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Posts posted by PurpleProse

  1. Nocturne (Danica "Danni" Umbridge)

    Gather Information

    DC 15 - A new mystic vigilante has been roaming around Port Regal recently, calling herself Nocturne, The Sorceress of Twilight.

    DC 20 - She looks kinda creepy, but she does seem to be a decent person. Might help if she didn't dress like an evil sorceress out of an 80's flick...

    DC 25 - She always carries this weird looking book around with her. She keeps talking to it, calling it 'Sombra-La.'

    Knowledge: Arcane Lore

    DC 15 - She seems to be having trouble aiming her spells. This likely due to their sheer power and, possibly, inexperience.

    DC 20 - Her spells manifest with distinctive, Hermetic-like patterns. Her powers seem to revolve around darkness, air, and raw magical constructs.

    DC 25 - The name she invokes in her spells, 'Sombra-La,' is an ancient Dark Lord of a Netherworld that is supposed to be dead.

    Knowledge: Cosmology

    DC 20 - The name she invokes, 'Sombra-La,' is an ancient Dark Lord of a Netherworld that is supposed to be dead.

    DC 25 - Sombra-La was a tyrannical Dark Lord that ruled over a Netherworld called The Soaring Archipelago of Sombra some 300 years ago, until a group of heroes killed her during a rebellion.

    DC 30 - Nocturne looks like Sombra-La at the time of her murder, and carries the Dark Lord's book of spells with her.

  2. Without her ghostly powers to sustain her, she is returning once more to the realm of the dead. An appropriate fate.

    "Ugh..." Danni pinched the bridge of her nose as Sombra-La's eager tone. She inhaled, then glanced down at Silver Scream. "Look... I've got the feeling you aren't supposed to be here. There's a chuckle-head here with an evil camera, and I think he managed to pull you here. If I break the camera, will you leave peacefully?"

  3. Hah! We have her in our grasp!Sombra-La's telepathic crowing just made Danni's head hurt even more. Nocturne floated down from the air, shooting a glare out at the audience.

    "What are you people waiting for?! Show's over. LEAVE!"

    She rubbed her forehead and turned back towards the ghost. "Um... well, I used a spell to force you into a solid state... it looks like it turned off your ghostly powers too. Sorry about that. Uh... could you maybe just chill a bit and not try to terrify everyone?"

    At the sight of her ethereal streamers, Danni paused. "Sombra-La? What's going on?"

  4. Nocturne spun about as each phantom popped up, sending the theater patrons screaming as they were rapidly hemmed in. She couldn't risk attacking the ghost; even if she could land a shot on the incorporeal ingenue, there was a distinct chance she might hit an innocent! But she had to do something!


    "Please tell me that was a good 'aha,' Sombra-La," Danni whispered urgently, "because things are going from bad to worse, fast!"

    Fret not, mortal. I have just the spell for this occasion. 'Twas one I used when dealing with the elusive sylphs, as intangi-

    "No time for stories, just tell me the spell!"

    Ugh. Fine. I shall lead you along, then.

    Danni winced as she felt Sombra-La's presence 'push' on her psyche. That was always an unpleasant sensation, the sort of thing that gave her a migraine. However, she inhaled, steadied herself, and raised one hand above her head.

    "Powers of twilight and the endless wind, heed well the words of I, your mistress! What once was shadow, make now solid! What once was fleeting, make still! Sunder and shackle spirit and sylph, in the name of Sombra-La!"

    There was a low and ominous rush of wind as a crimson spell circle spun itself into existence underneath Danni's feet. With a slash of her hand, Danni sent the circle spinning, sending ripples of purple and red light rolling outwards over the crowd, the threads of the spell seeking to drag the Silver Scream to the corporeal world.

  5. Alright, time to go to work! I'm going to use Extra Effort to Power Stunt a new alternate power; which represents Sombra-La shunting a new spell into Danni's head.

    Spiritual Shackles of Sombra-La: Nullify (All Spirit Descriptor Powers) 10, Extras: Nullifying Field, Duration +1, Distracting.

    The AoE should cover the entire theater floor. DC 20 Will Save for Silver Scream.

  6. If Sombra-La still had a jaw, it would likely have been slack enough to rest on the ground. As it was, she had to rely more on a shocked tone of voice.Do these fools not realize their peril?!

    "They're horror fans. I think they're used to it," Danni replied. Though you'd think living in Freedom City would give them better survival instincts at least.

    And then the Silver Scream made her appearance. Nocturne sprang into action, the magic circles of her flight spell springing to life as she flew up into the air, spinning rapidly around her ankles as she hovered there in the popcorn-and-fanboy-funk-filled air. "Sombra-La, you wouldn't know any spells that affect ghosts, would you?" Her voice trembled only slightly as she rose to meet her first super-villianess.

    Perhaps. Give me a moment to think...

    "We don't have a moment!" She took her own combat stance, hand extended and ready to cast. "Silver Scream! Phantom of the theater, prepare yourself, for tonight you face Nocturne, Sorceress of Twilight!"

  7. He just had to say that, didn't he? Danni thought to herself as she heard Sombra-La growl.

    "Dude, my name's not Witchykins. And-hey!" Danni replied as the would-be auteur headed into the theater. Great, the last thing she needed was a bunch of people in the way if she needed to wrestle a soul-sucking camera out of an unwilling film-geek's hands. She managed to squeeze herself in as the film began to spin up, heading right towards Phil...

    Until she saw what was on the screen.

    What sorcery is this? Sombra-La whispered as Danni's eyes went wide. She hadn't been in Freedom City for too long, but she knew enough about the city to recognize who, and WHAT, was looking out at the audience from the other side of the celluloid.


  8. "Sure...right..." Danni looked at the weird camera as it was shoved in her face. She reached up and carefully pushed it away before she was hustled into the theater. At least it wasn't cold in there. The smell of cheap coffee, face-paint, sweat and popcorn was everywhere thanks to the patrons of the Castle. She nodded politely to some of the people, then squeezed her way along and into the bathroom. She needed to dry off before she actually caught a cold thanks to her soaked clothes. Thankfully, nobody was in the bathroom.

    As she began to wring her ludicrously long hair out into the sink, she noticed a distinct silence. She glanced at the grimoire at its resting place atop the wall-mounted dryer. "Sombra-La?"

    You saw it, did you not? The Witch-Queen's telepathic voice came out sibilant and hissing. That wretched THING in that fool's grasp?!

    "What? Are you talking about the camera?"

    Camera?! You speak of it as though it were a mere bauble! Fool! Idiot! Child! Did you not notice the runes and signs, the glyphs carved on its malefic brass casing? That is no mere camera!

    Danni frowned. "Well, now that you mention it, it did look odd. I've seen cameras before, but nothing like that. It didn't even look vintage..."

    IT! IS! NOT! A! CAMERA! Danni could feel the punctuation on each word. It is a device of dark origins, a Soul-Catcher! I recognize the work of the Infernal realms, and that is certainly one such work!

    "A soul-catcher? You mean like... something that sucks out souls?" Danni felt a chill run down her spine, like someone dropped an ice-cube down the back of her dress.

    Yes! A twisted thing of magic and hate, designed to steal and torment souls of the living! That fool knows not what he holds! Damnation awaits unless we destroy that contraption now!

    "Wait? Destroy?"

    Yes! Do you not agree?

    "Well yeah," Danni frowned at the book. "I just didn't expect you to want to smash it. I mean, you're kinda..." she paused to consider the adjective she wanted to use, "...not-very-good yourself. I figured you'd want me to keep it or something."

    A Dark Lord though I may be, Sombra-La growled, but even I recognize the sanctity of the soul. Such a thing is an abomination, and I, Sombra-La, Witch-Queen and Ruler of the Soaring Archipelago, will not permit it to exist!!!

    "Huh...finally, something we can agree on. Never thought I'd say that."

    The fool must also be punished as well. Executed for consorting with Infernal powers...

    "Annnd back to normal." Danni sighed, grabbing a few paper towels and wiping off her face, neck and cleavage. It seemed simple enough; step one, grab camera, step two, destroy camera. What could possibly go wrong?

  9. "Uh..." Danni blinked owlishly as she stood there, slightly dumbfounded. A student film crew? Seriously? It took a second or two before she recovered. "That's... nice? Could we continue this conversation inside? Where it's not pouring down rain?" She pointed towards the theater entrance nearby, then headed in the direction of not-raining-not-wet-possibly-warmer surroundings.

    In my Netherworld, Sombra-La growled in Danni's head. I would have had those four executed for the crime of wasting my precious time and forcing me to stand in the rain. Possibly by being thrown off the side of the island...

    "Yeah, well, tough..." Danni grumbled softly, giving the theater door a shove before walking inside. At least she could dry off inside.

  10. Wait, what?

    Danni stopped, lowering her hand as the scene unfolded. Yeah... that looked like a lot of spirit gum and paint; she'd seen more than enough genre films to recognize good practical effects when she saw it. "What do you mean perfect? These guys aren't attacking yo-"

    And then the rain started pouring. Unfortunately for the group's would-be savior, she didn't have an umbrella handy, so the entire wrath of the storm poured down on her head. Danni's long black hair went from curls to a straight, wet mess that piled ungracefully on the ground, even as the very expensive gown went from clean to rain-soaked. At least the short cloak was somewhat waterproof, which didn't help matters much.

    This only made Sombra-La angrier. Maybe it was because her precious gown was being utterly soaked. THERE ARE NO WORDS WHICH DESCRIBE MY UTTER HATE FOR YOU RIGHT NOW! NONE!

    "Quiet you. At least you're dry," Danni growled at the book before looking at the girl and the two actors. "What the heck is going on!?" She shouted over the rain.

  11. This is idiotic. Foolish. I hope you do recognize this fact, mortal.

    Danica Umbridge, aka Nocturne, did her best not to sigh at her 'partner's' grousing, the telepathic grumbling coming from the tattered tome tucked under one arm. She had expected Sombra-La to be less-than-enthusiastic about her new line of work. However, she hadn't expected the former sorceress to be quite so obnoxious about it.

    Wind whipped through her raven tresses as she soared over Port Regal, the insides of her black skirt lit by the spinning scarlet spell-circles that manifested her flight spell. At least it wasn't raining; she'd hate to think of what the dry-cleaning bill would be on this dress.

    You expect to find some dreadful situation to intervene in? Fah. A waste of our time...

    "You know, if you didn't want to come, I could have just left you at the apartment," Danni replied.

    Absolutely NOT! Danni winced as Sombra-La's mind-voice rose in a shriek. So long as you wear my body, I will accompany you, even if you insist on wasting time on a fool's errand! I will not have my glorious form besmirched outside my sight!

    "Yeah, besmirched." A rush of wind kicked a bit of errant debris as Danni alighted atop of Castle Cinema. Her first patrol had been... less than productive so far. No bank robberies, high-speed chases... not even a purse snatcher. Nothing for Nocturne to intervene in. You'd think a place like Freedom City would have trouble going on somewhere...

    At least until she heard the scream.

    Finally! Danni resisted the urge to fist-pump as she jumped off the edge of the building, her flight spell kicking up. Slowly, she hovered down at the entrance of the alleyway, eyes glowing bright red in the darkness as she called out to the attackers.

    "Halt, fools! I, Nocturne, Sorceress of Twilight, command you to surrender!"

    Had I my hands still, Sombra-La groaned, I would have ripped your tongue free from its moorings for speaking such idiocy.

    "Oh shut up," Danni whispered under her breath as she struck her pose.

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