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Posts posted by LordHamster

  1. Turning, a slightly peeved Mirror gestures with his cane, making a beam of light emit from it, and attempts to hit the thug in the leg, hoping to drop him to the ground without hurting him to badly. He'd check on the downed thug later, the one escaping was his priority.


    "Ohhhh, ouch. Looks like this one is going to be hurting in the morning. You hit him pretty good, shame it probably won't teach him anything."


    "You just watched me take out a shotgun, you think running will work that easily? Now, my advice to you is to stay where you fall, and wait for the cops. You keep trying to get away, you're just gonna keep getting hurt."


  2. Mirror laughed.


    "Can't have been comfortable in that pine. I've ended up tangled up in some weird places, but never a tree. As for the food, I'm from way south of here, most of the food is greasy, though delicious, I'm used to it."


    Mirror opened the door, about to turn back to Seahawk when he froze, seeing what was going on.


    "Yeah, I don't think so buddy."


    With a flick of his arm, a beam of light came out of the glass handle on his cane, aimed for breakers knee to get him on the ground, and unable, or willing, to fight as quickly as possible.

  3. Alton took the candy bar, tucking it into his pocket, and then slipped on the poncho. After that, he put his mask back on, least his face couldn't get wet, and put his hat back on, it'd get wet, but he had fallen into fountains a few times when he was still getting the hang of his powers, and had learned the hard way that this hat would be fine with a little water. 


    "I haven't had truck stop food since I got to Freedom City a few months back. No harm in some, and I'll pay my own bill, don't spend my money on much anyway. At least there are some trees between here, and that truck stop to help block out the rain."


    Mirror said as he picked up his cane, and rested it on the ground beside him. There was rarely a time it hadn't been useful to him so far, and was basically part of his outfit now. He still had the brass knuckles tucked away inside of the actual suit part of his outfit, a just in case. He hadn't used them yet, and sometimes forgot they were there, but he had a feeling they'd come in handy someday.


    "Attitude is always an issue with people these days. There's so much going on, most people are starting to shut down when anything new happens. Can't do that, gotta keep movin forward, talkin, and workin to get through everything. Whether it's lifting a heavy boulder, dealing with a crash, or simply being asked to stay an hour after work with no extra pay for the fourth time in a week. Anyway, point us, more people need to learn to keep workin despite what's going on, glad to have found someone that understands that."

  4. After a moment of internal debate, Mirror removes his mask, and the top hat revealing his face. He was skinny, very skinny, but his face was softer then you would think for having almost nothing on it. His silver-grey eyes were fairly rare, at least, as pure grey as they were. He had shoulder length, light brown, though there were still little hints of the dirty blonde it had been when he was young.


    "Well, Naomi, you can call me Alton."


    "You showed her just like that? Oh man, that could cause trouble."

    Alton watched Naomi pick up the rather large stone. There were circumstances where he could move twelve tons of material, at his max, though it was limited to glass. 


    "Energy flow is always, regardless of what powers you have. For example, I can move glass around without touching it, and only glass. Nothing else, not sure why, but if I'm ever going to do more then move it from A to B, I'm going to have to figure out how the energy flows through the glass. Not something I've got the hang of yet."


    He could always feel the energy flowing through his body, but he didn't know how it flowed through the glass, and until he figure that, moving it was about all he could do. There was a little bit of glass nearby, his mask and cane namely, and with a twist of his wrist, he made them float, bobbing gently in the air, not moved by the breeze. He could feel the energy leaving his body, and then it was gone, he couldn't feel it anymore, but he knew it was there, inside the glass, and making it act to his will.

  5. "Me? Just a nice quiet walk. My method of getting out here required a little use pf my powers, so I thought it best to be in my suit. As for the matter of hunters, I don't know the hunting season up here, or if its even legal in this forest. If it is, I doubt they'd confuse someone that's bright blue, and purple standing next to orange, and red to be something their hunting. If it is, then I have to wonder about what's running around in these woods. As for talkin', having some company for a little while is always nice. At least I have a suit designed for winter today. The other night I was in a much thinner thing, nearly caught hypothermia because of it. 'Course, the mask helps, not a lot, but a little."


    He said, talking a little bit more to get back into the grove of things, and tilted his head up at the sky, watching it, though keeping Seahawk in sight so he could respond if he had to, though he doubted he'd need to do much more then talk, she seemed nice. 

  6. "My names Mirror."


    He said with a small tip of his hat, resting the can by his side once more, held firmly in his right hand. 


    "Yeah, the after effects looked far from pleasant, you gonna be okay after something like that? Regardless of whatever physical injury it doesn't leave, pain does mess with the mind. I understand about someone seeing a mishap like that one, regardless of why, and what it does to someone, an accident like that isn't pleasant for anyone involved."


    "It was for me, got to see something I've not seen before. A human fall out of the skies, die, and then come back to life."


    Glaring at Mary, glad for his mask, he waited to see what Seahawk would say next. This was the second person he'd met, knowingly anyway, that not only had powers, but was another hero, that is, if her story checked out. He kept himself way to relaxed throughout all of this, it was probably more then a little disconcerting to some, but it was an attempt to further distinguish Mirror from the scrawny Alton hiding just beneath the mask. Make it a little harder to recognize him from the much more shy, but (that he showed anyway) more compassionate him that he was most of the time. He still cared, he hoped she'd be okay, and that this wouldn't happen to her again.

  7. Wincing, Mirror did his best not to watch her body fix itself. Hearing about regeneration always made his stomach a little queazey, and this just proved to him that it couldn't be anywhere near comfortable to have your body do that. Using his cane, he held it out to her, planting his feet firmly so he'd be stable. The, flight pack he guessed, looked heavy, and couldn't be easy to swim with.


    "Told you to wait. Doubt this one fears death, though the pain might still make her avoid it. That looked like it hurt, a lot."


    Ignoring Mary, Mirror used his left hand to knock some twigs off his suit, and hat before Seahawk could grab the cane, quickly holding it again to be sure he could get her back to shore. He was stronger then he looked, but then, he was barely a healthy weight to begin with, and didn't look strong at all.


    "That looks like it hurts at least as bad as getting those injuries. Come on, lets get you out of the water."

  8. "Bwahahahaha, did you see that fall? That must have hurt!"


    "Mary, not now, someone could be dead, or dying."


    "Pffft, death isn't that bad, I mean, I got stuck with you this time, but look at me, I'm fine!"


    "That's why I'm worried."


    Mirror said before taking off in a brisk jog. It was fairly easy for him to get over various obstacles, and get through the forest, but it took him twenty minutes to even reach the clearing where she could have fallen. By then, his hat had a few twigs sticking to it, and he had lost track of where person had fallen. Finally he noticed her in the water, floating there, still. 


    "I'm to late."


    Before he could jump in to get the body, he heard a small snort from Mary.


    "Wait a second, just watch."

  9. "Thank you, if I ever need any help, I'll call. In the meantime, take care of yourself. World needs more people willing to help make it better, even if they have to do it the hard way."


    Turning, Mirror walked away, heading to the nearest gas station to use it's mirror, and head home. Once he thought he was out of earshot, he spoke again.


    "You were quiet for awhile there Mary, what's up?"


    "Nothing, just trying to figure her out. The more I learn of this world, the more it surprises me. Things could be pretty bad when I was alive, but this world seems to be just....so full of hate, and greed that I don't know how it keeps going. Then people like you show up trying to change it, and despite me think your a fool, you find others that think like you everywhere."


    Mary went silent again, and Mirror matched her, and kept going. 

  10. "It's a big city, I imagine there's enough of them that get away with the crimes that they keep going, thinking their streak of luck would continue. Even if every Hero, and cop worked 24/7, there's just to many people, and to wide a variety of crimes for them all to be stopped. Especially among the already more careful drug lords, smugglers, the black market, and the like. Then you have the people working for supervillians, or trying to become supervillians, then you have the crazies. Then you have the street gangs, so full of themselves from being around their like-minded friends, they don't think a hero can stop them. In the end though, every Hero probably stops more crimes then they know, as some people give up, or just don't start after contemplating it because of Heroes."


    Mirror said, as he looked up at the sky again. Mary was being quiet, he didn't know why, but he was glad she was. She hadn't yet given her thoughts on this subject, and he was hoping she wouldn't anytime soon.

  11. "Funny enough, I figured that out pretty quickly. Practiced a bit to make sure I can hit the ground running, though that doesn't always work. Don't really know what's on the other side of the Mirror, things could have  changed, so it doesn't always work out."


    Touching the mask with his hand, he nodded.


    "Helps a bit, but the thing is made of glass, doesn't trap the heat as well as the cold takes it away. Nice and handy though, if someone ever rips it away, I can just pull it right back to myself. Yeah, it's going to be quiet tonight, except if a someone with cold powers shows up. To cold for most people to do anything, cold aside, the ice, and snow makes getaways more difficult. At least anyone that did something tonight would be counting on their pursuers having the same amount of trouble. The very first thing I stopped was two thugs robbing a glass store in broad daylight. They make anyone that tries something tonight smart by comparison." 

  12. "Its....complex. I'm not sure why really, but one day I had these powers. The first one I used was the glass control, I panicked and gathered up a lot of glass, released it pretty quickly from the shock. Few days later, while I was experimenting with it, I found I could walk through the mirrors I was practicing with, and out of another. Accidentally ended up in an airport quite a few miles south of here that my plane stopped at when I first came to Freedom City. While I was trying to get back, I found out about the light. Skip forward a couple of months, after having practiced, I gathered this outfit together and started patrolling the streets. Powers have grown a little stronger, but mostly I've just learned to use the better. Why I have them, I'll probably never know, but what I do know is that I'm going to use them to do something. I have ended up falling from a security mirror more than once, chipped a tooth on the first time."


    "Would have broken your nose too if you had fallen just a little more to the right, that pole would have hurt."

  13. Mirror waved after the man before coughing a little bit. The cold always made him cough.


    "It can be handy sure, I mostly use it to find my way in the dark without having to carry a flashlight. Personally, I find my teleportation the most handy, I can get anywhere I need to be in the city almost instantly, if I know of a Mirror in that location. That does remind me, I should probably scout at more mirrors. Need options for getting around the city."


    Mary laughed at the man in the car.


    "Such a powerful machine as that, and a little bit of snow stopped him. This new world, so much new, and powerful technology, and yet a little snow can still stop you in your tracks. Hmmph,"

  14. "Sure, nice and simple."
    Mirror said before once more tapping his cane, and bathing the area in light.
    "Make it red! No, blue! No, Green! Just have some fun with it!"
    Mirror watched, and waited, curious to see just how strong Wander really was. Using the sleeve of his suit, he wiped a little bit of fog off the one way glass that made up the eye-holes on his mask so he could see clearly again. The heat from the cars exhaust as he had passed by it was enough to fog them up.
    "You two are sooo serious, and boring. Do something fun, hit her, disappear in a flash of light, I don't know, I'm just tired of staring at empty buildings doing nothing interesting."
    His eye twitching, he looked over at Mary but didn't say anything. If he did, he'd be breaking one of her little rules she had set down, as she hadn't given him permission to tell anyone yet.
  15. "Very true, but I've never met someone else out and about, or doing anything. Always just been us being busy on separate things, or any way I could help without getting in the way has been taken care of, or a non-issue, though that's only happened once. Usually by the time I show up, it's already over. That said, it's quite nice when one actually does manage to do something, even when they have someone criticizing every way they do it. Honestly, I've only made a difference by sheer luck, I have no training at all, unless you count knowing how a skyscraper supports itself. Before I got my powers, I'd never fought, I'd never shot at anything, never even had a toy slingshot. I know that if I try and do anything big yet, I'm going to mess up somehow, and I'd rather be the only person that gets hurt if that happens."

  16. "Probably, thing is, the glass doesn't like to meld back together the way it was before. As my skill with my powers currently stand, I would have to melt down all the glass, and then reshape it so it cools in the right shape. Mostly I just use it to distract thugs, or get mirrors in the right place, but it feels more natural to me then my abilities with light, so I'm hoping I can make it more useful given time. Liberty League eh? So it is true when everyone says Freedom City might as well have a hero for every block. You know, you're the first person I've met with powers-"


    "What am I then? Hello, I'm a ghost, wooooooooo, I can walk through stuff, and probably other cool stuff once I'm strong enough."


    "of any kind, though I heard about plenty of them. I've been in Freedom City for...about eight months now, had my powers about six, and started patrolling about two months ago. Still never met anyone with powers, saw a few, but I didn't want to interfere and cause issues with my inexperience."


    Mirror was glad he was wearing his mask more than ever, his face was probably the only place that was still slightly warm, though his hands were doing to bad, he had gotten thicker gloves after the last pair had ripped open.

  17. "Blinding is easy, bright flash in anyone's eyes will live them dazed, those are usually spheres. On the other hand, I can hit them with a laser, on occasion I'll do something like an orb, or a spear when I'm bored, but I usually just stick to a beam. I can make illusions, but I haven't figured out much besides making them visible, and finally, I can move glass with my mind. I've made a few attempts at shaping it, and I think that, given some time to learn my powers better, I can reshape glass. This cane I have, it's handle is made of glass so I can retrieve it, and send it at my enemies with ease. Up close, it's the main thing I fight with, though I prefer to keep my distance. What about you, what else can you do."


    Mirror said as he watched Mary stare at Wander's feet.


    "Oh she's good. Don't cross her Alton, I doubt you'd be able to beat her even at your max range, and with a surprise round. Also, she's a bit to quiet, there's more to her than I can guess, be careful, who knows what kind of enemies she's made."

  18. "If you have a big enough mirror hidden on you somewhere, I can step into it, and out of another, besides that, I'm stuck with walking. Though I'm guessing I might be able to fly given some time to get more used to my powers. I am fairly nimble though, if I wanted to I could probably get on top of most buildings given the right supports, and the like. Boring as it is to stay on the ground, I can entertain myself with the right play on light."


    Glancing at Mirror, Mary almost begged for him to do something stupid, just with her look. Sighing lightly, hoping it was muffled enough by his mask, he wasn't going to do that, not yet. He didn't know anyone in this city well enough to use his illusions casually around them.


    "I'd honestly fly if I could, must be an amazing feeling, moving through the air like that."


    "It's amazing actually, I remember flying before I died, it was one of the best feelings ever. If you ever do fly, you must give me an tour of the city through the air."

  19. "Not long at all, only about a month, give or take a week, haven't done much yet, just a few street thugs. Also not much used to the cold, they don't really real you how to deal with it when most of the year, it doesn't drop below sixty, besides, getting out of the wind felt safer then staying in it."


    Mirror glanced back at Mary, who seemed to understand, and stood up, stretching. He kept forgetting that she was old, Victorian, and was adapting pretty easily to this new world. She had changed out her old Victorian dress, for a more modern, almost gothic, clothing. How she did it, he didn't know.


    "Finally, at least you can listen to someone."

  20. "True enough. Suppose that's why your here, seeing what's up with me. A person walking around in an outfit like this can hardly be ignored." 


    Mirror said as he stood, resting his cane on the ground.


    "Still, better safe, then sorry."


    "I don't like her, to serious."


    Glancing over at where Mary was sitting, Mirror narrowed his eyes for a moment before turning back to Wander.


    "If nothing happens within an hour, I'll probably just head home, got stuff to do tomorrow, and I don't think I could stay out all night in this cold."

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