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Lord Fell

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Posts posted by Lord Fell

  1. I didn't care for it that much.

    For starters, I have a bit of a bias against Wolverine. I think that being 'really into' Wolverine is the mark of a truly adolescent mind. Oooh claws! Hot Japanese girlfriend! Samurais and Ninja! He smokes cigars! He just seems to be the epitome of the worst of the fan-boy fads of the last 30 years crammed into one package.

    I haven't followed comics very much in about 15 years. I do know that historically, the writers have Ret-conned Wolverine to hell and back. Initially, he was a Brick, that went toe-to-toe with the Hulk, but then someone decided that he was a better Feral type, more speed and skill then strength. So, they removed his super strength... but in an early appearance, Wolverine punched out The Hulk. How to explain? Oh, he has a metal skeleton that lets him hit really hard. I'm sure that his adamantium skeleton has also been ret-conned. At one point, his claws were entirely metal, with sheathes stuck between his radius and ulna to hold them in place. Variously (I believe) he's been rewritten as an altered human (given his regeneration and feral powers by the Weapon X program) or only given the skeleton because only regeneration like his could let someone survive it. Whichever...

    As for the movie, it falls prey to the constraints of prequels. Wolverine is in conflict with Sabretooth through most of the movie, in such a way that there really should have been a final conflict between them. It is dramatically unsatisfying that there is not... but, we know that Sabretooth makes it into the X-Men movies, so even if there were...

  2. I was thinking about this today, too... it came up in Chat. Although I'm not entirely sure who all is active, it does seem to me that Freedom City is pretty saturated with Super Heroes and Super Teams... It sort of occurs to me that Boston is probably close enough that Supers could be based there without it really being an unrealistic commute, if someone wanted to be in Boston threads, as well as Freedom City Threads.

  3. I do dig that. If you want to take that 75point ring and drop it on any character, it gives you an "instant" hero, with a lot of different potential personalities. From DC Canon, we have Gnort, who's power ring is just as good as anyone else', but his Will Save (and Will Power Reserve) to use the Ring is obviously limited.

    What If the Green Lantern Ring fell into the hands of...

    Hulk Hogan?

    Brittney Spears?

    Tyra Banks?

    Penn Jillette?

    Oprah Winfrey?

    Simon Cowel?

    Dennis Rodman?

  4. One of the aspects of the character I'm building has a Social Work degree. Also, my characters will be agents of AEGIS (assuming I successfully navigate them through the approval process). I had something of an idea that the character might get assigned to Project Freedom, as something of a Super Powered Parole Officer, but a side-role as a Social Worker to the Super Human set might not be out of line either.

    The immediate problem with that scenario I see, for my character or any other character for that matter, is a responsible adult would work against allowing a child (not yet adult anyways) with borderline personality disorder to operate as a Super Hero. Consider all the flack Batman catches for Robin.

    As a student at Claremont, Avatar could be influenced by some of the senior (and hopefully heroic) students. I sort of assume that Duncan Summers has a "don't ask/don't tell" philosophy towards the students operating outside the school... not quite the same willful child endangerment that Bruce Wayne was known for, just a certain permissiveness. Having read through Avatar, I do see what Dr. Archeville is saying, but I think that if you allow Avatar's "need for approval" to drive him to DO THINGS instead of wallow in self pity (well, a little wallowing is fine for dramatic purposes) you should do OK.

  5. From what I understood...

    Innate makes an object real, and you can "Fire and Forget" but you can still Will the object out of existence or repair it with your create object power. Because this item is real, it doesn't count against your "created object total."

    Permanent makes an object real, but you no longer have any control over the object (unless you have Extras like Tether). I think, maybe, as Permanent is a Flaw and not an Extra that it could be interpreted to say that it still counts against your total created objects.

    I think that making an object both Innate and Permanent is the way to go, letting you create objects that don't count against your totals, but you also don't have any control over the object.

  6. The wording gets a little confusing, but if half of your Defense is Dodge, rounded down that would mean that the other half of your defense is innate, rounded up.

    Defense 7, half is 3.5, so if you round the Dodge down, the Dodge is 3, which means intrinsic Defense is 4. This means that your Flat Footed Defense is half of your base defense (rounded up).

  7. Aquaman does that? I think that's amazingly cheesy.

    Any issues with the Extra (affects any liquid)?

    ... of course I could just buckle down, get writing and submit the character, then work out the issues.

  8. Huhrm.

    Gonna disagree with you there.

    1) Create Object is a suggested AP for the Water Control power (in UP)

    2) Move Object costs 2/rank. Water Control costs 2/rank. There is no point break for Flaw: Water Only.

    To be honest, it hadn't occurred to me that I could make "huge water hands" to pick up other things with.

    I did want to buy "affects any liquid" as an Extra though... mostly for "I move the oil-slick away from the duckies" kind of effects.

  9. I hadn't planned on taking it as a power that lets me make objects... the plan was that when I needed to get my combat on, I'd probably start by dropping a few thousand gallons of loose water on the general area, so that I'd have lots of "ammunition." However, it hadn't occurred to me that I could use APs of Control Water without necessarily having a source.

    The character was originally built in GURPS, and had a liquid creation power, which I vaguely remember being necessary. However, I can skip that and add a create (hard water) object, which is a new power for the character.

  10. Working on my Water Controller, i was looking to add a "Create Water" power, so I always had plenty of Water to work with. However, Create Object (Water) seems a bit... broken.

    Create Object allows you to create objects which have a certain amount of complexity/moving parts... such as a box with a hinged lid. Water would be entirely formless -I can summon it as a ball or a cube, but the Instant that it arrives it's going to conform to the shape of the container(s) in the area. This would seem to qualify for some sort of Flaw (the opposite of Precise, which allows even more complicated devices to be created).

    Would the summoned water have natural, environmental effects? If I use it to fill a phone booth, the person inside is going to start suffocating. If I use it on a fire, it's going to Nullify fire.

    What might be better...

    If I'm using Elemental Control, would it be fair to assume that I can spontaneously create "enough" of the element I'm controlling, as long as I don't have any Flaw on the power that requires a source of materials?

    For example...

    Snare (whirlpool) costs the same as Snare (energy field x) so, I can always assume that the Control (here, Snare being an AP of same) includes the ability to create the material necessary for the effect?

    How much water would Water Jet (Blast 10) create? I suppose that depends, a single drop of water moving at ridiculous speeds could punch a hole through a concrete wall. But, assuming an effect like a fire hose, what's a reasonable volume?

  11. That's what I had in mind alright... Although what popped into my head was the scene from Undercover Brother where being cut off in traffic causes his caddy to do rapid, 360 spins down the street. Our hero doesn't seem too concerned, even having time to flirt with some onlooking lasses.

  12. I have the original, first printing 12 issue limited series. I reread it when I heard that the movie was coming out. The first thing I noticed was that the series starts just a few days after my girlfriend was born, which made me feel kind of old.

    The Nations banding together against the threat of Dr. Manhattan doesn't make as much sense as it does for them to band together against a threat of aliens. Monstrous Squid Men is something that armies could fight with tanks and jets. While Dr. Manhattan could nuke any city, anywhere, at any time, without having to set foot on the planet.

    There is still an excellent parallel between the Watchmen books and the Bush administration. After 9/11, we were told that Iraq sponsored the terrorist attacks, Iraq was a threat to global peace because they were stockpiling weapons of mass destruction. So, the world rallied together and cheered on the USA as it occupied Iraq. However, the truth came out... Iraq had negligible ties to the Terrorist attack. There were no WMDs. To cut to the Watchmen metaphor, Rorschach's journal has been found, and it reveals that President Bush's giant squid is a hoax. Dick Cheney played the part of Ozymandias in the real world version... although he had his senior staffers catch his bullets for him.

  13. As a less than serious response... Vogue by Madonna.

    I was sort of running some of the Captain's exploits through my head... sort of a montage of ridiculous posing, chaotic explosions, and screaming civilians... and I realized that the music running through my head was the theme from Raiders of the Lost Ark.

  14. Just considering the character I'm working on, with four identities... this would be a pretty brutal exercise. Like MCBE, I definitely saw a lot of bias from the fantasy setting. "Where do you keep your magic items when you sleep?" "Who is your patron deity?"

    I think that a document providing more detail and insight into a character is a good thing, but I just scanned the questions with one of my characters in mind, and came up with a lot of "not applicable, redundant, don't know, don't care" responses. I think I'll submit a modernized and compressed version.

  15. So I've started to do some work on Mosaic (alternate forms character). I've decided that Metamorph is definitely the way to build the characters different forms. I had a couple of thoughts. Part of the way this character gets built will reflect some of the events shaped the character in the original campaign. Although I didn't originally intend this, I realized that each of them had a close tie to one of the traditional 4 elements, and I began spending points to enhance this Elemental aspect. It occurs to me that it would make a lot of sense if the diametrically opposed elements couldn't morph into each other. I suspect that the Morph power should look like... Morph 2 (Extra: Metamorph, Drawback: One Way Transformation (60+(3xd20) minutes)) [1]. The question here is, do I need to pay for 2 or 3 ranks of Morph. I'd say 2, because each form can only change into 2 other forms, and the Drawback makes it a genuine limitation. A purist might argue that I've got a total of 4 forms, so I need to buy 3 ranks.

    Would it be appropriate to group a collection of combat Feats together, to describe them as a specific Martial Art? Eg...

    Aikido A balanced style of strikes and throws, known for circular movements.

    Attack Specialization (Aikido) +2 [1] (and is this an acceptable specialization?)

    Defensive Attack

    Power Attack

    Improved Throw

    Improved Trip

  16. I would be leaning towards doing it as Alternate forms, and creating a single (although very long) character sheet. As long as both methods are valid -I don't want to get into the middle of a GM fight about that, though.

    I think what I want is the Power Drawback "One Way Transformation," which is on p.108 of Ultimate Powers. This is worth between -3 and -5 points. I suspect that a time limit (60 + (1d20x3) minutes), with no other modifiers would qualify me for only -3. So... Morph 3 (Ex: Metamorph, Drawback: One Way Transformation) [ (3x2) -3 = 3 ], yes? Although, close reading of the rules does indicate that I do have to buy the Power for each of them... it occurs to me that it might be very appropriate if each form could only morph into two of the other forms. It would be legitimately limiting, too, especially since there's a significant wait between shifts.

    The Metamorph extra reads thusly:

    This feat allows you to have an alternate set of traits, essentially a complete alternate character you change into.
    I would think that this means that there is no disguise to speak of... the new form is absolute. Also, because the character shifts between a set of specific forms, they can't use Morph to change their appearance.
  17. For my PL10 collective, I think the Metamorph makes the most sense. Just to Clarify how I'd build that...

    I decide that they would all have "at least" certain stats, so I buy those as minimums. I could increase these base stats with points out of the Metamorph "pool"?

    Same with Feats and Equipment? They would all generally have access to the same gear, with the exception of Revolver who carries an Old West Colt Peace Maker (for flavour)?

    So... my point break down might look like this: Stats 16pts + Feats 18pts + Skills 8pts + Morph (Ex: Metamorph, 4 forms) 8pts =50pts, leaving each individual form 100pts for custom abilities?

    Previously, the characters had to wait at least an hour between shifting and while sleeping (or unconscious) shifted forms randomly every hour or two. They may also bitch at each other through notes if they feel that someone is hogging "out" time, although they have limited awareness of what happened when they're not out themselves.

    As to cooperation, aside from having different personalities, their allegiance and goals are roughly the same... Although, in their original campaign, Razor Tongue did arrange to poison the other aspects with sleeping gas. He had decided that they were going rogue, and didn't want someone changing his plans if he fell asleep himself.

    ...after writing that up, I think I am settled into rebuilding Mosaic (which is what they were collectively known as).

    My PL6 villain concept... well, maybe I'll just go post that...

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