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Posts posted by Thejoshie

  1. Mervyl eyes flicked at the now growing crowd, lightly fingering a white paper napkin and folding it. "Don't think so brutal. Unecessary violence is often returned 10 times over."

    As he said this, the previously stated napkin was slid down to Stinger. Her size truely underestimated her appitite. And it betrayed her past. To an extent, anyway."Slow down, chew your food. There's plenty. Avoid the Macoroni."

    Mervyl looked past Victor and to his new friend. "Blackbird, fancy that."

  2. Mervyl was slow to speak, not only letting Victor speak first (and get his take on them), but forming his own words carefully. He lowered his voice.

    "The 'witch' has a name. Blackbird Starblossem, I believe." Mervyl consumed and swallowed some potatoe salad. It was slightly better. She helped me out of a scrape. As Victor says she is quit competent. The other one he mentioned is named 'Stinger' I believe. I recently helped her from getting harrased by one of the hypocrites."

    Mervyl levitated the metal tea pitcher and poured himself and the others a glass. "The others I never seen before. Though most of them have the look as if they have no idea what they are getting themselves into. The twins look skittish, the cowgirl and that boy next to her looks... arrogant. Not confident-arrogant like Victor, but arrogant-arrogant. The kind that get yourself and others killed. I hope I'm wrong..."

  3. Victor didn't say anything Mervyl didn't already know. But man, was it comforting to hear someone else say it. "Congratulations. From what I heard, humbleness is step one of progressing here."

    Mervyl didn't show any hesitancy at all in the shaking of Victor's hand. Mervyl figured that the armored man's attempt alone to swallow his pride warranted his respect. "I too, acted rashly. I apologize as well."

    Mervyl again casted a casual glance over at the other table. "Victor, Kristian, We need to realize that if we truly want to get the most out of this school... we are going to have to take the mantle of Alpha team. For me, anything less is a complete failure."

    Mervyl offered a plate to Victor. "We know this fact. Therefore, it's up to us to spread it to the others."

  4. "Team Alpha, they have to be." Mervyl didn't have to look over to know that the man was looking at the upperclassmen... cause most of the others were. That group was the center of attention. He casually ignored the rest of the macoroni and began on the other food. With a wave of his finger, he drew the metal salt shaker to his hand. "If we're lucky... we'll be 'half' as good as they are. And by lucky, I mean survive."

    Mervyl sprinkled the salt on his food and looked over at the newcomer. "Mervyl Masters. What brings you here?"

  5. Mervyl walked through the tour group and found himself a nice spot near some shade. As he lifted a plate, he mentally grappled the metallic silver ware, gathering the food onto his plate in organized heaps.

    Fend for ourselves for food? Gather enough money for equipment outside academic? I can read between the lines.

    The absence of the man released the blockage on Mervyl and the slight nervousness returned, only it reverberated as he now saw more unfamiliar faces. And looking at how they were dressed, these must be upper classmen (part of the reason he sat 'away' from them. It's never a good idea to mingle with the upper-tier until you 'proved' you belonged).

    Mervyl began to eat, scooping the macaroni and cheese onto his spoon and mistakenly puting it in his mouth, before forcifully swallowing the hideously under cooked cheese sauce. Ew.

  6. Mervyl had no idea on just what his blast did, courtesy of the ear splitting sonic boom that Atlas sent his way. His shield protected him from the blunt of it, but his ears was ringing something fierce.

    Mervyl was gassed. He had NEVER fired so many full powered blasts before... yet another one was needed. He took two breaths, judged the angle needed to avoid Captain, extended an arm... and missed. Royally. Blasted sense of dizzyness from that sonic attack was throwing off his aim. Mervyl began to back away, keeping his distance from the hulking brute... or atleast forcing the thing to turn his back on one of them...

  7. "That's the last mistake you make!"

    Mervyl took a step back, and then smiled. "You're right. I promise to put the man down hard this time."

    Mervyl ducked the fist, rolled underneath it and blasted another full powered blast at Archville, not knowing that his Force Shield was down.

    The Multicolored blast slammed into the Doctor with another *ZOT* and Mervyl smiled. Maybe they could win this after all...

  8. Emperor (Mervyl Masters)

    Gather Information

    DC 20: An old Orphanage (now destroyed due to weak foundations), has a record of receiving an infant at their door step. This boy was obviously different, as he had no eye pupils. MAny at the orphanage believed that this may be another case of mutant child abandonment.

    DC 25: Years ago, An Orphanage near Lantern Hill was destroyed. Officials say that it was due to poor foundations, yet further investigation revealed that some of the aged foundations had 'twists' and 'tears' to them, as if some beast tore them apart. Some former employees of the Orphanage claims that this was a work of a 'demonic child' who had the eyes of satan himself. The boy cried and next thing they knew, the building collapsed. The boy, and later the witnesses, were never seen again.

    Knowledge: Streetwise

    DC 10: Recently, a minor blackout has erupted in a small neighborhood near Westside. When officials went to investigate, the saw light posts ripped out, cars overturned, and windows shattered. One witness, a homeless man who was trapped under an over turned car, reported that this was the result of a meta human conflict (duh). One of the combatants was described as 'having eyes like death itself'.

    DC 15: A huge battle has took place recently near a mall on the westside. Amidst the raging battle, people made note of an unidentified teenager, who had weird eyes and no hair, at the scene.

  9. Alright first Mervyl drops the car and fires a full power E-M Disruptor (Fancy Pants name for his blast. Better then 'Blast 12').

    So this means Power Attack. +5 max to his blast makes the Save DC 32.

    Attack Roll: 12

    It's not over.

    Extra Effort, another full power attack (if necessary): 18

    And for good measure, a VP to remove fatigue (Note: The remaining VP's are for Leadership).

    EDIT: Yes, I did subtract five from my Attack Bonus. Just forgot to mention it.

  10. "Better men may have tried..."

    Mervyl arm extended and at it's end, in front of his open palm, a ball of ionic energy began to form. "...but those men were not Emperor."

    He had to think of some name. He couldn't just blurt out Mervyl, now could he? Anyway, the ball in the palm of his hand exploded into a beautiful collection of colors. Magnetic energy, when solidified into a concentrated blast, did wonders for the color spectrum. With a loud *ZOT!*, the blast splashed into Archville's force shield...

    Mervyl's eyes narrowed and began to crackle with energy as his body began to soak up the surrounding magnetic field like a sponge. He immediately placed that energy into the blast, hoping to penetrate the shield.

    The resulting clash of energy began to make it hard to see, due to the bright energy reaction, but for good measure, Mervyl fired off another full powered blast, this time knocking himself to the ground in a heap. He has NEVER done that before.

    Get up Mervyl... only a fool celebrates victory before it's proven.

    He stood up and looked at his handy work. He saw smoke, smoke that was taking it's sweet time to clear...

    When it cleared, Mrvyl saw...

  11. Mervyl light grasped the hand, releasing it after a gentle shake.

    "I've recently been accepted to Evanier Preparatory School." Mervyl looked up in the sky. "...my destiny, really. To be stronger, to lead others to be stronger. To not be alo..."


    "I've been looking forward to it. To screw up now would wreck years of work. So I've been... training."

  12. Mervyl would've sighed in relief if he didn't felt confident that it would weaken his image amidst the others. He was glad that he would still be able to take walks at least. Being cooped up with five strangers would have been... rough.

    But he still have to get to know them...

    Mervyl fell silent again, noting the metallic objects in the room.

  13. Mervyl was taken for a loop. He has never lived with anyone before. NEVER. He has cooked for himself, cleaned for himself, never had to worry about sharing anything...

    This will really take some getting use to. But he had to focus. Ask questions...

    "What about curfew... who do we report to when we check in?" Mervyl liked walks and he especially liked time to be by himself. If both were impossible, he needed to know. Now.

  14. "Heroic path? Doctor, there is no such thing."

    Mervyl walked in front of Captain. "There is only the weak, the strong, and the stronger. Being a hero is just a hypocrite's excuse to grandstand."

    "I don't have a reason, yet, to get involved..." Mervyl turned to look at Knivel. "He was about to kill me..."

    Mervyl looked back at Archville. "You... are a 'hero'..." Sneer. "Big red over there is ridiculously huge... and the car thief over there... just looks rediculous."

    Mervyl eyes, soulless and empty as they appeared, looked straight into Archville's eyes. all the while, the car he was magnetically holding began to get tossed up in the air, before he caught again. Like a pitcher with a baseball. "Don't be a hypocite. Back off. Or this will get messy."

  15. "In the end, all of us are animals. The first step to true freedom is admitting it to yourself"

    Mervyl smiled back. He wasn't one to jump to conclusions. Where some would accuse the woman in front of him to be schizoid, he gave the benefit of the doubt. "Mervyl. Mervyl Masters."

  16. Mervyl sat down as well. Why not?

    "Just a little me time from obligations." He leaned back. "Most of my free time is ending soon. School and all."

    Mervyl looked a t the female in front of him, tilting his head. Do you always dance here? If so, I'll be sure to leave you in your privacy..."

  17. Okay here we go.

    First off, Mervyl is readying an action. In this case, he is waiting for Atlas to make a move towards 'HIM' (Mervyl will not be stupid enough to piss of a man who outweighs ethiopia). If that movement is an attack, Mervyl chucks the car he just grabbed right at him BEFORE the attack is made. According to the core book, a regular car is huge, so it's an area attack.

    That's a DC 27 Reflex (10 + Attack's rank, in this case Mervyl's Magnetic Control. Correct me if I'm wrong).

    In the case that Atlas doesn't attack Mervyl then Mervyl will merely orbit the car around him and use it as cover or something more siniister..

    The Toughness DC of of the attack is DC 27 (Magnetic Control Rank, which is greater then the Car's toughness rank. I was told that this is the way to go).

    Everything straight here?

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