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Posts posted by Heridfel

  1. Yep, all the numbers add up. You wrote down 15 under the Protection 8 (Impervious), but you costed it properly at 16. You have your first approval.

    One last point which doesn't change the numbers much - you could increase your Dexterity to 12 with one of the points you spent on your Reflex save. Same effect mechanically, for the most part, but you get a little better at driving. If you decide to change that, it's still approved.

  2. Yep, all the numbers add up. You wrote down 15 under the Protection 8 (Impervious), but you costed it properly at 16. You have your first approval.

    One last point which doesn't change the numbers much - you could increase your Dexterity to 12 with one of the points you spent on your Reflex save. Same effect mechanically, for the most part, but you get a little better at driving. If you decide to change that, it's still approved.

  3. Yep, all the numbers add up. You wrote down 15 under the Protection 8 (Impervious), but you costed it properly at 16. You have your first approval.

    One last point which doesn't change the numbers much - you could increase your Dexterity to 12 with one of the points you spent on your Reflex save. Same effect mechanically, for the most part, but you get a little better at driving. If you decide to change that, it's still approved.

  4. Inside the warehouse, four gang members stand up from their seats around a table as they hear the three quick bangs against the door, so close that it almost sounds like one powerful hit. One of them is still sitting down, a little slower on the uptake than his friends... or maybe it's because of the girl who's still sitting on his lap. Who said that chivalry was dead?

    Even so, their reactions aren't quick enough to throw back any of the grenades, which begin spewing their smoky contents all throughout the warehouse. Beneath the warehouse's main floor, Pincers can see a faint haze starting to come underneath the door, into the basement. He faintly hears someone cry out, "What was that?!" just before he hears gunshots...

  5. Inside the warehouse, four gang members stand up from their seats around a table as they hear the three quick bangs against the door, so close that it almost sounds like one powerful hit. One of them is still sitting down, a little slower on the uptake than his friends... or maybe it's because of the girl who's still sitting on his lap. Who said that chivalry was dead?

    Even so, their reactions aren't quick enough to throw back any of the grenades, which begin spewing their smoky contents all throughout the warehouse. Beneath the warehouse's main floor, Pincers can see a faint haze starting to come underneath the door, into the basement. He faintly hears someone cry out, "What was that?!" just before he hears gunshots...

  6. Inside the warehouse, four gang members stand up from their seats around a table as they hear the three quick bangs against the door, so close that it almost sounds like one powerful hit. One of them is still sitting down, a little slower on the uptake than his friends... or maybe it's because of the girl who's still sitting on his lap. Who said that chivalry was dead?

    Even so, their reactions aren't quick enough to throw back any of the grenades, which begin spewing their smoky contents all throughout the warehouse. Beneath the warehouse's main floor, Pincers can see a faint haze starting to come underneath the door, into the basement. He faintly hears someone cry out, "What was that?!" just before he hears gunshots...

  7. I think this version will work much better. There's a few mechanical things I'd need to see fixed before I approve, though...

    You wrote Defensive Roll 3, but I think you mean Dodge Focus 3. You're adding to Defense with it, and your numbers add up that way, so that's a minor fix.

    You said Attack Specialization above in your attack section, which I think is a typo. You have enough Attack Focus (Melee) to get the +4 you said.

    I don't feel that you should need to buy "Affects Insubstantial" on your Strength and your Super-Strength. If you put it on your Enhanced Strength, that's enough to get the effect for both.

    Buying down Protection to Sustained is +0 in cost, not -1, because you lose the Permanent flaw and then lower from Continuous to Sustained. It's basically the same as using Force Field. Because of that, you're 8 points overspent there (with the extra).

    Your Regeneration (the part that requires a Will save) is only 16 pp, not 17. That means you're 6 points overspent at the end (assuming you take the pp from the second "Affects Insubstantial" and put it there).

  8. I think this version will work much better. There's a few mechanical things I'd need to see fixed before I approve, though...

    You wrote Defensive Roll 3, but I think you mean Dodge Focus 3. You're adding to Defense with it, and your numbers add up that way, so that's a minor fix.

    You said Attack Specialization above in your attack section, which I think is a typo. You have enough Attack Focus (Melee) to get the +4 you said.

    I don't feel that you should need to buy "Affects Insubstantial" on your Strength and your Super-Strength. If you put it on your Enhanced Strength, that's enough to get the effect for both.

    Buying down Protection to Sustained is +0 in cost, not -1, because you lose the Permanent flaw and then lower from Continuous to Sustained. It's basically the same as using Force Field. Because of that, you're 8 points overspent there (with the extra).

    Your Regeneration (the part that requires a Will save) is only 16 pp, not 17. That means you're 6 points overspent at the end (assuming you take the pp from the second "Affects Insubstantial" and put it there).

  9. I think this version will work much better. There's a few mechanical things I'd need to see fixed before I approve, though...

    You wrote Defensive Roll 3, but I think you mean Dodge Focus 3. You're adding to Defense with it, and your numbers add up that way, so that's a minor fix.

    You said Attack Specialization above in your attack section, which I think is a typo. You have enough Attack Focus (Melee) to get the +4 you said.

    I don't feel that you should need to buy "Affects Insubstantial" on your Strength and your Super-Strength. If you put it on your Enhanced Strength, that's enough to get the effect for both.

    Buying down Protection to Sustained is +0 in cost, not -1, because you lose the Permanent flaw and then lower from Continuous to Sustained. It's basically the same as using Force Field. Because of that, you're 8 points overspent there (with the extra).

    Your Regeneration (the part that requires a Will save) is only 16 pp, not 17. That means you're 6 points overspent at the end (assuming you take the pp from the second "Affects Insubstantial" and put it there).

  10. Heh. I'll get to try out my first power stunt if my plan goes according to plan. I'm looking to use the Flight portion of my battlesuit to turn into Spatial Control. Instead of manipulating gravity to fly, I use it to create a mini-wormhole and end up somewhere else. Granted, it's not Precise (so I can't use it to steal the book directly), and only good for Long distances, but I still think it's a neat thing to try out.

  11. Heh. I'll get to try out my first power stunt if my plan goes according to plan. I'm looking to use the Flight portion of my battlesuit to turn into Spatial Control. Instead of manipulating gravity to fly, I use it to create a mini-wormhole and end up somewhere else. Granted, it's not Precise (so I can't use it to steal the book directly), and only good for Long distances, but I still think it's a neat thing to try out.

  12. Heh. I'll get to try out my first power stunt if my plan goes according to plan. I'm looking to use the Flight portion of my battlesuit to turn into Spatial Control. Instead of manipulating gravity to fly, I use it to create a mini-wormhole and end up somewhere else. Granted, it's not Precise (so I can't use it to steal the book directly), and only good for Long distances, but I still think it's a neat thing to try out.

  13. "Thanks, couldn't get that word out of my mouth. I knew I was close. So, you're good at that stuff? I mean, I guess computers are computers, but dealing with video cameras, laser tripwires, and whatever else they got is different from tinkerin' on that bot of yours," he says, then shrugs. "Well, hey, I just met you, so I don't know what you can do. You should know better than I do."

    "It'll take me about a day to scope the place out. I need to for what I'm planning. Figure we meet up by the pond in Liberty Park... I don't know, whenever you're ready to go in. I don't know how long the exhibit's around, anyway. It's at the Hunter Museum of Natural History."

    Heavy looks like he's pleased with himself, but then he remembers one other thing. "Oh yeah, the plan I got to get in... about how much do you weigh...?"

  14. "Thanks, couldn't get that word out of my mouth. I knew I was close. So, you're good at that stuff? I mean, I guess computers are computers, but dealing with video cameras, laser tripwires, and whatever else they got is different from tinkerin' on that bot of yours," he says, then shrugs. "Well, hey, I just met you, so I don't know what you can do. You should know better than I do."

    "It'll take me about a day to scope the place out. I need to for what I'm planning. Figure we meet up by the pond in Liberty Park... I don't know, whenever you're ready to go in. I don't know how long the exhibit's around, anyway. It's at the Hunter Museum of Natural History."

    Heavy looks like he's pleased with himself, but then he remembers one other thing. "Oh yeah, the plan I got to get in... about how much do you weigh...?"

  15. "Thanks, couldn't get that word out of my mouth. I knew I was close. So, you're good at that stuff? I mean, I guess computers are computers, but dealing with video cameras, laser tripwires, and whatever else they got is different from tinkerin' on that bot of yours," he says, then shrugs. "Well, hey, I just met you, so I don't know what you can do. You should know better than I do."

    "It'll take me about a day to scope the place out. I need to for what I'm planning. Figure we meet up by the pond in Liberty Park... I don't know, whenever you're ready to go in. I don't know how long the exhibit's around, anyway. It's at the Hunter Museum of Natural History."

    Heavy looks like he's pleased with himself, but then he remembers one other thing. "Oh yeah, the plan I got to get in... about how much do you weigh...?"

  16. Well, I had an idea of how to get this plot rolling. Nanowire owes Heavy a favor, and that favor will be help in breaking into the museum and stealing a purported magical tome. We've got two PL 10 villains going in, and I was looking for two PL 10 heroes to oppose us. Spellweaver has an obvious hook, but I'm up for whomever might have a reason for being at the museum in the middle of the night, just in time to catch two villains... villainying. Yeah.

  17. Well, I had an idea of how to get this plot rolling. Nanowire owes Heavy a favor, and that favor will be help in breaking into the museum and stealing a purported magical tome. We've got two PL 10 villains going in, and I was looking for two PL 10 heroes to oppose us. Spellweaver has an obvious hook, but I'm up for whomever might have a reason for being at the museum in the middle of the night, just in time to catch two villains... villainying. Yeah.

  18. Well, I had an idea of how to get this plot rolling. Nanowire owes Heavy a favor, and that favor will be help in breaking into the museum and stealing a purported magical tome. We've got two PL 10 villains going in, and I was looking for two PL 10 heroes to oppose us. Spellweaver has an obvious hook, but I'm up for whomever might have a reason for being at the museum in the middle of the night, just in time to catch two villains... villainying. Yeah.

  19. I checked with Barnum, and he said it was reasonable that Kevin would be able to see at least one person who was injured during this whole ordeal. As my action, I'm moving to one of those people and trying to use Healing on them. I made an attack roll if I need it - I presume I can hit automatically if the person isn't resisting. I just wanted to make sure I got a chance to use my power before the scene was up. So far, it wasn't so interesting for we groundpounders.

  20. I checked with Barnum, and he said it was reasonable that Kevin would be able to see at least one person who was injured during this whole ordeal. As my action, I'm moving to one of those people and trying to use Healing on them. I made an attack roll if I need it - I presume I can hit automatically if the person isn't resisting. I just wanted to make sure I got a chance to use my power before the scene was up. So far, it wasn't so interesting for we groundpounders.

  21. I checked with Barnum, and he said it was reasonable that Kevin would be able to see at least one person who was injured during this whole ordeal. As my action, I'm moving to one of those people and trying to use Healing on them. I made an attack roll if I need it - I presume I can hit automatically if the person isn't resisting. I just wanted to make sure I got a chance to use my power before the scene was up. So far, it wasn't so interesting for we groundpounders.

  22. Kevin spots someone coming out of a burning building. His clothes are still smoldering, and he looks like he's been burnt. He runs over to help put the man out... and to trying to heal him up a little.

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