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The Case of the Mock Magnetokinetic [IC]

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Ferros satisfied himself with the plastic utensils included in the bag. When Dr. Archeville gave the blessing over the meal, he adopted a thoughtful expression. "Hey now, here I thought 'Gesundheit' was used for sneezes. Though it does make sense if it's a toast to health, ya know? It's strange how so many cultural things still get jumbled in our world when we've got so much technology, ya know?"

"I am still not wholly acclimated to being called a hero, either."

"Hey, ya ever considered that the fact you can fly isn't what makes you a hero? Just look at everything you've done for the scientific community. I'd be wrong to say that Centurion wasn't a hero. But he's nowhere even close to my most important heroes, ya know? That list holds a few decidedly more intellectual individuals like Confucius, ya know?"

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The look Archeville gave Ferros would be described by internet-savvy meme-hounds as 'Son, I Am Disappoint.' "I have never for a moment thought that my ability to fly, or teleport, or create force fields strong enough to withstand direct fire from artillery shells, makes me a hero. And while I certainly appreciate your favor towards the more intellectual figures of history, particularly the ones of your homeland -- a prejudice I share -- I believe you are doing Centurion a disservice."

He was the best of us!

Archeville chewed thoughtfully on another small mouthful of potato salad before continuing. "Centurion was not known for his intellect, true, not the way Daedalus is, nor was he considered as insightful or 'deep' as Lady Liberty or Pseudo or Siren. But he did have one quality that few others even come close to matching: inspiration. For all his phenomenal power, he was still but one man, and there were limits to what he could do -- few, granted, but they were there -- but he never let those limits stop him, never let himself be defined by them. He did all he could, never asking for anything in return, never expecting anything in return, doing the right thing solely because it was the right thing, no more, no less. And in doing so, he saved more than just the people he directly helped, he inspired generations of heroes, who saw that power need not corrupt. That hope and mercy do exist, can exist in any heart, and in showing us that, he gave us hope, and a desire to not let that hope down. To do the best we can, for the betterment of all."

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"So then, it wouldn't really surprise you that I agree with all of that, ya know?" Ferros placed his fork down next to his salad, half eaten. "Just because I count the more intellectual types as my personal heroes, doesn't mean that I think Centurion wasn't one, ya know?"

"You're right, though. Without him, I wouldn't be doing this the way I'm doing it. Conscious can theorize as much as he wants, but when the going gets rough, you need a guy like Centurion to show you how it's done."

"I'm hoping, in a few years, I can do the best of both worlds. I'll know science like you, I'll be well read like the philosophers, and gods be good, I'll be a role model like the Big Guy." Ferros lifted his fork once more, lifted another mouthful, and held it before his mouth saying, "I just... I just have no clue where to start, ya know?" Ferros smiled, and pulled the mouthful of lettuce off the fork.

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"High aspirations," the Doktor said between bites, "which is wholly appropriate." He grinned, "as for where to begin, well, the recently popular saying of 'think globally, act locally' is a fine place to start. Seek out those in need around you -- not just the immediate threats, the purse-snatchers and bank robbers, but community things as well, reconstruction after disasters both natural and man-made -- yet always be aware of the impact of both your actions and those of our foes on the wider world around you."

Yes, he would definitely be a good fit for the team!

"Of course, being on a team is often helpful. Have you," he pointed at Ferros with the last bit of his sausage, then popped it into his mouth, "given any thought to joining one?"

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"Community work? Hey, yea!" Ferros smiled after swallowing the last few bites of his salad. "I never thought about that. Guess it's true what they say, you really are a genius, Doc, ya know?"

"Hmm," Ferros continued, "I'll bet Dr. Metropolis has most of the city proper covered as far as repairs go. But I'll bet I could make a mean jungle gym out of some scrap metal with my powers for kids at the park or something, ya know? As for a team?" Ferros' eyes lowered a tad, to the empty bowl, he raised them and they shone with ambition, even if his tone was a little melancholy, "My hero's resume isn't that extensive, Doc. What team would want me?"

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"Community service is something often overlooked," Archeville said between the finals bites of his potato salad, "due, I believe, to its association with public works done by lowest-bidder contracts or prisoners on work-release. But it need not be so! There are many charitable and youth organizations which do such works -- these rooftop oases are but one example! -- and I am sure you can find no shortage of organizations that can help point you and your metal-manipulating powers to the best use."

And now for the big pitch!

"As for teams, well," he said between bites of the last of the sauerkraut, "many small teams come and go as small groups of superheroes get together and pool their resources, if you wanted to go a more personalized route with allies with whom you have already worked. As for established teams... well, your age and level of experience would seem to make you a good fit for the Interceptors. I have a good relationship with some of the long-time members

Very good! Hee hee!

so I may be able to see if they would be willing to give you a try-out. If you were interested," he said, smiling.

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"The Interceptors?" Ferros almost completely forgot their discussion of community service. Though he managed to place it in the back of his mind for later. "Isn't that the major Super Team responsible for patrolling the entire West End?"

Don't get too excited, Jin. You won't even be able to fly home.

Jin took in a deep breath to calm himself and let it out slowly, "Wow, ya know? You know them? Hey now, Of course you do. You're Dr. Archeville. You must know everyone, ya know?" Ferros smiled. He was almost giddy, "You really think they'd want to work with me? You really think you can get me in?"

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Aww, he likes the team!

"I do know many people," Archeville chuckled, "though my tie to the Interceptors is due to the fact my fiance is on the team."

Eee! I am still getting used to saying that!

"Now, that is not to say I have any real pull with the team," he added, holding a hand up defensively, "nor do I know if they are even looking for new recruits. But I can float the idea by Fulcrum, and see if she will offer you up to the rest for consideration."

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"Fiance?" Ferros looked a little taken back. "I had no clue you were engaged! Congratulations, ya know? Marriage is a special thing. Finding your other half, the person that balances you out, the ying to your yang, if you will?" Ferros smiled at the reference that he always used to compare with romantic relationships.

"Now, that is not to say I have any real pull with the team," he added, holding a hand up defensively, "nor do I know if they are even looking for new recruits. But I can float the idea by Fulcrum, and see if she will offer you up to the rest for consideration."

"Fulcrum?" Ferros's smile grew a little wider, "I've met her, actually. She was one of the heroes that helped me when I defeated those giant robots a while back. Come to think of it, she did mention the interceptors. I suppose I just never made that connection, ya know?."

Ferros dropped the fork into the salad bowl, having finished his meal, "Doctor, any help you could give me, even if it's just a foot in the door, or a good word... Hey, well, I'd be grateful, ya know?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

"I proposed just two weeks ago," Archeville replied, still grinning, "and neither of us have made any sort of official announcement on it... though I am sure it is only a matter of time before some intrepid journalist or paparazzi notices the ring on her finger!"

What is the proper protocol for that? Should we hold a press conference? Or maybe just pas out some fliers?

"As for the team," he fished around in his pockets, at last pulling forth a pen and small business card, "ah, good, I do still have some of these." He hastily scribbled something on the back, "meet at this address on, oh, say, June seventeenth, after your classes and other college work is done, and someone will meet you there to discuss the team."

He passed the card along, then shook the young man's hand, "and now, unfortunately, I must be on my way; there is always something calling upon my time. I wish you the best of luck!" In a flash of blue-gray light and warped spacetime, Archeville was gone.

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