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Thrude (Top-Tier)


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Character Name: Thrude

Power Level: 13 (250/250PP)

Trade-Offs: -3 Attack / +3 Damage, -3 Defense / +3 Toughness

Abilities: 16 + 8 + 16 + 0 + 0 + 16 = 56PP

Strength: 35/26 (+12/+8), 75/26 Lifting (Heavy Load: 400 tons / 920 lbs.)

Dexterity: 18 (+4)

Constitution: 36/26 (+13/+8)

Intelligence: 10 (+0)

Wisdom: 10 (+0)

Charisma: 26 (+8)

Combat: 12 + 20 = 32PP

Initiative: +4

Attack: +6, +10 Hrigandr Strike, +10 Lightning

Grapple: +26/+14

Defense: +10, +5 Flat-Footed

Knockback: 14/4

Saving Throws: 0 + 0 + 6 + 13 = 19PP

Toughness: +16/+8 (+13/+8 CON, +6 Protection) (Impervious 13/0)

Fortitude: +13/+8 (+13/+8 CON, +0PP)

Reflex: +10 (+4 DEX, +6PP)

Will: +13 (+0 WIS, +13PP)

Skills: 100R = 25PP

Craft (Artistic) 15 (+15)

Intimidate 17 (+25)

Knowledge (Arcane) 15 (+15)

Knowledge (History) 10 (+10)

Knowledge (Philosophy/Theology) 10 (+10)

Languages 12 (Anglo-Saxon [Old English], Danish, Dutch, Faroese, Frisian, German, Gothic, Gotlandic [Gutnish], Icelandic, Norse [Native], Norwegian, Swedish, Vandalic)

Notice 15 (+15)

Ride 1 (+5)

Survival 5 (+5)

Feats: 14PP

Accurate Attack


Attack Specialization (Hridgandr Strike)

Benefit (Status [Goddess, Princess, Valkyrie])

Environmental Adaptation (Storms)

Favored Enemy (Giant Monsters)

Improved Critical (Hridgandr Strike)


Luck 2

Power Attack

Takedown Attack 2


Ultimate Save (Will)

Italics indicate a feat which was purchased as a power or part of a power. The cost is reflected under "Powers," below.

Powers: 43 + 10 + 9 + 11 + 13 + 3 + 8 + 16 = 113PP

Device 13 (65PP Container [Passive, Permanent], Flaws: Easy-To-Lose, Feats: Indestructible, Restricted 2 ["Only The Worthy" can lift, use, or transform], Subtle [Transforms into an ornate drinking horn]) [43PP] (Magic Weapon, Rune Magic, “Hridgandrâ€)

[2 + 2 + 16 + 1 + 44 = 65PP]

Environment Control 1 (Light [Moderate], 5ft radius, Extras: Action 2 [Free], Flaws: Range [Touch]) [2PP] (Magic Lightning)

Flight 1 (10MPH / 100ft per Move Action) [2PP] (Magic Wind)

Immunity 30 (Cold Effects, Electricity Effects, Weather Effects, Flaws: Limited [1/2 Effect], Feats: Environmental Adaptation [storms]) [16PP] (Elemental Mastery, Rune Magic)

Space Travel 1 (1c) [1PP] (Magic Wind)

Storm Mastery 16 (32PP Array, Feats: Alternate Power 3, Dynamic Alternate Power 4, Dynamic Base Power) [44PP] (Rune Magic)

Base Power (Dynamic):

Damage 4 (Feats: Accurate [+2 Attack], Affects Insubstantial 2, Extended Reach [10ft], Improved Critical, Incurable, Mighty, Variable Descriptor [bludgeoning, Cold, Electricity, and/or Slashing Damage]) [12PP] (Hridgandr Strike, Magic Weapon)

Alternate Power:

Damage 16 (Extras: Range [Ranged], Flaws: Action [Full], Feats: Accurate 2 [+4 Attack], Homing 3 [5 additional attempts], Improved Critical 2, Improved Range 4 [1 4,000ft Range Increment], Indirect 2, Progression [Range] 1 [4,000ft Max Range], Ricochet 3, Drawbacks: Full Power) [32PP] (Magic Lightning)

Alternate Power: [13 + 16 + 1 = 30PP] (Inspiration)

Emotion Control 13 (Extras: Area [Perception/Visual], Linked [Healing, Luck Control], Selective, Flaws: Limited [Hope], Range 2 [Touch]) [13PP]

Healing 4 (Extras: Action [standard], Area [Perception/Visual], Linked [Emotion Control, Luck Control], Selective, Total, Flaws: Limited [Others], Temporary) [16PP]

Luck Control 1 (Spend Hero Points for others, Extras: Area [Perception/Visual], Linked [Emotion Control, Healing], Selective, Flaws: Action 3 [standard], Limited [Recovery], Range 2 [Touch]) [1PP]

Alternate Power:

Environment Control 13 (10-mile radius, Cold [Extreme: Check once per minute / 10 rounds], Hamper Movement [1/4 speed], Hamper Visibility [-4 Visual Notice/Search], Wind [severe: -4 Auditory Notice/Search, -4 Thrown Attacks, 50% chance to extinguish protected flames, 100% for open flames], Extras: Independent, Total Fade, Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting, Range [Touch], Feats: Slow Fade [1 minute per Power Point, 32 minutes total], Drawbacks: Full Power) [32PP] (Storm Summoning)

All Effects Linked (+0):

Environment Control 13 (Cold [Extreme: Check once per round], 10-mile radius, Extras: Independent, Total Fade, Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting, Range [Touch]) [7PP]

Environment Control 13 (Hamper Movement [1/4 speed], 10-mile radius, Extras: Independent, Total Fade, Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting, Range [Touch]) [7PP]

Environment Control 13 (Hamper Visibility [-4 Notice/Search], 10-mile radius, Extras: Independent, Selective, Total Fade, Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting, Range [Touch]) [5PP]

Environment Control 13 (Wind [severe: -4 Auditory Notice/Search, -4 Thrown Attacks, 50% chance to extinguish protected flames, 100% for open flames], 10-mile radius, Extras: Independent, Total Fade, Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting, Range [Touch]) [13PP]

Alternate Power (Dynamic):

Flight 16 (17, 2,500,000MPH [Mach 3,260] / 25,000,000ft [5,000 miles] per Move Action) [32PP] (Magic Wind)

Alternate Power (Dynamic): [12 + 3 = 15PP]

Super-Movement 2 (Dimensional Travel 2 [9 Worlds of Norse Myth], Extras: Duration [sustained to keep portal open], Portal, Feats: Progression [Portal Size] 2 [25ft]) [12PP]

Super-Senses 1 (Communication Link [Asgard], Feats: Dimensional 2 [9 Worlds of Norse Myth]) [3PP]

Alternate Power (Dynamic):

Immunity 7 (Environmental Cold, Heat, Pressure, and Radiation, Suffocation, Vacuum, Extras: Affects Others, Feats: Progression [subjects] 2 [5 Subjects]) [16PP]

Alternate Power (Dynamic):

Space Travel 32 (33, 50,000,000,000c) [32PP]

Enhanced Constitution 10 [10PP] (Divine Might)

Enhanced Strength 9 [9PP] (Divine Might)

Immunity 11 (Aging, Life Support [Disease, Environmental Cold, Heat, Pressure, and Radiation, Poison, Suffocation, Vacuum], Starvation/Thirst) [11PP] (Divine Might)

Impervious Toughness 13 (Extras: Reflective [Melee Damage], Flaws: Limited [Not Impervious vs Blessed/Celestial/Holy, Chi/Ki, Demonic/Hellfire/Infernal, Divine, Magic, or Supernatural Damage]) [13PP] (Divine Might)

Protection 3 [3PP] (Divine Might)

Super-Senses 8 (Extended Hearing 3 [10,000ft / 2-mile Notice Increments], Extended Vision 3 [10,000ft / 2-mile Notice Increments], Low-Light Vision, Microscopic Vision [Dust-Sized]) [8PP]

Super-Strength 8 [16PP] (Divine Might)

Drawbacks: (-4) + (-3) + (-2) = -9PP

Normal Identity (Astrid must sip liquid from Hridgandr to become Thrude, Frequency: Common [Full Action], Intensity: Major) [-4PP]

Vulnerability (Deceit/Trickery [bluff, Phantasms, etc.], Frequency: Very Common, Intensity: Minor [+1 DC]) [-3PP] (Gullible)

Vulnerability (Emotion Effects, Frequency: Common, Intensity: Minor [+1 DC]) [-2PP] (Divine Passion)

Abilities (56) + Combat (32) + Saving Throws (19) + Skills (25) + Feats (14) + Powers (113) - Drawbacks (9) = 250/250 Power Points

Combat Block:

ATTACK            RANGE       SAVE                        EFFECT
Unarmed           Touch       DC27/23 Toughness (Staged)  Damage (Physical)
Hridgandr Strike  Touch +5ft  DC31 Toughness (Staged)     Damage (Energy and/or Physical)
Lightning         Ranged      DC31 Toughness (Staged)     Damage (Energy)
Edited by ShaenTheBrain
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Alternately, here's a "true" PL15 version (work-in-progress):

Character Name: Thrude

Power Level: 15 (280/250PP)

Trade-Offs: -5 Defense / +5 Toughness

Abilities: 16 + 4 + 16 + 0 + 0 + 10 = 46PP

Strength: 42/26 (+16/+8), 117/26 Lifting (Heavy Load: 136,314 tons 1,760 lbs. / 920 lbs.)

Dexterity: 14 (+2)

Constitution: 40/26 (+15/+8)

Intelligence: 10 (+0)

Wisdom: 10 (+0)

Charisma: 20 (+5)

Combat: 20 + 20 = 40PP

Initiative: +2

Attack: +10

Grapple: +41/+18

Defense: +10, +5 Flat-Footed

Knockback: 17/4

Saving Throws: 0 + 0 + 8 + 15 = 23PP

Toughness: +20/+8 (+15/+8 CON, +5 Protection) (Impervious 15/0)

Fortitude: +15/+8 (+15/+8 CON, +0PP)

Reflex: +10 (+2 DEX, +8PP)

Will: +15 (+0 WIS, +15PP)

Skills: 103/104R = 26PP

Craft (Artistic) 15 (+15)

Intimidate 20 (+25)

Knowledge (Arcane) 15 (+15)

Knowledge (History) 10 (+10)

Knowledge (Philosophy/Theology) 10 (+10)

Languages 10 (Anglo-Saxon [Old English], Danish, Faroese, German, Gothic, Gotlandic [Gutnish], Icelandic, Norse [Native], Norwegian, Swedish, Vandalic)

Notice 15 (+15)

Ride 3 (+5)

Survival 5 (+5)

Feats: 12PP

Accurate Attack

All-Out Attack


Benefit (Status [Goddess, Princess, Valkyrie])

Environmental Adaptation (Storms)

Improved Critical (Hridgandr Strike)

Improved Grapple



Takedown Attack 2


Ultimate Save (Will)

Italics indicate a feat which was purchased as a power or part of a power. The cost is reflected under "Powers," below.

Powers: 43 + 14 + 16 + 11 + 15 + 5 + 8 + 30 = 142PP

Device 13 (65PP Container [Passive, Permanent], Flaws: Easy-To-Lose, Feats: Indestructible, Restricted 2 ["Only The Worthy" can lift, use, or transform], Subtle [Transforms into an ornate drinking horn]) [43PP] (Magic Weapon, Rune Magic, “Hridgandrâ€)

[2 + 2 + 16 + 1 + 42 = 65PP]

Environment Control 1 (Light [Moderate], 5ft radius, Extras: Action 2 [Free], Flaws: Range [Touch]) [2PP] (Magic Lightning)

Flight 1 (10MPH / 100ft per Move Action) [2PP] (Magic Wind)

Immunity 30 (Cold Effects, Electricity Effects, Weather Effects, Flaws: Limited [1/2 Effect], Feats: Environmental Adaptation [storms]) [16PP] (Elemental Mastery, Rune Magic)

Space Travel 1 (1c) [1PP] (Magic Wind)

Storm Mastery 15 (30PP Array, Feats: Alternate Power 5, Dynamic Alternate Power 4, Dynamic Base Power) [42PP] (Rune Magic)

Base Power (Dynamic):

Damage 4 (Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Extended Reach [10ft], Improved Critical, Incurable, Mighty, Variable Descriptor [bludgeoning, Cold, Electricity, and/or Slashing Damage]) [11PP] (Hridgandr Strike, Magic Weapon)

Alternate Power: [9 + 21 = 30PP] (Hridgandr Strike)

Damage 4 (Extras: Linked [Drain], Flaws: Action [Full], Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Extended Reach [10ft], Improved Critical, Incurable, Mighty, Variable Descriptor [bludgeoning, Cold, Electricity, and/or Slashing Damage]) [9PP]

Drain Toughness 20 (Extras: Affects Objects, Linked [Damage], Flaws: Action [Full], Feats: Slow Fade [1 minute]) [21PP]

Alternate Power: [19 + 11 = 30PP] (Hridgandr Strike)

Damage 4 (Extras: Linked [Drain], Flaws: Action [Full], Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Extended Reach [10ft], Improved Critical, Incurable, Knockback 10, Mighty, Variable Descriptor [bludgeoning, Cold, Electricity, and/or Slashing Damage]) [9PP]

Trip 20 (Extras: Knockback, Flaws: Action [Full], Range [Touch], Feats: Improved Throw) [11PP]

Alternate Power:

Damage 20 (Extras: Range [Ranged], Flaws: Action [Full], Feats: Homing 2 [2 additional attempts], Improved Range 4 [1 5,000ft / 1-mile Range Increment], Indirect 3, Progression [Range] 1 [5,000ft / 1-mile Max Range]) [30PP] (Magic Lightning)

Alternate Power: [15 + 12 + 1 = 28PP] (Inspiration)

Emotion Control 15 (Extras: Area [Perception/Visual], Linked [Healing, Luck Control], Selective, Flaws: Limited [Hope], Range 2 [Touch]) [15PP]

Healing 4 (Extras: Action [standard], Area [Perception/Visual], Linked [Emotion Control, Luck Control], Selective, Flaws: Limited [Others], Temporary) [12PP]

Luck Control 1 (Spend Hero Points for others, Extras: Area [Perception/Visual], Linked [Emotion Control, Healing], Selective, Flaws: Action 3 [standard], Limited [Recovery], Range 2 [Touch]) [1PP]

Alternate Power:

Environment Control 12 (5-mile radius, Cold [Extreme: Check once per minute / 10 rounds], Hamper Movement [1/4 speed], Hamper Visibility [-4 Visual Notice/Search], Wind [severe: -4 Auditory Notice/Search, -4 Thrown Attacks, 50% chance to extinguish protected flames, 100% for open flames], Extras: Independent, Total Fade, Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting, Range [Touch], Feats: Slow Fade 2 [5 minutes per Power Point, 56 minutes total]) [30PP] (Storm Summoning)

All Effects Linked (+0) [6 + 6 + 4 + 12 = 28PP]:

Environment Control 12 (Cold [Extreme: Check once per round], 5-mile radius, Extras: Independent, Total Fade, Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting, Range [Touch]) [6PP]

Environment Control 12 (Hamper Movement [1/4 speed], 5-mile radius, Extras: Independent, Total Fade, Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting, Range [Touch]) [6PP]

Environment Control 12 (Hamper Visibility [-4 Notice/Search], 5-mile radius, Extras: Independent, Total Fade, Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting, Range [Touch]) [4PP]

Environment Control 12 (Wind [severe: -4 Auditory Notice/Search, -4 Thrown Attacks, 50% chance to extinguish protected flames, 100% for open flames], 5-mile radius, Extras: Independent, Total Fade, Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting, Range [Touch]) [12PP]

Alternate Power (Dynamic):

Flight 15 (16) [30PP] (Magic Wind)

Alternate Power (Dynamic):

Immunity 7 (Environmental Cold, Heat, Pressure, and Radiation, Suffocation, Vacuum, Extras: Affects Others, Force Field, Feats: Progression [subjects] 2 [5 Subjects]) [16PP]

Alternate Power (Dynamic):

Space Travel 30 (31) [30PP]

Alternate Power (Dynamic):

Super-Movement 2 (Dimensional Travel 2 [9 Worlds of Norse Myth], Extras: Duration [sustained to keep portal open], Portal, Feats: Progression [Portal Size] 2 [25ft]) [12PP]

Enhanced Constitution 14 [14PP] (Divine Might)

Enhanced Strength 16 [16PP] (Divine Might)

Immunity 11 (Aging, Life Support [Disease, Environmental Cold, Heat, Pressure, and Radiation, Poison, Suffocation, Vacuum], Starvation/Thirst) [11PP] (Divine Might)

Impervious Toughness 15 (Extras: Reflective [Melee Damage], Flaws: Limited [Not Impervious vs Blessed/Celestial/Holy, Chi/Ki, Demonic/Hellfire/Infernal, Divine, Magic, or Supernatural Damage]) [15PP] (Divine Might)

Protection 5 [5PP] (Divine Might)

Super-Senses 8 (Extended Hearing 3 [10,000ft / 2-mile Notice Increments], Extended Vision 3 [10,000ft / 2-mile Notice Increments], Low-Light Vision, Microscopic Vision [Dust-Sized]) [8PP]

Super-Strength 15 [30PP] (Divine Might)

Drawbacks: (-4) + (-3) + (-2) = -9PP

Normal Identity (Astrid must sip liquid from Hridgandr to become Thrude, Frequency: Common [Full Action], Intensity: Major) [-4PP]

Vulnerability (Deceit/Trickery [bluff, Phantasms, etc.], Frequency: Very Common, Intensity: Minor [+1 DC]) [-3PP] (Gullible)

Vulnerability (Emotion Effects, Frequency: Common, Intensity: Minor [+1]) [-2PP] (Divine Passion)

Abilities (46) + Combat (40) + Saving Throws (23) + Skills (26) + Feats (12) + Powers (142) - Drawbacks (9) = 280/250 Power Points

Combat Block:

ATTACK            RANGE   SAVE                        EFFECT
Unarmed           Touch   DC27/23 Toughness (Staged)  Damage (Physical)
Hridgandr Strike  10ft    DC30 Toughness (Staged)     Damage (Energy and/or Physical)
Lightning         Ranged  DC30 Toughness (Staged)     Damage (Energy)
Edited by ShaenTheBrain
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Aaaaand here's a PL12 version. I think this one is my favorite so far.

Character Name: Thrude

Power Level: 12 (250/250PP)

Trade-Offs: -4 Attack / +4 Damage, -4 Defense / +4 Toughness

Abilities: 16 + 4 + 16 + 0 + 0 + 16 = 52PP

Strength: 35/26 (+12/+8), 105/26 Lifting (Heavy Load: 25,000 tons / 920 lbs.)

Dexterity: 14 (+2)

Constitution: 34/26 (+12/+8)

Intelligence: 10 (+0)

Wisdom: 10 (+0)

Charisma: 26 (+8)

Combat: 16 + 16 = 32PP

Initiative: +2

Attack: +8

Grapple: +34/+16

Defense: +8, +4 Flat-Footed

Knockback: 14/4

Saving Throws: 0 + 0 + 6 + 12 = 18PP

Toughness: +16/+8 (+12/+8 CON, +4 Protection) (Impervious 12/0)

Fortitude: +12/+8 (+12/+8 CON, +0PP)

Reflex: +8 (+2 DEX, +6PP)

Will: +12 (+0 WIS, +12PP)

Skills: 80R = 20PP

Bluff 0 (+8, +16 Attractive)

Craft (Artistic) 10 (+10)

Diplomacy 0 (+8, +16 Attractive)

Intimidate 17 (+25)

Knowledge (Arcane) 10 (+10)

Knowledge (History) 5 (+5)

Knowledge (Philosophy/Theology) 5 (+5)

Languages 10 (Anglo-Saxon [Old English], Danish, Faroese, German, Gothic, Gotlandic [Gutnish], Icelandic, Norse [Native], Norwegian, Swedish, Vandalic)

Notice 15 (+15)

Ride 3 (+5)

Survival 5 (+5)

Feats: 14PP

Accurate Attack


Attractive 2

Benefit (Status [Goddess, Princess, Valkyrie])

Environmental Adaptation (Storms)

Improved Critical (Hridgandr Strike)

Improved Grapple


Power Attack


Takedown Attack 2


Ultimate Save (Will)

Italics indicate a feat which was purchased as a power or part of a power. The cost is reflected under "Powers," below.

Powers: 43 + 8 + 9 + 11 + 12 + 4 + 8 + 28 = 123PP

Device 13 (65PP Container [Passive, Permanent], Flaws: Easy-To-Lose, Feats: Indestructible, Restricted 2 ["Only The Worthy" can lift, use, or transform], Subtle [Transforms into an ornate drinking horn]) [43PP] (Magic Weapon, Rune Magic, “Hridgandrâ€)

[2 + 2 + 16 + 1 + 44 = 65PP]

Environment Control 1 (Light [Moderate], 5ft radius, Extras: Action 2 [Free], Flaws: Range [Touch]) [2PP] (Magic Lightning)

Flight 1 (10MPH / 100ft per Move Action) [2PP] (Magic Wind)

Immunity 30 (Cold Effects, Electricity Effects, Weather Effects, Flaws: Limited [1/2 Effect], Feats: Environmental Adaptation [storms]) [16PP] (Elemental Mastery, Rune Magic)

Space Travel 1 (1c) [1PP] (Magic Wind)

Storm Mastery 15 (30PP Array, Feats: Alternate Power 5, Dynamic Alternate Power 4, Dynamic Base Power) [44PP] (Rune Magic)

Base Power (Dynamic):

Damage 4 (Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Extended Reach [10ft], Improved Critical, Incurable, Mighty, Variable Descriptor [bludgeoning, Cold, Electricity, and/or Slashing Damage]) [11PP] (Hridgandr Strike, Magic Weapon)

Alternate Power: [9 + 17 = 26PP] (Hridgandr Strike, Magic Weapon)

Damage 4 (Extras: Linked [Drain], Flaws: Action [Full], Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Extended Reach [10ft], Improved Critical, Incurable, Mighty, Variable Descriptor [bludgeoning, Cold, Electricity, and/or Slashing Damage]) [9PP]

Drain Toughness 16 (Extras: Affects Objects, Linked [Damage], Flaws: Action [Full], Feats: Slow Fade [1 minute]) [17PP]

Alternate Power: [21 + 9 = 30PP] (Hridgandr Strike, Magic Weapon)

Damage 4 (Extras: Linked [Trip], Flaws: Action [Full], Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Extended Reach [10ft], Improved Critical, Incurable, Knockback 12, Mighty, Variable Descriptor [bludgeoning, Cold, Electricity, and/or Slashing Damage]) [21PP]

Trip 16 (Extras: Knockback, Linked [Damage], Flaws: Action [Full], Range [Touch], Feats: Improved Throw) [9PP]

Alternate Power:

Damage 16 (Extras: Range [Ranged], Flaws: Action [Full], Feats: Homing 2 [2 additional attempts], Improved Critical 2, Improved Range 4 [1 4,000ft Range Increment], Indirect 3, Precise 2, Progression [Range] 1 [4,000ft Max Range],) [30PP] (Magic Lightning)

Alternate Power: [12 + 16 + 1 = 29PP] (Inspiration)

Emotion Control 12 (Extras: Area [Perception/Visual], Linked [Healing, Luck Control], Selective, Flaws: Limited [Hope], Range 2 [Touch]) [12PP]

Healing 4 (Extras: Action [standard], Area [Perception/Visual], Linked [Emotion Control, Luck Control], Selective, Total, Flaws: Limited [Others], Temporary) [16PP]

Luck Control 1 (Spend Hero Points for others, Extras: Area [Perception/Visual], Linked [Emotion Control, Healing], Selective, Flaws: Action 3 [standard], Limited [Recovery], Range 2 [Touch]) [1PP]

Alternate Power:

Environment Control 12 (5-mile radius, Cold [Extreme: Check once per minute / 10 rounds], Hamper Movement [1/4 speed], Hamper Visibility [-4 Visual Notice/Search], Wind [severe: -4 Auditory Notice/Search, -4 Thrown Attacks, 50% chance to extinguish protected flames, 100% for open flames], Extras: Independent, Total Fade, Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting, Range [Touch], Feats: Slow Fade 2 [5 minutes per Power Point, 2 hours 20 minutes total]) [30PP] (Storm Summoning)

All Effects Linked (+0):

Environment Control 12 (Cold [Extreme: Check once per round], 5-mile radius, Extras: Independent, Total Fade, Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting, Range [Touch]) [6PP]

Environment Control 12 (Hamper Movement [1/4 speed], 5-mile radius, Extras: Independent, Total Fade, Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting, Range [Touch]) [6PP]

Environment Control 12 (Hamper Visibility [-4 Notice/Search], 5-mile radius, Extras: Independent, Selective, Total Fade, Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting, Range [Touch]) [4PP]

Environment Control 12 (Wind [severe: -4 Auditory Notice/Search, -4 Thrown Attacks, 50% chance to extinguish protected flames, 100% for open flames], 5-mile radius, Extras: Independent, Total Fade, Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting, Range [Touch]) [12PP]

Alternate Power (Dynamic):

Flight 15 (16, 1,000,000MPH [Mach 1,304] / 10,000,000ft [2,000 miles] per Move Action) [30PP] (Magic Wind)

Alternate Power (Dynamic):

Immunity 7 (Environmental Cold, Heat, Pressure, and Radiation, Suffocation, Vacuum, Extras: Affects Others, Force Field, Feats: Progression [subjects] 2 [5 Subjects]) [16PP]

Alternate Power (Dynamic):

Space Travel 30 (31, 10,000,000,000c) [30PP]

Alternate Power (Dynamic):

Super-Movement 2 (Dimensional Travel 2 [9 Worlds of Norse Myth], Extras: Duration [sustained to keep portal open], Portal, Feats: Progression [Portal Size] 2 [25ft]) [12PP]

Enhanced Constitution 8 [8PP] (Divine Might)

Enhanced Strength 9 [9PP] (Divine Might)

Immunity 11 (Aging, Life Support [Disease, Environmental Cold, Heat, Pressure, and Radiation, Poison, Suffocation, Vacuum], Starvation/Thirst) [11PP] (Divine Might)

Impervious Toughness 12 (Extras: Reflective [Melee Damage], Flaws: Limited [Not Impervious vs Blessed/Celestial/Holy, Chi/Ki, Demonic/Hellfire/Infernal, Divine, Magic, or Supernatural Damage]) [12PP] (Divine Might)

Protection 4 [4PP] (Divine Might)

Super-Senses 8 (Extended Hearing 3 [10,000ft / 2-mile Notice Increments], Extended Vision 3 [10,000ft / 2-mile Notice Increments], Low-Light Vision, Microscopic Vision [Dust-Sized]) [8PP]

Super-Strength 14 [28PP] (Divine Might)

Drawbacks: (-4) + (-3) + (-2) = -9PP

Normal Identity (Astrid must sip liquid from Hridgandr to become Thrude, Frequency: Common [Full Action], Intensity: Major) [-4PP]

Vulnerability (Deceit/Trickery [bluff, Phantasms, etc.], Frequency: Very Common, Intensity: Minor [+1 DC]) [-3PP] (Gullible)

Vulnerability (Emotion Effects, Frequency: Common, Intensity: Minor [+1 DC]) [-2PP] (Divine Passion)

Abilities (52) + Combat (32) + Saving Throws (18) + Skills (20) + Feats (14) + Powers (123) - Drawbacks (9) = 250/250 Power Points

Combat Block:

ATTACK            RANGE       SAVE                        EFFECT
Unarmed           Touch       DC27/23 Toughness (Staged)  Damage (Physical)
Hridgandr Strike  Touch +5ft  DC31 Toughness (Staged)     Damage (Energy and/or Physical)
Hridgandr Strike  Touch +5ft  DC26 Fortitude (Staged)     Drain Toughness
Hridgandr Strike  Touch +5ft  STR/DEX vs +16              Prone
Lightning         Ranged      DC31 Toughness (Staged)     Damage (Energy)
Edited by ShaenTheBrain
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I can't stop retooling! Here's a different take on a PL13 version, with maximum PL15 tradeoffs in favor of Damage and Toughness.

Character Name: Thrude

Power Level: 15(13) (251/250PP)

Trade-Offs: -5(7) Attack / +5(7) Damage, -5(7) Defense / +5(7) Toughness

Abilities: 16 + 4 + 16 + 0 + 0 + 16 = 52PP

Strength: 42/26 (+16/+8), 107/26 Lifting (Heavy Load: 34,078 tons 1,440 lbs. / 920 lbs.)

Dexterity: 14 (+2)

Constitution: 36/26 (+13/+8)

Intelligence: 10 (+0)

Wisdom: 10 (+0)

Charisma: 26 (+8)

Combat: 12 + 12 = 24PP

Initiative: +2

Attack: +6

Grapple: +35/+14

Defense: +6, +3 Flat-Footed

Knockback: 16/4

Saving Throws: 0 + 0 + 4 + 13 = 17PP

Toughness: +20/+8 (+13/+8 CON, +7 Protection) (Impervious 13/0)

Fortitude: +13/+8 (+13/+8 CON, +0PP)

Reflex: +6 (+2 DEX, +4PP)

Will: +13 (+0 WIS, +13PP)

Skills: 80R = 20PP

Bluff 0 (+8, +16 Attractive)

Craft (Artistic) 10 (+10)

Diplomacy 0 (+8, +16 Attractive)

Intimidate 17 (+25)

Knowledge (Arcane) 10 (+10)

Knowledge (History) 5 (+5)

Knowledge (Philosophy/Theology) 5 (+5)

Languages 10 (Anglo-Saxon [Old English], Danish, Faroese, German, Gothic, Gotlandic [Gutnish], Icelandic, Norse [Native], Norwegian, Swedish, Vandalic)

Notice 15 (+15)

Ride 3 (+5)

Survival 5 (+5)

Feats: 13PP

Accurate Attack


Attractive 2

Benefit (Status [Goddess, Princess, Valkyrie])

Environmental Adaptation (Storms)

Improved Critical (Hridgandr Strike)

Improved Grapple



Takedown Attack 2


Ultimate Save (Will)

Italics indicate a feat which was purchased as a power or part of a power. The cost is reflected under "Powers," below.

Powers: 43 + 10 + 16 + 11 + 13 + 7 + 8 + 26 = 134PP

Device 13 (65PP Container [Passive, Permanent], Flaws: Easy-To-Lose, Feats: Indestructible, Restricted 2 ["Only The Worthy" can lift, use, or transform], Subtle [Transforms into an ornate drinking horn]) [43PP] (Magic Weapon, Rune Magic, “Hridgandrâ€)

[2 + 2 + 16 + 1 + 44 = 65PP]

Environment Control 1 (Light [Moderate], 5ft radius, Extras: Action 2 [Free], Flaws: Range [Touch]) [2PP] (Magic Lightning)

Flight 1 (10MPH / 100ft per Move Action) [2PP] (Magic Wind)

Immunity 30 (Cold Effects, Electricity Effects, Weather Effects, Flaws: Limited [1/2 Effect], Feats: Environmental Adaptation [storms]) [16PP] (Elemental Mastery, Rune Magic)

Space Travel 1 (1c) [1PP] (Magic Wind)

Storm Mastery 15 (30PP Array, Feats: Alternate Power 5, Dynamic Alternate Power 4, Dynamic Base Power) [44PP] (Rune Magic)

Base Power (Dynamic):

Damage 4 (Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Extended Reach [10ft], Improved Critical, Incurable, Mighty, Variable Descriptor [bludgeoning, Cold, Electricity, and/or Slashing Damage]) [11PP] (Hridgandr Strike, Magic Weapon)

Alternate Power: [9 + 21 = 30PP] (Hridgandr Strike, Magic Weapon)

Damage 4 (Extras: Linked [Drain], Flaws: Action [Full], Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Extended Reach [10ft], Improved Critical, Incurable, Mighty, Variable Descriptor [bludgeoning, Cold, Electricity, and/or Slashing Damage]) [9PP]

Drain Toughness 20 (Extras: Affects Objects, Linked [Damage], Flaws: Action [Full], Feats: Slow Fade [1 minute]) [21PP]

Alternate Power: [19 + 11 = 30PP] (Hridgandr Strike, Magic Weapon)

Damage 4 (Extras: Linked [Trip], Flaws: Action [Full], Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Extended Reach [10ft], Improved Critical, Incurable, Knockback 10, Mighty, Variable Descriptor [bludgeoning, Cold, Electricity, and/or Slashing Damage]) [19PP]

Trip 20 (Extras: Knockback, Linked [Damage], Flaws: Action [Full], Range [Touch], Feats: Improved Throw) [11PP]

Alternate Power:

Damage 20 (5,000ft [1 mile] Max Range, Extras: Range [Ranged], Flaws: Action [Full], Feats: Homing 2 [2 additional attempts], Improved Range 3 [1 5,000ft / 1-mile Range Increment], Indirect 3, Precise 2) [30PP] (Magic Lightning)

Alternate Power: [13 + 16 + 1 = 30PP] (Inspiration)

Emotion Control 13 (Extras: Area [Perception/Visual], Linked [Healing, Luck Control], Selective, Flaws: Limited [Hope], Range 2 [Touch]) [13PP]

Healing 4 (Extras: Action [standard], Area [Perception/Visual], Linked [Emotion Control, Luck Control], Selective, Total, Flaws: Limited [Others], Temporary) [16PP]

Luck Control 1 (Spend Hero Points for others, Extras: Area [Perception/Visual], Linked [Emotion Control, Healing], Selective, Flaws: Action 3 [standard], Limited [Recovery], Range 2 [Touch]) [1PP]

Alternate Power:

Environment Control 12 (5-mile radius, Cold [Extreme: Check once per minute / 10 rounds], Hamper Movement [1/4 speed], Hamper Visibility [-4 Visual Notice/Search], Wind [severe: -4 Auditory Notice/Search, -4 Thrown Attacks, 50% chance to extinguish protected flames, 100% for open flames], Extras: Independent, Total Fade, Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting, Range [Touch], Feats: Slow Fade 2 [5 minutes per Power Point, 2 hours 20 minutes total]) [30PP] (Storm Summoning)

All Effects Linked (+0):

Environment Control 12 (Cold [Extreme: Check once per round], 5-mile radius, Extras: Independent, Total Fade, Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting, Range [Touch]) [6PP]

Environment Control 12 (Hamper Movement [1/4 speed], 5-mile radius, Extras: Independent, Total Fade, Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting, Range [Touch]) [6PP]

Environment Control 12 (Hamper Visibility [-4 Notice/Search], 5-mile radius, Extras: Independent, Selective, Total Fade, Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting, Range [Touch]) [4PP]

Environment Control 12 (Wind [severe: -4 Auditory Notice/Search, -4 Thrown Attacks, 50% chance to extinguish protected flames, 100% for open flames], 5-mile radius, Extras: Independent, Total Fade, Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting, Range [Touch]) [12PP]

Alternate Power (Dynamic):

Flight 15 (16, 1,000,000MPH [Mach 1,304] / 10,000,000ft [2,000 miles] per Move Action) [30PP] (Magic Wind)

Alternate Power (Dynamic):

Immunity 7 (Environmental Cold, Heat, Pressure, and Radiation, Suffocation, Vacuum, Extras: Affects Others, Force Field, Feats: Progression [subjects] 2 [5 Subjects]) [16PP]

Alternate Power (Dynamic):

Space Travel 30 (31, 10,000,000,000c) [30PP]

Alternate Power (Dynamic):

Super-Movement 2 (Dimensional Travel 2 [9 Worlds of Norse Myth], Extras: Duration [sustained to keep portal open], Portal, Feats: Progression [Portal Size] 2 [25ft]) [12PP]

Enhanced Constitution 10 [10PP] (Divine Might)

Enhanced Strength 16 [16PP] (Divine Might)

Immunity 11 (Aging, Life Support [Disease, Environmental Cold, Heat, Pressure, and Radiation, Poison, Suffocation, Vacuum], Starvation/Thirst) [11PP] (Divine Might)

Impervious Toughness 13 (Extras: Reflective [Melee Damage], Flaws: Limited [Not Impervious vs Blessed/Celestial/Holy, Chi/Ki, Demonic/Hellfire/Infernal, Divine, Magic, or Supernatural Damage]) [13PP] (Divine Might)

Protection 7 [7PP] (Divine Might)

Super-Senses 8 (Extended Hearing 3 [10,000ft / 2-mile Notice Increments], Extended Vision 3 [10,000ft / 2-mile Notice Increments], Low-Light Vision, Microscopic Vision [Dust-Sized]) [8PP]

Super-Strength 13 [26PP] (Divine Might)

Drawbacks: (-4) + (-3) + (-2) = -9PP

Normal Identity (Astrid must sip liquid from Hridgandr to become Thrude, Frequency: Common [Full Action], Intensity: Major) [-4PP]

Vulnerability (Deceit/Trickery [bluff, Phantasms, etc.], Frequency: Very Common, Intensity: Minor [+1 DC]) [-3PP] (Gullible)

Vulnerability (Emotion Effects, Frequency: Common, Intensity: Minor [+1 DC]) [-2PP] (Divine Passion)

Abilities (52) + Combat (24) + Saving Throws (17) + Skills (20) + Feats (13) + Powers (134) - Drawbacks (9) = 251/250 Power Points

Combat Block:

ATTACK            RANGE       SAVE                        EFFECT
Unarmed           Touch       DC31/23 Toughness (Staged)  Damage (Physical)
Hridgandr Strike  Touch +5ft  DC35 Toughness (Staged)     Damage (Energy and/or Physical)
Hridgandr Strike  Touch +5ft  DC30 Fortitude (Staged)     Drain Toughness
Hridgandr Strike  Touch +5ft  STR/DEX vs +20              Prone
Lightning         Ranged      DC35 Toughness (Staged)     Damage (Energy)
Edited by ShaenTheBrain
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  • 5 weeks later...

Character Name: Thrude ("ThrOOD")

Power Level: 15 (250/250PP)

Trade-Offs: -5 Defense / +5 Toughness

In Brief: Dimensionally and temporally displaced Nordic goddess teams up with a crippled ex-soldier to redeem her pantheon.

Abilities: 16 + 0 + 16 + 0 + 0 + 16 = 48PP

Strength: 32/26 (+11/+8), 107/26 Lifting (Heavy Load: 34,078 tons 1,440 lbs. / 920 lbs.)

Dexterity: 10 (+0)

Constitution: 40/26 (+15/+8)

Intelligence: 10 (+0)

Wisdom: 10 (+0)

Charisma: 26 (+8)

Combat: 10 + 20 = 30PP

Initiative: +0

Attack: +5 Ranged, +11 Melee, +15 Hridgandr Strike, +15 Lightning

Grapple: +37/+19

Defense: +10, +5 Flat-Footed

Knockback: -15/-7/-4

Saving Throws: 0 + 0 + 10 + 15 = 25PP

Toughness: +20/+8 (+15/+8 CON, +5 Protection) (Impervious 15/0)

Fortitude: +15/+8 (+15/+8 CON, +0PP)

Reflex: +10 (+0 DEX, +10PP)

Will: +15 (+0 WIS, +15PP)

Skills: 55/56R = 14PP

Bluff 0 (+8, +16 Attractive)

Craft (Artistic) 5 (+5)

Diplomacy 0 (+8, +16 Attractive)

Intimidate 17 (+25)

Knowledge (Arcane) 5 (+5)

Knowledge (History) 5 (+5)

Knowledge (Philosophy/Theology) 5 (+5)

Languages 8 (Anglo-Saxon [Old English], Danish, English, Faroese, German, Icelandic, Norse [Native], Norwegian, Swedish)

Ride 5 (+5)

Survival 5 (+5)

Feats: 17PP

Accurate Attack

Attack Focus (Melee) 6

Attack Specialization (Hridgandr Strike)

Attractive 2

Benefit (Status [Goddess, Princess, Valkyrie])

Equipment 4 (20EP)Veteran Reward

Environmental Adaptation (Storms)

Improved Critical (Hridgandr Strike)


Power Attack


Takedown Attack


Ultimate Save (Will)

Italics indicate a feat which was purchased as a power or part of a power. The cost is reflected under "Powers," below.

Valhalla (PL15 HQ) [20EP]

Size: Colossal [5EP]

Toughness: +10 [1EP]

Features: [14EP]

Animal PensAoF

Combat Simulator (Einherjar)

Garage (Stables)


Holding Cells 2 (Toughness +15, Nullify 15)


Isolated (Asgard)


Living Space

Parade GroundsAoF

PersonnelBoM (Einherjar)


Workshop [14EP]

Powers: 43 + 14 + 6 + 3 + 11 + 15 + 5 + 30 = 127PP

Device 13 (65PP Container [Passive, Permanent], Flaws: Easy-To-Lose, Feats: Indestructible, Restricted 2 ["Only The Worthy" can lift, use, or transform], Subtle [Transforms into an ornate drinking horn]) [43PP] (Magic Weapon, Rune Magic, “Hridgandrâ€)

[7 + 4 + 3 + 16 + 35 = 65PP]

Divine Travel 3 (6PP Array, Feats: Alternate Power) [7PP]

Base Power:

Super Movement 3 (Space Travel 3) [6PP] (Magic Wind)

Alternate Power: [6PP]

Super-Movement 2 (Dimensional Travel 2 [9 Worlds of Norse Myth], Feats: Progression [Cargo] 2 [500 lbs.]) [6PP] ("Bifrost," The Rainbow Bridge, The World Tree, "Yggdrasil")

Environment Control 2 (Light [Moderate], 10ft radius, Extras: Action 2 [Free], Flaws: Range [Touch]) [4PP] (Magic Lightning)

Flight 1 (10MPH / 100ft per Move Action, Feats: Interpose) [3PP] (Magic Wind)

Immunity 30 (Cold Effects, Electricity Effects, Weather Effects, Flaws: Limited [1/2 Effect], Feats: Environmental Adaptation [storms]) [16PP] (Elemental Mastery)

Storm Mastery 15 (30PP Array, Feats: Alternate Power 5) [35PP]

Base Power: [12 + 18 = 30PP]

Damage 4 (Feats: Accurate [+2 Attack], Affects Insubstantial 2, Extended Reach [10ft], Improved Critical [2, 18-20], Incurable, Mighty, Variable Descriptor [bludgeoning, Cold, Electricity, and/or Slashing Damage]) [12PP] (Hridgandr Strike, Magic Weapon)

Flight 9 (10, 10,000MPH / 100,000ft [20 miles] per Move Action) [18PP] (Magic Wind)

Alternate Power: [11 + 16 = 27PP]

Damage 4 (Extras: Linked [Drain], Flaws: Action [Full], Feats: Accurate [+2 Attack], Affects Insubstantial 2, Extended Reach [10ft], Improved Critical [2, 18-20], Incurable, Mighty, Variable Descriptor [bludgeoning, Cold, Electricity, and/or Slashing Damage]) [11PP] (Hridgandr Strike, Magic Weapon)

Drain Toughness 15 (Extras: Affects Objects, Linked [Damage], Flaws: Action [Full], Feats: Slow Fade [1 minute]) [16PP]

Alternate Power: [21 + 9 = 30PP]

Damage 4 (Extras: Linked [Trip], Flaws: Action [Full], Feats: Accurate [+2 Attack], Affects Insubstantial 2, Extended Reach [10ft], Improved Critical [2, 18-20], Incurable, Knockback 10 [Damage 25], Mighty, Variable Descriptor [bludgeoning, Cold, Electricity, and/or Slashing Damage]) [21PP] (Hridgandr Strike, Magic Weapon)

Trip 15 (Extras: Knockback, Linked [Damage], Flaws: Action [Full], Range [Touch], Feats: Improved Throw) [9PP]

Alternate Power: [30PP]

Damage 15 (1,500ft Max Range, Extras: Range [Ranged], Flaws: Action [Full], Feats: Accurate 5 [+10 Attack], Homing 2 [2 additional attempts], Improved Range 3 [1 1,500ft Range Increment], Indirect 3, Precise 2) [30PP] (Magic Lightning)

Alternate Power: [30PP]

Environment Control 12 (5-mile radius, Cold [Extreme: Check 1/min (1/10 rounds)], Hamper Movement [1/4 speed], Hamper Visibility [-4 Visual Notice/Search], Wind [severe: -4 Auditory Notice/Search, -4 Thrown Attacks, 50% chance to extinguish protected flames, 100% chance to extinguish open flames], Extras: Independent, Total Fade, Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting, Range [Touch], Feats: Slow Fade 2 [5 minutes per Power Point, 2 hours 20 minutes total]) [30PP] (Storm Summoning)

All Effects Linked (+0):

Environment Control 12 (5-mile radius, Cold [Extreme: Check once per round], Extras: Independent, Total Fade, Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting, Range [Touch]) [6PP]

Environment Control 12 (5-mile radius, Hamper Movement [1/4 speed], Extras: Independent, Total Fade, Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting, Range [Touch]) [6PP]

Environment Control 12 (5-mile radius, Hamper Visibility [-4 Notice/Search], Extras: Independent, Total Fade, Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting, Range [Touch]) [4PP]

Environment Control 12 (5-mile radius, Wind [severe: -4 Auditory Notice/Search, -4 Thrown Attacks, 50% chance to extinguish protected flames, 100% for open flames], Extras: Independent, Total Fade, Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting, Range [Touch]) [12PP]

Alternate Power:

Flight 15 (16, 1,000,000MPH [Mach 1,304] / 10,000,000ft [2,000 miles] per Move Action) [30PP] (Magic Wind)

Enhanced Constitution 14 [14PP] (Divine Might)

Enhanced Strength 6 [6PP] (Divine Might)

Features 3 (Environmental Adaptation 3 [High Gravity, Low Gravity, Zero Gravity]) [3PP] (Divine Might)

Immunity 11 (Aging, Life Support [Disease, Environmental Cold/Heat/Pressure/Radiation/Vacuum, Poison, Suffocation], Starvation/Thirst) [11PP] (Divine Might)

Impervious Toughness 15 (Extras: Reflective [Melee Damage], Flaws: Limited [Not Impervious vs Blessed/Celestial/Holy, Chi/Ki, Demonic/Hellfire/Infernal, Divine, Magic, or Supernatural Damage]) [15PP] (Divine Might)

Protection 5 [5PP] (Divine Might)

Super-Strength 15 (Lifting STR 107 [Heavy Load: 34,078 tons 1,440 lbs.]) [30PP] (Divine Might)

Drawbacks: (-4) + (-4) + (-3) = -11PP

Normal Identity (Astrid must sip liquid from Hridgandr to become Thrude, Frequency: Common [Full Action], Intensity: Major) [-4PP]

Vulnerability (Deceit/Trickery [bluff, Phantasms, etc.], Frequency: Very Common, Intensity: Moderate [+50%]) [-4PP] (Gullible)

Vulnerability (Emotion Effects, Frequency: Common, Intensity: Moderate [+50%]) [-3PP] (Divine Passion)

Abilities (48) + Combat (30) + Saving Throws (25) + Skills (14) + Feats (17) + Powers (127) - Drawbacks (11) = 250/250 Power Points

Combat Block:

ATTACK            RANGE       SAVE                        EFFECT
Unarmed           Touch       DC26/23 Toughness (Staged)  Damage (Physical)
Hridgandr Strike  Touch +5ft  DC30 Toughness (Staged)     Damage (Energy and/or Physical)
                              DC25 Fortitude (Staged)     Drain Toughness
                              STR/DEX vs +15              Prone
Lightning         Ranged      DC30 Toughness (Staged)     Damage (Energy)
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Character Name: Thrude ("ThrOOD")

Power Level: 12 (250/250PP)

Trade-Offs: -4 Attack / +4 Damage, -4 Defense / +4 Toughness

In Brief: Dimensionally and temporally displaced Nordic goddess teams up with a crippled ex-soldier to redeem her pantheon.

Abilities: 16 + 0 + 16 + 0 + 0 + 16 = 48PP

Strength: 35/26 (+12/+8), 110/26 Lifting (Heavy Load: 50,000 tons / 920 lbs.)

Dexterity: 10 (+0)

Constitution: 34/26 (+12/+8)

Intelligence: 10 (+0)

Wisdom: 10 (+0)

Charisma: 26 (+8)

Combat: 16 + 16 = 32PP

Initiative: +0

Attack: +8

Grapple: +35/+16

Defense: +8, +4 Flat-Footed

Knockback: -14/-8/-4

Saving Throws: 0 + 0 + 8 + 12 = 20PP

Toughness: +16/+8 (+12/+8 CON, +4 Protection) (Impervious 12/0)

Fortitude: +12/+8 (+12/+8 CON, +0PP)

Reflex: +8 (+0 DEX, +8PP)

Will: +12 (+0 WIS, +12PP)

Skills: 95/96R = 24PP

Bluff 0 (+8, +16 Attractive)

Craft (Artistic) 15 (+15)

Diplomacy 0 (+8, +16 Attractive)

Intimidate 17 (+25)

Knowledge (Arcane) 15 (+15)

Knowledge (History) 5 (+5)

Knowledge (Philosophy/Theology) 5 (+5)

Languages 8 (Anglo-Saxon [Old English], Danish, English, Faroese, German, Icelandic, Norse [Native], Norwegian, Swedish)

Notice 10 (+10)

Search 10 (+10)

Ride 5 (+5)

Survival 5 (+5)

Feats: 12PP

Accurate Attack

All-Out Attack


Attractive 2

Benefit (Status [Goddess, Princess, Valkyrie])

Equipment 4 (20EP)Veteran Reward

Environmental Adaptation (Storms)

Improved Critical (Hridgandr Strike)


Power Attack


Takedown Attack


Ultimate Save (Will)

Italics indicate a feat which was purchased as a power or part of a power. The cost is reflected under "Powers," below.

Valhalla (PL15 HQ) [20EP]

Size: Colossal [5EP]

Toughness: +10 [1EP]

Features: [14EP]

Animal PensAoF

Combat Simulator (Einherjar)

Garage (Stables)


Holding Cells 2 (Toughness +15, Nullify 15)


Isolated (Asgard)


Living Space

Parade GroundsAoF

PersonnelBoM (Einherjar)


Workshop [14EP]

Powers: 40 + 8 + 9 + 3 + 11 + 12 + 4 + 8 + 30 = 125PP

Device 12 (59/60PP Container [Passive, Permanent], Flaws: Easy-To-Lose, Feats: Indestructible, Restricted 2 ["Only The Worthy" can lift, use, or transform], Subtle [Transforms into an ornate drinking horn]) [40PP] (Magic Weapon, Rune Magic, “Hridgandrâ€)

[7 + 2 + 3 + 16 + 31 = 65PP]

Divine Travel 3 (6PP Array, Feats: Alternate Power) [7PP]

Base Power:

Super Movement 3 (Space Travel 3) [6PP] (Magic Wind)

Alternate Power: [6PP]

Super-Movement 2 (Dimensional Travel 2 [9 Worlds of Norse Myth], Feats: Progression [Cargo] 2 [500 lbs.]) [6PP] ("Bifrost," The Rainbow Bridge, The World Tree, "Yggdrasil")

Environment Control 1 (Light [Moderate], 5ft radius, Extras: Action 2 [Free], Flaws: Range [Touch]) [2PP] (Magic Lightning)

Flight 1 (10MPH / 100ft per Move Action, Feats: Interpose) [3PP] (Magic Wind)

Immunity 30 (Cold Effects, Electricity Effects, Weather Effects, Flaws: Limited [1/2 Effect], Feats: Environmental Adaptation [storms]) [16PP] (Elemental Mastery)

Storm Mastery 13 (26PP Array, Feats: Alternate Power 5) [31PP]

Base Power: [11 + 14 = 25PP]

Damage 4 (Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Extended Reach [10ft], Improved Critical [2, 18-20], Incurable, Mighty, Variable Descriptor [bludgeoning, Cold, Electricity, and/or Slashing Damage]) [11PP] (Hridgandr Strike, Magic Weapon)

Flight 7 (8, 2,500MPH [Mach 3.25] / 25,000ft [5 miles] per Move Action) [14PP] (Magic Wind)

Alternate Power: [9 + 17 = 26PP]

Damage 4 (Extras: Linked [Drain], Flaws: Action [Full], Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Extended Reach [10ft], Improved Critical [2, 18-20], Incurable, Mighty, Variable Descriptor [bludgeoning, Cold, Electricity, and/or Slashing Damage]) [11PP] (Hridgandr Strike, Magic Weapon)

Drain Toughness 16 (Extras: Affects Objects, Linked [Damage], Flaws: Action [Full], Feats: Slow Fade [1 minute]) [17PP]

Alternate Power: [17 + 9 = 26PP]

Damage 4 (Extras: Linked [Trip], Flaws: Action [Full], Feats: Affects Insubstantial 2, Extended Reach [10ft], Improved Critical [2, 18-20], Incurable, Knockback 8 [Damage 24], Mighty, Variable Descriptor [bludgeoning, Cold, Electricity, and/or Slashing Damage]) [17PP] (Hridgandr Strike, Magic Weapon)

Trip 16 (Extras: Knockback, Linked [Damage], Flaws: Action [Full], Range [Touch], Feats: Improved Throw) [9PP]

Alternate Power: [26PP]

Damage 16 (1,600ft Max Range, Extras: Range [Ranged], Flaws: Action [Full], Feats: Homing 2 [2 additional attempts], Improved Range 3 [1 1,600ft Range Increment], Indirect 3, Precise 2) [26PP] (Magic Lightning)

Alternate Power: [26PP]

Environment Control 10 (1-mile radius, Cold [Extreme: Check 1/min (1/10 rounds)], Hamper Movement [1/4 speed], Hamper Visibility [-4 Visual Notice/Search], Wind [severe: -4 Auditory Notice/Search, -4 Thrown Attacks, 50% chance to extinguish protected flames, 100% chance to extinguish open flames], Extras: Independent, Total Fade, Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting, Range [Touch], Feats: Slow Fade 2 [5 minutes per Power Point, 2 hours total]) [26PP] (Storm Summoning)

All Effects Linked (+0):

Environment Control 10 (1-mile radius, Cold [Extreme: Check once per round], Extras: Independent, Total Fade, Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting, Range [Touch]) [5PP]

Environment Control 10 (1-mile radius, Hamper Movement [1/4 speed], Extras: Independent, Total Fade, Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting, Range [Touch]) [5PP]

Environment Control 10 (1-mile radius, Hamper Visibility [-4 Notice/Search], Extras: Independent, Total Fade, Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting, Range [Touch]) [4PP]

Environment Control 10 (1-mile radius, Wind [severe: -4 Auditory Notice/Search, -4 Thrown Attacks, 50% chance to extinguish protected flames, 100% for open flames], Extras: Independent, Total Fade, Flaws: Action [Full], Distracting, Range [Touch]) [10PP]

Alternate Power:

Flight 13 (14, 250,000MPH [Mach 325] / 2,500,000ft [500 miles] per Move Action) [26PP] (Magic Wind)

Enhanced Constitution 8 [8PP] (Divine Might)

Enhanced Strength 9 [9PP] (Divine Might)

Features 3 (Environmental Adaptation 3 [High Gravity, Low Gravity, Zero Gravity]) [3PP] (Divine Might)

Immunity 11 (Aging, Life Support [Disease, Environmental Cold/Heat/Pressure/Radiation/Vacuum, Poison, Suffocation], Starvation/Thirst) [11PP] (Divine Might)

Impervious Toughness 12 (Extras: Reflective [Melee Damage], Flaws: Limited [Not Impervious vs Blessed/Celestial/Holy, Chi/Ki, Demonic/Hellfire/Infernal, Divine, Magic, or Supernatural Damage]) [12PP] (Divine Might)

Protection 4 [4PP] (Divine Might)

Super-Senses 8 (Extended Hearing 3 [10,000ft / 2 mile Notice Increments], Extended Vision 3 [10,000ft / 2-mile Notice Increments], Low-Light Vision, Microscopic Vision [Dust]) [8PP]

Super-Strength 15 (Lifting STR 110 [Heavy Load: 50,000 tons]) [30PP] (Divine Might)

Drawbacks: (-4) + (-4) + (-3) = -11PP

Normal Identity (Astrid must sip liquid from Hridgandr to become Thrude, Frequency: Common [Full Action], Intensity: Major) [-4PP]

Vulnerability (Deceit/Trickery [bluff, Phantasms, etc.], Frequency: Very Common, Intensity: Moderate [+50%]) [-4PP] (Gullible)

Vulnerability (Emotion Effects, Frequency: Common, Intensity: Moderate [+50%]) [-3PP] (Divine Passion)

Abilities (48) + Combat (32) + Saving Throws (20) + Skills (24) + Feats (12) + Powers (125) - Drawbacks (11) = 250/250 Power Points

Combat Block:

ATTACK            RANGE       SAVE                        EFFECT
Unarmed           Touch       DC27/23 Toughness (Staged)  Damage (Physical)
Hridgandr Strike  Touch +5ft  DC31 Toughness (Staged)     Damage (Energy and/or Physical)
                              DC26 Fortitude (Staged)     Drain Toughness
                              STR/DEX vs +16              Prone
Lightning         Ranged      DC31 Toughness (Staged)     Damage (Energy)
Edited by ShaenTheBrain
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