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Posts posted by Heridfel

  1. The Norseman has 3 unspent PP and I would like to spend 2 of them now.

    1 pp: Feat Benefit Wealth

    1 pp: Feat Artificer

    Can you explain how you gained your Wealth, and the knowledge to become an artificer?

    Okay, ready to spend Velocity’s 3 pp’s:

    One will add to the Attractive Feat, making it 3 ranks, and increasing her Bluff and Diplomacy skills to +19 with the feat active.

    Another will be spent on Dex, making 17/27, which doesn’t change anything right now.

    The last will be added to her Will save, making it 5 (+6)

    I've updated the Dexterity and Will save, but Attractive 3 seems too high to justify by turning 18. It's rarely used for more than 1 or 2 (except in Paragons, but that was universally decried as a mistake.

  2. With High Note currently archived for the summer, I'm going to put this thread on hiatus as well. That's not really changing too much, but it should help during the count-up at the end of the month.

  3. Hmm. Gravity Control doesn't actually require a Strength check unless the target has an insufficient amount of Strength to remain standing and is trying to make an action. By that time, it should already be affected by the Drains. Are you saying that it would be unaffected by the Drains until my next turn?

  4. Fred and his family are able to find seats together without too much trouble. Even in the summer, there aren't too many people who come out to see a play on Wednesday evening. As soon as they sit down, Billy has to go to the bathroom. Mark looks like he's about to ask why he didn't say anything earlier, then swallows the worthless question and leads him to the bathroom. Mandy doesn't have to go, but she gets taken along with her mother anyway just in case. Grandpa is left to hold the seats down. They come back in pairs, and Fred's daughter-in-law gets out a pad of paper and starts playing hangman with the kids while they wait.

    Four minutes after the play is set to begin, the lights dim and the curtain rises. Mark can be proud - the sets look very professional. They even appear architecturally accurate for the era, a detail that only two people in the audience would probably recognize. Unfortunately, the play itself doesn't seem to measure up to the same level of quality. The woman playing Medea's elderly nurse can barely be heard, even with the microphone amplifying her voice, and Creon actually stumbles over his own costume as he comes onto the stage.

    Medea sits perfectly still in her seat. Behind her glamour, she is doing a slow burn. This tragedy is becoming a comedy, and the only thing holding her back from violence is the performance of her namesake, which is a step above the other actors. She'll need help to rise above her incompetent cast, and Medea leans back and smiles. She knows what she can do to help.

    From his perch atop the theather, Ullgir is the first to notice a golden force field come down, starting at the top of the building and extending around it. He's inside it, but as he tests it, he finds that he's been sealed inside. It's as solid as stone, and much stronger.

  5. "Sounds like you got volunteered," Hub says. "You should've called 'not it' a little faster there, Nightrival."

    He's not surprised that Grimalkin doesn't really think about him when she suggests him as Riker, whoever that is. After all, she hadn't met him before tonight, and he's never been a guy to get everyone following him right from the get-go. Maybe after they go up against a few super-villains, they might feel different about him.

    "There's got to be an easier way to get a hold of all of us than Nightrival giving out notes. Master Lee probably doesn't want to get used as a message board either, and we'd want to meet up quick if we were needed for something. Maybe we could get pagers or something?" he says questioningly.

  6. The man tilts his head, getting a good look at Doktor Archeville. Almost offhandedly, he raises his hand toward Maria. A bluish flame bursts out from it, hitting her square in the chest. She falls back to the ground, and the other men swarm her, holding down her arms and legs. She struggles against them, but it's definitely clear that their super-strength is a match for her suit's. The man whose power Dryad couldn't quite recall reminds her - his arms stretch out, pulling him over so that he stands right next to the covering nurse. She's wrapped up before she can even react.

    "Hostages are only good if you don't kill 'em, you idiots," he says. He sighs and looks straight into Doktor Archeville's eyes. It's frightening, not because he looks evil, but because he doesn't. If he weren't for his orange jumpsuit, he could probably walk down Freedom City's streets without drawing a second look.

    "I don't much like furriners, but I ain't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. Call off your attack weed, will you?" he asks Dr. Archeville. He certainly seems to believe that the Doc is on his side - now, the question is whether Dryad believes it, and what sort of reaction she has to his words.

  7. Sean walks down the street. Even though the weather is a little muggy, most of the people on the street seem to be wearing more concealing clothes than what he has on. But even more disturbing than the poor fashion sense displayed is the universal expression on their faces. They look afraid, but more than that - tired. They seem to have accepted that life is misery, and that's something that Sean had never thought he'd see on Freedom City-dwellers' faces. No one even seems willing to meet his eyes, and they shy away from him, like they can sense there's something different about him.

    Across the street from him, two sets of eyes notice Sean's presence. One of the sets, belonging to a tall man with long, dark brown hair and wiry muscles stretched tight under a mechanic's worksuit, blinks twice, then looks to his companion. He nudges the man next to him, who is as fat as the other man is tall. His hair has receded halfway up his head, and he doesn't look like he's ever worked a day in his life.

    "You see him?" he asks. The fat man shades his eyes from the sun and steps forward. He nods slowly, growing in confidence.

    "He's going to get himself killed. And I'm not going to let that happen again," he says. The tall man grits his teeth. When he speaks, it's like a hiss.

    "You don't even remember him, except for pictures and the stories Grandmom told us. I remember when he handed you to me, told me to keep you safe. We both owe him more than we could ever repay," he says.

    The fat man... shifts. Where he stood is now a young woman a head shorter than the man beside her.

    "He looks so young - younger than you, even," she says. "What if he's not the one?"

    The tall man glances over to her and frowns, "Of course it's him. Don't you see the resemblence?" She studies him, and Sean, who's nearly a block away by now.

    "Not from here. Come on, let's get closer," she says, and pulls him along after her.

  8. Kevin relaxes as Nightrival and Sen agree, even if Sen's agreement is grudging at best.

    "Thank you, guys. I hope I'm not holding you back too much," he says. "So we go looking for the elf merchants and that other wizard in red robes tomorrow."

    Slathliss glances between the other three men. He frowns to himself as he looks at each of their waists. Though it doesn't look like he wants to speak up, he has to say something.

    "None of you have any money. I remember that. I can't afford to put us all up in an inn," he says. "Unless, of course, you want to give me ten minutes to see if I can find someone willing to help us out..."

  9. Ah, no problem. My usual assumption is that if something is described without asking for a skill check, it can be sensed without one.

    Thankfully, I rolled extremely well (22), so I don't think I'll need to re-write my action. Let me know if this isn't the case.

  10. Re: Magic Items

    It's the PCs who have the greatest need for magic items, since NPCs use different rules and have a level-based bonus which compensates for their lack of magic stuff. In fact, if you do give the NPCs magic items for treasure, you lower that level-based bonus accordingly so the overall attack/defense/damage remains the same.

    There's also the free-for-now Dragon magazine which released The Treasures of Ashardalon, an article full of new magical items. You now need to register on the site to access Dragon, but honestly, a free login account isn't a huge hurdle.

  11. It looks like I just miss hitting the Norseman and the skinhead he's fighting, though I get just about everyone else. The standard action is to re-activate the Gravity Control with new targets (everyone and everything I can see within range except for the canister); the move action is to pick up the canister.

  12. Icarus quickly notes the cesium container's crack. He hadn't thought of it before, but it's clear now that the sort of fight that they are in could easily do a great deal of damage to the ill-gotten gains that should be rightfully his. Pounding the skinheads, as pleasant as that's been, is going to have to wait for another day.

    He stops concentrating on the two skinheads who had been pinned by his control of gravity, and instead pulls down on everything within 60 feet of him (except for the cesium canister, of course). That done, he walks over to the canister and picks it up, doing his best to keep it from cracking further.

  13. I'd shorten the Gamer's Creed a little. I don't think he could say that in 6 seconds.

    I would also move more of his powers inside of the Shapeshift. Not everyone of those characters has Blast/Strike, a high combat ability, and especially the high saves. While it's allowed by PL limits, most PL 6 characters will not be maxed out in one save, let alone all of them. That would have to be an important part of the concept, and I'm not seeing that here. Plus, it allows your alternate forms to more closely reflect the characters. Mario would also have Leaping; Kirby could have a little Flight.

    You only have 4.25 pp spent on skills, not 6.

  14. The policeman starts to walk toward Ghost. For a second, it's not clear whether he's been spotted, but then Ghost can tell that the policeman is just moving to keep his legs from getting stiff. That said, the officer might have a better chance of seeing him from a closer position. He will have to make a move quickly, or at least find some cover to hide behind.

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