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Posts posted by Heridfel

  1. October just hasn't been my month so far. I seem to have caught a cold while traveling. I just felt well enough to make posts today, and I hope to get caught up on my threads tonight and tomorrow. Sorry for any delays.

  2. One thing to note is that if you had had to use Extra Effort, it would have only lasted for a single round. You'd be fatigued, exhausted, and unconscious (in that order), so you'd want to avoid that whenever possible.

  3. "No," White Knight says firmly. "That's too slow, if it even works. We move now."

    White Knight looks at each of his men, and they readjust their hostages over their shoulders to get them properly seated.

    "You can either come with us, or try to bring down those dampeners yourself. The choice is yours," White Knight says. He readies the weapon that he borrowed from the armory and creates a small ball of blue flame with his other hand. If the powers go out again, then he'll know immediately. That done, he walks out of the door.

  4. A 4 pp Dimensional Gate would open a portal between Earth and one other dimension, from either side.

    The use of power feats (with the exception of Innate) is optional. You could open a portal that is 5' by 5', 10' by 10', or 25' by 25'. Though you'd technically be stuck using one of those three sizes, I think most referees would allow intermediate sizes as well (e.g. 7' by 7').

  5. "Ren..." Grimalkin says, looking between her boyfriend and his counterpart. She and he both know that the irony is that though Nanowire appears fully human, the half-man, half-machine is more human than he is.

    "What did you do to yourself?" Ren all but shouts at the cyborg. "You were a man, and look at you!"

    "Easy, Nanowire," Foreshadow says. "He didn't know about you before, and this is a different world."

    Dr. Sin smiles slightly as he looks over the counterparts from the alternate timeline. Clearly, the two women are the same, and Nanowire and Cyber are one. Magister and the man in armor appear to be different from one another, though, and that bears some investigation.

  6. As it turns out, both Sen and Nightrival are successful in their searches. Nightrival sees a group of pointy-eared humanoids sitting around an old wagon being pulled by some sort of giant lizards after about 20 minutes of jogging and running. Sen finds the same group, having circled the whole of the city in the same time. Kevin's help only lasted for about a third of the time, and steadily decreasing potency, so the two of them are feeling the burn by the time that the elves are found. The two men also see one another - Sen standing at the top of a bluff that borders the city walls, and Nightrival in a gully a couple hundred yards from it.

    Kevin takes a deep breath. He didn't expect them to find the elves instantly... or perhaps he did, given all the luck they've had so far. He's really been the odd man out. Unable to understand what he hears, the only one of the 'heroes' whose previous experience all came in the last year, Kevin knows that he's slowly dying. He might not be able to do anything about it, but he can look at his own chi as well as he can see anyone else's. He has a day, maybe two, before there's no hope of recovery.

    With his eyes glowing a viridian green, Kevin looks at Slathliss, who sits motionless on the ground. He blinks, then looks at him with normal eyes. Slathliss looks like a human there, but his life force shows him to be something other than human. His body temperature looks like it's ten degrees lower than Kevin's, and his bone structure looks like it's made more from cartilage than actual bone. Even his cranial structure shows a complete lack of a nose (though his sense of smell is better than Kevin's).

    "What are you?" Kevin asks Slathliss, momentarily forgetting to be circumspect.

  7. "There's... more... than... strength..." Heavy says, grunting as he forces his suit to generate power in ways that were never intended. The demon is released from being pinned to the ground, but as Heavy struggles with him, the disruption that the demon was experiencing earlier is amplified by Heavy's struggles. Heavy does his best to hang on as the demon works against him. He can only hope that it will be enough. If he fails, he won't be the only one to die.

  8. Power stunt for:

    Dimensional Movement 10 (to Terminus) (Extra: Attack (+0), Alternate Save (Fortitude) (+0), Flaw: Grapple Required (-1)).

    If the demon breaks out of the grapple, Heavy will have to re-engage him. I could buy the power stunt without the flaw, cost-wise, but I think this is more thematic.

    Also, my grapple checks are stinking lately (24).

  9. Right, figured as much. It's how it'll have to be until I can scrounge up sufficient points.

    And they live in Port Regal, I'm pretty sure I've mentioned it somewhere.


    Reduce Concentration to +9 [4 ranks +5 Wis]

    Shift one point of Enhanced Constitution to ordinary Constitution

    And slot in this instead of the old Morph 4

    --Morph 2 (humanoids, +10 to Disguise) [Duration/Continuous [+1 Extra], Action: Full [3pp Drawback] (3)


  10. Ok. It was throwing me off because as I read it, the demon's grapple check wouldn't be re-rolled after I spent my hero point. It doesn't matter here, since I beat both of them. Expect another post later this evening.

  11. I was just wondering if this would be an OK concept for here. "What does not kill you makes you stronger." As of now I just have the idea of being a buffer type character who's powers only work/continue to work if the target has lethal damage. If so, would that be a flaw, drawback or complication

    If you changed it so that it was bruises rather than lethal wounds, it would work better from a concept perspective. Whether it counted as a flaw, drawback, or complication would depend on what sort of buffs you could provide. Since it's not hard to get a character injured, I'd probably call it a drawback unless it was constrained further.

  12. After we discussed it, we felt that allowing this feat gave too great an advantage to Intelligence. Insightful Reflexes isn't approved for the site. You can still buy up the Reflex save directly with the descriptor that it's due to his advanced intellect.

  13. Kevin's the only one negatively affected right now, specifically, fatigued. Slathliss looked bad, but wasn't. All of them (with the exception of Kevin) are currently Boosted, with the most pertinent part being the +6 to Constitution (and +3 to Constitution checks). Then again, the Wisdom bonus helps out on Notice checks, and that's what we'll need from the folks searching. If Nightrival and Sen take Kevin's suggestion, they'll both be making their Notice checks as they run around, trying to spot the elves.

  14. "I thought he was like us," Kevin says between breaths. "Besides the sword, anyway." It's clear that Kevin still thinks of himself as 'normal', despite all that he can do.

    Kevin manages to get out to the gate fairly quickly, but it's clear that he and Slathliss are holding back Nightrival... and Sen is simply in a world of his own. He looks like he's had a few minutes to rest by the time the other three get to the gate, and it might even be true.

    Kevin pants, doubling up over his waist and dry-heaving. He looks spent. For what it's worth, Slathliss doesn't look much better. When Kevin regains some semblance of control, he looks at the other three. With some misgivings, Kevin aligns his chi first. In the space of a couple seconds, Slathliss goes from red-faced and out of breath to ready to run a 10K. If his improvement was more dramatic, Sen and Nightrival's are just as powerful.

    "Go find them," he says to Sen. "You could probably catch them and run back to us before we'd be halfway there." Then he looks to Nightrival.

    "And you should go the other way, in case they're close. Slathliss can stay here with me, in case someone comes up. I wouldn't understand a word they said otherwise."

  15. Finally, the introduction is over. Give me a Notice check, followed by the initiative for the first round of combat. If you'd like to have said something prior to this happening, there's time, but I didn't want to delay the fight any further if you guys want it.

  16. The police officer takes the information, and then, after handcuffing him, the mugger as well. He seems fairly subdued, in keeping with how he had acted since the Emissary had captured him. Velocity and the Emissary are left alone in the park. The cloud in front of the sun is keeping it shrouded in shade, and it feels a little colder out now, too.

  17. Putting in for an update for Raven; it's an Alternate Power for Magic

    AP: Comprehend Languages 6 (Speak, understand, read, and write all languages; Tongue of the Raven; PF: Subtle 2; Duration: Sustained)

    I think Subtle 2 is what I use to make sure no one can pick up on the power being used. Raven will use this for study as well as trying to get a job as a translator, so she'll need to use it in her secret identity, and so I want it to be undetectable.


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