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Posts posted by Shadowboxer

  1. Nightrival finally recognizes his opponents. Word on the street is that these two belong to a crew called Larceny, Inc. He remembers hearing about a wall of muscle named Smash and a rubbery woman named Grab running with this particular outfit. Isn't a record store a little too small-time for these guys? There's somethin' here we're not payin' attention ta, he thinks.

    Unfortunately, he is far too ambitious. Grab's incredibly pliable form snakes and slithers all over the store in mulitiple directions, provided to be far too difficult for Nightrival to overcome. Instead of leaping over her, he decides to kick her with his heels as he tumbles backwards, remaining on the counter. He frowns when he feels his feet bounce off her like a trampoline.

    When Grab makes her hasty retreat, Nightrival grins to himself. He and the other heroes harassed them so much, she decided that thrashing the store was not worth the bother. He'll let the glowing kid catch up to her. Right now, Smash looks like the most promising target. If they don't restrain him soon, he could cause even more damage.

    "Looks like yer partner turned tail, Smash. It's about time we shut ya down too!"

    Nightrival draws his escrima staves. He leaps off the counter, somersaults once, and then rams the two staves directly into Smash's midsection with a terrible ferocity. After he lands on the floor, he immediately tumbles out of reach of his massive quarry.

  2. Untrue: you earned 1 for November, which you've yet to spend. ;)

    I see! I thought I spent my point already. Thanks for pointing that out. :)

    So if that's the case, please raise Nightrival's CON from 16 to 17.

  3. I was just checking out how the new portrait looked and I found a couple of errors of Nightrival's sheet.

    1. The total number of PPs spent on saves is 20, not 19.

    (FORT 6 + REF 8 + WILL 6 = 20)

    2. Nightrival has earned 181 PPs, not 183.

    (Abilities 34 + Combat 56 + Saves 20 + Skills 30 + Feats 41 + Powers 0 - Drawbacks 0 = 181)

    3. I have spent all the PPs I've earned, so there shouldn't be any unspent PPs.


  4. LiamHS.jpg

    Nightrival grinds his teeth.

    "You suckers are lucky I'm inna good mood. We'll take what yer offerin' and go our own way, but remember ya'll catch more flies with honey, ya know what I'm sayin'?"

    He unclenches his fists and draws his legs together. Another second and he would have started dropping elves faster than Peter Jackson. He nods at Sen and motions towards the street.

    "We got what we want. Let's leave these charming folks with their business."

  5. It's true, the group went its seperate ways but one member has come back. However, the game Forceful Ops is essentially a member drive. We plan to team up after we take down the bad guys. If you're interested in joining you are more than welcome to.

  6. NightrivalHS.jpg

    His patience paid off. Nightrival shakes his head when he finds the usual suspects in the house. Zoom and Max are nothing new, but Zombie Powder? He doesn't remember seeing that drug in his neighbourhood for quite some time. Maybe their operation has become more sophisticated? The presence of Zombie Powder troubles him. He draws one of his throwing knives and scrapes some of the residue off the counter with it. He carefully puts the knife back under his belt.

    Maybe I can send this ta the League an' get it all analyzed and stuff.

    Nightrival exits the kitchen and lifts Grimalkin over his shoulder with one arm.

    "Alright, now I'm goin'," he says to Man-Bat up the stairs. "I got what I came for." Whatever happened ta that other guy? Maybe I'll see him again.

    He turns and walks out the door.

    "An' stay outta trouble," he says over his shoulder.

  7. NightrivalHS.jpg

    "I think we're gonna stick around," Nightrival says to the Stretchy Lady.

    When he hears her refer to the hulking brute standing at the back of the store as "Smash," he attempts to remember if he has heard that name before on the street. And hopefully me and the glowin' kid can take her down 'fore he lumbers over here.

    He tumbles backwards and jumps off the counter in one motion. He arcs over Stretch and slams his elbow into the top of her skull, and then lands on the floor between her and the front window.

    "Unless ya wanna give up. Then maybe we'll stop beatin' on the two of ya."

  8. NightrivalHS.jpg

    Nightrival turns to pick up Grim and he takes another look at the living room. A nagging sensation grips his chest.

    Somethin' jus' ain't right.

    "Ya know," he says back up the stairs. "I'll take a look while I still gotta chance."

    Nightrival begins looking under the couch, under tables, and anywhere else that might hide a vital clue.

  9. NightrivalHS.jpg

    Nightrival gives himself a moment to survey the fight. By the looks of things, the bruiser standing in the middle of the store already has his hands full. Now if only I can get th' bystanders ta hustle, he thinks.

    Still holding onto a grossly enlogated appendage, he turns to the customers huddled on the floor.

    "Ya folks better get outta here," he orders them. "Use th' window if ya hafta!" He looks at the newly freed clerk. "An' ya get movin' too!"

    He shifts as though he's about to jump off the counter, but instead of landing on the floor he pushes himself off the counter with his hands and drives his feet into Stretchy Lady's jaw.

  10. No worries about the delay. :)

    Is the clerk free? In the IC thread he's free and in the OOC thread he's still pinned. Also, is the front window completely smashed? Are people able to run out of it? Or, perhaps, a dashing superhero can swing through it with a bystander in tow?

  11. LiamHS.jpg

    "Why, who usually comes lookin' fer ya?" Nightrival blurts out. "A jolly fat dude inna red snowsuit? What we hafta say concerns us both. Get yer people ta drop their weapons so we can all be civilized about this. We ain't lookin' fer a fight."

  12. You and me both, buddy. I'll blame flu season, and sunspots.

    Get better soon! I'll keep an eye out for sunspots, too. :)

    I'm back in swing for this week. There might be a delay for a day or two but I will try to post more frequently.

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