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A Room with a View (IC)


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"I knew what you meant, amorcito," Ellie assured her with a throaty chuckle that quickly dissolved into a husky sigh as she pulled Mara's shoulders closer, half draping the shorter girl across her torso, pinning herself comfortably to the couch's back cushions. "I know you're not a hundred percent on the whole 'receiving gifts' thing, but they're supposed to be a little selfish." Closing her eyes and stifling another yawn, the brunette tilted her chin down toward the crook of her partner's neck so that her soft words were warm across Mara's skin. "Luckily, I wouldn't mind having you all to myself, either, so you can consider me a willing accomplice in your heist."

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"Mmh. Weird to get things just because it's a certain day." Mara squirmed a little at Ellie's breath - in a good way - and fondly nestled her head against the medic's. "But good. Will make plans, find quiet places, arrange transportation. Do a little over time now so that it's easier then."

She was quiet for a time, making vague plans in the back of her head but not really paying attention to them. Tired though she might be, comfortable as she might be as an improvised blanket, her girlfriend's neck and earlobe were just a little too close and tempting to pass up.

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Suddenly feeling considerably more alert, Ellie made her approval unequivocally if inarticulately known, her reclining frame straightening in a stretch that started at curling toes and worked its way up to an accommodatingly craned neck before simply melting. "Ah...! O-okay, that's... just not fair," she protested half-heartedly, a little out of breath. One side-effect of their respective busy schedules was a distinct lack of patience when they did find time to be together, but the coltish pre-med student was hesitant to start something she might not have the energy to finish.

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Mara made an awfully pleased and suspiciously evil sound, but a moment later her careful assault stopped with as much warning as it had begun. She tried - and failed rather miserably - to hide a smile as she snuggled back up to her girlfriend and an awfully pleased and suspiciously innocent sigh. "Very comfortable couch," she observed, as straight-faced as she could. Well, straight-voiced, anyway, and her lack of a straight face was making that a challenge. "Could almost fall asleep on it."

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Tilting her head just enough to glare at Mara with largely feigned annoyance, Ellie muttered vaguely under her breath before accusing, "Minx." Shifting to wrap the arm recently freed by the blonde's repositioning around her waist in a manner that more comfortable and warmly affectionate than distracting, the taller girl didn't have much more luck than her partner maintaining her deadpan, a soft smile pulling at one side of her mouth. "Sure, give the couch all the credit," she continued to faux-grump, placing a chaste kiss on Mara's nose.

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"Mmmh." Mara's feigned resting on the couch was getting less and less feigned by the second, though the kiss on the nose broke her deadpan completely. "Don't have to give you credit," she tiredly insisted, wrapping her arm around Ellie's waist and adjusting a little so that they could both get as comfortable as possible. "Do anyway. Will anyway. But always the most comfortable thing in the room. Warm. And mine."

That was her last conscious thought for quite a while.

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"Got that right," Ellie agreed emphatically with the sleepy bout of possessiveness through a drawn out yawn of her own, burying her face in the top of Mara's head, breathing in her girlfriend's light scent as the rhythm slowed and grew steadier. Sleep came quickly, but before long, the pre-med student's face tightened in a distressed frown. Murmuring something in an upset tone, she squeezed the girl in her arms more tightly and after a few moments relaxed again, drifting back into peaceful, untroubled sleep for the first time in a long while.

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