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Scarab (Top-Tier)


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Character Name: The Scarab

Power Level: 12 (250/250PP)

Tradeoffs: -5 Attack / +5 Damage (PL15 Mind Reading)

Abilities: 0 + 0 + 4 + 8 + 12 + 6 = 30PP

Strength: 10 (+0)

Dexterity: 10 (+0)

Constitution: 14 (+2)

Intelligence: 18 (+4)

Wisdom: 22 (+6)

Charisma: 16 (+3)

Combat: 8 + 8 = 16PP

Initiative: +12/+4 (+4 INT, +8/+0 Enhanced Improved Initiative)

Attack: +4 Base, +12 Telekinesis (+4 Base, +8 Attack Specialization), +10 Mind Reading (+4 Base, +6 Accurate)

Grapple: +4 (+4 Attack, +0 STR), +24 Telekinesis (Power Rank 12, +12 Attack)

Defense: +12/+4 (+4 Base, +8/+0 Shield), +2 Flat-Footed

Knockback Resist: 1, 12 Force Field, 1 Flat-Footed

Saving Throws: 4 + 4 + 14 = 22PP

Toughness: +12/+2 (+2 CON, +10/+0 Force Field [impervious 12/0]), +2 Flat-Footed

Fortitude: +6 (+2 CON, +4PP)

Reflex: +12/+4 (+0 DEX, +4PP, +8/+0 Enhanced Reflex)Evasion

Will: +20 (+6 WIS, +14PP)

Skills: 80R = 20PP

Concentrate 7 (+13)Second Chance

Diplomacy 12 (+15)Skill Mastery

Gather Information 9 (+20/+12)Discrete Inquiry, Skill Mastery, Well-Informed

Investigate 8 (+20/+12)Skill Mastery

Knowledge (Business) 4 (+8)

Knowledge (Civics) 4 (+8)

Languages 3 (Egyptian, English [Native], Latin, Spanish)

Medicine 1 (+15/+7)Skill Mastery

Notice 6 (+20/+12)Skill Mastery

Perform (Oratory) 12 (+15)Skill Mastery

Search 8 (+20/+12)Skill Mastery

Sense Motive 6 (+20/+12)Skill Mastery

Feats: 20PP

Accurate Attack

Attack Specialization (Telekinesis) 4 (+8 Attack)

Beginners Luck

Benefit 3 (Status [Legacy of The Scarab], Wealth 2 [Rich])

Challenge (Discrete Inquiry) 4


Equipment 7 (35EP)Veteran Reward


Improved Critical (Telekinesis) 2

Improved Initiative 2

Improvised Tools


Jack of All Trades


Power Attack

Precise Telekinesis

Quick Change

Second Chance (Concentrate)

Skill Mastery 2 (Diplomacy, Gather Information, Investigate, Medicine, Notice, Perform [Oratory], Search, Sense Motive)

Speed of Thought



Italics indicate a feat which was purchased as a power or part of a power. The power point cost of these traits is listed under “Powers,†below.

The Scarab's Lair (PL15 HQ) [35EP]

The Scarab's Lair is an underground pyramid buried beneath the foundations of Pyramid Plaza. Though decorated with an Ancient Egyptian motif, the aged facades are purely cosmetic. Concealed behind them are the highly advanced technology which maintains the complex, courtesy of Daedalus and Doktor Archeville. The Lair is detailed in Freedom City Atlas #2, and it is updated in ?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>this thread.

Size: Huge [3EP]

Toughness: +15 [2EP]

Features: [30EP]



Concealed 2 (+15 DC)

Defense System (Blast 15) (Scarab-Bots*)

Fire Prevention System


Holding Cells (Nullify 15)




Living Space

Personnel (Scarab-Bots*)


Power 2 (60PP)

Power System

Security System 5 (DC40)

Self-Repairing (Scarab-Bots*)



*The Scarab-Bots are tiny robotic scarab beetles, made from a gleaming gold/titanium alloy. Swarms of them scuttle throughout the Lair, guided by a rudimentary artificial intelligence. Each Scarab-Bot is equipped with a powerful miniaturized energy blaster, used as much for utility as for combat. Their primary function is to maintain, repair, and defend the Lair, though they are capable of other basic tasks.

**This Feature is for the chamber in The Scarab's Lair described in Freedom City Atlas #2 as follows:

The vaulted Great Hall is home to many of Alexander Rhodes’ prized ancient artifacts and trophies, including an entire Egyptian chariot, carved pillars and statues from Giza and other parts of Egypt, glass cases of jewelry, frame papyrus scrollwork, and archeological curiosities from other time periods, associated with his other lifetimes.

Powers: [52/60PP]

Teleport 10 (200,000 miles ["Earth To The Moon"], Extras: Accurate, Duration 2 [Continuous], Portal 2, Flaws: Limited [Others], Limited [To/From HQ], Feats: Change Direction, Progression [Portal Size] 1 [10ft x 10ft]) [52PP]

The Scarab's teleportals appear to be giant glowing golden ankh-shaped holes in space. The portals are lined with crackling lightning. Air in the immediate vicinity rushes into the portal, creating a light wind.

In order to open a teleportal, the subject must either be in the teleporter junction room of The Scarab's Lair, or else they must have a Scarab's Lair Teleport Beacon, a small device about the size of a quarter which sends a radio signal to the computer controlling the teleporter. Any power which interferes with Radio Communication or Radio senses can block the signal, in which case the character should receive a Hero Point for the Complication.

Possession of a beacon requires that the character pay 1PP for a Benefit or Feature, and that the character be on ?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>the list of characters to whom The Scarab has granted access.

Powers: 11 + 5 + 14 + 2 + 12 + 3 + 21 + 48 + 6 + 4 + 6 + 10 = 142PP

Enhanced Reflex 8 (Feats: Evasion, Improved Initiative 2) [11PP] (Precognition, Telepathy)

Enhanced Skills 8 (Medicine 8, Feats: Beginners Luck, Improvised Tools, Jack of All Trades) [5PP] (Past-Life Memory)

Enhanced Skills 40 (Gather Information 8, Investigate 8, Notice 8, Search 8, Sense Motive 8, Feats: Challenge [Discrete Inquiry] 4*) [14PP] (Precognition, Telepathy)

As stated in the "Power Loss" Complication (see above), these skill bonuses do not apply to checks made to notice or locate anything or anyone which is hidden behind a barrier of lead at least 5mm / 1/4 inch thick.

*This is 4 ranks of a feat offsetting the “Discrete Inquiry†skill challenge for Gather Information. Normally, avoiding scrutiny while making a Gather Information check requires a -20 penalty. With 4 ranks, each offsetting a (-5) penalty, a Gather Information check can be made discreetly with no penalty.

Features 2 (Quick Change [Psi-Reactive Morphic-Molecule Costume], Teleport Beacon [The Scarab's Lair]*) [2PP] (Technology)

*See “Equipment,†above, for details regarding the teleport beacon.

Flight 5 (250MPH / 2,500ft [1/2 mile] per Move Action, Feats: Interpose, Subtle) [12PP] (Telekinesis)

Immunity 6 (Fear, Interaction Skills, Flaws: Limited [1/2 Effect]) [3PP] (Telepathy)

Psionic Defense 3.8 (19PP Container [Active, Free Action, Sustained Duration], Feats: Selective, Subtle) [21PP] (Telekinesis)

[10 + 1 + 8 = 19PP]

Force Field 10 (Extras: Impervious, Flaws: Limited [Dodge Bonus]) [10PP]

Impervious Toughness 2 (Flaws: Limited [Dodge Bonus]) [1PP]

Shield 8 [8PP]

Psionics 19 (38PP Array, Feats: Alternate Power 10) [48PP]

Base Power: [15 + 14 + 8 = 37PP]

Concealment 10 (All Non-Mental Senses, Flaws: Phantasm, Feats: Progression [Counter/Save DC] 5 [Rank 15 / DC25]) [15PP] (Mind Control, Telepathy)

Mind Reading 14 (15, Extras: Action 2 [Free], Linked [Communication, Comprehend, Super-Senses], Mental, Sensory Link, Flaws: Communication-Dependent, Duration [instant/Lasting], Limited [surface Thoughts]) [14PP] (Telepathy)

See the standalone “Telepathy†power, below.

Move Object 1 (100ft Max Range, Lifting STR 5 [Heavy Load: 50 lbs.], Extras: Damaging, Feats: Improved Range 3 [1 100ft Range Increment], Indirect, Subtle) [8PP] (Telekinesis)

Alternate Power:

Damage 12 (Extras: Alternate Save [Fortitude], Range [Ranged, 10 120ft Range Increments / 1,200ft Max Range], Feats: Indirect, Subtle) [38PP] (Internal Attack, Telekinesis)

Alternate Power:

Damage 12 (Extras: Alternate Save [Will], Mental, Range 2 [Perception], Flaws: Action [Full], Feats: Subtle) [37PP] (Mental Blast, Telepathy)

Alternate Power:

Damage 12 (Extras: Autofire, Range [Ranged, 10 120ft Range Increments / 1,200ft Max Range], Feats: Indirect, Subtle) [38PP] (Telekinesis, Thrown Objects)

Alternate Power: [14 + 24 = 38PP] (Disassembly, Telekinesis)

Damage 12 (Extras: Linked [Drain], Range [Ranged, 10 120ft Range Increments / 1,200ft Max Range], Flaws: Limited [Cyborgs / Machines / Multi-Part Structures], Feats: Indirect, Subtle) [14PP]

Drain Toughness 12 (Extras: Affects Object, Linked [Damage], Range [Ranged, 10 120ft Range Increments / 1,200ft Max Range], Flaws: Limited [Cyborgs / Machines / Multi-Part Structures]) [24PP]

Alternate Power: [19 + 14 = 33PP]

ESP 4 (Mental Senses, 1 mile, Extras: Duration [sustained], Flaws: Action [standard], Saving Throw [Will], Feats: Progression [Counter / Save DC] 11 [Rank 15 / DC25], Rapid 5 [x100,000], Subtle [DC35 Notice]) [19PP] (Clairvoyance, Telepathy)

Normally, a search check for an area 1 mile in diameter takes 1 hour, and taking 20 on that check takes 20 hours. With Rapid 5 (x100,000), The Scarab can take 20 on that search check and hit DC40 as a Free Action (0.72 seconds).

Mind Reading 14 (15, Extras: Action 2 [Free], Linked [Communication, Comprehend, Super-Senses], Mental, Sensory Link, Flaws: Communication-Dependent, Duration [instant/Lasting], Limited [surface Thoughts]) [14PP] (Telepathy)

See the standalone “Telepathy†power, below.

Alternate Power:

Mind Control 12 (Extras: Conscious, Instant Command, Mental, Sensory Link, Flaws: Action [Full], Staged [Dazed/Compelled/Controlled], Feats: Mental Link, Subtle) [38PP] (Telepathy)

Staged Power Effects:

Fail by 1-4: Dazed.

Fail by 5-9 (or by 1-4 while Dazed): Compelled. Victim can be forced to take one standard or move action per round. Victim uses their other action each round to resist the control.

Fail by 10+ (or by 1-9 while Compelled): Controlled. Standard Mind Control effect.

This flaw is suggested as an option for Mind Control in Ultimate Power. The "Compelled" condition is adapted from Mutants & Masterminds 3rd Edition.

Alternate Power: [7 + 2 + 13 + 1 + 6 = 29PP] (Telepathy)

Communication 1 (Mental, 10ft, Extras: Linked [Comprehend], Feats: Rapid 6 [x1,000,000], Subtle, Drawbacks: Limited [Not Two-Way]) [7PP]

Comprehend 1 (Languages 1 [speak Any], Extras: Linked [Communication]) [2PP]

Mind Reading 20 (Extras: Action [Move/Standard], Linked [super-Senses], Flaws: Duration [instant/Lasting], Range 2 [Touch], Feats: Accurate 3 [+6 Attack], Extended Reach [10ft], Subtle 2) [13PP]

Super-Senses 6 (Mind Awareness [Mental, Very Common Descriptor], Extras: Acute, Analytical, Linked [Mind Reading, Super-Senses], Ranged [10ft Notice Increments]) [6PP]

Super-Senses 1 (7, Thought Awareness [Mental, Very Common Descriptor], Extras: Acute, Analytical, Linked [Mind Reading, Super-Senses], Radius, Ranged [10ft Notice Increments]) [1PP]

See the stand-alone "Thought Awareness" Super-Senses, below.

Alternate Power:

Move Object 12 (10 120ft Range Increments / 1,200ft Max Range, Lifting Strength 60 [Heavy Load: 50 tons], Extras: Damaging, Feats: Indirect, Subtle) [38PP] (Telekinesis)

Alternate Power:

Stun 12 (Extras: Alternate Save [Will], Mental, Range 2 [Perception], Sleep, Flaws: Action [Full], Feats: Subtle) [37PP] (Mind Control, Sleep, Telepathy)

Alternate Power:

Transform 15 (Memory Alteration, Extras: Alternate Save [Will], Duration [Continuous/Lasting], Mental, Range [Perception], Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting, Feats: Precise, Subtle) [32PP] (Telepathy)

Super-Senses 6 (Danger Sense [Mental], Postcognition [Flaws: Uncontrolled], Precognition [Flaws: Uncontrolled], Uncanny Dodge [Mental]) [6PP]

Super-Senses 4 (Psionic Awareness [Mental, Common Descriptor], Extras: Radius, Ranged [10ft Notice Increments]) [4PP]

As stated in the "Power Loss" Complication (see above), this sense cannot perceive the use of a power effect if the user is hidden behind a lead barrier at least 5mm / 1/4 inch thick. This sense cannot perceive an ongoing power effect if the subject of that effect is hidden behind such a barrier.

Super-Senses 6 (Thought Awareness [Mental, Very Common Descriptor], Extras: Acute, Radius, Ranged [10ft Notice Increments]) [6PP]

As stated in the "Power Loss" Complication (see above), this sense cannot perceive thoughts from the minds of beings which are hidden behind a lead barrier at least 5mm / 1/4 inch thick.

Telepathy 2 (10PP Container [Active, Free Action, Sustained Duration]) [10PP]

[6 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 10PP]

Communication 6 (Mental, 20 miles, Flaws: Limited [Not Two-Way], Feats: Insidious, Rapid [x10], Subtle) [6PP]

As stated in the "Power Loss" Complication (see above), this power cannot be used to initiate contact with the mind of a being who is hidden behind a lead barrier at least 5mm / 1/4 inch thick. Ongoing contact with the mind of a being who moves behind such a barrier is immediately severed.

Comprehend 1 (Languages 1 [speak Any Language], Extras: Linked [Communication, Mind Reading, Super-Senses]) [2PP]

Mind Reading 1 (Extras: Action 2 [Free], Linked [Communication, Comprehend, Super-Senses], Mental, Sensory Link, Flaws: Communication-Dependent, Duration [instant/Lasting], Limited [surface Thoughts]) [1PP]

Multiple alternate powers in the "Psionics" array (see above) devote 14PP to increasing the rank of this Mind Reading effect from 1 to 15.

Super-Senses 2 (Accurate Thought Awareness, Flaws: Limited [Mind Reading]) [1PP]

See the standalone “Thought Awareness†Super-Sense, above.

Totals: Abilities (30) + Combat (16) + Saving Throws (22) + Skills (20) + Feats (20) + Powers (142) - Drawbacks (0) = 250/250 Power Points

Combat Block:

ATTACK                        RANGE       SAVE                      EFFECT
Unarmed                       Touch       DC15 Toughness (Staged)   Damage (Physical)
Disassembly                   Ranged      DC22 Reflex (Staged)      Drain Toughness
                                          DC27 Toughness (Staged)   Damage (Energy)
Memory Alteration             Perception  DC25 Will                 Transformed
Mental Blast                  Perception  DC27 Will (Staged)        Damage (Energy)
Mind Control                  Perception  Will (Staged) vs +12      Dazed/Compelled/Controlled
Mind Reading (Probe)          Touch +5ft  Will vs +20               Mind Reading (Probe)
Mind Reading (Surface)        Perception  Will vs +15               Mind Reading (Surface)
Stun                          Perception  DC22 Will (Staged)        Dazed/Stunned/Asleep
Telekinesis                   Ranged      DC27 Toughness (Staged)   Damage (Energy)
Telekinesis (Internal)        Ranged      DC27 Fortitude (Staged)   Damage (Energy)
Telekinesis (Thrown Object)   Ranged      DC27 Toughness (Staged)   Damage (Physical)
Telekinesis (Thrown Objects)  Ranged      DC27* Toughness (Staged)  Damage (Physical)

Edited by ShaenTheBrain
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