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Posts posted by Breella

  1. GM

    September 7th, 2011

    The sun had not yet crested over the trees around the clearing, the smell of jerky and mead still tried to crest over the smell of unwashed bodies. Even though it was only 10am there are many people present. Tents, booths and lean-to's line the makeshift corridors at the Freedom City Renaissance Fair. Some of them selling items, others with small games of skill. In the center is a large competition ring where jousting, archery and other medieval events will take place over the course of the day. Performers dressed in medieval garb weaving their way through the 'streets' proclaiming their thee's and thou's. Overall it was shaping up to be a wonderful day at the fair!

  2. I'm looking for people to play with, specifically I'd like to finish a few multiplayer Left 4 Dead game achievements. So, if you feel like adding me I'm Breella (I know, obvious right?) feel free to share you gamertag too.

  3. want to embark on a combat thread I will GM? I have not done a combat thread here before that I have GM'd, so I'm looking for extremely patient people who are willing to give me good critique on how I do and not get really upset when I make mistakes.

    I'll love you forever.

  4. Gwen could feel Brian's sobs. She had not ever had anyone tell her something so obviously personal. She could feel him pulling away and the Vines released their grip, remaining quiet. Gwen shrugged. "People will talk anyway, such is human nature." Gwen looked around the greenhouse, trying to remember if she missed anything major that she wanted to get done before Brian came in. "I have to stay back for a moment and tend a few things. I'll see you at breakfast?"

  5. Gwen watched the exchanges between her friends and the monster, she felt rather disheartened that none of them had been able to do much to the beast. She cringed when she saw how close Brian came to getting caught up by the testicles. Gwen maneuvered around the beast, drawing closer to it. The Vines crept away from Gwen's body and began picking up speed. One connected with a particular crack that almost made Gwen squirm. She could see the shark-thing recoil and she let out a squeak of happiness.

  6. Gwen shook her head, red locks coming free of a vine who had began to loosen its hold on her curls. "Please, get yourself to a medic and get your wounds treated. My vines and I shall be fine. They can navigate well enough across the pavement to the lot." With that the Vines let out tendrils and began to crawl across the ground like ivy vines would head out across a building. " 'sides, I've got one heck of a mess to clean up in there so that the parks project can continue." Gwen cringed at the thought of the car in the middle of the freshly turned earth. Maybe get help the Vines noted. Yeah, maybe. Gwen agreed. With that she waved a free hand headed off to where the Vines were pulling her.

  7. Gwen smiled politely and nodded to the boys. "Now Morgan, have you been off gallivanting with that tree again? You're going to break her heart or she's going to break your neck, I'm not quite sure which it will be first!" Gwen turned her attentions to Nerin. "Why yes, I do believe we can get you settled into your dorm room and you can change there before we take a stroll around the campus." Gwen looked around for any of the other new arrivals she was scheduled to snag up, but it seemed that no one else had shown up yet. "Excuse me a moment." she said before turning to check her iPhone. "Ah, it seems the flight of the others I was going to meet has been delayed, shall we get going?"

  8. With two people quit, one fired and my assistant store manager incapaciated at the moment I'm pulling a 40 hour work week this week. Ontop of everything else at home I'm unsure of my posting time this coming week, I've a few threads I'm trying to close out so I won't hold anyone up, and the one combat thread I'm in (RS3) will probably take most of my time. <3 love you all. Be on as I can be.

  9. Gwen could feel her stomach turn. A memory she wasn't sure was hers surged into her already confused head and she felt like the dirt was no longer below her. She closed her eyes for a moment, unable to say anything to Brian. What he described sounded similar to her, yet different. All Gwen could think to do was to close the distance between them. She reached out and threw her self into his arms, holding him in a tight bear hug. The Vines said not a word in Gwen's head, quite unlike them for the early morning. They could feel the collective sadness that surrounded the two teens and recoiled, instead pulling themselves tight around the two in a hug of their own.

  10. Gwen watched the sweet exchange between the Vines and Brian. She was beginning to love the way that he interacted with them, it pulled on her heartstrings and made her melt to see him like that. "More like an inquisitive child lately." Gwen thought about how they'd been getting more inquisitive since coming to Claremont. She quickly swept the idea away, it was something for another day. Brian's last comment hit her and she did a double take. "You...what...?" she couldn't actually process what Brian said.

  11. Gwen watched the horrible creature come out of the water and drew closer to them. She stared open mouthed as Brian slugged it down off the statue. CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE! the Vines squeaked as it got closer to her. She shook her head from the daze and the Vines lashed out from her body. They unfurled and thrashed towards the giant abomination yet they did not connect. "I think you're right Wisp!" Gwen called over her shoulder, praying that someone else would have better luck than she.

  12. Gwen broke the hold and rolled away from Vicky. She opened her mouth, closed it and then said "Relationships are so complicated, it makes leaving harder." Gwen got to her feet and took up a stance again. "What if I have to go? I can't get into a serious relationship with someone." She shrugged "It's much easier to just do whatever feels right without titles." She bounced side to side on the ball of her bare feet, ready to rush Vicky again. "Sorry, that was totally random wasn't it?"

  13. Gwen turned to Jeena and her smile brightened. The Vines also got excited and began to reach out to the girl. Tendrils began to curl out of Gwen's skin until a full on vine about two inches thick with dark green leaves stretched out. "Jeena, this is Nerin, Nerin this is my roommate Jeena!" Gwen's voice was full of cheer as she flopped her hands around referring to each girl in turn. "I've sort of made myself the greeter today, do you know where your first destination is Nerin?"

  14. Gwen looked down at the Vines, they started retracting into her skin and all the way back to the baseflower. We ok! they chimed, although not with all their usual cheer. "No, thank you though. I..." Gwen looked down at the gash in her leg, it wasn't bad. She could bandage it herself. "I'll be fine I think." Gwen waved her hand. "I'm Flora, nice working with you." Gwen looked around tried to find the lot she left her clothes in. "I need to get back to the lot and make sure the civilians there are safe."

  15. Hello from zone B "volunary evacuation" zone in NYC... I'm running like a headless chicken helping my mother prepare the house for this hurricane. Also depending on if we get the 11ft tides they're calling for it may be a while before I'm on again in a reliable way. <3

  16. The Vines were under strict orders not to make any unwanted advances on unsuspecting students, however they knew Gwen hadn't told them they couldn't move around, so they had decided to make their mischief by changing patterns when people weren't looking. Gwen backed herself up a few paces so Nerin wouldn't have to strain to look at her. Gwen was used to being the short person around. "If you'll follow me I can get you started towards the dorms, we can get you settled in and then I can show you around the school." Gwen reached out a hand, offering to help the girl with her bags.

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