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Posts posted by Barnum

  1. It is almost Halloween, and until this week we've had nothing but warm (in the 80s), dry weather. But last Thursday it started to rain, the skies turned dark, and the temperature dropped.

    When I woke up this morning, I had to build a fire in the fireplace. :D I'm so happy. I love fall.

    *breaks out the sweaters*

    So . . . what's the weather like where you are? Cold yet?

  2. It is almost Halloween, and until this week we've had nothing but warm (in the 80s), dry weather. But last Thursday it started to rain, the skies turned dark, and the temperature dropped.

    When I woke up this morning, I had to build a fire in the fireplace. :D I'm so happy. I love fall.

    *breaks out the sweaters*

    So . . . what's the weather like where you are? Cold yet?

  3. It is almost Halloween, and until this week we've had nothing but warm (in the 80s), dry weather. But last Thursday it started to rain, the skies turned dark, and the temperature dropped.

    When I woke up this morning, I had to build a fire in the fireplace. :D I'm so happy. I love fall.

    *breaks out the sweaters*

    So . . . what's the weather like where you are? Cold yet?

  4. Posted. Let me know if you want something different/more from the NPCs. I'm happy to oblige.

    For the next round of posting, please keep "running in place," until the rest of your players can join us. The action will start soon enough. :D

  5. Posted. Let me know if you want something different/more from the NPCs. I'm happy to oblige.

    For the next round of posting, please keep "running in place," until the rest of your players can join us. The action will start soon enough. :D

  6. Posted. Let me know if you want something different/more from the NPCs. I'm happy to oblige.

    For the next round of posting, please keep "running in place," until the rest of your players can join us. The action will start soon enough. :D

  7. Raindance

    Susan Cooper watched her son walking ahead of her. She was beaming with pride, and it was talking all of her self-control to not effuse over him. "He's still my handsome little boy! He's so smart! Any of these girls would be lucky to get him!" But she knew it would mortify both son and father, so she kept it to herself. John Cooper walk along silently, watching nothing in particular. It was nice to be with his family, but this "festival" wasn't exactly his idea of a good time.


    "Mom, gonna get a candy apple. You or dad want one?"

    "No thank you, dear," Mrs. Cooper said. "I'm watching my calories." Unconsciously, Mrs. Cooper tugged at the just-a-little-too-snug of her waistband. "But you go ahead and get you something." Mrs. Cooper began fishing around in her purse to get some money for her "little boy."




    "So we going t o head to the haunted house first?"

    "Haunted house? Are you sure you won't get scared?" Cory's voice dripped with sarcasm. He didn't really think she'd be too scared, but he liked pushing her buttons a little. "Sure. We can do the haunted house first. But don't worry; if you do get scared, I'll hold your hand." He laughed at his own perceived cleverness. Megan was one of the most competent people he'd ever met. That made him more than a bit insecure, so he did what so many insecure young men did in his position. He bragged a little too much, and he teased a little too much.


    The haunted house was about four blocks east from where they were, so Cory put his arm around "his girl" and headed them off in that direction.


    Freedom Eagle

    "Look, mommy!" Little Susie Smith stuck her finger up at the dark sky. Her mother was accustomed to not paying very close attention to Susie's outbursts. As was typical for a child of only six, the outbursts far were too numerous for that. "Look! Look! Look!" Little Susie jerked against her mothers arm, but her mother kept her death grip on her child's hand.


    "What is it--" But before Ms. Smith could finish she caught a glimpse of the motion up in the sky. "Look at that!" she exclaimed, far louder than she intended. The crowd that was pressed around her, enjoying the festival, all looked up with her just in time to see Freedom Eagle land on the roof of a nearby building.


    "Look, mommy! He's waving at me!" Little Susie was beside herself with glee.


    The rest of the crowd waved and cheered. The denizens of Freedom City were, of course, very familiar with their native heroes, but they rarely saw them up close and in person . . . and usually when the citizens of Freedom City did catch sight of a hero . . . it was time to run for their lives; a deadly and evil villain usually wasn't far behind.

    Surely that wouldn't happen tonight.

  8. Cost: Abilities 46 + Combat 40 + Saves 12 + Skills 6 + Feats 3 + Powers 43 = 150 PPs

    I like this character build a lot. My only question . . .

    Regarding Telepathy 1 (10 feet; Extras: Linked Comprehend 1 [anyone can understand you]) . . . when you say "anyone can understand you" that sounds like the 3 rank version: "For two ranks you can both speak and understand all languages. For an additional rank anyone able to hear you can understand what you are saying, regardless of language."

    At rank 1 you can understand any language and you can speak any language, one at a time. Is that what you mean?

    If so, your build is good to go. Also, if you could give us some more details about what he is doing now that he is aware of his heritage (e.g. Is he a member of the Freedom League?), it would make it a lot easier for those of us who are trying to design scenarios for approved characters. :D

  9. Cost: Abilities 46 + Combat 40 + Saves 12 + Skills 6 + Feats 3 + Powers 43 = 150 PPs

    I like this character build a lot. My only question . . .

    Regarding Telepathy 1 (10 feet; Extras: Linked Comprehend 1 [anyone can understand you]) . . . when you say "anyone can understand you" that sounds like the 3 rank version: "For two ranks you can both speak and understand all languages. For an additional rank anyone able to hear you can understand what you are saying, regardless of language."

    At rank 1 you can understand any language and you can speak any language, one at a time. Is that what you mean?

    If so, your build is good to go. Also, if you could give us some more details about what he is doing now that he is aware of his heritage (e.g. Is he a member of the Freedom League?), it would make it a lot easier for those of us who are trying to design scenarios for approved characters. :D

  10. Cost: Abilities 46 + Combat 40 + Saves 12 + Skills 6 + Feats 3 + Powers 43 = 150 PPs

    I like this character build a lot. My only question . . .

    Regarding Telepathy 1 (10 feet; Extras: Linked Comprehend 1 [anyone can understand you]) . . . when you say "anyone can understand you" that sounds like the 3 rank version: "For two ranks you can both speak and understand all languages. For an additional rank anyone able to hear you can understand what you are saying, regardless of language."

    At rank 1 you can understand any language and you can speak any language, one at a time. Is that what you mean?

    If so, your build is good to go. Also, if you could give us some more details about what he is doing now that he is aware of his heritage (e.g. Is he a member of the Freedom League?), it would make it a lot easier for those of us who are trying to design scenarios for approved characters. :D

  11. Looks great!

    Two things:

    1. You are one skill points short of 13 PPs. You've spent 51 ranks, you get 52.

    2. Your "Hearing Extended Range" should be Hearing Extended Range 2. With the Limited flaw you reduced the cost from 1 PP per rank to 1 PP per 2 ranks. You priced it right, however.

    Other than that you are good to go.

  12. Looks great!

    Two things:

    1. You are one skill points short of 13 PPs. You've spent 51 ranks, you get 52.

    2. Your "Hearing Extended Range" should be Hearing Extended Range 2. With the Limited flaw you reduced the cost from 1 PP per rank to 1 PP per 2 ranks. You priced it right, however.

    Other than that you are good to go.

  13. Looks great!

    Two things:

    1. You are one skill points short of 13 PPs. You've spent 51 ranks, you get 52.

    2. Your "Hearing Extended Range" should be Hearing Extended Range 2. With the Limited flaw you reduced the cost from 1 PP per rank to 1 PP per 2 ranks. You priced it right, however.

    Other than that you are good to go.

  14. Well, the listed archetype does get a bonus from using the Super-Strength to grapple, but only while flying. Since the harness is described as anti-gravity in nature, I think it's likely that the daka-crystal power source is an all-or-nothing affair. Enough anti-gravity power lets the Eagle fly _and_ lets him lift heavy objects, but he can't lift those objects if he isn't actually flying. Let's say he can't use his super-strength without using simultaneously using at least one rank of flight.

    So while Freedom Eagle might be able to lift a small car, he'd have to do it by flying into it at speed (not a nice way to treat Grandpa's design!) instead of merely lifting it from ground level.

    Sounds good to me.

    Well, walking around in the full Freedom Eagle regalia all the time would look a little suspicious. =D The anti-gravity harness isn't as bulky and cumbersome as a full battlesuit, so snapping it on is a free action as opposed to a full-round action. It's _not_ a flaw that the original Freedom Eagle had, interestingly, but you have to pay a price for those upgrades to speed and strength...

    So, the harness is a large, cumbersome device that he has to get out (briefcase?) and put on, but because of the new tech, he can put it on very quickly? Sounds good to me.

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