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Don't Go Into the Water


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Daphne gave a frown both physically and psychically. She felt a little for the Deep One’s if the Atlanteans felt like that, especially as she came for a people that were mostly considered bad sorts.


I don’t think you should judge an entire species by a few bad sorts, I’m sure most of them are pretty decent Deep One’s she wasn’t angry, she didn’t really do angry, but she did some irked But we should focus one the problem at hand.

She waited to “hear” what the diver had to say for himself, she was looking forward to when they’d have to go down and take a look at the wreck.

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  • 2 months later...

The man sighed theatrically. "I can't show you the shipwreck," he said. "I had an RSV, but Atlanteans grabbed it." He drained his glass and stood up, moving to the wet bar and starting to fix himself another. "It's damn disconcerting when you're trying to find an open hatch on a wreck, and suddenly fish-men riding sharks swim into view and yank you around." He poured himself another drink, this one with more soda water, and stood at the bar. He looked out over the rear of his house, to where the yard swooped down to a dock. "And then there's that Atlantean ambassador or senator or whatever, living on my damn boat. It's a crime."

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"Do you believe he refers to Cato?"  Glamazon asked Daphne out loud.  Unsure of who was acting as an ambassador.  She couldn't picture many Atlantean Nobles wishing to travel to Michigan.  Let alone the surface.  Of course, Thaelia had quite the blindspot when it came to picturing her people in the wrong.


"I do not understand what this RSV is?  Is it some sort of surfacer key for trapped vessels?  It seems much simpler to simply tear a door asunder."  Of course it'd be even simpler to walk through the ship's walls in Daphne's case.  But the Atlantean princess was aware of the fact that not everyone living on the surface was strong enough to rip a door weighed down by the weight of being many feet underwater off its hingers, or could walk through walls.  Although, she wasn't sure why they would name their ship key's RSV's.

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“I believe he does refer to this person, surfacers aren’t always aware of the various ranks of Atlantians.” not knowing much about Atlantians she had chosen a rough intimidation of a posh English accent, all the Ancient Greeks on TV seemed to use such an accent which was close enough for her.

“I believe her refers to the surfacers vessel to visit the wreck, he doesn’t have the means to reach the vessel otherwise.” Her time watching television had given her a rather broad education, useful at times like this. “But we can’t help you get you stuff back unless you tell us the whole truth Mr. Harris”

Edited by Tiffany Korta
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  • 2 months later...

Thaelia was not aware of the fact that Mr. Harris had been withholding information from them.  But, they were withholding the very fact that Daphne wasn't even an Atlantean.  So it was a bit of a pot/kettle dance.  "If we can visually confirm that an Atlantean grave site is not being disturbed.  I can convince the soldiers to leave your vessel unperturbed."


Although she had missed the fact that something was being hidden from her.  Thaelia could still tell something was weird about the situation.  There were too many Atlantean soldiers for the port's paltry defense.  The Queen would never allow such a wasteful allocation of resources and likely attempt to come herself with a single Palace Guard.

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