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Posts posted by Heridfel

  1. Heavy does his best to lurk in the park. "With my luck, the cops'll get called - not because they think I'm a super-villain, but because they think I'm a peeping tom," he sighs to himself. At the same time, he's keeping an eye out for Nanowire. Granted, the mecha wasn't too stealthy at their last fight, but the guy didn't seem stupid, either. He could probably get to the park without a problem.

  2. Here's the OOC thread for the museum heist that Heavy planned (with support from Nanowire). Valkyrie and Velocity will be opposing them, once they get started.

    This will be starting on Sunday evening, around 10 pm - well after the museum has closed, since it closes early on Sundays. Heavy and Nanowire will be meeting around Liberty Park; the two Vs should be wherever they need to be. :)

  3. Here's the OOC thread for the museum heist that Heavy planned (with support from Nanowire). Valkyrie and Velocity will be opposing them, once they get started.

    This will be starting on Sunday evening, around 10 pm - well after the museum has closed, since it closes early on Sundays. Heavy and Nanowire will be meeting around Liberty Park; the two Vs should be wherever they need to be. :)

  4. Here's the OOC thread for the museum heist that Heavy planned (with support from Nanowire). Valkyrie and Velocity will be opposing them, once they get started.

    This will be starting on Sunday evening, around 10 pm - well after the museum has closed, since it closes early on Sundays. Heavy and Nanowire will be meeting around Liberty Park; the two Vs should be wherever they need to be. :)

  5. Your attack will come after Army's in this round, Pincers. We'll wait up for him, then continue with you. When we continue, you get another attack at the same attack bonus, thanks to your Takedown Attack. There will be two gangsters behind the table, alive, assuming that Army doesn't affect them.

  6. Your attack will come after Army's in this round, Pincers. We'll wait up for him, then continue with you. When we continue, you get another attack at the same attack bonus, thanks to your Takedown Attack. There will be two gangsters behind the table, alive, assuming that Army doesn't affect them.

  7. Your attack will come after Army's in this round, Pincers. We'll wait up for him, then continue with you. When we continue, you get another attack at the same attack bonus, thanks to your Takedown Attack. There will be two gangsters behind the table, alive, assuming that Army doesn't affect them.

  8. The bulked up thug seems to slowly freeze in place as the dart has its effect. Even then, his eyes remain open as he struggles to overcome the drug. Meanwhile, though the other thug that was shot at got hit by part of the shotgun's blast, it didn't seem to do any damage. His arms slow down, and he runs over to the Army who didn't fire last round. He throws a powerful punch, but misses.

    The gangster who had been running away continues to do so, getting out of Army's sight (though not Pincer's, who can see him pushing against an emergency door. He goes through, but no alarm sounds). Finally, the gangsters behind the table finally work up their nerve, shooting wildly over the table, and missing all of the Davids. One of them shouts, "They're here to kill us; kill them first!"

    Pincers doesn't believe he's been detected so far, either by the people he can see, or the people he can hear shooting at them.

  9. The bulked up thug seems to slowly freeze in place as the dart has its effect. Even then, his eyes remain open as he struggles to overcome the drug. Meanwhile, though the other thug that was shot at got hit by part of the shotgun's blast, it didn't seem to do any damage. His arms slow down, and he runs over to the Army who didn't fire last round. He throws a powerful punch, but misses.

    The gangster who had been running away continues to do so, getting out of Army's sight (though not Pincer's, who can see him pushing against an emergency door. He goes through, but no alarm sounds). Finally, the gangsters behind the table finally work up their nerve, shooting wildly over the table, and missing all of the Davids. One of them shouts, "They're here to kill us; kill them first!"

    Pincers doesn't believe he's been detected so far, either by the people he can see, or the people he can hear shooting at them.

  10. The bulked up thug seems to slowly freeze in place as the dart has its effect. Even then, his eyes remain open as he struggles to overcome the drug. Meanwhile, though the other thug that was shot at got hit by part of the shotgun's blast, it didn't seem to do any damage. His arms slow down, and he runs over to the Army who didn't fire last round. He throws a powerful punch, but misses.

    The gangster who had been running away continues to do so, getting out of Army's sight (though not Pincer's, who can see him pushing against an emergency door. He goes through, but no alarm sounds). Finally, the gangsters behind the table finally work up their nerve, shooting wildly over the table, and missing all of the Davids. One of them shouts, "They're here to kill us; kill them first!"

    Pincers doesn't believe he's been detected so far, either by the people he can see, or the people he can hear shooting at them.

  11. The 'roid freak failed his Fortitude save by 5 or more, so he's currently held still where he stands. He'll get another roll after your next move, Army.

    Meanwhile, the fast thug succeeded on his Toughness save after he got hit, and that means he gets an action.

    Finally, the people behind the table are getting shot at from another direction, so they don't see Pincers with his 8 in Stealth.

  12. The 'roid freak failed his Fortitude save by 5 or more, so he's currently held still where he stands. He'll get another roll after your next move, Army.

    Meanwhile, the fast thug succeeded on his Toughness save after he got hit, and that means he gets an action.

    Finally, the people behind the table are getting shot at from another direction, so they don't see Pincers with his 8 in Stealth.

  13. The 'roid freak failed his Fortitude save by 5 or more, so he's currently held still where he stands. He'll get another roll after your next move, Army.

    Meanwhile, the fast thug succeeded on his Toughness save after he got hit, and that means he gets an action.

    Finally, the people behind the table are getting shot at from another direction, so they don't see Pincers with his 8 in Stealth.

  14. I should have paid more attention. You only have 14 pp in feats, not 15, but I'm not sure what happened in your skills. It's hard to tell which is the attribute modifier and which is the skill rank, but it looks like you have 32 ranks, given your overall skill modifiers and your attributes. That'd be 8 pp, which works out to 1 too many.

    Also, initiative is +5 because your Dex modifier went up.

  15. I should have paid more attention. You only have 14 pp in feats, not 15, but I'm not sure what happened in your skills. It's hard to tell which is the attribute modifier and which is the skill rank, but it looks like you have 32 ranks, given your overall skill modifiers and your attributes. That'd be 8 pp, which works out to 1 too many.

    Also, initiative is +5 because your Dex modifier went up.

  16. I should have paid more attention. You only have 14 pp in feats, not 15, but I'm not sure what happened in your skills. It's hard to tell which is the attribute modifier and which is the skill rank, but it looks like you have 32 ranks, given your overall skill modifiers and your attributes. That'd be 8 pp, which works out to 1 too many.

    Also, initiative is +5 because your Dex modifier went up.

  17. Remember, when rolling at Invisible Castle, you can add your modifiers to the rolls, so instead of rolling 1d20 and adding 6 afterwards, just roll 1d20+6.

    Here's the series of events:

    Surprise round:

    Army kicks down the door and throws in 3 smoke grenades, Obscuring the warehouse from sight and smell.

    Round 1:

    Three of the gangsters and one's girl overturn the table. Two do something else. (You can give me a Knowledge (streetwise) to guess what. It's DC 10, so you could succeed untrained).

    Pincers looks for a way up. If you want, Pincers, you can also climb the stairs. It'd be a double-move action to get to the top of the stairs by the end of round 1.

    Army begins to fire into the smoky area, but doesn't hit anything.

    Round 2:

    One of the gangsters uses Extra Effort to get Air Control as an alternate power of Super-Speed. Army, you get one Hero Point for this. He then uses Air Control to clear out the Obscure. He is approximately 10 squares (50 feet) from Army.

    The musclebound gangster moves towards Army, but because he can't charge from where he was, he ends his turn about 4 squares (20 feet) from the middle Army without attacking.

    One gangster is running away from Army in the opposite direction. He's currently 90 feet away and has partial cover from the boxes and other objects within the warehouse.

    The other people that Army briefly saw before the smoke grenades aren't visible from his position.

    Army, you're up for round 2. Pincers, you follow his action. Should you go through the door (and I assume you will), you'll see two men and a woman, huddled against an upright table that has a couple of bullet holes in it. They look to be about 50 feet away, and you don't see Army from where you are now (there are boxes blocking your vision).

  18. Remember, when rolling at Invisible Castle, you can add your modifiers to the rolls, so instead of rolling 1d20 and adding 6 afterwards, just roll 1d20+6.

    Here's the series of events:

    Surprise round:

    Army kicks down the door and throws in 3 smoke grenades, Obscuring the warehouse from sight and smell.

    Round 1:

    Three of the gangsters and one's girl overturn the table. Two do something else. (You can give me a Knowledge (streetwise) to guess what. It's DC 10, so you could succeed untrained).

    Pincers looks for a way up. If you want, Pincers, you can also climb the stairs. It'd be a double-move action to get to the top of the stairs by the end of round 1.

    Army begins to fire into the smoky area, but doesn't hit anything.

    Round 2:

    One of the gangsters uses Extra Effort to get Air Control as an alternate power of Super-Speed. Army, you get one Hero Point for this. He then uses Air Control to clear out the Obscure. He is approximately 10 squares (50 feet) from Army.

    The musclebound gangster moves towards Army, but because he can't charge from where he was, he ends his turn about 4 squares (20 feet) from the middle Army without attacking.

    One gangster is running away from Army in the opposite direction. He's currently 90 feet away and has partial cover from the boxes and other objects within the warehouse.

    The other people that Army briefly saw before the smoke grenades aren't visible from his position.

    Army, you're up for round 2. Pincers, you follow his action. Should you go through the door (and I assume you will), you'll see two men and a woman, huddled against an upright table that has a couple of bullet holes in it. They look to be about 50 feet away, and you don't see Army from where you are now (there are boxes blocking your vision).

  19. Remember, when rolling at Invisible Castle, you can add your modifiers to the rolls, so instead of rolling 1d20 and adding 6 afterwards, just roll 1d20+6.

    Here's the series of events:

    Surprise round:

    Army kicks down the door and throws in 3 smoke grenades, Obscuring the warehouse from sight and smell.

    Round 1:

    Three of the gangsters and one's girl overturn the table. Two do something else. (You can give me a Knowledge (streetwise) to guess what. It's DC 10, so you could succeed untrained).

    Pincers looks for a way up. If you want, Pincers, you can also climb the stairs. It'd be a double-move action to get to the top of the stairs by the end of round 1.

    Army begins to fire into the smoky area, but doesn't hit anything.

    Round 2:

    One of the gangsters uses Extra Effort to get Air Control as an alternate power of Super-Speed. Army, you get one Hero Point for this. He then uses Air Control to clear out the Obscure. He is approximately 10 squares (50 feet) from Army.

    The musclebound gangster moves towards Army, but because he can't charge from where he was, he ends his turn about 4 squares (20 feet) from the middle Army without attacking.

    One gangster is running away from Army in the opposite direction. He's currently 90 feet away and has partial cover from the boxes and other objects within the warehouse.

    The other people that Army briefly saw before the smoke grenades aren't visible from his position.

    Army, you're up for round 2. Pincers, you follow his action. Should you go through the door (and I assume you will), you'll see two men and a woman, huddled against an upright table that has a couple of bullet holes in it. They look to be about 50 feet away, and you don't see Army from where you are now (there are boxes blocking your vision).

  20. As shots start to ring out above Pincers, much faster than any semi-automatic weapon could fire, the gangsters cry out, and there's a sound like a table being overturned. Pincers can see a stairwell which leads up. There's definitely some sort of smoke coming in down the stairs, though it doesn't seem to be hot. The stairs themselves look like they're a double flight, to make up for the high ceiling in the warehouse basement. Further down in another direction, there appears to be a freight elevator, currently in the "up" position.

    It's impossible to see what is going on inside the fog, and only by standing next to one another can Army's other selves see one another. They open fire, but trying to tell whether the screams are from gangsters getting riddled with bullets or gangsters afraid that they're about to be riddled with bullets is not an easy task. Soon, the answer presents itself.

    There's a "whoosh" sound, and the smoke starts spiraling towards the center of the warehouse, heading up towards the ceiling and clearing out the main floor. One of the gangsters stands in the middle of it, his arms spinning at an inhuman speed. Next to him, another gangster's muscles bulge in a display that makes Arnold Schwartzenegger look like a 98-pound weakling. The table that all of the gangsters had been sitting around was overturned, and it's safe to guess that some of them are huddled behind it. Army can see one of them running straight away, presumably towards another exit. The strong one grins, his face stretching more than it should.

    "Nice guns. I'll keep 'em after I pound you triplets to pieces," he says as he starts to move forwards.

  21. As shots start to ring out above Pincers, much faster than any semi-automatic weapon could fire, the gangsters cry out, and there's a sound like a table being overturned. Pincers can see a stairwell which leads up. There's definitely some sort of smoke coming in down the stairs, though it doesn't seem to be hot. The stairs themselves look like they're a double flight, to make up for the high ceiling in the warehouse basement. Further down in another direction, there appears to be a freight elevator, currently in the "up" position.

    It's impossible to see what is going on inside the fog, and only by standing next to one another can Army's other selves see one another. They open fire, but trying to tell whether the screams are from gangsters getting riddled with bullets or gangsters afraid that they're about to be riddled with bullets is not an easy task. Soon, the answer presents itself.

    There's a "whoosh" sound, and the smoke starts spiraling towards the center of the warehouse, heading up towards the ceiling and clearing out the main floor. One of the gangsters stands in the middle of it, his arms spinning at an inhuman speed. Next to him, another gangster's muscles bulge in a display that makes Arnold Schwartzenegger look like a 98-pound weakling. The table that all of the gangsters had been sitting around was overturned, and it's safe to guess that some of them are huddled behind it. Army can see one of them running straight away, presumably towards another exit. The strong one grins, his face stretching more than it should.

    "Nice guns. I'll keep 'em after I pound you triplets to pieces," he says as he starts to move forwards.

  22. As shots start to ring out above Pincers, much faster than any semi-automatic weapon could fire, the gangsters cry out, and there's a sound like a table being overturned. Pincers can see a stairwell which leads up. There's definitely some sort of smoke coming in down the stairs, though it doesn't seem to be hot. The stairs themselves look like they're a double flight, to make up for the high ceiling in the warehouse basement. Further down in another direction, there appears to be a freight elevator, currently in the "up" position.

    It's impossible to see what is going on inside the fog, and only by standing next to one another can Army's other selves see one another. They open fire, but trying to tell whether the screams are from gangsters getting riddled with bullets or gangsters afraid that they're about to be riddled with bullets is not an easy task. Soon, the answer presents itself.

    There's a "whoosh" sound, and the smoke starts spiraling towards the center of the warehouse, heading up towards the ceiling and clearing out the main floor. One of the gangsters stands in the middle of it, his arms spinning at an inhuman speed. Next to him, another gangster's muscles bulge in a display that makes Arnold Schwartzenegger look like a 98-pound weakling. The table that all of the gangsters had been sitting around was overturned, and it's safe to guess that some of them are huddled behind it. Army can see one of them running straight away, presumably towards another exit. The strong one grins, his face stretching more than it should.

    "Nice guns. I'll keep 'em after I pound you triplets to pieces," he says as he starts to move forwards.

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