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Posts posted by blink

  1. Nadia took his hand and looked at it with a knowledgeable eye. Thankfully, he was right it wasn't much, the kind of thing you get when torquing a wrench around in tight spaces. Still, you got into good habits while in the field where things like Cholera and Dysentery were a real fear. It was habit that she intended to stick with no matter where she was.

    She gently rubbed some antiseptic into the scrape and bandaged it quickly and efficiently.

    "Ono ne dolzhno znat' russkogo, zakljat'ja kak raz to horoshee. Krome togo, on smotrit kak japonskaja mashina. Oni dolzhny znat' dostatochno dlja togo chtoby opasat'sja medved'."

    Switching back to English she continued, "is nice looking machine, where are you getting it from?"



    Translation: It does not have to know Russian, the curses are just that good. Besides, it looks like a Japanese machine. They should know enough to fear the Bear.

  2. Hearing the commotion, Blink appeared in the room in front of the young hero. She held a small first aid kit, having heard a bang followed by a string of curses. It didn't take a genius to guess the nature of the problem. Even as she appeared, she was opening the kit and pulling out a couple bandages as well as iodine.

    With a smile, she crouched down before him and looked at the fingers in his mouth, "is not sanitary to be sticking wounds in mouth. Spit is not good for antiseptic."

    As she peeled open a the bandages, she continued, "if using of curses... should be using Russian. Has much more color for cursing on bike."

  3. Nadia sat straight up from the bench, her body tense and her posture defensive. It was a question that she had expected, but hadn't relished answering. While she had answered for some of her crimes, it was a part of her life that she hoped remained closed... for good.

    "Da," she said responding to Grim's question. She took a long moment to unclench her fists and look up to meet the shifters eyes. "Am not being happy with everything that was doing. But... well services were in demand and money was needed. Was making bad assumptions, even if liking much of work. Was being a sense of living... no... um, excitement is word I am thinking."

    She searched Grim's face for a sense of judgment, but realized that anything there would likely be deserved. It really didn't matter that she had been selective in her assignments, she had chosen her life and she would stand by her choices and decisions, as wrong as they were. Still, it would be good to know where her team would stand on this.

    "As for Mob, is likely not very happy... thinking would not get more work. Is good place to start."

  4. For all of the changes her life had just gone through, Nadia had begun to rebuild the comforts of routine in the cavernous underground facility. She spent much of her time getting familiar with the equipment and machines that made up the base as well as monitoring the extensive intelligence gathering equipment. Even if it seemed that there was an endless list of things to do, she always made significant time to spend either in the gym or the training room. It would be absolutely inexcusable if she were to loose her form from lack of practice.

    Today had been a gym day which had consisted of both cardio and strength training. Tomorrow would be a skills day, but a mix of the two was critical to maintain peak performance. She was in the process of doing bench presses, pushing the 300 pound weight up and down. It was a bit of a strain, but she wasn't aiming to build bulk. Far from it, she needed to stay lean and flexible. Her training had emphasized speed over strength... but it never hurt to have both.

    Thankfully, she had heard Grim's whistles echoing through the hallway. Early on, her nerves at being surrounded by heroes had kept her on edge, and there had been a few regrettable incidents with team members where she had nearly attacked them.

    As Grim stepped in, she was already setting the weight down and wiping her brow. She was dressed in her ubiquitous cargo pants/fatigues and a halter top. It was comfortable, functional and kept her from having to go shopping all that often. Ordering over the internet was dicey for sizes, however, her choice for day to day clothes made it far easier.

    "Is not trying to be so sneaky... but still is being hot," Nadia said in what was a close to a joke as she usually mustered. "Da, am here."

  5. I'm good for that any time. Feel free to start one up in the locale of your choice. Blink will be hanging around the gym a lot doing various training exercises, or doing general maintenance on the base. She's not one for sitting still too much.

  6. It's good to be back! I can't see Gizmo's last post and Ex, did you post in this thread too, or just commenting on the missing post? If so, I can't see either of yours.

    On a related note, I think it must be a permissions thing. If I click on the "Read first undead post" icon next to the thread title, I get a "you are not authorized to view this" type of error.

  7. That same little voice that had been trying to say something about fair play suddenly gained traction as she realized just what she had been about to do. Her legs strained from applying pressure around his chest even as her arms wend limp, realizing that she had been about to attempt something really bad. She did not loose her cool, it wasn't allowed. Yet, here she was, pressing a hold that had no place in this silly game. What was she thinking?

    This was not honorable, not fair, not something that teammates did to one another.

    "Vy tupoumnaja devushka, chego vy delali?" she whispered to herself, letting his arms free, but still clinging to his back with her legs.

    There was no excuse. There was no apology possible. It would likely be the end of her tenure with this budding team, and she realized how bitterly disappointed she was. It had been so nice to feel part of something again, if only she could have reigned in her competitive drive and temper.

    As she let up the pressure on her legs, she slid down his back and turned away before he could see her crestfallen face, "am sorry... is both temper and training, they are cruel masters at times. Will be going after giving of prize... have been earning it honorably."

    ((Translation: You stupid girl, what have you done?)

  8. I'm hoping that Jack has some kind of comment that will make Blink feel like a total heel at this point... or if he has a way to smack her off, that would be well deserved. Then there can be crow eating and question answering and apologizing :) I just figure that it's not in her nature to loose very graciously.

    Oh and if I didn't say it, very well done on the double touch.

  9. She had never reset from her disastrous move as Jack touched her twice before she could even regain her balance. Nadia was fairly certain that there was some kind of rule about touches and resetting... which only made her more mad for letting him do it. It was the sort of trick that she would pull, if she hadn't been mooning about like some kind of crazy American teen. If she had followed her training, she would have tossed the useless foil and come at him with weapons she was more familiar with. His relaxed posture stoked the anger that had built from her own stupidity. She was better than this, had to be better, it was demanded and expected.

    The quiet sane voice that she rarely listened too was shouting something about fair play, and friendly match; as if there was such a thing.

    She never even bothered to gather herself from the floor. One moment she was down on one knee with Jack's sword bowing in front of her the next she was behind him with her legs locked around his chest and her arms gaining a bar against his sword arm. Her training was on auto pilot as she prepared to try and break his elbow with a twist and a tug.

  10. I'm with Gizmo, the party should stay together. See when we get split up... say one of us lands in the middle of a pile of demons. I mean I'm not implying anything of course ;)

    Quote, that would be just fine. Feel free to start it up when you are ready.

  11. Nadia said nothing, concentrating on keeping the awkward weapon in a position where it would do her good. Yet his banter was as disarming as his attacks, or perhaps his lack of a shirt. It was frustrating to want to attack, but have to make this thin piece of steel get to where it was supposed to go. She'd take a solid blade any day of the week!

    Taking a wild chance, she dove under his guard, rolling behind him and using her hands to vault back to her feet. However, she hadn't counted on him reacting as quick as he did and she was forced to land awkwardly. As she spun, she saw the tip of his foil hovering dead in front of her.

  12. Ok defense against the feint... Well looks like I'm biting on it.

    So it's time to go back on the offensive!

    Standard Action: All out attack... +5/-5 trade off.

    Yep, that's not happening any time soon :)

    Move Action: Acrobatic Bluff (not sure if I can do this or not, but I think so...)

    nor is that...

    Free Action: None

    Ok Castle's got it in for me this round! It wants to protect your secrets! Oh, just for the record, I don't think I have a defense this round...

  13. Defesive attack... wait for it... wait for it... 1d20+5 = 7

    Now since you made the attack do I have to worry about the distract? My Def will go to +18 if I get an action, otherwise I guess I go full defensive. I'm not to familiar with distract, but isn't it a standard action?

    If I do need to resist the distract then 1d20+15=30

    Either way, I'm not hitting you at all, and you can modify the defense based on what I can, or can not do.

  14. Nadia winced, caught by both her own ploy and Jack's far superior technique. She had to remind herself that in this game, there was no 'dead'. It was three touches for the victor. However, at least she'd have one of her questions answered.

    "Questions are coming after games, is not stopping for chitting and chatting," she said getting back into what was an excellent knife fighters guard. Unfortunately, she was holding a foil.

    "I am forgetting that you are not already dead," she said with a hint of a smile on her face at what passed for humor to her. "So we are beginning in earnest now? Yes?"

    With that she came in far more cautious this time, continually shifting the foil from left to right as their blades snapped and cracked together. As they circled, she could tell his years of training with a blade. His form was impeccable as well as his abs; she noticed with a detached curiosity. The only thing keeping her in this fight at all was her speed. Far to many times in this exchange, his blade had whipped within a hair's breath from striking her. Still, she refrained from blinking or resorting to her training and determinedly tried to stay with the far superior swordsman.

    As the battle raged, she noticed that there seemed to be an opening in his guard. Was it a ploy or not? Not one to shy off an attack, she made her move.

  15. With Hide in Plain Sight, doesn't that give me concealment each round if I make a stealth check that they don't notice? That's where the sneak attack is coming from. That's why I'm making stealth checks for you each round. If I blow that, or they notice me, then I can't make the sneak attack. I think the only requirement for it is concealment... but I am kind of new at this.

  16. She saw Jack's guard go up and decided to press her speed to the limit. Over the years, Nadia had known that she was naturally gifted... or perhaps mutated. Either way, her reactions were top notch and there had been few people whom she could not get the drop on. While her form was poor, she decided to try a straight lunge hoping to catch the swordsman off balance and perhaps not ready for her attack.

    Strike swift, strike first, and strike to finish, was a lesson learned from years of training. Her foil streaked out towards his heart even if her footwork was sloppy and her technique flawed.

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