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Posts posted by Prescient

  1. Maybe the Refs would go for a version of Side Effect that worked like the -2 version (activated every time) but only gave a dazed condition and have it only count as -1. Side Effect (Stun; Always Occurs [-2], Daze Only [+1]; Net -1 Flaw)

  2. Isn't that how a -2 version of Side Effect would work anyway? After the power is used you would suffer the effect? Kind of like applying a Tiring to Boost, which, in official powers/builds, always takes effect after the boost fades.

    Always disliked Tiring as a flaw. It is the same as a -2 Side Effect (Fatigue) but without the chance to save against it, and only granting a -1 modifier. More potent with a weaker reward? Go figure.

  3. As I understand it, variable descriptor just lets you change what type of effect. Perfect for weaponry, since variable can be slashing, piercing, bludgeoning, etc.

    It would probably be easier to just purchase blast with variable descriptor (energy, ballistic, piercing, slashing) to account for energy weapons, guns, or thrown weapons that he may use. Then, AP a strike off of it with variable descriptor (energy, slashing, bludgeoning, piercing) to account for melee weapons. The shield could be similar, and the armor would just be the base device that everything else is built into, I guess.

    Still interested in the idea of copying other technology, though. Maybe a mimic, limited to technological devices? That could keep the variable power out of it (kind of), and he could power stunt past configurations off of the main power with extra effort.

  4. Well as a variable power theoreticaly yes but the design of weapon creation is weapon only in general.

    Also as variables are both very expensive and not the refs favorite thing to have bouncing around I suggest building an array of strike and blast with variable descriptors.

    I'm trying to figure out the easiest way to do this. I'm not a fan of variable powers, either. The idea is that the character has a device that can create (out of "hard light") any item it "scans" similarly to how the transformers scan technology to turn into in the movies. It is a device for an intergalactic character of the Lor Republic who protects uninitiated worlds from exploitation by the Grue and Stellar Khanate. Essentially, the device allows him to 'mimic' whatever technology the people of that world possess, so that he can blend in. It probably contains a memory bank of past scanned tech so that he can use it again, if needed.

  5. I think it was Avenger who said the first person to say "Captain Thunder-San" gets banned :P

    Dammit! That was the basis of my whole concept! :rotfl:

    Mecha and Manga is a book about manga and anime. Freedom City is a setting about comic books and superheroes. While I'm sure some feats will slip through the cracks, and as said above we haven't actually banned everything from the book yet, I encourage you to build your character using as little of MeMa as possible.

    Got it. After actually reading the book, there are only a few things I would consider building into a character anyway (aside from playing in an actual Manga-themed game).

  6. So, I just got my hands on this nifty piece of source material. I was reluctant to buy it at first, given the large amounts of fluff in many of the sourcebooks, but I really like this one.

    How much of it are we going to be able to implement here, though? There are a lot of cool things that scream Manga (combo point powers, etc), which is kind of outside of the 'Ages' of comics. Although, many of those things could be described differently to work with the 'standard' comic explanations.

  7. Looks like you have two choices. Build it as a device and include the gliding, or build it as equipment, and include slowfall with it. You might look at the Roll Call thread on the ATT and see what others have statted up Batman's cape as. Not all of them make it gliding. Not saying you're trying to build it exactly that way, but you seem to be using it as inspiration.

  8. Just to make sure you have it right - the points spent on ranks of the Alternate Power feat are purchased with the pool of power points provided by the Device/Equipment. You don't buy APs on a Device, but you can buy APs in a Device.

    :shock: I was just trying to figure that part out.

    Thank you.

  9. I'm trying to work this out. It is fairly easy to build an arsenal/utility belt with equipment. If one item gets taken, then you don't lose the entire belt. However, if the entire belt is taken, then you lose everything.

    This doesn't work so well with devices, however. If you have a character with a bunch of super science tech, an arsenal of blaster weapons, energy blades, plasma grenades, etc., how do you build it? It has already been the consensus to have these as devices, but a device with an alternate power means that you lose all of the devices if you are disarmed, not realistic for an arsenal.

    Building each one separately isn't very efficient, as all of the items are exclusive in use (cannot be used at the same time), and are perfect candidates for alternate powers if they weren't built as a device, but as a power array (like Cosmic Energy Control).

  10. I belive its not so much your native setting that determines whats equipment so much as the setting of the game so as blasters etc are not common in FC they would be best buil as devices.

    I belive the lists are just examples and guidlines fo what might be equipment for various settings.

    Guess I have a place for those unused points.

    Sorry for jacking the thread.

    I'm done. :flash:

  11. This touches on something I'm building right now.

    The character I'm designing is from the Lor Republic, stated to possess energy and anti-grav tech. So, an Energy Sword wouldn't be out of place there as equipment (as long as it is built with Strike, not Corrosion, mimicking the way that other equipment is built). Would him possessing such a blade be considered equipment for game play when he is not always in his desired environment, like FC?

    On one hand, I'm inclined to say no, since it is not easy to find here on earth. However, an energy blaster and energy rifle is listed as equipment, so an energy sword that adds +1-2 on the damage of a standard sword mirrors the effects of energy on firearms (+1-3 damage).

  12. Hey guys, guess its my turn to take off the mask... Try not to get scared. :D

    I live in Las Vegas with my family (wife and daughter). Work sucks, bouncer at a nightclub, lots of yelling and pushing people, not my idea of a dream job, but it gets through school. I'm currently working on getting a website started for martial artists to post in a community setting (strictly on combat and self-defense applications, not tournament or MMA stuff).

    I've been playing RPGs for over 15 years now (uber geek, I know) and just as long in video games, same genre but I favor MMO's nowadays. Looking forward to Champions Online.

    I like walks on the beach, meals at sunset... :oops: , wrong forum, I'll try to stay on topic.

    As for characters I like physical characters like Spider-Man, Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman (does every character end with gender?) Captain America, and Wolverine. There are a few energy controllers I like, but most of them have a flair to their style or still function in a melee style like Gambit, Jedi, Psylocke (because typical psionics are boring at range), and Magneto (only because he &^%%ing rocks!). I like my characters to be fun and unique, but they do tend to hint towards whatever inspiration I used to conjure them up, unfortunately.

    I'm glad to be playing on these boards. I look forward to a lot of fun here.

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