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Third time's the charm: Trying for a city patrol thread


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Okay.. as the original one I did was still a fun experience, and since I'm looking to recapture that, I'd like to play out a patrol through the city sort of rp thread with the Emissary and another character.

So, if you're an interested hero who would have a reason to do so/interest in, let me know. Would basically be a thread of city patrol, finding and stopping local crime, then dealing with something more major.

If that doesn't pan out, I'm sort of okay with trying another run into a villain and fight ensues thing, but that's not what I'm looking for.

If that is what I get, some things to bear in mind that I seem to need to clarify. Please before asking for such a thread consider your personal sense of sportsmanship. Which is to say, I do not want to deal with:

Complaints about my character's power level that seem to only crop up when the dice are going unfavourably. Yes, my character has 170 some odd power points. This is something you may wish to consider beforehand before seeking to play out a fight thread. I haven't exactly had great experiences with trying to "pull my punches" to accomodate people, as it were.

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Okay.. as the original one I did was still a fun experience, and since I'm looking to recapture that, I'd like to play out a patrol through the city sort of rp thread with the Emissary and another character.

Captain Wonder would be honored to go flying with Emissary. And punch bad guys. Right in the face!

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