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Posts posted by Limos

  1. One complaint I've repeatedly heard is that there isn't much content, period.

    I've had people tell me that, and on one point I agree. There aren't enough repeatable quests. If you don't feel comfortable changing areas then you will find long stretches with nothing to do, with only two or three repeatable quests that will get tiring to grind. However if you keep an eye on the crime computer you will find that there are more than enough missions to fill your leveling needs. For instance, from Level 6-10 you have the early Millennium City quests as well as the Canadian Crisis. From level 10-15 you have the Gang quests in MC as well as the lower Canada quests, at 15 you get the Desert Crisis. From 15-25 there are plenty of quests to be doing in the Desert as well as mid-game Canada quests and yet more Gang quests in MC, as well as the beginning of the Argent and Psi questlines.

    From 25-30 you will be hopping areas a lot as you do the Alien questline in all Canada, also the Demon questline back in MC, and the Snake Gulch questline in the desert. At level 30 it's time to move on to Monster Island Crisis and then the Monster Island itself, which should keep you more than occupied until level 34 where you now have access to the Lemurian Crisis. Which should get you the exp until you level up enough to start doing the higher Monster Island quests. All together it continues until you hit level 40.

    The biggest problem with the quest selection is that there is a big gap from level 20 to level 30 where there is very little to do in Millennium City until you get Dr. Destroyer's Factory missions, and then after you are done with them it's back to going everywhere else because MC is empty.

  2. "In the name of Chac, I will smite you!" El Sapo bellowed as interposed himself between the robots and the civilians. He lifted his face skyward and electricity began to crackle along his arms. As the sparks cast crazed shadows around the chamber El Sapo leapt back into the fight and slugged one of the machines with his lightning clad fist, releasing a great crash of thunder and a brilliant arc of lightning as the Knieval-bot was reduced to a cloud of molten slag the sizzled across the concrete floor. "Fear not citizens, no harm will come to you while El Sapo yet lives!"

  3. "Feel the might of Chac!" El Sapo roared as he leapt into battle. In one fluid motion he wrapped both legs around the head of one robot, twisted, and then flipped forward. The machine was pulled in a graceful arc that landed it directly on the head of a second robot. They both exploded in a most extravagant fashion and Ignacio emerged coughing and singed from the wreckage. The metal skull of one machine rolled smoking in front of it and he gave it a halfhearted boot. "Perhaps I should dispense the wrath of Chac in a less personal manner." He coughed.

  4. "Only a very cruel man would treat monkeys in such a way." El Sapo mused as he examines the strange arena. He then turned to Changeling. "Perhaps I can smash my way out through one of the walls? There must be room for the wiring on those screens." Ignacio shifted uncomfortably, unsure what to do without an obvious target and still uncomfortable around other super heroes.

  5. "You insult my title? El Sapo is the hereditary name of my honored lineage. When you insult El Sapo you blaspheme against Chac." Ignacio bristled with fury. He loomed closer towards Knievel his hands clasped spasmodically and his face twisted into a snarl. With a roar he puffed up to his full height and spread his arms, ready to charge and crush the puny interloper with his massive arms. Small lightning bolts crackled from his fingertips and ran up towards his elbows, discharging with small pops and sizzles.


    Outside the sky became overcast and lightning flashed, followed immediately by the rumbling boom of thunder so close to the building. In addition rain began to drizzle softly against the windows.

  6. El Sapo huffed and puffed as he leaned against a security door on top of an office building, he thought it might be one that sells paper but isn't sure. Having leapt across half the city to get there El Sapo took a moment to regain his strength and survey the broadcast station. He spotted the jagged hole in the side of the building where Captain Knievel blasted out the masonry, a perfect point for a dynamic entry. "Let's hope I don't miss." He said as he offered a prayer to Chac and braced himself in a runner position.

    He dashed towards the edge of the building and leapt with all his strength, flying through the air for a hearstopping moment before crashing to the floor inside the station. He rolled in a painful jumble then scrambled to his feet and fell into an aggressive stance. "Evil beware, El Sapo is here!"

  7. As Ignacio saw the face of Captain Knievel on the news he grasped at his mask through his shirt. He pulled out his cell phone and rapidly punched in the number for his old friend and boss, Orlando. "Orlando, yeah Hi it's me. No nothing is wrong with the dealership. I just got a call from Maria, she says Paco is at the nurses office and I need to go pick him up. Yeah I'm sorry about this but it really can't wait. I'm taking my lunch break." Orlando's reply was inconsequential, consisting of general well wishes and agreement. In a flurry of motion Ignacio changed the sign on the door to closed and locked it, then headed around the back of the building.

    He stopped and pulled off his buttoned shirt, slacks, tie socks, and shoes, which left him in only the stretchy green tights. He slipped the mask over his head and as always it seemed loose for just a moment before his body rippled and grew, muscles upon muscles, his bones creaked as they grew several inches in length and nearly doubled in thickness. "Arriba, Arriba y lejas! El Sapo returns!" He shouted as the elation of transformation overcame him, then looked around sheepishly in hopes no one was around to hear him. El Sapo walked away from the building, braced himself with his feet spread in a powerful stance, and then shot into the air in a powerful leap, bounding across the rooftops on his way to the broadcast station.

  8. Ignacio Soto adjusted his tie and gazed about the empty lot of Crazy Orlando's Used Cars. The enchanted mask that gives him his power was a comforting warmth tucked into the front of his button shirt. Without the mask on Ignacio is much less impressive, a bit pudgy, his hair thinning. As no one appeared interested in buying a car at just that moment Ignacio flipped on the small television in the corner of the room and turned on the news. "I wonder if they will talk about last night's heroics?" He chuckled, "I hope they get my name right."

  9. "No actually that would be me, Officers." The pile of gelatin in question sprouted a head as it spoke. "Name's Jello-man, and I defeated this big lug single-handed." He stopped and glanced at Volcano. "Well Volcano helped, but I mostly had it covered already. Yeah I'm pretty amazing. But uh... you got a place I can dump this guy? I'd rather him not snap out of it while he's up in my business."

    Jello-man slowly shifted Herne the Hunter into a more horizontal position and grew himself a defined upper torso, taking extreme caution not to jostle him too much. "Just keep sleeping crazy dude, this is all a weird dream."

  10. "Yeah don't mind me bro." Jello-man replied, "Just gonna hang out here with a dude inside me... wait that came out wrong." Jello-man raised his hands and waved them frantically as he realized what he had just said. "I just don't think cuffs are gonna hold this guy. So somebody gets the cops down here so I don't have to walk around like this all day." Rather than attempt to drag Herne's dead weight along with him Jello-man just sullenly subsided into a large heap with the biker's face coming out the very top.

  11. "So uh, Volcano dude." Jello-man said cautiously. "Can I drop tall, dank and grimy now?" He hefted Herne with his gelatinous arms to see if the man was still conscious. Moments later his eyes widened and he shouted, "I've got it! Dude, dude. Check this out." He opened his mouth wider, his false jaw migrated southward until it was down to what compromised his waist, gaping wide enough to swallow the large man. Which he did so shortly thereafter.

    Everything but Herne's face was quickly consumed by the sticky mound and Jello-man reformed his body into his normal human shape, with the large man protruding from his back. "Anybody think to call the cops so I can unload this guy? Maybe the press? Any girls swooning over my heroism?"

  12. "I guess you guys got this. I'll take tall, dark, and angry." Jello-man announced succinctly as he slunk back out the door. He spotted Herne through the smoke and rushed towards him, forming his entire body into an enormous fist and arm. "High Five!"

    The fragrant fist crashed into the Viking but didn't seem to faze him, that is until it splits apart into a multitude of tentacles and wrapped around him tightly. The greenish goo constricted his limbs together and knocked him off his feet, dropping both of them to the street in a tangle of limbs, weapons, and delicious foodstuff. "Hey buddy. You and me are gonna be here for a good long while. So while we're waiting for the cops, would you mind a few questions? Charlie said as he formed a new head atop the pseudopod wrapped around Herne's chest. "Why are you so ugly? What is that horrible smell? Do you ever clean the rust off that helmet of yours, it's filthy. Do you ever bathe? Man you taste like socks." Thus continued Jello-man's most fearsome weapon, his super human annoyance.

  13. "Lackwit? How dare you call me names that I don't understand!"Jello-man took one last swing at Herne, still blinded by the smoke. "Hey man, I can't see a thing in this mess." He grumped before slithering into the restaurant. "To heck with this! I'm gonna go fight someone else. This guy is a jerk."

    He pushed his way through the door and slithered past the mess then stopped beside Glowstar. "Hey dude, you wanna tag out? I'm getting the part that might have been my butt handed to me out there."

  14. "Attention bad dudes, you are all under arrest!" Jello-man announced as he rapidly morphed his way across the street. He elongated upwards into one enormous mouth and tried to crash over the Viking Biker but engulfed only broken pavement. He spat out the unpleasant debris and reformed his body. "Hey stand still! How am I supposed to defeat you if you keep moving?"

  15. "I do a pretty sick movie monster impression." To illustrate Jello-man subsided into blob state and produced 8 wriggling tentacles and two eyestalks. "I could go in through the kitchen and scare them outta the building." He stopped and turned to see yet another stranger. "Let me handle this, I mean what are the chances that another guy would be here for the same thing as us?"

    "Pay no attention to the men in the alleyway, we are here on superhero business. Please vacate the area." Charlie frowned softly, "Unless you are in the gang, in which case. We are definitely not here to beat you up. Enjoy your meal."

  16. "Whoah bro. Can't two kind of freaky guys have a conversation without everybody thinking they're supervillains?" Jello-man bulked up further as he loomed closer to the newcomer. "That's discrimination. I'm Charlie and this is Mike." He kept his main arms firmly crossed over his chest and sprouted a third limb from his upper back with which to indicate Volcano.

    He examined the newcomer closely, then points at the sunglasses. "Bro, it's the middle of the night. Why are you wearing sunglasses? Are you a supervillain? Do you have heat vision? Are those glasses for blocking your heat vision?" He realized what style of jacket he is wearing, gasped, and backed away, "You must a super thug in the biker gang! Don't melt me bro."

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