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Gallia Falling, part 1 - The Death of Kings (IC)

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“There are certain marks on the body that can confirm this young boy’s identity. But they are of an intimate manner. I think it best if you leave the room for a few minutes whilst I check the boy.â€

Rene was a surprised as anybody. The implications of this were profound and possibly serious. Where would the real monarch be? Is he still alive? As keen as he was to end the rule of the aristocrats, he shuddered at the thought of murder.

"That seems a most prudent course of action my dear" he agreed. He did not entirely trust Constance, but this awful scenario had caught him off-foot. He was actually eager to leave the room and regain some composure.

"Please check. Boy, will you excuse me for one second..." he said, bowing an uncertain distance, before leaving the room.

He took a deep breath out, and stretched when leaving the room.

Why would a woman be checking and not I? he wondered to himself.

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Left alone in the corridor the Jailer smiled at Rene and struck a conversation. Like many he was probably scared of Constance status as an agent of Committee of General Security, who had already sent many people to the Guillotine.

“A bit of a shock when you first talk to the lad isn’t it. The last people to care for him raised him as their own, probably where he picked up the accent. Bit of a shock to the Committee last time they visited here.â€

There was a sound of furniture being moved in the room and light leaked through the cracks in the door.

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Rene could stand this no longer. Moving furniture? Light?

Had he been deceived?

There was something deeply strange going on, and Madame Constance seemed to be an expert player of the strange and deceitful. He was just a young man, unwise to the machinations of spycraft and government.


He spun around, and without aggression but with firmness opened the door and strode back inside.

The Child's modesty be damned!

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Rene strode into the room expecting the worst, only to see the young King sat at a small desk concentrating on writing. Just behind him Constance stood holding a large lit Candelabrum.

“There nothing wrong is there Rene? I was just getting young Louis here to write a letter as proof of our visit. It should help convince Gallia of our access.†Her face looked concerned for a second then lit up with relief when she.

She stood up and carefully took the paper from the young Kings hands.

“Thank you Louis, I’m sure we will visit you again soon. “ she walk up to beside Rene “You obviously have questions, but not in front of the child.†She then slipped past him back into the corridor.

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Rene stormed out. He could feel his blood rising, but kept it wisely under control.

"You, Madame, are slippery" he said, daring to point a finger at her. "And don't deny it. Examining his privates, in private, and then getting him to write a letter as proof of our visit. A letter that is but air. All is not as it seems, and I know how things seems are not always how they are..."

He frowned at her. He locked away his anger, but the woman should know his distrust of her. Not a violent distrust, but a prudent one nonetheless.

"It is clear to me now, that one must treat you with respect and careful examination. Even if you speak truth, it would be for manipulative end. No, I bear you no malice. It is your profession, and perhaps your nature too. And, let us speak plainly, it is my nature to take care and heed my instinct.

"For what its worth, and acknowledge my wit in the matter, your explanation???"

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She looked over to there guide, who was sensible enough to lock the door and leave. He could obviously see the look in her eyes.

“I was honest with you right from the start, but if I must spend a few centuries in purgatory so that innocent are not tarnished by more bloodshed then so be it…†as she spoke her anger began to rise “…and whatever harm his father did to this country, he is not responsible for any of them. And now some made woman wishes to tear down whatever progress we have achieved to restore the very institution that bought us to this place.†By now her voice was almost a shout “And I am not a strange follower of Sade who gets her pleasure in un-godly ways, the mark is an unusual mole on his shoulder.â€

She stood there for a few moments drawing breath after her outburst, when she spoke again it was in a quieter more composed manner.

“But you are right; if you feel you cannot trust me in any manner then it is better if you travel alone.â€

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Rene opened his mouth to retort, equally angry...

Private Location? A shoulder blade???

Moving furniture...a letter without me seeing???

He slammed it shut, frustrated but considering the matter.

She was slippery, cunning, and dangerous. He had no doubt. But then, he was not entirely sure she was dangerous to him. He had a hunch that she was for the same ideals as him.

Still, he couldn't shake off the feeling he was being used, somehow.

"Forgive me Madam" he said, biting his lip and bowing. "I could not do this without your help, and I trust your motives, if not your methods. I am at your disposal!"

The only thing he could do would be play along, and keep his wits about him.

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Constance regained her composure whilst removing imaginary dust from her dress.

“I can promise you this though we have different methods we both want to stop Gallia from destroying the Republic.â€

She began to walk around the corridor until they came across there guide, just out of sight probably to listen in to their argument. She gave a little smile and instead of getting upset counted out a generous amount of Francs.

“I’m taking over for the night, why don’t you go to the local tavern get a few drinks. And whilst you're there you can tell everyone about the man and woman who came and visited the King and argued that he should be freed.†It came off more as a order than a request and the man scurried off to obey.

“It’ll take a while for that to get back to Gallia, I suggest we wait until morning to travel just behind the rumor. I hear that the Temple has an excellent wine cellar, care to join me for a light supper?â€

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“I’m taking over for the night, why don’t you go to the local tavern get a few drinks. And whilst you're there you can tell everyone about the man and woman who came and visited the King and argued that he should be freed.â€

"I could do with a cup of wine" nodded Rene "and some time to think this through. It will not be difficult to let my tounge wag..."

“It’ll take a while for that to get back to Gallia, I suggest we wait until morning to travel just behind the rumor. I hear that the Temple has an excellent wine cellar, care to join me for a light supper?â€

"I am at your disposal madam" agreed Rene, keen to mend bridges. He still did not trust the woman, but he had an inkling she was on his side. Well, actually he imagined a woman of her wit was on ever on one side...her own....but at least for now, that seemed to be the same side that he was on.

What had he gotten into?

He firmed his resolve. It was enough he was in this situation, no time to think about his journey to it.

"I am not a fan of Temples, but I am appreciative of wine!" he commented.

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Constance was an entertaining companion and the wine was just as good as she had suggested. She whilst she kept up an almost constant stream of conversation from common gossip tot the ideas of the philosophers and scientists. The only topic that never came up, and she actively avoided, was that of her own past and any mention of her family.

After several entertaining hours she made her excuses and left Rene alone, after making sure he had lodgings for the night, to make arrangements for the next day, promising to meet him bright and early the next day.

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Rene settled himself down, slightly drunk, into his bedroom quarters: a respectable room without being too ostentatious. It would not do to attract attentions.

He kicked off his boots and sat on his bed, then slipped down it to a reclining position, and began to rest his eyes.

He had contemplated following Constance, but she was a player of games beyond his experience. All he could do at the moment, he judged, would be to observe carefully, and learn, if possible.

Danger licked his boots, and he knew it. He fancied, for a moment, staying up the night, to see if he could divine the truth or the future through arcane means. He had read the books, and knew the theory, but had dared but little to use such sorcery. And besides, he fancied a good nights sleep would serve him better.

With that thought, he drifted off to slumber, ready to rise the next morning...

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Rene was woken in the morning by a healthy breakfast and a change of clothes. There guide from last night was serving breakfast even though he seemed a little worse for wear. It seemed his fear of Constance overcame even a hangover.

“The Madame asks you to join her in the courtyard within the hour.â€

In the courtyard was a simple buggy something as such owned by someone with some means but nothing two fancy. Such things were important in Paris where being to fancy in your dress or possessions suggested wealth, and wealth meant nobility, fuel for the mobs both professional and ad hoc.

“Ah good morning Rene. I hoped you slept well? We’ll be traveling to a place just outside Paris, I’ll tell you details once we’re on our way.â€

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  • 5 weeks later...

Rene Yawned. He had in fact not slept to well, his mind was whirring with the events of the previous day. He felt nervous and excited at the same time.

Carpe Diem, he told himself.

"Outside Paris?" he asked, politely. "Suits me...the air will be cleaner and so will my head" he commented as he helped his companion into the buggy and then followed.

He cracked his knuckles once in.

"So tell me, whilst we travel, what is our destination and purpose? and should I have gunpowder dry and blade sharp?"

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The buggy made its way through the dirty streets of Paris, with all the life it had to give.

“I’m hoping we can get through this with subterfuge, but make sure your pistol is loaded just in case.†They travelled for a while before she again spoke “It’s time you let you I on the plan. We’re travelling to a Tavern just outside the city called The Sinking Ship; it seems that the Countess and her supporters have taking residence there. Once we have giving the correct passcodes we should hopefully gain audience with the Countess. What happens next depends on her, but I think we should try and convince her to attempt to free the Prince. The Temple should be a good place to try and capture her.â€

She gave Rene a little smile “Unless you have a better plan, I’m willing to listen if you have a better plan?â€

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“Unless you have a better plan, I’m willing to listen if you have a better plan?â€

Rene shook his head, which was still fogged from the night before.

"None" he replied. "Although Plans have a habit of going astray, Madame. Especially in these times" he added, stroking his chin.

He turned to view the scenery of Paris wane and turn to green as they made their way out of the city.

"Let us see what the Sinking Ship has to offer us. And pray it's name is not an omen on our fortune, or Frances" he mused, fingering the pistol he had in his jacket.

He brought it out momentarily for inspection, before tucking it back in his jacket.

"And, as you say, I shall keep my pistol loaded"

"<Trust in God, but keep your powder dry>" he added, in English.

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â€I’m sorry what did you say? Ah you have your pistol ready.†She held her hand out “Best I keep it somewhere safe, we have to assume they will try and confiscate any weapons from her presence. There are places where a man would never search a woman.†She gave a knowing look.

The Sinking Ships was a substantial building, designed in a time when it might have defended itself again. It had prospered from those arriving too late to enter the city at nightfall. Especially in these uncertain times. Around the Tavern were some supposed locals gathered in small groups around the building. Rene soldiers eye saw that however relaxed appeared they was keeping a shape eye on the coming and goings on the road, and all their weapons were in good condition and ready for action.

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Rene sighed. Once again she manipulates me, in a perfectly reasoned argument that I cannot contradict...

He pulled out his small pistol, let it linger a fraction of a second, and then passed it, with a trace of reluctance, to Constance.

A disarming woman in more ways than one he joked to himself.

"Careful, madam" he hissed under his breath as they got out of the Carriage. "The men here are ready for a fight"

He had an unnerving feeling, like he was walking into a slavering jaw.

"We must be ready to fight or flee..."

With that muttered warning, he stepped into the Sinking Ship...

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“I suspected as much, but it’s good that you spotted them.†Rene couldn’t tell if she was being genuine or just humoring him. “Follow my lead inside, if asked your my bodyguard. It’s not safe for a woman to travel unprotected in these time. But loyal also to the cause, they wouldn’t let a mercenary into the Countesses presence.†She gave a small smile “And I want you to be there, despite what you think we’re partners in this venture till the end.â€

She pulled the buggy up to the tavern and dismounted, petting the buggy’s horse whilst she waited for Rene to join her.

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Rene shrugged and smiled. The dice may fall this way, the dice may fall that. For now, he would be the partner of Constance. He was in way over his head and he knew it. Who knew? perhaps he could learn a thing from the woman. She seemed a fountain of experience.

"After you then, Madam!" he chuckled, sweeping his hand to the door and letting her go first.

He started to reach for his gun, to finger its handle in a effort to reassure himself, but remembered that Constance had it. He knew how to handle himself in a fight, but he would have been a lot more comfortable armed, with sword or flintlock.

"Into the lions maw we go!" he half sang, and ducked into the tavern after Constance.

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Despite the time of the day the tavern was suspiciously busy. To Rene’s trained eye it was obvious that most of the patrons are soldier and rogues of one sort or the other. Whilst they are arranged haphazardly there main aim seems to stop people from reaching the stairs at the far end of the tavern. This was confirmed by the several burly men that were guarding the foot of the stairs.

Without skipping a beat Constance made her way to the simple bar at one end of the room.

“We’ve travelling far to taste the famaous wines of the Sinking Ship, all the way from the Domrémy region.â€

She handed him a coin, which instead of its normal faces carried the three Fleur-de-lis of the royal family.

Passing a glass, of what appeared to be serviceable wine, to Rene she raised her own in a toast.

“To the Maid of Orleans.â€

All this seemed to do the trick as the Tavern keeper nodded to one of the guards, who went up the stairs.

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“To the Maid of Orleans.â€

"To the Maid of Orleans!" agreed Rene, his nerves on edge and very glad of the wine. It was not strong enough, in his opinion. But then again, in such a charged atmosphere, his wits were best kept about him.

Shuffling closer to Constance, he gave her a smile and a whisper.

"So far, so good. Although this place is crawling with soldiers and mercenaries, and all sorts of ruffians. Pray that we do not face a bar room brawl. I doubt we would come off well..."

He looked up at the stairs.

"I imagine we wait for an invite upstairs, or for a grand entrance..."

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After a few minutes the man returned and with a nod they were carefully escorted to the two guards on the stairs. They were as expected searched for weapons and the guard on Constance was a little more through than expected, producing a rather wicked looking dagger from the recesses of her skirts. Rene’s pistol wasn’t found, and it was probably best to speculate where she hidden the item.

Once they were thoroughly searched they were allowed to climb the stair alone and told to enter the room alone. Within a rather plain room at the end of the corridor was the woman they had been sent to investigate the mysterious Countess of Domrémy.

She wasn’t what most would consider a classical beauty, her face had angular sharp features, but this gave her a rather startling noble bearing. In defiance to modern trend she kept her hair dark hair in a page boy style. Her clothes were obviously of high quality, but she was dressed in what was masculine clothes. There was a certain, indefinable, je ne sais quoi about her.

“I am the Countess of Domrémy, welcome to my humble abode. What can you two do to for my humble cause?†her voice had a strange harmonics as though two people were speaking at once.

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"Madame!" gushed Rene, all bombastic bow and smiles. He was not, of course, interested in women in that way. His romantic interests were of the less conventional kind...even for liberated and liberal France. On that note, he was particularly glad he was a Frenchman, rather than facing the persecution of society and law in, for instance, England.

He could only feel undying loyalty for the woman in front of him, however.

"I am sure your cause is not humble, and we would serve your Countess in whatever capacity she so wishes! We are at your service, meagre or grand!" he said, in a rich and keen voice.

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Constance gave Rene a strange look out of the corner of her eye, but seemed intent to carry on with her plan.

“I am Constance and this is Rene. We think we have found a way to access the Temple and free the Prince.â€

She then began to lay out the basics of a plan to enter the Temple and free the Prince, hopefully without being discovered and without violence. The Countess listened to Constance, but kept her attention mostly on Rene’s reactions. When Constance finished she didn’t respond to her, but instead asked Rene.

“And what do you think of this plan? Will it work as this woman has suggested?â€

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"I have the utmost confidence in my companions judgement!" answered Rene, not entirely sure of the truth of the statement.

"And it certainly seems, to my eye, plausible...yes, yes, I think it can, it will work!"

He paused, unsure for the moment exactly where his loyalties lay...

"I beg your indulgence, Madam, but what the after we scurry the Prince from his prison? What them for France? How do we serve then?"

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