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1 John 4:1 (IC)


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Gabriel waited while Crow seemed to run plans through his mind for a couple of minutes. When the young man began to speculate and plan out loud, Gabriel began to nod.

"That seems logical. Those who operate on mind games would use mind games to defend themselves. And it's dangerous to assume he didn't mean to be followed...Yes, I'd wager you're right on all counts. He's taken this from "convenient hidey-hole" to "fortified position", most likely."

He raised an eyebrow at the question.

"I can be pretty distracting. You think a few passages from 'Midsummer Night's Dream' might get them paying attention to me?"

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"Champion." was Crow's reply to that, and a smile split the half of his face Gabriel could see. It was not a nice smile. It was one that distinctly promised sadness and pain for whoever had the audacity to try pulling villainous deeds in front of him and his comrades. 'twas a shame with his plan he likely wouldn't get to see the look on the fae prince's face, but business before pleasure.

"Glamour is hell on wheels when it comes to mindfrakkery, but at it's core it's like Wile E. Coyote painting the tunnel on the wall. All it takes is the right mindset...and you run right into the wall."


"Bad metaphor. It's like a veil of gossamer. Right tug, and down it all comes. But if you know what's behind the veil, then you've got a major advantage right off the bat. With a bit of time and some chalk I can turn that entire warehouse into one giant 'tug'; but I can't do it while that sidhe asal isn't distracted. Keep him talking; get him pontificating or arguing - tell him you knocked my arse out or call his plan incompetent, and I haven't met a Fair Folk who won't talk like mad when insulted."

The teen started to vanish again, Cheshire-style; finishing off the plan just as he disappeared from view.

"Wait for the right moment, and the veil'll disappear. He'll know when it does, so you'll have to strike fast; I'll back you up as soon as I can. And...thanks."

Gabriel was alone.

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Gabriel nodded at Crow's estimates and plan.

"Distraction I can do, as well as hitting him when he realizes what's going on."

After the boy disappeared, he took a moment to center himself, before stepping out and striding up to the warehouse, stopping about 20 feet away from the entrance. The air shifted, and suddenly there was something a bit different, something that would make people sit up and take notice when he spoke...

"Hey! Cobweb! Are you in there, Cobweb? Or did you have to run back home to clean Titania's sheets again? Or are you running errands for Puck these days? I'm sure you're busy working hard for the real fairies, but could you spare a moment of your time?"

He crossed his arms with a smirk, waiting for a response.

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