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With only two enemy combatants left still moving, and one of them visibly shaking and in no condition to fight properly, Hronos decided to focus his attentions on the captain of the ship, who was currently occupied with Philos. Dismissing the Time Stopper configuration, Hronos' body reassumed it's normal form briefly. Almost immediately, Hronos put his hands together and reconfigured them into one big canon, aimed at the Captain. With the Deccelerator Blaster poised to attack, Hronos tried to adjust the weapon's line of sight, so that he'd avoid hitting Philos, and fired a shot. Unfortunately, the captain was far too elusive a foe, being vaguely aware of Hronos' actions, and dancing around Philotherian in such a way as to throw Hronos' aim way off target. Hmmm... The captain is proving himself to be a very agile foe. So long as the captain stays near his opponent, I will not be capable of hampering his reactions. If that remains to be the case, it would severely limit my options to strictly hand-to-hand combat. The Mechanodynamis thought to himself, before addressing Philos. "Fellow combatant. Our foe appears to have many cunning strategies that he can successfully employ. I would advise that we work together in restrainning him."

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Even though his muscles felt a bit atrophic from the voltage, with a simple duck, the captain managed to completely avoid Hronos' shot, and resumed engaging his opponent, Philos, as soon as his head cleared. "Khuh! You're nothing more than a warm up, rat; after I deal with the appetizer, I will have all the time in the world to take care of the robot." The captain said, fed up from Philos' attempts at having a peaceful resolution. "And this whole mess is just as much your fault. As for our current predicament, we would be more than willing to just steal whatever we wanted from here and be gone to our own merry way, without any bloody conflict. If what you trully wished for was to avoid this, you could very well just get off the Flying Lorriane and let us pass by.  Somehow, though, I don't believe someone trully wishing to avoid such a conflict would bother climbing on this bloody airship in the first place, so spare me your hipocrisy, you sanctimonious whelp, and give me your best shot, or I will have to ske-..." the captain stopped abruptly, as his attention seemed to drift and momentarily focus somewhere else, far off in the distance, to where the stairway connecting to the lower decks was.


As for the other pirate, though still visibly shaken, he managed to gather his wits about him, get up and grab his pistol, and once again attempt to fire at Hronos. This time as well, though, the trembling prevented him from even properly landing a shot, and his desperation grew deeper and deeper. The only thing left that he could do was try to gulp and steady his aim.


Hronos wasn't aware of it at the time, but a weird noise of something heavy being carried drew closer and closer. Philos was by now vaguely aware of it, thanks to his enhanced hearing ability. What it was, he couldn't tell, but there was little doubt that it spelled bad news for the two heroes.

Edited by Vahnyu
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  • 2 weeks later...

Philos head swerved abruptly to the direction the captian adjusted his field of vision too. He couldn't see what was coming, but he could certainly hear it, and it was either heavy or carrying something heavy.

"You seem rather stagnant, would you be so kind as to inform me what has caught your attention so thoroughly. If it is a more immediate threat, I would rather like to know what it is we're dealing with here."
He put a hand over his net gun, he would reason if he could, but somehow it didn't feel like that was gonna be an option in this case.

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Hmmm? What is it that they are both looking at? Hronos wondered. At any rate, it matters little at the moment; the Captain appears vulnerable, so perhaps, this could be my best chance at restrainning him. He thought to himself, as he spotted the captain of the pirates looking distracted, while engaged in combat with Philotherian, and decided to take the chance and charge him. Making sure not to accidentally colide with the Farsider, Hronos plunged at the agile brawler, only to realise far too late that the man had a perfect awareness of his surroundings, and ducked while his head was basically turned back from Hronos. The Mechanodynamis, who passed through both combatants by mere inches, managed to stop from going any farther away with a roll flip on the air, and landed immediately in front of the captain, and next to Philos.

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Ignoring Philos, the Captain recovered swiftly from the ducking position he assumed, in order to dodge Hronos' attack, and wasted no time to attack Philos with a nerve pinch aimed at the Farsider's neck, as a sinister smile formed in his lips. "As I was saying, Rat, you should give me your best shot, or I will have to SKEWER YOU!!!" he screamed, as his two fingers made contact with their unaware target. The Captain was ready to gloat, but he didn't take long to notice that Philos didn't seem particularly bothered by the attack. Huh? Weird, I could have sworn that I aimed correctly... With a backflip or two, the captain's sour mood was being further spoiled by the obstinate insistance of these two pests meddling with his pillaging. The sudden arrival of four pirates from his crew, carrying a large cannon between the four of them, did seem to significantly cheer him up. "About damn time, lads! Prepare the canon to fire!" The captain ordered them, and they responded with an enthusiastic "Aye aye, cap'n!", as they powered the cannon and held it steady.


The lone pirate who was at the sidelines breathed a small sigh of relief at the back up, and holstered his pistol, deciding to instead relax and enjoy the show.

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Philos ignored the pinch long enough to try and get a grab on the pirate but he proved too slippery. Honestly, as much as Philos wanted this to end peacefully the arrival of the cannon made things need to be a bit more, drastic. Pulling out his gun, he shot the Captain point blank covering him in a thick metal net intended for captives much larger, and stronger then him. Philos walked behind the net holding the gun over his shoulder,

"I'm quite done with this honestly. I've tried, but if you must act like rampaging beasts I should treat you as such. I do hope you aren't quite as foolish to shoot in this direction with your captain in this condition."

Edited by Aoiroo
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Hronos watched Philotherian's attempt to entangle and successfully restrain the Captain with a net from his gun, as the pirates where setting up their cannon. This man seems to have a firm handle of the Captain, but if we allow the cannon weapon to fire, we may both be in trouble. Hronos thought to himself, and reverted his form's configuration so that he could access the Time Stopper weapon, oppening the chasis in his chest to reveal the Essense of Time once more. Something was wrong though, this time. The Essense went haywire as it reacted to some unseen external force, all too late for Hronos to notice, before he unleashed the sphere. As a result, while the attack affected the lone pirate by the sidelines, the rest of the pirates seemed entirely unaffected, as if they were protected by something. The captain, for himself, seemed to simply avoid the power completely, by hiding near Philos, and making targetting him all but possible. The cannon itself seemed to eat up some of the chronal energy Hronos unleashed, making his visor to shine brightly in realization that this cannon could do more than shoot giant bullets or beams, and for him to shout to Philos. "Be careful! That weapon can manipulate chronal energies!"

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Things were certainly getting hectic for the Captain, who was desperately struggling against the net. He managed to stretch the net, long enough to gain some semblance of freedom, shake himself free from Philos' grasp, and move away from the Farsider, even though his movement was still hampered. "All right men, fire the cannon!" he shouted at his underlings. "B-but captain!? If we fire it now-" "Just do as I say, and make sure you hit them!" The captain quickly cut both of them off with a scream, and the pirates opened fire on prompt. Two small energy balls traveling faster than the eye could follow touched Hronos and Philotherian, encasing both of them in a small green bubble each, almost immediately. "Hahahahahahaha!!! You both should have quitted while you still had the time to do so! Now, where you're going, you won't have the time to do ANYTHING! Enjoy the end of the universe, meddlesome fools!" The captain barked and gloated with glee, although admittedly, being still restrained under a net certainly detracted some elegance and dignity from his actions.


As the energy of the chronal bubbles swirled more and more rapidly, the exposed Essense of Time from Hronos' chest started violently reacting with both chronal spheres, linking them by a lightning-like effect. "Wha- what is going on?" The captain was just as much astounded as his underlings, who watched paralyzed in awe as the bubbles changed colors from green to purple and back to green, settling on a chaotic mixture of both, as the energies they releashed ressonated violently. In a blink of an eye, the bubbles shrinked to the size of a speak, and then disipated violently in all directions, leaving small holed in the deck, and no sign of the two heroes. A few moments of silence ensued, until... "S-so... did we get them?"



Island of Great Brittain,

7th Century AD


Hronos and Philos emerged in a small clearing, surrounded by trees tall enough to hide the sky from their view. They regained their movements almost immediately upon setting foot on this era. So far, they had no idea the place or the time, but one thing was for certain; this isn't the end of the universe, and neither pirates, nor airships are in view.

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