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Fractures [IC]

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The sudden change in his demeanor was startling. Thankfully the intense focus needed for her to understand his speech helped keep the shock to a minimum. Still she just sat there blinking at the 180 degree shift. Once she deciphered his words, a surprisingly satisfied grin crossed her face. Floating up, she came to rest on her end of the couch, arms crossed.

"Don't falter yourself, horn dog. You're not the Casanova half," she replied evenly, and with an honest and healthy dose of disdain. "I was going to ask you that myself. Isn't it time for you to rant about fools and showing them all? No, no, don't tell me, you'll crush the pitiful insects, seize that which is rightfully yours, all while mocking their incompetence?

Something about the new persona really did, almost, make her laugh. Just how over-the-top mad scientist could he get? Or moreover, how mad scientist could he get in 30 minutes? True, her heart ached that Good!Viktor was practically held hostage, but now was not the time for anguish!

She had an ace in the hole and had been holding it for some time. No, she wasn't brilliant, but she was no dummy either. You have to know your enemy just as you know yourself...

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"," he snorted derisively. ""

Would not...

Shut up! It's my turn now!


Mona wasn't entirely certain if that was true, but if so, it presented a key insight: as much of a "cultured evil genius" as this "Other" might want to appear, in truth all the cultured part came from the Viktor she knew and loved. This was nothing but base urges, prejudices and instincts. A thug.

A thug with a monstrously powerful mind, the Devil's own charm, and the face of an angel.

"," He leaped off the couch, into the air, ""

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Actually, the invectives spewing forth were all very enlightening. For the second time since their relationship began, Mona witnessed the raw and true Viktor Archeville, not obfuscated by social mores or shame. So of course the information gleaned was more than a little fascinating. Disturbing yes, also, and raised many more questions than provided answers.

Which meant that the giantess just sat back and listened to the rant. Once he finished, she nodded, "That's impressive. Now don't get me wrong. What you're saying makes sense, to a degree. I only see two problems though. One, science fundamentally is amoral. Enforcing our will upon nature is simply an extrapolation of technological development and a very out-modded and patriarchal one at that. In fact I would go so far as too say that attitude is practically biblical." By now she had settled into a cool, intellectual tone, as if discussing weighty matters. "Secondly, while we do need to toss out that which does not work, and probably a lot of superstitions, magic works. People properly versed in it can create quantifiable effects, and in fact, with your own equipment, you could study that magic at work. To put an even finer point on that issue, if an event is detectable, by definition it is not 'supernatural'."

"Simply because some people can't produce the effects does not eliminate the possibility of authentic magic. Few people, after all, have your intellect, and not many more can decipher the complexity of your inventions. What did Arthur C. Clarke say about that?" She smiled.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mona leaned back on the couch, for all intents and purposes listening carefully. The beginning of his response elicited one raised finger. Even after Evil!Viktor zoomed up to her, she remained cool as a cucumber. Then she added another at the mention of spellcasters and one more at the end of his rant.

She nodded her understanding, "Impressive. Very impressive. That's at least three fallacies in less than two minutes. Let's see, an appeal to emotion, non sequitur and circular reasoning. Playing the sick kid card," shaking her head, "bad taste even for an evil genius. Acknowledging that nature is not simply our dominion does not in any way obviate our need or desire to alter nature. The Freedom League example too sounds solid, may even be so, independent of your larger argument, that magical thinking is a product of outmoded thinking and ignorance. However, used in conjunction with said argument, you're basically arguing that people who know less than you are ignorant. Then the kicker is that they are too stupid to know what you know."

"Of course all of this is academic without a little reproducible evidence. You know, one of those little things that makes science tick." She motioned around the room, "Come on, Ubermensch, you want to drag humanity into your vision of the future, then put your money where your mouth is: give us the data. You can't tell me that the kinder half of you hasn't had the opportunity to conduct some research on this topic. After all, as I noted earlier, 'magic' that affects the physical universe is already quantifiable. With your intellect, you'd think this question could be settled by now. You could convert many willing followers with solid results."

Tapping the side of her jaw, her face pinched up, "Almost sounds like you believe this philosophy not based on solid reasoning, evidence and observation but simply because of personal bias. That almost sounds like...faith."

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She... wh... nya... GAH!

A normal person would see Other!Archeville instantly reply, as his inhumanly fast mental processes meant he could think through his blinding rage in a fraction of a second. But Mona, who was much faster, did see him pause and gnash his teeth for a (subjective) moment. In a different context, the look would be almost comical, but in this context, seeing the man that was and was not her man practically foaming at the mouth in rage, was anything but funny.

"" he said mockingly.

She unfortunately knew the lewd joke that would be the first thing.

"" He made a dismissive wave, "Last month I acquired and have been studying blood and skin samples from Lukos, a werewolf! I've scanned Grimalkin and Jack of all Blades through countless training routines! I've been doing extensive work on Avenger, a vampire, and his meal-ticket, Phantom, the witch, and the little abomination they've got brewing in her belly! And you know what I've found?>"

"" he spat. "" He snorted, ""

Timeline fun: this part of the thread takes place a few days before

Taylor delivers her baby, when Dracula attacks!

More importantly, this flashback takes place about two months before Interrupting Cow (i.e., "the fiasco with Avenger"), which could mean Evil!Dok just spilled the beans to Mona re: Avenger being a vampire for the first time! In fact, this flashback may even be before Mona joined the Interceptors!

Timelines: the cause of, and solution to, all life's problems.

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Mona suddenly wanted a drink. Amazing how verbally sparring with an opponent, yes, an opponent, could be as taxing as a physical brawl. Maintaining composure was particularly difficult, given her feelings for him, but nevertheless one had to set aside personal affections in times of crisis. She'd done it before, even stared down the end of the world without flinching. This hurt more but nonetheless existed on a similar frequency. Not to mention the serious ethical breaches he was so cavalierly devesting from secrecy.

She gave him that skeptical look of hers, hell just at his retort, let alone his exposition. The 'data' he provided, while fascinating, had a disturbing edge to them. She replied neutrally, "Nice selection. I'll say that honestly. You hit a wide variety of 'supernatural creatures'. Kudos. Now I'll concede your points on the nature of many of these subjects. You're still missing my point though. What I'm saying is that magic exists as a fixture of our universe. I'm not saying that everything labeled as magical is indeed so."

"In fact," she said, leaning forward and holding up a finger, "You and I actually meet eye-to-eye on the fundamentals of these issues. I recently had a small chat with a being that claimed to be a Christian angel. Are you familiar with that fellow? I mean he had the works: self-righteous biblical attitude, wings, holy light, flaming sword, the works. Now did I believe he was an angel? Not in the least. I gave absolutely no credence to his ability to speak to god simply because he said so. The same holds true of Phantom or Lukos or Avenger."

"But that's not my point. My point is that phenomena exist which fundamentally rewrite, distort and otherwise alter the local laws of reality through discipline, training, and the uses of of symbolism, particularly those associated with mystical sources. These effects do not emanate from known technological or physiological mechanisms. That's not to say they are not quantifiable scientifically, they simply are another phenomenon. You're painting a broad brush by saying that all supernatural sources are, in fact, not, when others could well exist."

Leaning back, she tapped her jaw, "For example, consider Phantom. How exactly does she cross dimensions? I mean, a portal machine is one thing, but she apparently covers these alternate realities, which I believe are just that, without use of known scientific means. Mutations? Which brings up another point. How exactly do these 'mutations' function. How does a teenager with a strange set of mutations control energy with his mind? Psionics? That's just as magical as any other hypothesis."

"For another example, consider yourself," she added, pointing at him, "How exactly does a man have such a vast intellect and such severe psychological scattering. Humans are smart, and some humans are geniuses. Yet the super geniuses seem to have some edge that others lack. What exactly do you bring to the table? A magical-psionic mutation? Gene therapy? A.I.? One could just as easily say you have a magical mind, if no simple answer is found. Does nothing to say yay or nay to magic."

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Mona sat there silently, pondering his latest statements with neutral look about her. Finally she reached out and patted his jaw, "You really need to learn to relax, Viktor. That's your problem. You're too high strung. How about a nice cup of tea? Not brandy."

Without waiting for answer, Mona was up and at the stove, putting on the tea kettle and searching the cabinets. "I mean really, Viktor, you think you're the only one that wants to find out what makes these things tick? Your problem, and it really is your problem, if you'd just sit back and consider objectively, is your not inconsiderable confirmation bias. Science should be able to explain magic! Therefore I only accept evidence that reinforces my belief!"

Fishing out some tea, she set about a tea set, while continuing, "Although, on a personal level, I hope you succeed. I don't particularly like the idea of Strange Unexplainable Powers myself. The uncertainty is just something you have to live with until an opportunity arises. Scratch that -- an ethical opportunity -- arises. Anything with your green tea?"

Sitting the tray down on the coffee table, she offered him a cup, "Why do you dislike the very concept of magic so much?"

Oh, that was a baited question alright, and she knew he'd sniff it out instantly.

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"" he screamed, ""

So worked up... wanna bend her over that stove and-


"" he spat, darting over to the kitchenette, ""

Her correction of 'opportunity' to 'ethical opportunity' elicited a harsh, barking laugh.

... she really did just ask that, didn't she?

"" he exploded again, thrusting fists into the air. ""

Okay, I think that is about enou-

Shut up!

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Shrugging, she sat down his cup and sipped her own. After a good minute or so, letting him rant, she replied firmly, "Maybe they know something you don't, Viktor."

"I mean, if you've been studying these spellbooks for months, some sort of pattern should have emerged by now, given your vast intellect." After another sip, she added, "May be it's time to pull an Archimedes."

Then Archimedes the cat, one-eyed thing, meowed and she scratched his ears.

At the clock's chime, "...annd that just about does it. It's been a pleasure chatting with you, Dr. Mengele, but we'll have to continue this conversation at your next appointment. Have a lovely day." She raised her cup and smiled in farewell. Something of a Cheshire Cat smile at that.

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I'll show her! I'll show them all!

Yes, yes, you are a terrible thing to behold, but now it is time for you to go back to-


At the clock's chime, he spun in midair and glared at the clock, then spun back to face Mona. ""

Back you go!


"" His hovering wavered, and his face contorted, scrunching up in rage.

Yes you are!

No I'm not!

"" He clutched his head, and began listing to one side.

Get! Back! In! Your! Dumpster!


Archeville roared, which shifted to a scream, then fell to the ground.

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Mona sighed deeply, almost relieved that he fainted again. Kneeling down, she repeated her medical assessment. To his general good health, if not mental stability, she sighed in true relief.

Laying him gently on the couch one more, she sat next to him and stroked his hair, whispering, "Wisdom implies knowing how to live harmoniously."

Not that she knew much about that.

Looked like he was really out this time. After a few minutes watching him breathe, she returned to the kitchen and reheated her tea. Her mind was a mess, and she could only guess at the severity of Viktor's issues. Forcing his id back into his subconscious must have been hell. She wondered how he operated day-to-day, anxiety drugs or not.

The tea hung untouched from one hand, as her thoughts contemplated his condition. Suddenly her chest heaved and she sobbed quietly, but did not cry. She would not allow herself that much self pity, not yet. So much left to do once he woke up. The last thing he needed was waking to her tear-streaked face.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It was not long before Viktor stirred. Though he had ultimately agreed to do it, he was still terrified at just what had happened, taking solace solely in the fact that it could have gone so much worse. Letting his Other side out in short bursts was something he routinely did, so the experience had not been wholly alien, but he had never let it out this fully, or for this long.

Suddenly he sat bolt upright, looked frantically around the room, and practically leaped to Mona's side. "Oh, Mona, are you okay? I am so sorry that I -- that my Other -- said all those terrible, terrible things!"

At least I was able to limit you to be all bark, no bite!

Oh, I don't know, she might like a little biting...

Oh, do be quiet!

Maybe I will, but only because I've had such a... vigorous day already. But don't forget, you still owe me those three bottles of brandy.

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By the time Viktor came around, Mona sat composed at the table, leaning tiredly on one arm. The tea had been abandoned and she was reading the label on his bottle of Jagermeister.

She looked up in surprise at his sudden recovery. Patting his jaw with one large hand, she replied phlegmatically, "I'm fine, silly goose. How are you? And don't worry about it. I know it's you and not really you."

Still her demeanor had an equally melancholic undertone.

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"A... mild headache," he said, then paused. "Not a splitting one... which could mean my brain and body are acclimating to these splits."

Another pause. The haunted look in his eyes deepened.

"I am not sure if that is a good thing or bad."

Please do not go... please do not leave me...

Oh, it'd be best for us. For her, too, even.

What? How can... she was even agreeing with some of what you were saying!

Eh, she'd be too much of a distraction. Especially those firm yet supple-

Stop that!

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"More likely you weren't straining to keep the Other under a minimum of control," she replied. Two shot glasses were fetched and filled with the herbal liqueur. Sitting the bottle down, she propped up her head with one arm and sighed. The glasses were situated side-by-side, for whom they were meant unknown.

"Does it really matter?" came the reply to his introspection. "We'll figure it out sooner or later."

Then she took a shot.

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"I hope so, liebchen," he said, strength slowly returning, "because I have been searching for nearly twenty years..."

He looked up at her.

You're not gonna... no...


"But... for the first time... it feels like... like I can feel some quietude. Can believe, truly believe, that I can find some solace... with your help."

Oh, come on!

But it is true -- I feel she can help, more even than scarab has.

You sure about that?!

"But..." He turned slightly away, "But I know this is much to ask of you... an aspect you did not expect..."

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Mona shrugged, nonchalantly, "Everyone has their secrets and issues, Viktor. I didn't expect anything less from you. If anything your problem is proportional to your natural talent. So don't worry about it. I'm not to run away screaming."

"I will be honest though. Seeing you, or what appeared to be you, using such lurid, degrading and sexist language hurt. A lot. I know it's a thuggish boor, an fundamentally ignorant id, side of you, but it's still you," she said, pointing at him, "If you harbor any such feelings as a whole person, you'd better vent them right now. I'm not about to take that kind of abuse, and the only reason I didn't clock you is because I realized the seriousness of the split."

Leaning back, she continued in a more upbeat tone, "That being said, you're a sweet guy, taken a whole, and I'll do whatever I can, sans doormat, to help and support you on your journey." His hand was squeeze for emphasis.

Then she took the other shot.

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"But that is not-!" he began.

Careful, Archie, you wouldn't wanna lie to the not-so-little woman...

Oh, do be quiet!

His shoulders sank, but he quickly steeled himself again. "That... is a repressed part of me, yes, as is present in most people. Dark sides that they would rather not have come out, that the strive to control. Now, in my case, I have yet to determine why my Other Side harbors those predilections -- perhaps it is some result of being raised alone by my father, having no real maternal figure in my life-"


If the misogynistic show fits.

How dare you?! I am no misogynist -- everyone is equally inferior to me!

Of course...

"... or it could simply be a nastier aspect of my Other's extreme arrogance and megalomania."

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Mona nodded sympathetically and smiled, "Yes, dear, I understand. I'm simply laying down some ground rules. We've moved into a new chapter of our relationship, and I want to be as frank as possible with you."

Squeezing his hand again, she continued, "We all have our flaws, Viktor, as cliche as that may sound. I'm not perfect, you're not perfect, we'll make it up as we go along."

"But yes, you've a good point. He probably just uses whatever demeaning terms he can muster." Shaking her head, she sighed, "Nothing good is ever easy is it?"

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"If it were easy, it vould not be so rare a ding," he replied, his heavy accent returning.

Really? She can speak both English and German, so-

So why not speak German? It is not as if English is her native tongue.

... yes, it is. Or is at least is as native for her as Persian; she learned both at the same time growing up.

He looked up and smiled at her, a strong and supporting smile. "I dink you are being too harsh on yourself, dough, liebchen -- de only flaw I see in you is your unfortunate veakness to Daka crystals. As for my flaws, dough," he cocked his head slightly, "I shall continue therapy under Scarab-"


Oh, like you bother listening anyway; all you do is ogle her.

Yes. Yes, I do.

"and consulting with other colleagues in the psychiatric and psychological field. But... but your support will mean the most of all."

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She waved a hand dismissively, "You haven't seen me angry, Viktor."

A big smile did ambush her a bit at his flattery. Instead of addressing that, she replied, "Then I will be there to support you as you continue your therapy. You'll be better in time. I'm sure of it."

"Now how about some scrambled eggs and sausage?"

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"Dat sounds vunderbar, liebchen," he replied with a smile.

Yeesss, get in the kitchen...

... oy...

Present Day (Wednesday, September 15th, 2010)

Archeville broke from the long, deep kiss for a gasp of air, and gazed into her eyes. One hand came up and caressed her cheek. "You really do mean the world to me, Mona."

We need to celebrate! Something big! But what?
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"And you to me, Viktor," replied Fulcrum softly, taking his hand. That being said, she had to ask the obvious, "That is absolutely wonderful news! Are you sure it's really gone? I mean...," She couldn't find the words to express her concern.

Finally, she said simply, "I mean, the Other is a critical part of you. I hate to say it, sweetie, but as you and it separately said, the one needs the other. Are you sure it hasn't been subsumed somehow? Repressed so you can't detect it?"

Not articulated were her worries over the source of his 'cure'. Having met Kid Cthulhu, heard of Phantom by proxy and the cure involving summoned squid creatures, her skepticism radar had been pinged. Few things were cut-and-dry with magic from her experience. Yes, she remembered defending magic those months ago, and how she had to convince herself as much as the Other.

Denying the reality of magic was akin to wearing rose-colored glasses, or in the Other's case, blood crimson glasses. But magic fell into the nebulous, undefined gray zone of abilities. Powerful, ancient, yes, but also inherently unpredictable and difficult to quantify, let alone control.

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