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Posts posted by Eviscerus

  1. GM


    With a yell, Victor quickly grabs his cloak and pulls it over his eyes, shielding himself from the blinding light. When his eyes adjusted moments later he saw the ensuing carnage the poor businessmen endured at the hands of the so called hero and growled.

    "You shall pay for your insolence! Your petty tricks will have no effect on the righteous and the pure," Zealot let Witchbreaker unfurl and crack the air, letting out a cacophonous thunderclap of divine power. "You will know pain this night, fools! I have judged you all and found you wanting! Before I would have sufficed with the magic user's flesh. But now you shall all suffer unto me!"

  2. GM

    The sudden blast of light catches the thugs unawares, this just is not their day! Joe and his ilk scream out in pain, "Oh no, I'm blind! That crazy b*^%$ blinded me!"

    What followed for the grunts was a spectacle of almost slapstick chaos. Joe, being the brave leader, dropped his gun and tried to run, but ran full into the side of the warehouse, knocking himself out cold. The other two fire off their rounds into random directions, hitting nothing before dropping to their knees and begging mercy, one of them crawling right off the pier into the water!

  3. Okay then, here we go:

    Thugs: (17:07:22) Quinn: Ah.(17:07:44) Breella: Parting post.(17:08:06) System: Eviscerus rolls 1d20 and gets 12.

    So that's a 12 for the hapless thugs to get out of the way of the burst, they fail and take the full brunt of the dazzle

    Now for the actual effect:

    (17:10:57) Quinn: And what's sad is that in Creation, that more often than not would work.(17:12:35) Quinn: Other than the pinched daiklave, how's the rest of the siege going, Troll?(17:12:52) System: Eviscerus rolls 1d20 and gets 11.

    So they fail the save with an 11, making them dazzled, good job!

    And for Zealot:

    (17:09:31) Ironox: A couple solars against one lunar? I like those odds.(17:09:52) System: Eviscerus rolls 1d20 and gets 19.

    So Zealot rolls himself a 19 and has evasion so he's completely unharmed by the dazzle.

  4. Leviathan

    Leviathan's empty world erupted into garish light, incredible pain, and a grating scream that Veijlial later realized was emanating from his own lips. As the scourge's barbed fingers dug deep into his skin, sending furrows of red energy into his body, Leviathan's senses overloaded and he was overcome for the moment. Too dazed to do more than slump against the warehouse wall and grit his teeth as blood spilled from his lips from a tongue bitten almost completely through. This was not the way Leviathan saw his night going. This newcomer was strong! Using the shadows as Leviathan himself did, and against him at that. It was now up to his new acquaintances, at least for the next few moments, to keep this simple attempted robbery from turning into a much more dire situation!

  5. okay, Zealot uses the plethora of distractions to attack poor flat-footed Leviathan. Invisible Castle is down so here's the roll from chat:

    (16:08:58) Electra: You have to add the modifier yourself afterwards(16:10:05) System: Eviscerus rolls 1d20 and gets 5.(16:10:12) Eviscerus: bahhaha!(16:10:15) Eviscerus: terrible

    So that's a total of 17 w/out modifiers, after autofire that's a save dc of 24.... ouchie!

    Leviathan's toughness save is:

    (16:13:06) System: Eviscerus rolls 1d20 and gets 13.(16:13:15) Eviscerus: crap!(16:13:28) Eviscerus: an 18 vs dc 24 toughness save

    an 18 total which makes Leviathan Stunned, and bruised!

    EDIT: according to new house rules, Leviathan is dazed, not stunned. Yay for him!

  6. GM


    Zealot had been tracking a new taint in his city for a number of days. Like him, this foul creature liked to haunt the waterfront warehouses, which served to irk Zealot almost as much as this magic users mere existence. When Victor finally caught up with the source of this evil magic, he saw that more of the inept so called heroes had flocked to his arcane call. At present there were three of the pretenders to power hazing a group of businessmen loading supplies onto a truck. These being powers by far outmatched their lowly adversaries and Victor found himself disgusted with the lot of them. And they call ME the villain!

    As silent as a grave, Victor approached the scene. His almost preternatural skills in stealth and subterfuge hid him well from the so called superheroes, and soon he was within striking distance of his prey with Witchbreaker, his tool for meting out God's judgement.

    "Impure beasts! Behold the righteous might of God!" Focusing his aim carefully from the shadows Victor unfurled the scourge and let loose a crackle of angry red energy into the hooded snake of a sorcerer, catching all by surprise and causing the "businessmen" to be panicked anew. Slides racked and hammers cocked in the night. Things had just gone from bad to worse.

  7. GM

    The hapless thugs look from Starlight to each other with wide, fearful eyes. "He's right boss! We should just give up! There's no way we're getting outta this in one piece otherwise!"

    "Shut it you mooks and let me think," Joe shouted back, looking every which way for Paulie, who lay unconscious in the dark. For the moment, Starlight had seeded doubt into the minds of the criminals, but a single wrong move could send the thugs into a panic, and the guns to blazing. The night was still, the air pregnant with the possibilities of a cessation to violence or the re-eruption of bloodshed and carnage.

    Leviathan noticed the change in tone, and though perturbed by the outsider's willingness to parlay with criminals and their ilk, he was also relieved that help had arrived, for taking so many armed men down by himself would have taken some doing. Deciding to give diplomacy a chance, Leviathan hopped down from the crate and emerged into the light being cast about the area. He left his hood down though, so as not to spark more panic among the already frightened men. "The sea is not often forgiving, but placid waters come even after the most violent of tempests. I propose you lessen your sins, criminals, by doing what the lighted one says." Leviathan's voice rasped out like the arhythmic lap of waves upon a shoreline.

  8. Doktor'd 9/13/2011

    Alright, was wondering if it's possible to spend some of Spitfire's points thusly:

    Increase attack bonus by +1 to a total of 11 (2pp)

    Increase Fire Eater tricks array to 16.5 ranks (So the base power would be Strike 11, and so on and so forth) (3pp)

    And increase defense by +1 (Totall of +13 (+4 flat footed)) (2pp)

    And that should do it! Total comes to 7pp spent. Thanks!

    Doktor'd 9/13/2011

    After some PMs with Evi, changed +1 to Defense to +1 more rank of Dodge Focus, leaving 1pp unspent

  9. GM

    The sudden burst of light and the truck lifting from the ground set the thugs to panic. Two of the thugs in the truck bailed out and began firing wildly into the light, while the third held on for dear life. Joe and Paulie both start for the truck, guns brandished.

    Leviathan saw this as the perfect distraction and sent the shadows out to lash the one known as Paulie. Paulie enters the fringes of the light before black massive tentacles wrap him up and pull him back, screaming in horror, and a low throaty chuckle echoes through the warehouse. "I suggest you start running, felons. The ocean is not a forgiving entity, and neither am I."

  10. GM

    Startled Joe cried out and drew his pistol, looking around feverishly as a cold sweat burst from his skin. "Who's there?!"

    The rest of the thugs dropped the crates loudly and took up defensive positions just inside the trailer while the ones named Joe and Paulie searched the building slowly, pulling out flashlights to cast shaky luminescence about the darkness.

    Leviathan watched all this from his perch atop a stack of crates with a measure of amusement. He knew however, that no matter how ridiculous these criminals looked, the weapons in their hands were still very real and very dangerous. He was outnumbered five to one, and had to do this smart. He saw that the one known as Paulie was moving off farther away from Joe, separating from line of sight, and more to the point, heading directly for Leviathan. This was about to get interesting.

  11. GM

    Warehouse 13 - Waterfront District - Freedom City

    Amid crates of every shape and size standing silent sentry, sounds of scuffling slither through the shadowed storehouse.

    "Careful with those crates Joe, Boss don't want 'em damaged," the largest of the men whispered harshly.

    "Keep yer lid on, Paulie, and keep yer voice down! You want the entire city to wake up to yer yammerin'?" Joe cuffed the bigger man on the back of the head as an exclamation before turning back to the task at hand.

    The other three men worked in silence, forming a line between the door and the back of a large box trailer attached to a semi-truck. Their eyes darted from side to side, pupils almost completely dilated in the blackness.

    "What's got you mooks spooked eh," Joe asked, handing off a crate to the nearest in line.

    "There's been stories, about more fish men comin' from the waters. They say they come at night and drag you down into the ocean. They say-"

    "They say a lotta things don't they Paulie," Joe sneered derisively at the superstitious lout, believing him soft-headed.

    "Huh-huh-huh," was Paulie's reply.

    An out of place sigh echoed through the warehouse, and a disembodied voice reverberated through the rows of stacked crates. "Sometimes what they say, my friends, turns out to be true."

  12. Both of you are totally welcome. I'd prefer just one PL10 character as Zealot himself is PL10 and a whole bunch of them could take him down rather easily. But whatever you feel like playing most will do just fine

  13. Alright, going to start out sort of light for Leviathan's first outing. Simple crooks performing a simple robbery, to be bashed up by yours truly and whoever else wants to tag along! But wait, there's more! The break up of the Robbery is gonna be interrupted by none other than Zealot, who sniffed out Leviathan as soon as he landed in Freedom City. Any takers? I'll run both my PC and Zealot so anyone else will just be pure gravy.

  14. The waterfront is always an active area of Freedom City. At all hours of the day and night you can find reticent dock workers unloading freight from a newly arrived ship, Captains and crews of vessels large and small preparing to get underway or make port, and even, in the evening time, young lovers sitting with legs hanging off the pier, holding hands and dreaming of the day they can set off on their own adventure over the dark mysterious waters. Tonight was one of those nights for the latter.

    “Where will we go, Steve,†asked the petite blonde, sitting hand entwined with a tallish youth of dark hair and easy good looks. She would stare at his face and into his eyes even when he weren’t looking, infatuated with the subtle nuances of his countenance.

    “First we’ll go to Holland, then work our way to England, so as to retrace the steps of our ancestors who first came to this continent. Our forefathers came for religious freedom; we’ll leave for the freedom to love each other in spite of the difference in our parent’s station. It’s gonna be great Felicity,†Steve never took his eyes off the water as he spoke, his mind’s eye cast out over the horizon to cities where his love of history and Felicity wouldn’t be frowned upon simply because his parents were wealthy and wanted him to be a lawyer like his father, and marry someone more his station instead of a wisp of a girl from the Fens.

    As the lovers sat and contemplated the future, a deep rumbling groan emanated from the waters, which started to churn and froth as if boiling. Steve stood and slowly backed away from the water, causing Felicity to lose her balance and tip into the broiling sea. Steve called out for her, his hand reaching over the side of pier, unable to overcome the fear of what lay beneath the waves to go in after her. Within seconds the disturbance grew to a crescendo, the groaning seemed to reverberate through the air, the roiling sea seemed read to burst forth as if some underwater volcano had erupted, and out from the broiling water raised a figure clad in black robes, tattered and lined with seaweed. In his arms was the unconscious Felicity, her breath coming out in fits after regurgitating water.

    Steve backed away hurriedly, unsure of this strange figure’s intentions, and also unsure of what he thought he might even be able to do to one who could command the sea as this stranger did. The figure stepped from the foaming water to the pier and set the woman down, laying her head to the side in case she needed to vomit up any more fluids. The figure then rose slowly; pulling back his hood to show a gaunt face covered in green-black scales with red eyes and near ivory pointed fangs protruding from his mouth.

    “The girl will be fine, have no fear. The sea has chosen to spare this one tonight,†The figure spoke in a low, almost raspy voice. As an afterthought, the figure attempted a disarming smile that seemed more a hideous display of hunger.

    “Get away from her! I saw you on the news! I- I’m calling the cops,†Steve yelled, his voice breaking after every few syllables. Steve bolted when the figure started to approach him, hands raised in what was meant to be a gesture of capitulation.

    “I meant no ha-,†the figure stammered, but the words fell on deaf ears as Steve ran into the darkness of the warehouses. Alone with the girl, the figure looked down at her and frowned to himself. “Well what am I to do with this one? Undoubtedly I’d scare her too in my current state.â€

    Muttering a few words of magic under his breath he passed a hand over his face and took a more human countenance, much like his normal face in shape and features, but covered in skin instead of scales, and sprouting long sea green hair and pointed ears. Within seconds he had the girl roused.

    “What happened,†Felicity asked, her body shaking and her voice harsh from inhaling so much sea water.

    “You fell into the waters from whence I came. Have no fear you are alright, the sea has spared you.†This time his smile seemed more genuine.

    “Th-thanks for saving me,†She looked into his eyes and offered a shaky hand and equally shaky smile “My name’s Felicity, what’s yours?â€

    “I am Veijlial Anathka’Un, but you may call me Leviathan,†the figure took the girls hand and used it to hoist her to her feet. He continued to hold on, until she could steady herself on her own.

    Suddenly Felicity seemed to remember and panic came over her face. “What happened to Steve? Did he fall in too? Oh god, tell me he’s okay!â€

    Leviathan held up an assuaging hand, “Have no fear my lady, your friend is safe. He… went to call you an ambulance.†As he finished the sentence the distant sound of sirens could be heard drawing nearer. “I must go.â€

    With that Leviathan stepped into the shadows of a nearby pier, pulled his cloak above his head and started to chant.

    “Wait! How can I-“Felicity broke off her inquiry as he saw his form melt into the shadows and disappear. Soon Steve was at her side, asking question after question, but she did not hear him, she simply stared into the spot where Leviathan had disappeared until finally the paramedics wrapped her in a blanket and shuffled her into the ambulance.

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