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Who are you? Sum yourself up in one sentence.

Captain Silvia of Ages Lost, and lady of fortune.

Do you have any nicknames, street names, titles, or nom de plume?

Most on Earth know me better as "Stormbreaker."

What is your full birth name?

Notus, the Summer Breeze. Though it has been a long time since I have used that name.

Where do you live?

Aboard my ship, Ages Lost.

How old are you? What year were you born (if applicable)?

Approximately as old as time. Give or take, depending on how you count.

Physical Traits

What is your gender? If not applicable, please explain.

Quite female, now.

How would you describe your heritage?

That would require me to have been born.

How tall are you?


What is your body type?

Humanoid. Oh, not the answer you were looking for? Fine. Slender, lean, athletic. A runner's body.

Do you have any particular weaknesses, such as allergies or physical disabilities?

Well, there is the matter of that missing arm...

How do you carry yourself? Are you graceful, or heavy on your feet? Can you be stealthy, do you walk with confidence?

The most generous description I have heard has been "catlike." Not like a small housecat, mind, but more like a wild predator. A lion. Something ready to pounce. Some find it unsettling. Others find it commanding.

Describe your skin, eye, and hair color.

My skin is apparently on the fairer end, by human standards. Green eyes, wavy flaxen hair.

How do you wear your hair, if applicable? Do you have facial hair?

I normally just wear it down, though if it is beginning to get in the way, I will tie it back. A braid if I have the time, and a pony tail if I do not.

Do you consider yourself attractive? Do others?

Ah... that is a thing humans think about. Yes? On both questions.

Do you have any scars, tattoos, piercings, or birthmarks?

No notable birthmarks, nor tattoos, and the only piercings I have bothered with are my ears. However, one does not reach my stature as a duelist without getting quite a few scars. I make sure to remove any scars from my face or neck, but let us just say that the collection elsewhere is... considerable.

Do you resemble anyone famous?

I have never bothered to check.

Do you have a dominant hand?

I have a hand.

What kind of clothing do you wear?

Apparently, my style is out of date by a century or three, but the classics never truly die. Chain shirt, silk tunic or vest... I do own a set of thirteen button trousers for formal occasions, but I prefer not to wear them for obvious reasons. And of course my rapier.

Do you wear makeup?

I have dabbled, but I do not make a habit of it.

What is your vocal range? Is your voice distinctive in some way?

Apparently, my range is considerable, and some have suggested I take up singing. I may consider it. Eventually.

Do you have any distinctive habits, nervous tics, or mannerisms? Where did they come from, and what causes them? Do other people notice and remark on these habits? Do they annoy you or other people?

When nervous and in deep thought, I have a bad habit of flexing what little is left of my left arm. Usually, it just rattles my cape a bit, but it's noticeable, and many people tend to be unnerved when I do anything to bring attention to that arm (or lack thereof).


Where do you come from?

Wyrmward Gate. It was a calm spot in the Red Belt, a storm-wracked sector of space. Uninhabitable, now.

Have you made any major moves, or do you live in your hometown?

"Major moves?" I've spent years traversing the galaxy.

Do you feel loyal to your country of citizenship? Do you consider yourself patriotic? How do you feel about the government of your country?

I'm not a citizen of any country. And the only place where I might have qualified for citizenship is gone.

How do you feel about the place you come from?

It was... peaceful. Easy. But it's gone now, and I prefer not to speak of it.

Where is your home town? What was/is it like?

I never really had a home "town," per say.

Growing up, were most of the people you knew similar to you, or were you somehow a minority? How did that affect you?

I never grew up. Or if I did, it was long before I can remember. Long before "people."

Is there something you've always been really good at or really bad at? How has that affected your life?

My talents are many, but apparently I must be quite the captain. I am still alive, after all. As many enemies as I've made in my career, a lesser captain with a lesser crew wouldn't be.

Were there any traumatic experiences in your early years (death of a family member, abandonment, orphaned at an early age)?

My... "early years." Well, I barely remember them, and the universe was mostly just a very large ball of superheated dust at the time, so... no.

Briefly describe a defining moment in your childhood and how it influenced your life.

I never had a childhood.

What stupid things did you do when you were younger?

I consumed a rather foul-tasting comet one time.

Where did you go to school? How much school did you have, and did you enjoy it?

I floated throughout the universe absorbing knowledge over the course of many eons, incapable of any sensation you might call "enjoyment."

Do you have any mementos of your childhood? What are they, and why did you keep them? If you have none, why not?

The closest might be Ages Lost, herself, forged of my own scales.

When did you decide to become a hero? Why? Did anyone influence you one way or another in the decision?

A strange question. It seems odd for me to wake up one day and decide, "I will be a hero today," yet apparently that happens on this planet. But I never decided to specifically be a hero. When my power was taken and I was nearly killed, destroying my home, I needed resources to survive. I took them by battling those who needed to be opposed. A means to an end, as it were, and I have not stopped.

Is the reason you give people for becoming a hero different than your real reason? If so, why?

My agent advises me to play my 'heroics,' as some call it, off as more of a Robin Hood routine. Whether you call that a difference or a framing device, I do not particularly care.

Do you have any deep, dark secrets in the past that may come back to haunt you?

Well, there is that long list of bounties on my head, but those aren't exactly secret.

Do you represent yourself as being different from who you really are? Why?

Well, I don't go around advertising the fact that I'm a god, primarily because it would scare away the man I am waiting for.

If you do have these secrets, what do you fear would happen if the truth became known? How far would you go to protect those secrets?

If it became known that I am the dragon Notus, the Swordsmith probably won't come to Earth and I will have lost my only lead on getting my arm and my fang back. Not the end of the world- once anyone starts using either blade, they'll be easy to track- but I certainly want to avoid it.

Do you have any sort of criminal record? If so, is it public knowledge?

I have raided countless ships from countless enemy empires for years and sold their goods to friendlier forces. My criminal record would fill several volumes, and it is well known, along with the bounties.


What are your biological parents' names?

I do not have any.

Were you raised by them? If not, please explain and describe who raised you.

I never had them.

What was their standing in the community? What did/do they do for a living?

Still no parents.

Where are your parents now?

They do not exist.

Did your family stay in one area or move around a lot?

No family, either.

How did you get along with their parents? How do you get along with them now (if applicable).

Parentless. That has not changed.

How do your parents view you now, or how would they?

They do not view me at all, because they do not exist.

Do you have any siblings? If so how many and what are their names? Describe your relationship with them.

No siblings, either.

What was your birth order in the family?

First, last, and only.

Where are your siblings now (if applicable)? Do they have families of their own? What do they do?


Do you stay in touch with them or have you become estranged?

It is hard to stay in touch with that which does not exist.

Do you love or hate one member of the family in particular?

There is no one to hate. Well, except myself, but I quite like myself.

Is any member of the family special to you in any way (perhaps, as a confidant, mentor, or arch-rival)?


Are there any black (or white) sheep in the family (including you)? If so, please explain.


Do you have a notorious or celebrated ancestor? If so, please explain, including how it has affected your life.

I do not have ancestors.

Do you have a partner and children currently? If so, please describe them.


If you do not have a partner or children, do you want them someday? How firm are you in your opinion on this, and what might change your mind?

It is something I try not to think about.

What type of person would be your ideal mate?

I said it is something I try not to think about.


Do you have any close friends? If so, please describe them, and how you came to be close to them.

My crew. Through most of my travels, they have been the only ones at my side. Some are followers from Wyrmward Gate. Some are wanderers we picked up along the way. A few of them sought my protection for bounties on their heads. And I have absolute faith in the loyalty of every single one of them.

Do you have a best friend? If so, how did they become your best friend? How close are you to your best friend?

That is a hard one, to be sure. So many on my crew have done so much, but... I would have to say my chief boatswain, Roland. The old man had been travelling the stars for decades before we even set sail, and he's taken care of this ship and it's crew more than you can know. Of course, there is a necessary distance between captain and crew, but I would trust him with my life.

If you were to go missing, who would worry about you?

My entire crew. And also my agent and my lawyer, but... they would worry more in the way a remora would worry about the shark it's attached to. They do their job faithfully, of course, but it's a business relationship.

Have you lost any loves? If so, how did it happen, and what did you do?

It's interesting. I was guardian of an entire sector of space, gave it life, let it flourish, and it all burned to ash, yet... I didn't care. It barely meant anything to me. The death of billions meant less to me than the handful who I've lost from my crew in our travels. I suppose that is a part of becoming human.

Do you have any bitter enemies? If so, please describe them and their history with you.

Many. The bounty hunters aren't worth the note, but one is. Serege the Swordsmith. The man who took my fang, my arm, my power. Who nearly killed me.

If you have enemies, how do you think they might attempt to work against you in the future?

Serge probably won't act against me again. He's gotten what he wants, and the next move is mine, to get back what he's taken. The bounty hunters, however, come however they please. Head-on attack. Ship-to-ship combat. Infiltration. Planet-side assassination attempt. Orbital bombardment.

What is the worst thing someone has done to you?

That would be when the Swordsmith stole my fang, used it to rob me of my power and forge a sword to slay me, then lopped off my arm and left me for dead as he drew nearly all my remaining power to forge an even greater sword and left me for dead.

Where do your loyalties lie? In what order?

My crew is first. Everything else is secondary.

Who or what do you trust the most? Why?

My crew and myself. In all our struggles, we're all we've had.

Who or what do you despise? Why?

All I want is freedom. Those who seek to exploit me or control me or remove me if I don't get out of their hair are beneath contempt.

What qualities do you admire most in other people? Are these qualities you possess?

I admire... those who respect the way of things. Those who are forthright in their dealings, honorable. I certainly aspire to be so.

What qualities do you hate most in other people? Do you have any of those qualities?

To subjugate another's will on another is unforgivable. To batter bodies and steal goods are one thing, but to break a person's will to get your way? Never.

Do you have a secret identity? If so, who knows it? Do you hide it from people who are close to you? Why?


Do you work well on teams and in groups? Are you a leader or a follower?

I am captain of an entire ship and crew. I'd better be a good leader.

Are you on a super team? If so, how do you get along with your comrades? Do you trust them, or do you have secrets from them?


Are you a member of any church, fraternal organization, club, committee, political party, or other group? How much time do you spend on that?

I used to be worshiped as a god. Does that count?

Personality & Beliefs

Who are your heroes?

If you mean my heroes as in someone I looked up to and admired, I never had that.

Did you ever become disillusioned with former heroes or idols? If so, why and what were the circumstances?

To be disillusioned would require an investment in the first place.

Do you like being a hero? If so, what is the most rewarding part? If not, what makes you keep doing it?

The praise is nice. Not quite worship, but nice.

Is there anything that would make you give up hero work, or even switch sides?

When I regain my former glory, I doubt I will be able to keep this life up. I will need too much sleep.

What are your short term goals (what would you like to be doing within a year)?

My agent is working on getting some of my adventures turned into a weekly television show. It will probably fall through, but I can dream.

What are your long term goals (what would you like to be doing twenty years from now)?

I seek to recover my fang and my arm and regain my power and status as the Summer Breeze.

What is your greatest fear? Why? What do you do when something triggers this fear?

Powerlessness. To be caught, controlled, and completely unable to fight back, no matter how much I struggle or panic.

Is there anything you would give you life for?

I do not intend to find out.

How do you feel about money and material wealth? Do you desire it or disdain it? Are you miserly with what you have, or do you like to share? Is it a mark of success, or a means to an end?

Money is a marvellous thing to have in large amounts, to be spent freely for yourself and others.

How do you generally treat others?

If you show me respect, I show you respect. Otherwise, you are free to take the matter up with my blade.

Are you a trusting person? Has your trust ever been abused?

I only trust so far without a great deal of proof.

Are you introverted (shy and withdrawn) or extroverted (outgoing)? Do you have a lot of self-confidence?

A lack of confidence has never been one of my vices, and I do find humans to be... interesting.

How do you act around attractive, available members of your preferred sex?

This really is an obsession with you humans. The same as I act around any human, now stop asking!

What are your most annoying habits?

I have been told that I am far too fast to settle my differences with violence.

Do you feel contempt for any general category of people? Who are they, and why?

Tyrants. Those who rule by fear. Those who get in the way of others' freedom.

What is your favorite food? Do you prefer any particular type of food? Do you take the time to enjoy your food, or do you eat as fast as you can?

One I have not tried before. I very much enjoy trying new foods, and am in no rush when I eat.

What is your favorite drink (alcoholic or otherwise)?

I appreciate a good white wine.

What is your favorite treat (dessert)?

As I said, I enjoy trying new things, but... Dark chocolate raspberry cheesecake.

Are there any specific foodstuffs that you find disgusting or refuse to eat?

No, not particularly.

What is your favorite color? Are there any colors you dislike?

Why would someone have a favorite color? I was under the impression they were supposed to work together.

What sort of music do you like? Is there any that you hate?

Hm. I have no idea what half these... monstrosities you call music these days are. Talking fast and calling it music and all this twanging and screeching. Just give me a proper symphony and stop with all the noise.

If you have a favorite scent, what is it?

The smell of ozone upon reentering a breathable atmosphere.

Do you have a favorite animal?

I haven't spent enough time around any to have one, no.

What is your most treasured possession? Why?

My ship. As if that needs explanation.

Do you enjoy "roughing it", or do you prefer your creature comforts?

Well, if you're going to live, you may as well do it right. I very much enjoy my comforts.

Is there a job or a task you would absolutely refuse to do?

Honest work? I jest, though nothing springs to mind.

Do you consider yourself a spiritual person? If so, how do your beliefs affect your life?How important is it to you?

Not in the least.

Was your faith influenced or molded by anyone special?


If you belong to a religious organization, how often do you attend? Do you have a specific place of worship, or friends within the organization? How much do you agree with the beliefs of your organization?

Well, I used to be a god. Does that count?

Could you kill? Have you killed?

I could, and I have. I try not to, but it happens.

What circumstances led to you forming that conviction, or taking that action?

It's not a matter of convictions. In the largest case, it was a battle. We went for the enemy's engines, but instead hit their power core. The ship exploded.

Are there circumstances under which you believe it is permissible to kill? What are they?

Self defense, mainly.

How would you react to watching someone kill another person? Would your reaction be different if the killer was a friend or an enemy of yours?

I am more interested in who the victim is and what they are doing than who is doing the killing. If it is justified, or a matter of honor, I would stand aside. Otherwise, I would intervene. Violently, if necessary.

How would you react if something important was stolen from you?

Well, from the last time it happened... declaration of vendetta, ongoing investigation, and camping out at the only lead I have on the thief.

How would you react to public humiliation?


How would you react if a good friend or relative were purposely or accidentally killed? Has it happened to you?

It has happened before; I have lost several members of my crew over the years. The perpetrators who are still alive have been turned over to their least merciful enemies, and should still be imprisoned.

What do you consider to be the worst crime someone could commit and why?

Betraying another's trust. Without that trust, after all, how can we come together, get anything done?

If your life were to end in 24 hours, what five things would you do in those remaining hours?

I would do everything in my power to find and kill Serge, or arrange for it to happen after my death. Everything else would be irrelevant.

Career & Training

Do you have any special training in your hero skills? If so, where and how did you get it?

Not as such, no. I am mostly self-taught, with certain matters of spacefaring taught by my crew.

Who taught you the most about your heroing abilities? What was your relationship with that person?

No one, really. My powers are my own, and my style of swordplay is self-taught.

Do you have any particularly unusual skills? How did you acquire them?

I do have a fraction of my powers as a god of wind remaining, by right of existing.

Do you do something besides hero work for a living? Have you ever done anything else, or do you plan to?

Well, I do sell certain articles I find in my adventures for a healthy profit, but this is the only living I have ever known.

What is your preferred combat style?

I much prefer an honest duel. Steel to steel, no tricks.

Have you ever received any awards or honours?

Oddly, no. I suppose gratitude isn't what it used to be.

What skill areas would you like most to improve in? Is there anything you can't do that you wish desperately you could?

Desperation is not my style, though I would like more time to spend on artistic endeavors.

How do you act around people who are more skilled than you in areas you'd like to improve? Are you jealous, or do you try and learn?

I am not so petty as to indulge in jealousy. Certainly if I ever were to meet such an uncommon person, I would take full advantage of that person, in order to learn.

Lifestyle & Hobbies

What is a normal day for you? How do you feel when something interrupts this routine?

To be honest, it is mostly paperwork. Look over a bunch of reports, make sure everyone has the supplies or funds needed to keep everything in order, maybe do a few inspections to ensure nothing is about to blow up, check in with my agent and see if he has anything interesting, perhaps negotiate with some prospective buyers on some piece of loot or another. I welcome any interruption. And if they do not come, I may make some.

Do you have any hobbies, or interests outside hero work? What are they, and where did you pick them up?

I do fence competitively, though I suppose that still ties into work. I also enjoy fiddling with the nonsaleable bits of technology I find, though it rarely produces anything of use.

What do you do for fun?

I read, I enjoy music, I study, I go to theater and museums.

Do you have a costume? What does it look like?

No costume; I just add chain mail to my usual attire.

How do you normally dress when not in costume?

Same as in costume, sans the armor.

What do you wear to bed most nights?

I am not sure this is an appropriate question, but I usually wear a silk night gown.

Do you wear any special jewelry? What is it, and what does it look like?

Nothing special, no.

Do you have a special place where you keep your valuables?

Swiss bank account.

What's your preferred means of local travel? How about long distance?

I prefer my ship; she certainly makes an impressive entrance. Though if that is not an option, I can ride the winds myself.


Have you ever made a will, or tried to make arrangements for your death? What provisions did you make?

Nothing of the sort. I have no intention of dying.

If your features were to be destroyed beyond recognition, is there any other way of identifying your body?

It should be clear that the missing arm is not a fresh wound.

What would you like to be remembered for after your death?

For having outlived the universe, preferably.

Do you believe you pose a threat to the public? Why or why not?

If I wanted to, I certainly could, but I have no intention of threatening the public, especially if it does not antagonize me.

What do you perceive as your greatest strength?


What do you perceive as your greatest weakness?

Depowered, my powers barely bring me above a mere human. An exceptional human, granted, but vulnerable.

As a player, if you could, what advice would you give your character? Speak as if he/she were sitting right here in front of you. Use proper tone so they might heed your advice...

Never forget the value of a good dramatic entrance.

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