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Under The Australian Sun


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So, thread idea, with a side of 'see how Vector's doing' and 'because I have villain ideas, darn it'


The Australian Superhero League's sending out a call for support in an operation against the villain Redback, a supervillain who's one of the Big Shots of the Australian scene for a number of reasons- one of which being that he's well-known for having killed the superhero Cloudrunner I- he seems to be expanding some of his operations, and some of the directions he seems to be going in are... disturbing, so the League's calling for some outside support- after the whole fuss with the Omega Boss, they're putting major focus into uprooting his organisation, and Redback seems to be... taking advantage.  


So, I need three to four PCs, ideally around PL10 or so.  Any origin is fine with me.  :)

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