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R. Bluefish

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Posts posted by R. Bluefish

  1. Despite her intention to remain hidden, Starlight couldn't keep herself from jerking back and uttering an involuntary "Holy s--t!" at Grim's transformation. Up until this point, she'd only seen her employer work charming little faerie-style spells - seeing her suddenly become a feral, shadow-clawed beast and start shredding Belgians apart was almost enough to make Starlight wish she had brought her brown pants.


    She shook herself. So there was a lot she didn't know about her new boss. She would keep that in mind in the future, especially when it came to asking for raises. But in the here and now, they were in the middle of a fight. She shimmered back into visibility even as a blaze of light gathered around her hands. "The good lady also has backup!" she shouted down at the Duke, and unleashed a white-hot beam of energy from her palms. The beam swept across the tangled melee below, blasting several of the Duke's duplicates into dust, but for every one she destroyed, two more seemed to take his place.

  2. Sam opened her mouth to ask for a drink as well, before realizing what she was doing and snapping it shut. Not going to happen, Sam. For any number of reasons. She subsided into silence, staring at the wall, before rousing herself and trying to hide her lapse by sauntering over to the checkout table. "Anybody want some..." she looked at the treats Tona had brought, "...fruit? Tona, you know this is Halloween, right? The idea is usually to give out candy. It's the one day of the year that kids can stuff themselves with chocolate with impunity. This," she held up an apple slice, "is kinda missing the whole point of the occasion."

  3. Echo stared around the room at the heaps of unconscious aliens, then at Jack. She very slowly turned her head back to Bench. "I, uh," she jerked a thumb vaguely in the direction of the recent battle, "I totally coulda done that if I wanted to." I really need to spend more time training. "Anyway." She grabbed him by the collar with one hand and lifted him effortlessly off the ground. "You're finished, Stewie! Foiled! Out-played! Beaten! We have counteracted your every move and unraveled every detail of your nefarious scheme! Now," she hesitated, "tell us what it is. Not that we don't already know, we just want to hear it from you. And don't lie. Or we'll know." She narrowed her eyes threateningly, the effect ruined somewhat by the fact that she was wearing a full face mask. "And we'll get really mad."

  4. "Oh, you're just going to shoot and run?" Echo crouched in the saddle, eyes fixed on the fleeing rider. "Now that's just rude." She leaped into the air, vanishing in mid-trajectory and reappearing above the rider. Hanging in midair, she paused time for just long enough to think of another quip, then settled on one and allowed time to resume its normal rate. She dropped straight towards him, bringing her legs around, and slammed her boot into the back of his head. "I still had something I wanted to ask you aboot!" The blow sent him flying from the saddle, landing in an unconscious heap on the dusty ground. She landed nimbly next to him and took the opportunity to reflect on her quip. She shook her head morosely. "Ugh. Terrible."

  5. "Sounds like it's settled, then. Let's go beat up some bad guys." Echo kept pace beside Foreshadow as they headed for the restaurant, occasionally shooting a wary glance over her shoulder in case there really were more crooks sneaking around here somewhere. She really didn't feel like getting jumped from behind right now. "Maybe we can also find out what made them think knocking over a casino, dressed as gladiators, in a city full of superheroes was a good idea. I mean, dressing up like gladiators pretty much guarantees at least one hero is going to show up. And look, they actually got two. Almost enough to make you feel sorry for them. Almost."

  6. Echo threw up her hands in mock disgust. "Look at them making such a big deal out of this. All we wanted to do was borrow their dinobots." It wasn't until she finished speaking that she realized no one could hear her amid the deafening din, and she dropped her hands back to her sides and sighed. Damn, wasted that one. I gotta save the quips for when people can hear me. A dinobot roared. Should also move before I get trampled and wind up a fossilized skeleton. One that will really confuse the hell out of some paleontologists. She made a mental note to make a quip about that later. After dinobots.


    With a rush of displaced air, she vanished, reappearing sitting directly behind the rider on the back of the largest dinobot. She tapped him on the shoulder and he whipped his head around, startled. "Hey," she said, cheerfully cocking back a fist. "Say 'ow,' will you?" Not giving him time to react or respond, she unleashed a half-dozen hyperaccelerated blows into his face. His head rocked back and forth from the impacts like a speed bag, and his hat went flying off. She made a grab for it, missed, and settled for punching him in the face one more time.

  7. Echo tapped a finger on her chin thoughtfully as she considered the monitor of the gaming floor. "Weird," she said, indicating the recording of the bizarre string of accidents. "That guy must have some kind of luck-based power, or something like that. Either that, or America's Funniest Home Videos just got a new entry. Going to be interesting if we have to fight him."


    She turned her attention to the monitor displaying the feed from the restaurant. "Still, what do you say we go deal with this first? It looks to me like those people are in more immediate danger right now, and they're also nearby. Plus there's two of the bad guys instead of just one, so we can kick one ass each without having to share. And if there are more hiding around here someplace," she shrugged, "then this seems like as good a plan as any for flushing them out."

  8. Starlight kneaded her temples as she spoke, sure she had a new gray hair from the whole experience. "From what Hermes told us, about fifty or so years ago the Roman gods got tired of something called the Pax - or was it Pact - and decided to invade Earth." She shrugged. "They won. Beat our armies and our heroes both. Edge said he came here to Freedom City and saw Zeus himself, along with Christ-knows-how-many mythological monsters."


    She leaned against the wall, feeling exhausted. "All I know is, we were hardly there for five minutes when Neptune showed up. We saw him on the radar, went to talk to him, he attacked us. We fought him off. Then Hermes shows up in the engine room, says he - or she, not sure - wants to help, tells us all about what happened to the world. Apex fixed the engine, and Arcturus and Edge were able to pull some kind of magic thing that sent us back here. Nick of time, too. A moment later, and we'd probably all be at the bottom of the ocean right now."

  9. "Meta?" Sam tested the word on her tongue. "Yeah, meta. That's what it is. I'm a superhero who used to have a cheap costume. Then I got a better costume. Now I'm wearing a cheap costume ironically. Doesn't get much more meta than that." The party had put her in a good mood despite herself, and she found herself cracking more smiles than was typical for her. "Saved me from spending a month's pay on a real costume, too, so there's that too. I need that money for my goddamned swear jar."


    At the sound of the door, she looked up at the new guest, pulling her "mask" up to her forehead to see better. "Hey, Lady Dracula. Nice costume." Definitely feeling a bit underdressed. "Welcome to the party. Games are over there. Maze is out back. Mad Max here," she cocked a thumb at Lance, "is serving the drinks."





    Increased base Fortitude to +4 (1PP)


    Purchased 4 skill ranks (2 to Gather Information, 2 to Knowledge [current events]) (1PP)


    Increased There Is No Spoon container to Rank 12 (1PP)

    Used that point to add a second rank of Takedown Attack to her Enhanced Feats.


    3PP spent.



  11. Sam snorted. "No, you don't. But thanks." A polite liar. I like her. She gestured to her cheap outfit. "Call this an exercise in nostalgia." And a massive affront to the fashion police. "Used to dress up like this every Halloween when I was a kid. Haven't celebrated it in years, so I figured I'd do it again for old times' sake. Still," she glanced at the other woman's intricately-crafted armor with frank admiration, "I do feel kinda lazy all of a sudden."


    She took half the boxes from Gretchen, splitting the burden. "I don't know where the hell you people get your costumes," she continued, balancing baked goods in her arms. "I know big-budget costuming departments that would kill for some of the stuff I've people wearing at this party." She directed a rare wry smile at Lynn. "Not all of us can just magic up our clothes, you know. Some of us have to actually buy them." Or, as in her own case, dig them out of a laundry basket. She only had one other costume, after all, and wearing that one probably wouldn't have been such a good idea. She had a secret identity to maintain.

  12. But I'm shot! was what Echo wanted to shout back, but she stopped herself on the grounds that nobody liked a whiner. Still, she had never been shot with alien weaponry before, and she made an on-the-spot vow to never repeat the experience. So she should probably stop Bench from doing whatever it was he was trying to do, or that might be a vow swiftly broken.


    She broke into a run, sprinting towards Bench, then vanished in midstride, reappearing across the cavern directly in his path. "Going somewhere, Stewie?" Abandoning her flashy acrobatics, she settled for simply unleashing a vicious flurry of blows directly into his midsection, warping time around her arms so her fists were only an indistinct flicker of blueish motion. It didn't sound so much like a series of impacts as it did a single drawn-out smack. The assault left him reeling and shaking the little birdies from around his head, and she took that opportunity to wave a hand at the alien spacecraft. "You know, I'm very pro-immigration, but this is just nuts. You want to invade us, you gotta go through the proper channels. I'm going to need to see everybody's green card."

  13. Generally speaking, Sam had never really been one for the holidays. She had never seen the point in New Year's - they didn't celebrate the end of the week, or the month, what made years so damn special? Thanksgiving had been an equally empty experience for her; as a kid, she had had precious little to be thankful for. Besides, her mother's idea of a Thanksgiving feast had been a packet of turkey dogs, a can of cold cranberry sauce, and a bottle of scotch. And as for Christmas...nothing made a bad mood worse than going outside and seeing everybody in the city smiling and singing like they were the happiest people on Earth. She had yet to receive a nighttime visit from three ghosts explaining the error of her ways, so she saw no need to revise her opinion.


    Halloween had been different, though. You didn't need a parent for Halloween. All you needed was a costume and a goodie sack. Which was why she and her little sister had waited for the last day of October the way most kids waited for the twenty-fifth of December. They had always used the same costumes, year after year: the cheap, colorful superhero outfits they had assembled themselves from old clothes. They had worn them nearly every day anyway, when they were playing, but this was the one day of the year the had been given candy for doing so. Looking back, she knew how stupid it had been for two unescorted little girls to wander around the big city at night doing door-to-door trick-or-treating. Their mother had either not realized or, more likely, not cared, because she had never raised any objection, or offered to take them herself. And afterwards, their bags full to bursting with what was, in hindsight, probably pity candy, they would sit in bed together and stuff themselves sick. It had been the best day of the year.


    That had all gone out the window when high school came along, of course. That and everything else. Sam hadn't wanted to go trick-or-treating with her annoying little sister anymore. She wanted to hang out and smoke with all her cool new friends. And the rest, Sam reflected bitterly, was history.


    So she had regarded the announcement of a Halloween party in the store with decidedly mixed feelings. On the one hand, happy memories of childhood. On the other hand, less-happy memories of childhood. Lynn's unbridled enthusiasm had proved infectious, however, and Sam had found herself looking forward to the party despite herself. It was hard to maintain a properly negative outlook when your boss was literally dressed like a Disney princess. Giving in, Sam had decided to honor the happier days of yore by dressing in a superhero outfit just as crappy as the one she had used to wear, only this time the crappiness was deliberate. A plain blue long-sleeved shirt was her tunic, a red towel held on with a safety pin her cape, and a sleeping mask with two holes cut in it cunningly concealed her identity. She knew she looked like a slob who had been putting off the laundry too long, and she didn't care.


    She wandered into the entry hall after Gretchen, having just finished putting up an especially large rubber spider in the ladies' room, which was as good a place as any to scare the crap out of somebody. She nodded to the new arrival. "Hey. Need a hand with that? Also, boss," she addressed Lynn, "you keep flying around like that, somebody's gonna try to put you in a lantern."

  14. Somewhere in the back of Echo's mind, the more sensible part of her was insisting that letting the dinobots out was the last thing they should be doing. Loose dinobots were to a plan what a shrapnel grenade was to a wedding procession. She fastidiously ignored that annoying little voice, reminding herself that if she didn't stick to the plan, Geckoman would die. Or possibly Jack. And then for the rest of her life, she would be known as the white-haired little idiot who got Geckoman (or possibly Jack) killed because she refused to release a herd of dinobots. Screw that.


    Lying prostrate on a nearby ridge, she took several moments to scope the situation. Okay, guards there, dinos there, gate there...dead cows...ew...dead cows all over the place.This might take some finesse. The art of remaining undetected in hostile territory was as intricate and precise as a well-played game of chess, requiring one to constantly anticipate the moves of one's opponents, be intimately aware of the environment, and be willing to adapt at a moment's notice.




    She stood before the gate, half-crouched. She shot a glance over her shoulder. There were no cries of alarm, not wailing siren. Success! I am a the undisputed master of espionage. Carefully and slowly, she pulled back the bar that held the gate shut, with an occasional look at the encamped guards to make sure she was still unseen. She then pushed the gate slightly ajar, and with another whumph, was back on the ridge. "Mission accomplished," she announced. "You're lucky you have me along."

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