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Douglock Claremont Character


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I'm planning a new Claremont character, based mostly off TT's Douglock build. The story is that an AEGIS scientist/officer has a kid with insert-traumatic-illness-here (I'm leaning towards MS) and he stages a villain attack during a military demo/parade/something that shows off the base. He uses the cover of this to grab the Communion nanites stashed at the base and 'infects' his son, which leads to Douglockness.


I'm making this thread to crowd-source some of the details and flesh out the concept a little more. I'm flirting with the idea that the kid is 'out' about being super -- he has crazy Tron-lines all over his body, it's hard to hide those. So he won't have a secret identity, but I'm not sure how this works with keeping Claremont's secret. He's not going to go around blabbing about the Wreck Room, but at the same time anyone looking at him is going to know that he's not entirely human anymore.


The second thing I need to work on is his name. I'm honestly leaning towards Douglas Locke as his birth name. I like the connection with John Locke's philosophy, but it feels like it's a bit too heavy-handed of a reference. At the same time I need a supername for him. A big part of the character is his joy at being able to get around and explore after a lifetime of being confined to a bed. A name that refers to adventure and physical movement would work as well as a name about being a computer-man.

Edited by Raveled
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For names: Mix, Chip, Flux, anything to do with motion and/or change should be a good start/fit.


Only real question I have is why he would go all "we" in the first place, since the Communion was directed by a single (now very dead)consciousness. This would be a little more like Derin's Medic, the recreation and upgrade of an existing being rather than the combination of two distinct entities. At least that's what I gather from the write-up.

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This character probably wouldn't refer to himself as "we," no. He would see himself as an individual, as unique as any other. Warlock might not be the best reference point for this character, but neither is Medic, I think. It might be closest to something like Extremis-era Tony Stark, if the Extremis was made from a Venom symbiote or similar. This is a kid who was empowered by the remains of an intergalactic threat; he didn't choose to be empowered this way or ask for it, but now he's trying to make the best of the situation.

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I don't think there'd be any issues regarding his appearance and his status as a Claremont student.  There are enough metahumans in the World of Freedom that I doubt anyone would assume Claremont must be a super-school just because one funny-looking kid goes there.  Assuming anyone needs to see him going to/from there in the first place.  There are probably discrete ways to get on and off campus.


Locke is a great last name.  Maybe for the first name, another name that starts with "D"?  Or you could go with another language's version of the name.  I couldn't find any direct variants, but apparently it's a Gaelic name that roughly translates to "Dark Water" or "Black River" (one part "Black/Dark", one part "Water/River/Stream/etc.").


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Looking at that build, the first things that leap out at me are "I'd buy another couple ranks of Comprehend (Languages), and also Comprehend (Codes)," and "Why is he buying Recovery bonus directly instead of buying up CON?"

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I think I'll go with Warren for his first name. I like the sound of it, and there can be a gag where a visiting alien or something shortens his name to "War Locke."


He's not going to have Comprehension because he doesn't have Cypher's powers; he just has a body that's been augmented with a load of alien nanotech.


I get what you're saying about buying up CON directly, and lowering Regen/Protection/Fort as a consequence, however if I boost his CON to offset that it'll end up at CON 20, which I feel is a bit anomalous next to the rest of his abilities.

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