written on the back of her jacket, but she was already gone by the time he saw it. She left KC with many questions in his head, questions that would have to be asked later. The good news was that he had found a new super-friend and a cute one at that. And that was the important part. :cthulhu:


  14. "Yeah, he scrammed after he shot you. Can you stand up?" KC lifted her up and propped her back against the wall. "I have a feeling we'll run into that guy again." Although he was extremely curious as to who the scientist was, there were more pressing matters to attend to. "We need to look for that prototype, whatever it is."

  15. KC heard the shot. And ran like hell into the warehouse, throwing open the doors. He is blinded by the gunshot, but as his vision clears he sees a man in a lab coat run out the door. He would have chased the scientist and beat the living shoggoth out of him, but he was already on the floor, checking for a pulse. It was there, but she was unconcious.

    She wasn't bleeding, but he decided he would stay with her in case she stopped breathing or anything. He had absolutely no medical experience, so he hoped she didn't die on him, or anything. He would ask her about the scientist later.

  16. KC smiled and posed for the picture. "You're a pretty unique girl, Linda. He hoped Rycon was surviving. He was totally going to dash in there if she ran into danger. But for now, he was pleased with talking to Linda. His heart began to beat. What if she was already in trouble?

  17. KC grumbled to himself. "Why does she get to have all the fun..." He looked at Linda. "So what do you do for fun?" As boring as this would be, he was determined to make the best of it. Besides, Linda was cute. And if there was one thing KC was, it was a ladies man, or so he told himself.

  18. Although he may be thick-headed, KC knew when to back off. "Hey, no problem. Whenever you want to talk about it. So what made you want to take up the mask and cape and fight supervillains? It's kind of a mania, you know. Like dissociative personality disorder." KC looked down at his costume. "I mean...bodysuits are expensive. It costs a lot to fight crime. I don't have that kind of money. It's an expensive hobby." As he walked, he traced his finger absentmindedly over the Elder Sign on his chest.

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