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Posts posted by Griffalo

  1. Down the hall, what others could have sworn was a broom cupboard door swung open and Mercury stepped out. He was a young man in his late teens with dark hair and eyes, dressed in a white tunic that fell to just above his knees. It was belted at the waist, and a keyring hung from a clasp on that belt. He wore a breastplate that must have originally shining bronze, though judging from its colour now, it was probably old indeed.

    Across his shoulders was an unassuming cloak of red wool. It seemed thick and practical, a soldier's cloak. No doubt such a cloak came in useful during the winter months. The whole outfit was finished by incongruously modern white sneakers.

    His tone was apologetic as he spoke, an Indiana accent evident.

    "Sorry guys!" He closed the door behind him. "Took me ages to find this place on a map." He instantly moved towards the refreshments. "Hope I'm not late. Did I miss much?" Picking up a sandwich, he took a bite.

  2. It was almost trancelike as he continued to pet the cat. Oliver, like the cat in the movie.

    "Hey Oliver." He sighed. "You come to see what the new guy looks like, huh? Well... here I am. Not much to look at."

    He had to admit, he did feel strangely at peace now. Maybe this really was the best place for him. He looked down again at the cat.

    "So who belongs to you, Oliver? Can't imagine they'd let a little cutie like you wander far..."

  3. He laughed. At least he'd made one friend, even as one as fickle as a cat. He was okay with fickle. After all, it was a synonym for mercurial, and that was definitely something he knew.

    "Okay, okay." He began to stroke the cat down the back of his head, a repetitive and calming motion. "And who are you, huh? Who d'you belong to?" With his free hand, he reached for the small copper tag that hung from the kitten's collar.

  4. Evander Levinson set the last cardboard box on the bed that would be his during his stay at Claremont. It'd been a long day; inductions, paperwork, orientation, guided tours... he was a fast learner, but his head was spinning. Maybe by tomorrow some of it might've settled in his head.

    His clothes had been distributed amongst the shelving and rails of his closet, a handful of books on the shelf above the bare desk. Everything looked so spartan, so unlived in. He sat down on the bed, suddenly at a loss. No home comforts, he didn't know anyone... not much to do until classes the next day. He'd taken the time to unpack at least one memento from home - a small silver frame containing a picture of his mother and him together. That went on his bedside table, next to the regulation issue angle lamp.

    As he reached down to undo his shoelaces, he noticed a cat observing him from about five feet away. It seemed more like a kitten, in fact, only half-grown. The collar he was wearing suggested he had an owner, at least. Not a stray, then. Belonged to one of the students maybe, or the staff?

    The weird thing was, he noticed, was that the door to the room was definitely closed.

    He stretched a hand out, cautiously.

    "Hey, cat."

  5. Duncan Summers' Office, Claremont Academy

    Evander sat in the spacious office, idly looking around the room. He had to admit, this place looked pretty swanky. Maybe being here wouldn't be so bad after all. The man across from him was reading through papers, occasionally tapping at things on them with a ballpoint pen.

    Duncan Summers then looked across the table at the young man, offering a pleasant smile.

    "Your, uh... father... has provided a significant donation to the school to secure you a place at such short notice, Mister Levinson. I'd just like to run through some details, to clarify a few points. Is that all right?"

    Evander just shrugged. "Guess so."

    "So, you are from..." (1)

    "Arcadia. That's in Indiana." He drummed his fingers on his legs, almost as if he'd found the question a distraction.

    "Like it there?" Another shrug from Evander. "'s all right. Kinda quiet."

    How would your hero physically describe him/herself? Is this different from how others would? (2)

    "You like sports, Evander? Keep yourself in shape for the girls, right?" The boy couldn't help but smile a bit.

    "Yeah, kinda. I like hamburgers, but I like running too." He gave Summers a stare, as if daring him to comment on that. "I dunno, kinda scrawny, I think. I could do with putting some more muscle on."

    Summers nodded. His own assessment was that of a boy who seemed like he could go either way - pile on the pounds if he became sedentary, or develop an impressive frame if he dedicated himself to the exercise.

    Does your hero have distinguishing speech characteristics or recurring mannerisms? (3)

    In the man's assessment, the boy's manner seemed consistent with what he'd read. He seemed to be affecting an air of boredom in an effort to be cool, more concerned with what other people thought of him than actually showing his true colours. Having listened discreetly to him in conversation with his mother, who was now waiting down in the cafeteria, he'd seen a different side to him. Closer to his true self, perhaps. He liked to use impressive sounding words, no doubt learned from the arcane tutelage he knew he'd received.

    "What is it that motivates you, Evander? What do you hope to achieve in your time here?" (4)

    That question seemed to get the boy's attention. "I got to learn how to use my powers, Mister Summers. Maybe that way, I can help people. And, you know, not hurt them..." He looked down at his hands. "Plus I... kinda want to make my mom and dad proud of me."

    "Yes, I heard about the incident in your home town. Very reckless. That kind of behaviour won't be tolerated here at Claremont." He folds his hands in front of him. "But perhaps, if you pay attention in your lessons, you might just have what it takes to be heroic."

    "What would you say is your greatest strength and your greatest weakness?" (5)

    Evander thought for a minute, trying to think up an answer that struck a balance between honest and casting him in a good light. "Uh... I'd say I'm a pretty fast learner, Mister Summers. I like to think that I'd stand up for my beliefs, too." He shrugged. "As for weaknesses... I guess the thing back home shows I don't really think that much before I do things." He frowned in embarrassment.

    "Okay, Captain Kraken has bombs set to blast the world into atoms. What's the one thing you'd try to save?" (6a)

    Evander answered without hesitation. "My mom." After a moment where Summers let the silence hang, the boy smirked. "And my books, if I'm honest."

    "So what's one thing in the world you'd be happy to see gone?" (6b)

    Evander frowned, his tone suggesting he was answering carefully. "I don't hate anything, if that's what you mean sir."

    It was Summers' turn to smile. "There must be something. You're almost a grown man, Evander. There must be things in this world you dislike." Evander huffed, almost talking over Summers in his haste to answer.

    "I hate people treating me like a kid!" He checked his outburst, a moment too late. He sat back in his chair with a sulk. Summers looked down at his papers, hiding a smile. He flipped to another page, pursing his lips slightly. Evander had begun to feel like perhaps he'd failed some sort of test. He read further, a brief report from his former teachers.

    How would you describe your character's mental and emotional state? (7)

    "Evander is a precocious child whose ego has obviously been inflated somewhat by his father's occupation. It is my opinion, however, that he remains decent and motivated out of the desire to help others. He seems well-adjusted and interested in the same subjects as his peers, overall a happy young man. I think sometimes he excludes himself from others to spend time by himself, to the detriment of his social skills. No cause for major concern, though."

    Duncan Summers looked up from his papers and nodded, seemingly satisfied.

    "What do you hope to achieve after school, Evander? Would you like to get a job, perhaps?" (8)

    The kid shrugged, the 'too cool to care teen' mask back in place, for now. "Haven't thought about it. Not sure if I wanna travel with my dad, or maybe stay here and do what I can to help. Either would be pretty cool, I s'pose."

    "So where do you see yourself fitting in? Your... 'place in the world', I suppose you might say?" (9)

    Evander sat forward, frowning, considering the situation. "Uh... I guess because I have these powers, I kinda have a responsibility. My mom always said, if you have a talent you have a duty to use it, right? Well, I agree with her. If you can make people's lives better by improving the world, you should."

    The Headmaster sat back in his chair, nodding with a smile.

    "Girlfriend? Boyfriend?" (10)

    Evander blushed. "Er, no sir. Not at the moment. There was this girl, back home..." He looked down at the floor with a smile. "...nothing serious."

    The man nodded, his tone formal. "While Claremont Academy is a co-educational environment and we respect your rights to a relationship, Mister Levinson, we expect our gentlemen and ladies to behave as such. I trust I make myself clear?" Evander merely nodded.

    "You get on with your mother and father, I trust? You appreciate you'll be living away from them for a good while?" (11)

    "I don't see my dad much. Maybe once or twice a year. It's kind of like being on vacation when he's around. But I get it, he's busy with his other stuff. Plus there's, like, some sort of law that he has to stick to? Like a non-interference thing." Summers nodded. "My mom... she can be a hardass sometimes, I guess. But she looks out for me. She's a pretty good mom, I think. It's been hard for her, sometimes."

    How would the people closest to your hero describe him or her? (12)

    Summers thought back to the meeting with his mother and father. They'd been conducted separately at his request. The relationship between the deity and Ms. Levinson seemed... complex.

    "The boy needs guidance, structure and discipline. His mother tries hard but she's unprepared for the lessons a demigod such as Evander needs to learn." Hermes had wandered around Summer's office, picking up things at random, examining them, putting them back. Never really looking at the man directly. "The boy means well, but this latest stunt shows he has a long way to go before he could take his place at my side in Olympus." The man had merely raised his eyebrow at the God's assumption. "I assume the donation will be sufficient to secure him a place here?"

    At that, Summers had folded his arms, seemingly not intimidated by the God. "Tuition here cannot be bought. If I agree to teach your son it's because he's special and he needs help, not because you paid his way in here."

    His mother had been quite the opposite, bombarding him with questions about the school and its facilities, whether he'd fit in and make friends. Questions typical of a mother concerned about her only son.

    "He's a good boy, Principal Summers. I know he's coming here because he's... special, but..." As she trailed off, he laid an understanding hand on her shoulder.

    "I'm a parent myself, Ms. Levinson. They're all special. Your son will be in good hands with me, I promise. Please don't feel like you're abandoning him. I truly feel Claremont is the best way to meet your son's needs." The woman had struck Summers as someone who'd travelled through the world with their head held high, and she was fighting hard to not let her softer side show.

    Summers shuffled his papers, for effect more than anything.

    "Claremont Academy is a multi-denominational school, of course. We have students of many faiths... some who follow the Dodekatheon, for instance... Is that something you'd be interested in?" (13)

    "Worshipping my dad and the others, you mean? That'd be... kinda weird, what with knowing for a fact he exists! It'd be like worshipping the mailman." He'd begun the sentence smiling, but sobered towards the end, realising that maybe trashing someone else's beliefs didn't make him look great. "I'm not very spiritual, sir. Mom used to take me to church when I was younger, but... didn't really interest me. But whatever people want to believe, that's cool."

    "Given any thoughts to teams you might like to join?" (14)

    Evander's eyes lit up. "You mean like the Next Gen or the Freedom League?"

    Summers just smiled. "I was thinking more along the lines of Glee Club or the baseball team, but... is joining a team something that appeals, once you've graduated?"

    "Yes, sir. I mean, you get to hang out with people like you, fight crime for a living, and everyone knows your name! What's not to like?"

    "There's plenty of social clubs here at Claremont. Do you have any hobbies - stamp collecting, war-gaming, drama?" (15)

    "I like music, watching movies, hanging out with my friends. I think I'd like to try acting too, I suppose. I like the idea of being an actor."

    "I've got your transcripts here. Fairly impressive grades, though your teachers thought you could do better if you applied yourself. Do you have a favourite subject?" (16)

    "I like geometry, math, science. Logical stuff like that. I guess it's kind of like magic, in that way. Follow the rules and you get the right result."

    "Brothers or sisters?" (17)

    "No, sir. I wanted one when I was little. Either that or a puppy, I wasn't too bothered. Mom said no." He smiled.

    "How did it feel, the first time you used your powers?" (18)

    "Uh... I guess the first time I used my powers I didn't really mean to. I pushed over this kid who'd been picking on me, without meaning to. So that was pretty frightening. But the first time I cast a spell when I was knowing that I was doing... that was a real sense of achievement. Best thing I'd ever done at that point."

    "Of all the heroes currently active, who would you say you're most like?" (19) Summers paused for a moment. "And don't try to give me the 'correct' answer."

    "I'd like to think I'm most like Daedalus. I like to use my brain to solve problems."

    Summers sat back, making his final notes.

    "I'm going to give you a piece of advice, Mister Levinson. Would you like to hear it?" (20) The young scion of Hermes nodded.

    "Think before you act, Evander. Consider your options, and realise that actions have consequences."

  6. Changes needed to be made to Mercury:

    - Drop Force Field from the Magic array

    - Add Create Object 7 in its place

    - Drop Ref and Will Saves down to 0/+10 and +10 respectively

    - Add 1 Rank of Equipment: Armored Breastplate (3ep, +3 Toughness), Cellphone (1ep), Laptop Computer (1ep)

    - Add 2 Ranks of Defensive Roll. That should bring Toughness saves up to +4/+7


  7. [floatr]MercuryHF.png[/floatr]

    Player Name: Griffalo

    Character Name: Mercury

    Power Level: 8 (115/119PP)

    Trade-Offs: None

    Unspent PP: 4

    Progress to Bronze Status: 14/30

    In Brief: The son of the Greek God Hermes and a mortal woman, Elizabeth.

    Alternate Identities: Evander Levinson, "Kid Hermes" (a nickname he trialled for about a week when he was 12 and now hopes no-one finds out)

    Identity: Public

    Birthplace: Arcadia, Indiana

    Occupation: High School Student

    Affiliations: Claremont Academy

    Family: Elizabeth Alexandra Levinson ("Mom").

    Logios Hermes, God of commerce, thieves, travelers, sports, athletes, and border crossings, Giver of Charm, Lord of Contests, Conductor of Dreams, Conveyor of Souls. ("Dad").

    Age: 16 (DoB: January, 1995)

    Gender: Male

    Ethnicity: Caucasian

    Height: 5'10"

    Weight: 190 lbs.

    Eyes: Dark Brown (almost Black)

    Hair: Brown

    Description: Despite his divine heritage, Evander looks almost shockingly average. He dresses in the typical teen uniform of jeans and T-shirts, battered old sneakers trailing laces. His Mediterranean heritage is evident in his dark hair and eyes, and the olive cast to his complexion.

    Power Descriptions: Evander's primary power is his ability to wield arcane magic. His speciality seems to be blasts of iridescent green fire, though he's quite an adept sorcerer for his age. By miming arcane sigils and uttering spells he can produce a wide variety of magical effects.

    He also wields two powerful birthrights that his father has gifted him. The first is Mercury's Keyring - a fairly nondescript cheap-looking keyring that holds a variety of keys on it. The fob is for a Mercury car, marked with the image of the caduceus on the back. Its primary ability is to make any door a portal to another set of doors - the appropriate type of key is selected, turned in the lock and the portal is formed. True to Hermes' ability as an opener of doors, it can also unlock almost any mundane lock.

    It has a secondary ability to allow the user to enter other worlds, most notably Tartarus, realm of Hades and place of the dead. Users should beware though, the keyring grants no protection from its denizens...

    The second are a pair of Talaria, the famed winged sandals. They're designed to look like a pair of old white Nike trainers, though the distinctive swoosh have been replaced by embroidered wings. While not imbuing the user with the famed speed of the God of Athletes, they do grant a prodigious ability to get out of harm's way.

    History: Elizabeth Levinson was a proud young woman, the assistant manager of a bank in Arcadia, Indiana. Pretty and headstrong, she turned the heads of many a man in the small town, but Elizabeth wasn't tempted. The men of Arcadia seemed too boring, too humdrum. It wasn't until Mark Curry entered her life that she thought she could even see herself finding a man to meet her exacting standards.

    Unknown to the inhabitants of Arcadia, Mark Curry was the living embodiment of the Greek God Hermes. He'd visited the town out of a sense of boredom; he appreciated the irony of the name and thought he might have an adventure or two with the inhabitants. The fiery and handsome Elizabeth had caught his eye, and decided that a dalliance might be fun.

    A year later he passed through the town again (he'd been exceedingly bored) and decided to look up Elizabeth. When she answered the door of her apartment with a baby in her arms and a stern expression, he thought he should probably come clean.

    Over the years Hermes visited his son (who'd been named Evander after his maternal grandfather), checking in on him, making sure that he and Elizabeth were well provided for; after all, the God of Commerce usually had a few dollars to spare.

    It was round about Evander's 12th birthday that unusual manifestations began. Hermes correctly assumed that the divine ichor coursing through his son's veins was now making itself manifest, and that without proper tutelage and control Evander could pose a danger to himself and others. Sitting down with his son, he explained how he'd came to be, and what this now meant for the boy. He promised to visit regularly, to tutor the boy in his duties and responsibilities, but more importantly, the use of his gifts.

    Evander, of course, was thrilled. He was the son of a God, someone important; and more to the point - kick-ass powers! He took to his lessons eagerly, and over several years became quite adept at the magical arts. Hermes was rightly proud of Evander, and told him so many times. Soon Evander would continue his training with his father in Olympus, like a true demigod.

    Emboldened by this, Evander hatched a plan to ensure everlasting fame and glory even among the Gods. He researched an old ritual that would summon a Titan-spawned Beast of the Ancient World. His plan was to defeat it, earning himself accolades in the process.

    Naturally, a fifteen year old did not stand much of a chance against such a terrible creature, and Hermes himself was forced to intervene before the entire town of Arcadia was destroyed.

    Hermes was furious with his son, and explained that as punishment, he would be forced to remain on Earth in his current state until he'd proved himself ready, worthy of elevation to Olympus. He would be sent to learn with other special children, to mature and learn humility and respect.

    In Evander's own words, that sucked big time. It wasn't all bad - Hermes left his son with his abilities, as well as two items that would help to keep him safe - a bunch of keys that would open many doors for him, and a pair of shoes that would protect him from danger.

    Now Evander has been sent to Claremont as a transfer, in the hope that he would learn the lessons his father wished, while at the same time fashioning him into more of a hero than his trickster dad.

    Personality & Motivation: At the moment, Evander's motivation is that of any kid whose suffering a punishment - do almost anything to get it reversed. Right now, that means being a good student, being responsible. Maybe even heroic, if he can find the time. His father has promised him rewards for good behaviour, pending reports from his teachers and his mother. Evander's keen to earn them.

    Powers & Tactics: Evander's primary utility is his ability as a spellcaster. He knows a couple of spells by rote, and can improvise more with the right tools. He also has a backup role as a competent translator and jumper for the group, though Mercury's Keyring doesn't have quite the versatility of a true teleporter.


    Disruption: Mercury's spell of transmutation takes a lot of intensive focus. He needs to concentrate hard while employing it. Should he fail a Concentration check while maintaining it, the power can go awry in... unusual ways.

    Enemy (Jealous Gods): Being a trickster God, Hermes has made more than a few enemies in his time. Though according to the Pact Evander has no official relationship or affiliation with his father, it does make him a juicy target for those who might try to trick or threaten Hermes in some way.

    Obsession (Magic): Evander loves learning "cool" spells, and is fascinated by all things Arcane - sometimes to his detriment.

    Power Loss - Magic: Evander must be free to speak and gesture to cast his magic. If he is bound and/or silenced, he cannot use spells.

    Abilities: 0 + 0 + 0 + 10 + 4 + 2 = 16PP

    Strength: 10 (+0)

    Dexterity: 10 (+0)

    Constitution: 10 (+0)

    Intelligence: 20 (+5)

    Wisdom: 14 (+2)

    Charisma: 12 (+1)

    Combat: 8 + 8 = 16PP

    Initiative: +0

    Attack: +4, +8 Magic

    Grapple: +3, +14 Telekinesis

    Defense: +8/+4 (+4 Base, +4 Talaria), +4/+2 Flat-Footed

    Knockback: -7, -1 Flat-Footed, -2 Unarmored, -0 Flat-Footed + Unarmored

    Saving Throws: 2 + 0 + 8 = 10PP

    Toughness: +7 (+0 Con, +4 Defensive Roll, +3 Armor)

    Fortitude: +2 (+0 Con, +2)

    Reflex: +10/+0 (+0 Dex, +10 Talaria)

    Will: +10 (+2 Wis, +8)

    Skills: 20R = 5PP

    Bluff 4 (+5)

    Computers 1 (+6)

    Concentration 6 (+8)

    Investigate 2 (+7)

    Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 2 (+7)

    Knowledge (Cosmology) 2 (+7)

    Knowledge (Popular Culture) 1 (+6)

    Medicine 1 (+3)

    Swim 1 (+1)

    Feats: 8PP

    Attack Specialization (Magic) 2 (+4 Attack)

    Defensive Roll 2 (+4 Toughness)

    Equipment 2 (10EP)


    Ultimate Save (Will)

    Armor (Protection 3) [3EP]

    Cell Phone (Masterwork) [1EP]

    Laptop Computer (Masterwork) [1EP]

    Contribution to Shared HQ [5 EP]

    Powers: 6 + 16 + 18 + 19 + 1 = 60PP

    Comprehend 3 (Languages 2 [speak Any, Understand Any, Read Any]) [6PP]

    Device 5 (25PP Container, Flaws: Easy-To-Lose 2, Feats: Indestructible) (Mercury's Keyring) [16PP]

    Enhanced Skills 12 (Disable Device 12 [+17]) [3PP]

    Super Movement 2 (Dimensional Movement 2 [Dreamlands, Olympus, Tartarus], Flaws: Medium [Doors]) [2PP]

    Teleport 5 (5 miles, Extras: Accurate, Portal 2, Flaws: Medium [Doors]) [20PP]

    Device 4 (20PP Container, Flaws: Hard-To-Lose, Feats: Restricted 2) (Talaria) [18PP]

    Enhanced Defense 4 [8PP]

    Enhanced Reflex 10 [10PP]

    Flight 1 (10mph / 100ft per Move Action, Drawbacks: Minimum Speed) [1PP]

    Speed 1 (10mph / 100ft per Move Action) [1PP]

    Magic 8 (16PP Array, Feats: Alternate Power 3) [19PP]

    • Base Power: Blast 8 (10 80ft Range Increments / 800ft Max Range) (Fire Bolt) [16/16PP]

      Alternate Power: Create Object 8 (10 80ft Range Increments / 800ft Max Range, 8 5ft cubes, Toughness +8, Lifting STR 40 [Heavy Load: 3 tons]) [16/16PP]

      Alternate Power: Move Object 8 (10 80ft Range Increments / 800ft Max Range, Lifting STR 40 [Heavy Load: 3 tons]) (Telekinesis) [16/16PP]

      Alternate Power: Transform 5 (Inanimate Objects, 25 lbs., 10 50ft Range Increments / 500ft Max Range, Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting) (Transmutation) [15/16PP]

    Super-Senses 1 (Magical Awareness [Mental]) [1PP]

    Drawbacks: -0PP


    DC Block:

    ATTACK                            RANGE          SAVE                       EFFECT
    Unarmed                           Touch          DC15 Toughness (Staged)    Damage (Physical)
    Create Object (Dropped Object)    Ranged/Area    DC23 Reflex                No Damage
                                                     DC23 Toughness (Staged)    Damage (Physical)
    Create Object (Trap)              Ranged         DC23 Reflex                Trapped
    Fire Bolt                         Ranged         DC23 Toughness (Staged)    Damage (Energy)
    Telekinesis (Thrown Object)       Ranged         DC23 Toughness (Staged)    Damage (Physical)
    Transmutation                     Ranged         DC15 Fortitude             Transform

    Abilities (16) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (10) + Skills (5) + Feats (8) + Powers (60) - Drawbacks (0) = 115/119 Power Points

  8. I'm not getting the points to add up on the powers. First, Machine Animation would cost 33 pp if it had the Continuous extra and Progression 3. It's costed like it's without the extra and Progression 2. Second, assuming that you don't take Continuous, I'm still counting 66 pp of powers. Third, Restoration is not an appropriate flaw for Healing. That's a flaw for Boost, which makes it so that Boost only counters Drains.

    I'll suggest that an easier way to deal with the Sensory Shield is to change it into Immunity 5 (dazzle [vision] effects). That way, the save caps don't matter.

    Ah, must have not corrected the description of the power. I took out the Continuous extra and dropped the Progression down to 2, which makes it 22 pp.

    Is the thing about Restoration and Healing a house-rule? I took it from Ultimate Power.

    I'll leave the Sensory Shield how it is for now, I think.

  9. I'm not getting the points to add up on the powers. First, Machine Animation would cost 33 pp if it had the Continuous extra and Progression 3. It's costed like it's without the extra and Progression 2. Second, assuming that you don't take Continuous, I'm still counting 66 pp of powers. Third, Restoration is not an appropriate flaw for Healing. That's a flaw for Boost, which makes it so that Boost only counters Drains.

    I'll suggest that an easier way to deal with the Sensory Shield is to change it into Immunity 5 (dazzle [vision] effects). That way, the save caps don't matter.

    Ah, must have not corrected the description of the power. I took out the Continuous extra and dropped the Progression down to 2, which makes it 22 pp.

    Is the thing about Restoration and Healing a house-rule? I took it from Ultimate Power.

    I'll leave the Sensory Shield how it is for now, I think.

  10. I do, and they are: they're "off" in that they don't add up. (The listed attribute modifiers and points per save are incorrect. His Dex and Wis modifiers are +1, not +3, for example.)

    Doh! Corrected now.

    Sensory Shield would still be too high if his Ref save is kept at +7. One will need to be lowered.

    Dropped the Ref save to 5, upped the Attack bonus with the points.

    Also, while Andrew may not know where his powers come from, do you the player know? Folks running adventures would need to know what sort of things can affect his powers.

    I figure it's a meta-gene, most likely the same one that gave Jessica her powers.

  11. Who's older, Andrew or Jessica?

    Jessica, as mentioned in the back story.

    Your saves are very off.

    Bumped them up a little now. Unless they're "off" in a different way.

    Skills look okay, but I would like to see them alphabetized. And something in his background indicating where he picked up Profession (waiter) ;)

    Not a problem. I've knocked out the Profession as it wasn't really adding a great deal to the character and I needed another PP elsewhere.

    Powers, there's a few problems.

    His Healing would require the Affects Objects extra.

    For "Machine Animation," be aware that, since it's basically Summon, you'll be limited to summoning/animating machines with an effective PL of 1/2 your own PL (PL 5, in this case).

    Also, Machine Animation, like Summon, cannot be an AP of anything (except another Summon).

    The Medium Flaw is already a part of Sensory Link, so you can't have that extra again. And item can't make Will saves, so Sensory Link isn't really valid. What would seem to fit what you're going for is this: ESP (visual & auditory; Flaw: Medium/cameras and listening devices). Cost works out the same as what you've got now, once you add in the Action extra.

    You can't have Sensory Shield 10, because it's a bonus to the saves of various Sensory effects, and saves are capped at (PL + 5).

    Changed the Healing, (since I can't really justify "Affects Machines (Only)" in combination with "Limited (Others)") and "un-APed" the Datalink and Quickness. Dropped the Sensory Link entirely to free up some PP. Sensory Shield reduced to 5. Took some of the feats out of the Omni-Glasses too, to make them cheaper.

  12. Players Name: Griffalo

    Power Level: 10

    Trade-Offs: None

    Unspent PP: 0

    Characters Name: Electroclash

    Alternate Identity: Andrew Tennant

    Height: 5' 9"

    Weight: 140 lb

    Hair: Brown

    Eyes: Green

    Description: A young man with chestnut brown hair and green eyes, he looks like your average joe, if a little on the nerdy side - he tends towards button-down shirts, sweaters and sneakers when not "in the field". When action is required he instead dons his jumpsuit and more closely resembles an engineer or mechanic. He often seems shy and sensitive until he's required to deal with any sort of technology. When his expertise is called to the fore, he becomes that more enthusiastic and excited, almost overeager.

    History: Growing up alongside his sister Jessica, he felt a little overshadowed. He had no shining talents, but constantly tried to emulate his big sister in everything she did, usually without the talent to back it up. He generally performed adequately enough in life to just get by, perhaps constantly distracted by daydreams of joining his sister on her latest "adventure". The longing to be just like her only intensified when, around his 11th birthday, Jessica became Cy-bit the powerful cyberpath. Looking back he would never refer to what he felt as jealousy - he loved Jessica more than anyone else in the world - but his desire to be like her became all-consuming.

    He still doesn't know whether it was a meta-gene he shared with his sister, blind luck, cosmic radiation or some mystic force granting a wish, but a handful of years later Andrew's intellect exploded, along with an almost savant-like talent with machinery and the abilities to repair or deactivate devices with a touch. Finally on a more equal footing with Jessica, he eagerly accompanied her on a crusade to bring justice to Freedom City.

    Personality & Motivation: Andrew is a gentle and benevolent soul, quite happy tinkering with his latest creations. He's no fool though - people who believe everything will be all right as long as they don't interfere tend to live miserable and short lives. One of his pet hatreds is people that would pervert technology for sinister purpose, but Jessica has brought him more to her way of thinking.

    He's immensely proud of both his sister and her accomplishments, and his own. His best creation to date, his Omni-Glasses, are a nifty lab tool and also help him with "fieldwork", as he calls it. Always on the lookout for cool tech, he can't help but marvel at the elegant design of a villain's death ray or weather machine while at the same time defeating its owner.


    Addiction: Electroclash is a habitual smoker. He knows it sets a bad example for others, it costs him money and it distracts him, but damn it, he just loves smoking too much.

    Phobia: Due to a childhood trauma, Andrew is deathly afraid of heights.

    Stats: 26pp

    Str: 10 (+0)

    Dex: 12 (+1)

    Con: 10 (+0)

    Int: 32 (+11)

    Wis: 12 (+1)

    Cha: 10 (+0)

    Combat: 26pp

    Attack: +5

    Grapple: +4

    Defense: +8 (+4 flat-footed)

    Knockback: -0

    Initiative: +1

    Saves: 7pp

    Toughness: +3 (+0 Con, +3 armored jumpsuit (see equipment)

    Fortitude: +0 (+0 Con, +0)

    Reflex: +5 (+1 Dex, +4)

    Will: +4 (+1 Wis, +3)

    Skills: 76r = 19pp

    Bluff 2 (+2), Computers 15 (+26), Craft: Electronic 15 (+26), Craft: Mechanical 15 (+26), Disable Device 15 (+26), Drive 2 (+3), Knowledge: Technology 4 (+15), Knowledge: Popular Culture 8 (+19)

    Feats: 8pp

    Beginner's Luck, Luck 1, Equipment 6

    Powers: 64pp

    Nullify 10 (DC 20, Counters: All Powers of (Type) (2/r) - Machines, Flaws: Range 1 (touch)) 11pp

    AP: Healing 9 (DC 19, Power Feats: Persistent, Extras: Restoration (Only), Affects Objects (Only), Flaws: Limited 1 (Machines))

    Enhanced Feats 3 (Improvised Tools, Inventor, Skill Mastery - Computers, Disable Device, Craft [electronic], Craft [mechanical] 1) 3pp

    Machine Animation 10 (Progression 2 (5 machines)) 22pp

    Datalink 8 (Sense Type: Radio) 8pp

    Quickness 10 (Perform routine tasks at 2500x speed; Flaws: One Type (Mental)) 5pp

    Immunity 1 (Cy-bit's powers) 1pp

    Device 4: Omni-Glasses (Easy to Lose, Restricted 2) 14pp

    Omni-Glasses: Super-Senses 11 (Analytical (Type): Visual, Darkvision, Direction Sense, Distance Sense, Microscopic Vision 2 (cell-size), Time Sense, Infravision, Uncanny Dodge: Visual), Sensory Shield 5 (+10 to saves vs. Dazzle attacks; Sense: One Sense (1/r) - Visual), Comprehend 2 (Codes & Ciphers, Languages - Read All)

    Drawbacks: 0pp

    Equipment: Cell Phone; Computer, Desktop; Computer, Laptop; Armored Jumpsuit (Toughness +3); Blaster Pistol (Blast 5); Taser (Stun 5); Commlink; Multi-Tool (30ep)

    DC Block:


    Unarmed Attack, +5 (DC 15) Bruise

    Nullify 10, +5 (DC Will 20) Other

    Blaster Pistol, +5 (DC 20) Energy

    Taser, +5 (DC Fort 15) Electricity

    Costs: Abilities (26) + Combat (26) + Saves (7) + Skills (19) + Feats (8) + Powers (64) - Drawbacks (0) = Total Cost 150pp

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