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The Sun Never Sets [OOC]

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Standard Action: Blast the barge 

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4040023/ = 13 

Natural 1, inauspicious 

Spending an HP to reroll that 

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4040024/ = 22 =32 w the HP 

Better. That's a DC 27 Tou save for the Barge 

Move Action: 

Harrier flies onto the barge and lands amid the group. 

SURGE (spending an HP to cancel fatigue) 

Standard Action: 

All-Out Power Attacking the Barge with his Strike power 

http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4040025/ = 23 

OK, that exceeds its defense by 7 = 3 from Autofire


12+5+3 = DC 35 Tou save for the barge 

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The Barge is first Disabled, and then Destroyed. The fae, however, decide to bail out onto nearby roofs, meaning they're still in combat (if not airborne) and Harrier gets an HP back.

Harrier: 25, Unharmed, 1 HP

Officer: 16, Unharmed, 0 HP

Infantry: 4, Unharmed, 0 HP

Gabriel: 25, Unharmed, 4 HP

Wail: 14, Unharmed, 4 HP

Cannonade: 9, Unharmed, 3 HP

Constables: 8, Unharmed, 0 HP

Gabriel is up next.

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Right then.


Free Action: Extend Spear.

Move Action: Get right in on the squad of mooks. As in, melee range with the 2 front guys.

Free Action: Switch Sonic Control to Autofire Blast.

Standard Action: "Ranged" Attack vs the Leader of the Constables. 28. DC 27 base Toughness Save. Exceeded Defense by 10. That's +5 Autofire. So total of DC 32 Toughness Save.

Free Action: Surge! Extra Standard Action!

Standard Action: Melee Attack vs the next-closest Constable. 32. Let's go with +5 Damage. So a DC 32 Toughness Save from him. Descriptors are Blessed/Holy, Piercing, Silver, if that matters.


Will be burning an HP next turn to not Fatigue.

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Both are Minions at PL8, and there is no way in Hell either of them are going to soak that damage. So, they both go down. Utterly. Also, throwing in Gabriel's Demoralized for everyone it applies to.

Harrier: 25, Unharmed, 1 HP

Officer: 16, Unharmed, 0 HP

Infantry: 4, Unharmed, Demoralized, 0 HP

Gabriel: 25, Unharmed, 4 HP

Wail: 14, Unharmed, 4 HP

Cannonade: 9, Unharmed, 3 HP

Constables (x8): 8, Unharmed, Demoralized, 0 HP

The Officer opens fire on Harrier with his Blast w/ Autofire. It hits on a 29, and Autofire will boost it by +3, meaning Harrier needs to make a DC28 Toughness save.

Wail is up next.

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Let's keep this simple:



Standard Action: Sonic Scream

Damage 13 (Extras: Area [General, Cone, 130ft], Linked [stun]) + Stun 9 (Extras: Area [General, Cone], Linked [Damage]) [24 + 27 = 53PP]


He'll catch whomever he can in that.

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I'd say that could easily hit eight of them. And they're all down. 


Harrier: 25, Unharmed, 0 HP

Officer: 16, Unharmed, 0 HP
Infantry: 4, Unharmed, Demoralized, 0 HP

Gabriel: 25, Unharmed, 4 HP
Wail: 14, Unharmed, 4 HP
Cannonade: 9, Unharmed, 3 HP

Cannonade is up next, and as all the Constables are dead, he gets up on the roofs to get a better view of the city. That's his action. The Infantry open fire on Steve... and their rifles all ping off his Impervious. 


Top of the round. Harrier is up next. 

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So, usually Gabriel is a pretty level-headed guy.

But see, he's got this thing about Fae.

And he's in an entire world full of them.

With that in mind, Gabriel's not going to be acting with 100% rationalism, or fully utilizing those 18 points of Wisdom.

If possible, I'd like to invoke his Complication "I Hate Faeries!" for what's about to go down.

Anyways, right now there are boats heading toward him, yes?

Time to charge!

Free Action: Switch Sonic Control Array to Flight. Flight 10, 100k feet/move action.

Move Action: Move to the nearest boat and, if possible, get on deck/inside, and within melee range of a crew member (preferably pilot or CO). if the crew are locked inside, get near the rudder or balloon bag or some other slightly vulnerable piece of the ship.

Standard Action: Melee attack the crew member (or ship, if I can't get to the crew). 28. DC 27 Toughness Save (Blessed/Holy, Piercing, Silver).

Free Action: Surge! Another Standard Action. (Will burn an HP to avoid Fatigue.)

Standard Action: Another Melee attack. Either same target (crew or boat), or next available target of opportunity. Booyah, 32. That's a Crit. Go for +5 Damage, so DC 32 Toughness Save. Same Descriptors.

EDIT: FYI, going to wait for confirmation on what target or targets he hit/took down before doing my IC post.

Edited by KnightDisciple
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For Harrier, I'm just gonna say that the guards on the floor are Bystanders, and he has wholly succeeded in making them wee themselves. They're clearing away for now, leaving the mortals. And because it's before I could really come up with stats for the ships or the soldiers, and Gabriel scored a crit, I'll say that ship goes down like a boxer with a glass jaw. But so that it's more mechanical from here on out, they'll be PL9 Minion versions of the Constables from before, and there are about 15 of them right now. 


Meanwhile, the Officer follows Harrier down into the factory and opens fire again. But it misses.


Wail is up next. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

That shall hit, and the Airship takes a broadside.

Harrier: 25, Unharmed, 0 HP

Officer: 16, Unharmed, 0 HP

Infantry: 4, Unharmed, Demoralized, 0 HP

Gabriel: 25, Unharmed, 4 HP

Wail: 14, Unharmed, 4 HP

Cannonade: 9, Unharmed, 3 HP

Constables (x15): 8, Unharmed, 0 HP

Airship 1: N/A, Injured x1, 0 HP

Airship 2: N/A, Unharmed, 0 HP

Cannonade's up next, and he decides to follow the leader. He Leaps up onto one of the Airships, and uses his Shockwave to take out the Constabulary on that ship. DC21 Reflex save to halve DC26 TOU save. Three of them take it down to DC21 TOU, but none of them manage to beat that.

Harrier: 25, Unharmed, 0 HP

Officer: 16, Unharmed, 0 HP

Infantry: 4, Unharmed, Demoralized, 0 HP

Gabriel: 25, Unharmed, 4 HP

Wail: 14, Unharmed, 4 HP

Cannonade: 9, Unharmed, 3 HP

Constables (x10): 8, Unharmed, 0 HP

Airship 1: N/A, Injured x1, 0 HP

Airship 2: N/A, Unharmed, 0 HP

The Constables on the Airship Gabe felled take two Move Actions to get the hell off that ship. Likewise for Wail. The Infantry aren't even bothering with Harrier.

Harrier is up next.

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Standard Action: 
Harrier blasts the tank open, sending a cascading wall of FLAME through the factory. (Good thing their little tete-a-tete let the slaves flee the building!) 

Move Action: Fly up out of the way, being scary as all Hell on the way, and land on the street outside. 


I'm just going to say his device is not working at this point, to make for more drama. 

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Right then. Time to continue being dramatic and stuff.


Move Action: Gain about 15 feet straight up altitude, letting the crippled ship fall out from underneath me.

Free Action: Switch Sonic Control Array to Autofire  Blast.

Standard Action: Ranged Attack at the ship Wail hit. 28. That's a DC 27 Toughness Save base, plus whatever that gets him with Autofire (up to +5 of course). 

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All right. First things first. Airship 1 has a Defense DC of 16, so that's a +5 right there, bringing the total to DC32. And the ship is now sinking, as the crew men desperately evac to the rooftops.

Harrier: 25, Unharmed, 1 HP

Officer: 16, Unharmed, 0 HP

Infantry: 4, Unharmed, Demoralized, 0 HP

Gabriel: 25, Unharmed, 4 HP

Wail: 14, Unharmed, 4 HP

Cannonade: 9, Unharmed, 3 HP

Constables (x10): 8, Unharmed, 0 HP

Airship 2: N/A, Unharmed, 0 HP

We did kind of skip the Officer, but we'll say that he's watched as the citizens of Freedom run from Harrier and Wail tries to tear him open, and is in a sufficient state of "man what" not to act. So, I'll say Harrier got an HP from everyone running in fear, and here's where we are:

Harrier: 25, Unharmed, Bound, 0 HP

Officer: 16, Unharmed, 0 HP

Wail: 14, Unharmed, 4 HP

Infantry: 4, Unharmed, Demoralized, 0 HP

Gabriel: 25, Unharmed, 4 HP

Cannonade: 9, Unharmed, 3 HP

Constables (x10): 8, Unharmed, 0 HP

Airship 2: N/A, Unharmed, 0 HP

That leaves Cannonade, who would follow Wail and take care of that whole thing, but he's noticed the Constables on one set of roofs is about to open fire on Gabriel. So he leaps down and unleashes another Shockwave. Again, DC21 Reflex, DC26 Toughness. Two of them manage to halve the TOU down to DC21, but none of them make the save.

Harrier: 25, Unharmed, Bound, 0 HP

Officer: 16, Unharmed, 0 HP

Wail: 14, Unharmed, 4 HP

Infantry: 4, Unharmed, Demoralized, 0 HP

Gabriel: 25, Unharmed, 4 HP

Cannonade: 9, Unharmed, 3 HP

Constables (x5): 8, Unharmed, 0 HP

Airship 2: N/A, Unharmed, 0 HP

The remaining Constables decide to open fire on Cannonade instead. That doesn't go well, thanks to Impervious. The Infantry over in the factory start running for the hills.

Harrier is up next.

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Right then, one more ship to sink!


Move Action: Get closer to Ship 2, get a better firing angle on it.

Free Action: All-Out Attack 2. Attack Bonus is 14, Defense Bonus is 10. 

Standard Action: Fire at it! Ranged Attack 24. Base DC 27, its defense is 16, I exceeded by 8, so that's +4 to its Toughness Save, total Toughness Save DC is 31.

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Wail will do the only reasonable thing in this situation and hurl the Omegadrone bodily at the remaining fae soldiers.

Free Action: Maintain Grapple

Standard Action: Throw Omegadrone at Fae Soldiers; All-Out Attack 5. (1d20+13=14)

Hero Point: Throw Omegadrone at Fae Soldiers; All-Out Attack 5, HP Reroll. (1d20+13=16) That ends up being 26. Jeez.

Anyway, that's with +13 Strength and Harrier's +12 (+11 with the bruise) Toughness. Adjudicate the impact as you will!

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Yup, the Airship goes down.

Harrier: 25, Unharmed, Bound, 0 HP

Officer: 16, Unharmed, 0 HP

Wail: 14, Unharmed, 4 HP

Infantry: 4, Unharmed, Demoralized, 0 HP

Gabriel: 25, Unharmed, 4 HP

Cannonade: 9, Unharmed, 3 HP

Constables (x5): 8, Unharmed, 0 HP

As for the whole "hurl the Omegadrone" plan, Wail can clearly do that. Harrier will need to make a DC23 Toughness save (ha ha, no, hello Impervious), while the Infantry need to make DC28 TOU saves. Yeah, that hurts.

Harrier: 25, Unharmed, Bound, 0 HP

Officer: 16, Unharmed, 0 HP

Wail: 14, Unharmed, 4 HP

Gabriel: 25, Unharmed, 4 HP

Cannonade: 9, Unharmed, 3 HP

Constables (x5): 8, Unharmed, 0 HP

The last of the constables filter out onto the street below, and Cannonade once again leaps down to take care of them. They're close enough that Cannonade won't use Shockwave, instead hitting them and trying for Takedown Attack 2. First guy gets hit for a crit, DC31 TOU, Constable fails. Next up, Cannonade hits, DC26 TOU, he's down. Next up, Cannonade misses. Oh, well. The remaining Constables open fire - again, Impervious, so nothing there.

Harrier: 25, Unharmed, Bound, 0 HP

Officer: 16, Unharmed, 0 HP

Wail: 14, Unharmed, 4 HP

Gabriel: 25, Unharmed, 4 HP

Cannonade: 9, Unharmed, 3 HP

Constables (x3): 8, Unharmed, 0 HP

Harrier is up next. I'll get an IC post up tomorrow.

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