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Gallia Falling, part 2 - Rene-le-Chateau (IC)

Tiffany Korta

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"There is no time like the present" said Rene, stretching out his hand. 


"I mean that quite literally. After seeing my face from the future, which is rather shocking for any young man, you understand, I find the whole pretext of existence rather weak at the moment. The thought of time being so permeable to perception and thought is nauseating, to say the least. So, whilst I have no objection to travel via extraordinary means, let it be from place to place rather than time to time, eh?"


"I care not for the future or past right!" he declared. 


"And with that said! Let us be onward!" he smiled. 

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Unlike the last time the two of them travelled there was no sensation of movement or a moment elsewhere Rene and Marianne were just somewhere else. The area was pitch black with only Marianne’s corona of light to illuminate the pair. Rene had a sense that they were somewhere under the ground but the could theoretically be any where in the world, or to his growing discomfort another time.


The only detail he could make out in this possibly vast room was a picture against a rough hewn wall. Even covered like it was he could get a feeling of presence from the image, it was a feeling that he had felt not so long ago.

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Rene felt giddy as he travelled with Marianne. It was not, he realised, giddy from a sense of movement, or spinning, or rushing, or any such velocity. It was giddy with the sense of power that infused him from such a translocation. 


Then again, he had been shot and nearly died recently. That could do strange things to a man's constitution. 


He blinked once, twice, in the pitch black, but despite moments of acclimatisation, pitch black remained as black as pitch. What he could sense, with more than his eyes, was the painting. 


The world is full of magnificent impressions, and the eyes do not always to justice to the wonder of the imagination. 


Sight can be deceptive, and Imagination can cut through darkness and obscuration. 


He folded these reflections into his mind for later contemplation. Perhaps there was more to vision than his eyes. 


"That painting" he asked Marianne "It is the sketch I made? so long ago?"

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  • 1 month later...

With little fuss of ceremony Maranne threw back the cover of the painting. It was the sketch that Rene remember drawing so long ago he could see in his mind eye the the time when he drew the image. The sketch had been expertly painted, finished by someone with a skilled hand, and seemed so vibrant and alive. Not the strange color’s of the fake but somehow the combination of the colors seemed to make it live.

“She’s aware of us, at least in some ways, it’s like she in a waking dream.†she bowed her head a seemed genuinely remorseful


“I wish there had been another way, this was carried out by an evil man, but fate demands that she stays this way for a while.â€

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"She is trapped then" sighed Rene. Not the most pleasant of fates. 


"Ah, but for how long, I wonder.." he said, pondering the future. "It seems I...that is...the future me, will be entangled in this web for longer than I had wish. No peace for me, I presume" he said, not really expecting an answer. 


"I could curse the fates, but I don't believe in them" he said with a grin. 


"My part in this affair brings me no joy either. But I see now that I was but one piece in the puzzle, one person in a elaborate dance. Yes, I suppose I played my part, and this is how it has been played" he murmured, stroking the painting. 


"What now then? is the painting to be sealed? hidden? I doubt such artifice can constrain Gallia forever. And I imagine her wrath will be great given the stewing it will receive..."

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After what seemed like an age, but couldn’t have been more than a minute, Marianne gently placed a hand on Rene arm.

“I’m afraid we can’t stay here much longer, we all have our part to play in the future.†she gave him a sad smile


“Do you wish to return to Rennes-le-Châtea to say good-bye or shall we return to Paris? The Grand Master will be too busy for a while to bother either of us. I shall keep an eye on the town in case he returns, though I won’t be using this form. I suggest you endeavour to stay out of his way for a little while.â€

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"As long as I wont get shot, I think a farewell is always deserved" replied Rene, rubbing his chest. Despite having healed, it still tingled, a psychosomatic pain. The memory of it was livid in his mind. A little explosion of pain tunnelling through his body and white light in his eyes from the shock. 


"But I can assure you, getting shot is no fun. Once is quite enough for me..." 


He pondered how he had nearly died that night. 


"Although, it seems to me that I can sleep more easily. As I have seen that I survive to at least some semblance of old age" he said, contemplating his future self who had spoken to him. "Although on the other hand, I should not tempt the fates, should I?"


"Well, it is time to say farewells at Rennes-le-Chatea...and I imagine a farewell to you, as well..."

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Without warning little Marianne threw her arms wide around Rene and held in a hug that suggested that if she wished she could apply a lot more pressure.

“Don’t worry Rene we’re meet again, it’s just that I’ll be wearing a different body. Inside it will still be me.â€

During the hug she must have teleported them back to the mansion because Rene suddenly had a pistol thrust into in face. Not a comforting thing to see after his recent brush was death. Luckily the wielder of the pistol was Father Henri who seemed strangely proficient with the weapon. He lower it was a relieved look on his face.


“Rene it is good to see you returned when you just disappeared we feared the worst...â€

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Rene felt a cold sweat hit his body like a steam train at the site of the pistol. His chest ached, and for a moment he thought his heart stopped, or that he couldn't breathe. 


"There was the worst to fear" he answered, feeling bravery return to his blood. "I was shot, and nearly died. I apologise for my white face and lack of fibre, Monsieur, but the sight of a pistol after so arduous an ordeal is not one I would have wished" he confessed. 


"But, despite my unfortunate ballistic mishap, I believe that our malevolent rogue spirit is, if not banished, then at least out of harm's way. I, for one, rejoice, despite the bloodshed and misery that infuses our soil. France is free to make her own destiny, and so are its people" he said, true relief finally washing over him. 


"Viva La France!" he shouted, suddenly overcome by the events. 

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Father Henri joined in the cry with almost as much enthusiasm as Rene but the Mademoiselle de Rennes face only scowled at his outburst.

“You’re glorious France has stripped me of everything I had, even this house, and reduced me to this. I will however toast to your health, if you’ll indulge an old woman...â€

She gestured to a decanter and several glasses in a tray, all whilst fine were not as fancy as a lady of a manor would normally own.


“This is all that remains of my once great cellar, I think it is a suitable time to enjoy them with good company.â€

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"France's future may be Glorious, Madam, but its birth has far from it. Bloody and painful, like any birth. For what it is worth, you have my sympathy, and, if you wish it, my charity, what I can spare of it. All France has bled, Madam, and I like it not one bit" he said, with all honesty. 


"Thieves and Vagabonds have infected noble cause. Alas, that France should come to this. I have felt the sting of blood and bullet, and had my fair share of humiliation and pain too, Madam, believe me. Of different means and different measure, of course, but the revolution has not delighted my palate, unlike this wine" he said, drinking too quickly too wash away the pain. 


"And so Madame, I am in your debt, and so is France, even if it does not know it"

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The woman listened to Rene’s impassioned plea though her face showed she was still skeptical.

“I am a proud woman I will not accept charity even though I live here by the will of others. But I am always happy to accept the friendship of others. Few seem to wish to visit a crazy old woman such as myself.â€


Father Henri seemed to look a little sheepish at this.

“I apologize for that, I have been busy settling in to this new parish.†he picked up one of the glasses of Brandy


“Maybe another toasts is in order?â€

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  • 2 weeks later...

"To the new Parish? or to new friends? why not to both?" said Rene, generously. He was no fan of religion - at least, in the organised form - considering just another mutation on control of the people, but he bore Father Henri no ill will. As far as he could judge the man he was courageous and generous. 


"You never know Madame, I will see if I cannot visit again from Paris, the journey is not that long and the scenery holds an attraction to an aspiring painter such as myself, even if I can't sell my Art these days. Still, maybe when the country has recovered a little..." he sighed, and enjoyed the last of his drink. 


"But for now, I think I shall have to bid farewell. A day when one is shot, meets one's ancient future self, and tangles with the personification of one's country must count as a long one, by even a young man's standards!"

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  • 2 weeks later...

With smile all round and generous toast to each others good health Rene and the Mamousel of the House parted on good terms. Before Rene could leave the house however Father Henri approached him.


“Rene if I might have a moment of your time before you leave?â€


Not waiting to long for an answer he walked with Rene to just out side the room, out of earshot of those gathered within.


“I do not wish to trouble you but there is a troubling reports from a nearby village I was about to investigate tomorrow. A poor young woman of the village it is claimed had been posses by a demon calling itself Cardère. I was wondering if you could spare a day or two to investigate this with me...?â€

~ Fin? ~

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