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Mona wrote her neighbor's number on the card and handed it back to Caroline. As she wrote, she said, "I understand. I was just thinking about taking you out for dinner. You know, as a bit more of a thank you."

"Probably have to be after the holidays for me too, even if we could get a reservation. Lots of family obligations on my end too," she said, smiling at the mention of a wedding, "That's wonderful! Don't tell me...Bridesmaids' dresses?"

"In any event, would you be interested? Viktor may be there, but you're welcome to bring a guest. If you don't have a steady, just find a friend that likes good food." She winked.

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Taking a few seconds she let out a snort,

"No, I'm not working a wedding, I'm attending. You're the only person I do this sort of thing for."

She waved her hand over the clothing,

"Though I did make the centerpieces, bouquets, and corsages. Even than, can't count it as a job since I wasn't paid for it. Which might of been useful, because the brides maid dress, in exchange for the rarity of not being horrid, cost me more than a months rent."

She shrugged a little, even if her rent wasn't really that much considering she was a single boarder.

"I'd love to come, it goes against all my instincts to turn down a free meal. Though I'm far more likely to bring family than a date, or friends. Probably my sis, or my mom, she loves good food. She can suck down a whole plate of oysters faster than you can say mother of pearl."

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Mona chuckled, "I should have known, given what you've already said."

"Still that was nice of you. Just stay optimistic: after all, the dress could have cost a month's rent and still be hideous. I swear those things must be a villain's plot to prevent weddings or something," she laughed and sipped her coffee, "Seriously though, at least you won't look like a deranged fruit tree or something."

"You're certainly welcome to bring any of them, especially your mom. She helped out after all. Plus your friend that did the embroidery. I could probably squeeze them into the reservation and still be able to eat myself." She gave a little wink. "Which is fine, considering I love oysters too. We'll get along fine."

Then she realized she'd finished her coffee.

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"Heh, there are varying complications to inviting more than the minimum besides your personal inclination."

Closing her note pad, she started to take the clothing and put them back into there bags,

"I don't mind you telling your friends about me, but talking about you is a whole different story. I'll be honest, you're not the first hero I've met, and I've grown used to the idea that they're normal people who happen to provide an excellent community service. My friends, can't exactly be sure."

Picking up the bags from the seat she set it on the table,

"Simply, I don't like standing out usually. People have rather high expectations of heroes, and it might be brought into association. Plus, I don't really want to ever have to be prompted to ask unreasonable favors because of a connection like that, or the connection that I can sew well enough to just more than just the assistant costume designer, since for all the theatre work I do, I prefer being strictly tech staff and maybe some painting."

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Mona nodded as she helped pack up the clothing, "I understand and appreciate your concern. You're right. I have enough trouble."

"That's a good point. Speaking of which, if you don't want to deal with another order so soon, or at all, I'll understand," she added while stacking the bags up. "The next order isn't going to be nearly as straight forward."

"Oh...you paint too? What's your preferred method and media?" Although already in a good mood, her face lit up at the mention of painting. "You're a woman of many talents, Caroline."

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"I'm perfectly fine getting this order, but I just don't really see myself doing this for anybody else."

Letting out a sigh she shrugged her shoulder at the topic change,

"Usually I stick to acrylic because it's the cheapest. Anyway, painting is more something I do alongside tech work, mostly landscapes and sets, nothing really good. I'm absolutely horrid at portraits and basic human anatomy really, and all my talents are generally pointed to theatre work. I can work a soundboard, and do lights too, plus I'm Adobe Certified so I can make posters, though that also goes into my GD degree. I can sculpt with like maybe clay, make a plate or a mug, not much past that, and though I'm pretty darn good at papercraft, both cut and paste and folded. I can make jewellery too, but I don't really have a sautering kit, or really any supplies for that sort of thing."

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  • 3 weeks later...

Mona smiled, "You're a many talented woman, Caroline. I'll not say a thing, but thank you again."

"Kind of funny you mentioned being suited for theatre work. I haven't had much luck in theatre, stature not withstanding. Mine has always been painting and sculpting. Although I never tried anything other than clay and some casting work until after my powers developed. Now I've been experimenting with metal sculpture and stone. Interesting medium and very unforgiving."

"If you want to learn anatomical drawing, I'd be more than willing to help you. It takes a real attention to detail I think you'd appreciate once you mastered the basics." She chuckled, "I still have trouble with hands sometimes. Hard to orient them in natural-looking angles."

Noting that they were settling in for a chat, Mona waved over the waitress and ordered another coffee, "Anything you'd like, Caroline?"

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"It just depends, I'm sure they'd love you for set building, no one would have to share a ladder, there are never enough ladders. Anyway, I don't feel like improving my anatomy work, it's a waste of time since it's not like I plan to do drawing for a living. I can barely write for very long since my carpol tunnel acts up if I try to pull a pencil to paper."

She twisted her wrist quietly for a second than let out a yawn,

"Plus drawing gets boring, there are always a million little things you have to fix over and over again and if you aren't neat you can never get the eraser marks out, and than you have to start over. One reason why I like digital art, editing's a lot easier."

She glanced at the waitress,

"Coca-cola please."

The waitress nodded to confirm that they did have it before heading off to get there orders,

"I'd imagine it'd be hard to get the details, you've got such large hands. Though I guess you can use a detail brush, or pick it's just not as easy. My hands are pretty dainty, which is usually pretty useful for art, or just things in general because of all the places they can fit more easily."

Plus, because they are able to turn into permenantly sharp blades I have never needed to purchase a pair of scissors or an exactoknife.

She looked at her hands stretched her fingers out,

"It's weird, I think they should be a bit more calloused actually, I used to have a bunch of blisters on them from middle school."

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"Yeah," she replied drearily, "This size thing is more of a problem than a help. I basically had to teach myself how to detail and ink again. Scale is really important for the artist too."

What she left unsaid was her continued dislike of her size. Oh, no, she'd come to accept it as a consequence of her powers, but if pressed she'd admit that they just weren't worth the hassle many times. Only once had she admitted as much. Nor had she admitted, even to her family or Viktor, that she was very close to giving up her normal career for full time heroics.

Looking at Caroline's hands and her own, surprisingly calloused hands, she smiled a bit, "Count yourself lucky. I know a lot of women who would be envious for pretty hands like that."

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"Yeah, but pretty hands aren't really that useful unless your like a hand model and nowadays they mostly just take normal hands and airbrush them."

She let out a light laugh,

"But honestly, they shouldn't be this nice, I should have some callouses on the inside of my hand from the blisters from working on the poles so much, even with the powder spinning around like that does rub your skin the wrong way."

She stopped for a few seconds before saying,

"Have I mentioned I used to be a gymnist, because sort of sounded kind of bad out of context."

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Mona raised two fingers, "Scouts honor, I was thinking gymnast first."

Then she laughed, "But yes, taken out of context what you said does have some interesting connotations."

"To be honest, you look like you have the build of a gymnast. Sorta petite and lithe, yet wiry. Did you ever compete?"

When their drinks arrive, Mona thanked the waitress and went on to her next round of coffee. Considering that first huge one, she probably had enough caffeine to buzz an elephant. Probably barely affected her, if at all.

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She took her coke up and took a sip before answering,

"I did in middle school. I wasn't very good back then to be honest, I could compete at state level, but I almost always got third place or lower so I never qualified for anything that would get anything like media coverage or possible scholarships and I dropped out in high school because I hated the diet."

Reaching down she unwrapped another one of her smores and took a bite and a sip of her coke to wash it down,

"You can't eat anything remotely tasty if you go pro. The ideal figure and weight for a female gymnist is that of a porceiln doll. A swear to god, there is no other sport with nearly as many anorexics, well except maybe ballerinas. Given, while gymnists are light and subject to be blown away by a strong wind, ballerinas are tough as freaking nails. You ever try ballet, it hurts like a mofo to dance on your toes like that and those shoes are attrocities to all feet."

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Mona just shook her head, "No, I'm afraid ballet is outside of talent zone. I've been built like this since high school, believe it or not. I bet they are tough though. I practically feel myself developing arthritis just watching them walk around like that. Ballet and gymnastics, not to belittle your earlier athletics, seems like the types that draw a lot of OCDs too."

Taking a big sip of her drink, she continued, "Wrestlers and runners have a lot of eating disorders too. I ran around with the wrestlers a lot in high school. I've never seen people binge eat like that."

"Although, if you want an occasionally funny profession vice," she added, holding up two fingers, "Just think about musicians. Not just the rock 'n roll people either. I've never seen such a collection of chemical cupcakes as professional or even semi-professional musicians. Great folks though. I bet you can back me up on this one."

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"I didn't hang out with the sports crowd in High School, I was a certified theatre geek and very anti-social. You know those kids you see doodling in there notebooks who kept their heads down, and were almost always quiet so much so that they were suspect to commit a high school shooting. That was me, except I would assure anyone who asked that arson was neater and less likely to leave evidence."

She let out a laugh,

"Wow, did I hate my graduating class. But, I did well in my niche in the theatre club."

"I've hung out with musicians, gotta say, don't like how glamourized drugs are to them. But I live in the Fens, that sort of means that I basically walk by the crash sites of once casual drug users on my way to work like every day. The designer drug industry isn't helping in the least either."

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"Can't really approve of it myself. I know they have some long sets, but then again a lot of hobbies and professions are like that," she replied between sips. "I've done my part on the designer drug fight. Really though that sort of thing is outside of my expertise."

"Foreshadow I know is really against the drug rackets. Jack-of-All-Blades has been fighting like a bandit against the dealers trying to edge their ways into the West End. The locals and heroes have spent years cleaning the area up, and they're damn well not going to give it up to a bunch of punks."

Then she paused a moment and looked into the distance. Finally she said, "Nothing against your digs, but the Fens is really becoming dangerous. I know the West End has several recently renovated apartment complexes available, if you're looking for a new pad. Plus like I said, Jack and Jill are out there patrolling the streets every night."

Switching subjects, perhaps to something lighter, "Yeah, well, I wish people would have let me be anti-social sometimes. Then again a little shock treatment like that is a good motivator to give you space without getting you certified."

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If Carrie noticed the attempted subject change, she didn't acknowledge,

"Becoming nothing, it is dangerous, especially this last October it was a freaking madhouse. However, it hasn't scared my landlady away and I still have eight months on my lease. I'm not moving, and there are very few things that can make me. Plus it's not like I'm such a pushover that I can't deal with druggies and obnoxious dealers, by definition most people in said positions aren't in the best of shape."

Scratching the back of her head she let out a light yawn.

"Now, I won't knock West End, I lived over in Grenville with my parents but went there often when I was in my teens. Though that was before Jack and Jill started to make there appearances. It's a step up, but a very small one for about double the average renters fees. Plus, it's not as close to the Theatre District, dangers aside, I'm not going to move anywhere soon unless I get a car or a driver and neither are very likely in the near future."

Leaning forward on her elbows, she looked at Mona,

"Well Mona, if you weren't so cheery all the time, I'd think people might actually be afraid of what you're capable of. Same with your boyfriend and just about every other hero in the city. It's a scary reality about the sheer amount of damage that could be done by just one of the heroes if they were ever to have a really bad day."

Reaching for her drink, Carrie took a silent toast to why she loved how relatively harmless her powers were to most of the cities heroes.

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Mona smiled, "Just saying, Caroline. Don't want a friend of mine to be mugged."

As to the heroic bad days, she shrugged and raised her cup, even if she didn't know Caroline's reasons."Yeah, I remember that. Amazing how everything seemed blow up all in one neighborhood. Amazing." Tapping her cup, she said offhandedly, "I wonder how Daedalus is doing. They really worked him over. I hope he's doing better. Poor guy."

"Besides, I'm sure quite a few people worry about what I and other heroes can do. I wouldn't be surprised if S.T.A.R.R. Squad and the local AEGIS office had contingency plans for every one of us." Tone still amiable, and a simple statement of fact, she said, "I'm not really worried about me. I've been compared to a nuclear weapon. I could level Freedom City. Heroes like Dark Star, The Scarab, even Viktor, operate on a global scale."

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"Better me than someone who has something worth stealing on them, even than I don't think anyone's actually succeeded, well unless you count the imp, which I don't cause he went up in flames shortly after."

She started to fiddle with her straw a bit as the image of the hero tied to the chair very nearly made her shiver,

"Geez, Daedalus got a pretty freaking raw deal, especially because no one noticed he was gone in the first place. That's almost as creepy as the whole kidnapping by the weird death cult thing."

Sitting up she let out a breath,

"I'm sure that a lot of people in positions of power can, and on some level abused it. But it's good to know that most the heroes out there are just that, heroes. It's a mix bag of many types of people I'm sure, the Interceptors is a good example of that, though you probably know better than anybody."

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"From what I understand, Daedalus has a habit of disappearing for weeks on end, either in his lab or on some personal project, so that probably accounts for part. Viktor is the same way. Sometimes he just up and leaves when an idea strikes him. Later I'll find out he was in space or something," she replied, sipping her drink. "He could be a pod person for all I know."

She nodded at Caroline's latter remark, as if did seem to hit home. "'Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely'. It's a bad cliche, in a sense, but in another way, it's very true. There's a reason some of the most powerful heroes are also some of most pacifistic. They are acutely aware of what their powers would be like abused." Pausing a moment, her gaze settled on her cup as she swirled it. Finally she said, "Yes, you're right about the Interceptors. They're good people, but boy, are they mixed types. I'm amazed how such large teams as the Freedom League function so well together."

"I'm not saying anything against the Interceptors. Early reputations to the contrary, they're a great bunch. But just about as different as you can imagine and be on the same team!" She laughed, just thinking about shenanigans they could get into off duty.

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She smiled as they were pulling off the more serious topics,

"Well variety does create unity. Different people, different roles, it's what makes a team, a team. Some people are better suited for some roles than others based on upbringing, temperment and the like. I've actually met Grimalkin. I'll be honest, didn't spend much time with her, but she seemed friendly enough and just a touch scary, mind you it was probably the whole claw thing she had going on."

Taking another sip she found that she had emptied her soda and slid it to the side.

"But that's part of a somewhat strange story I do not wish to share without the presense of participant for fear of sounding one sided."

Reaching down she took a look at her watch,

"Getting to some time where I should probably be leaving, want some help being loaded up."

Carrie pointed over to the bags of clothing.

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Mona giggled, "That's Grim for you. Yeah, she can be scary, but really her bark is way worse than her bite. Or scratch. Although those claws do make wonderful back scratchers." The last of her coffee went down in one gulp. "You're right though. Having a good mix of abilities as well as personalities is what makes a team happen."

Pointing at Carrie, she smiled, "You realize I'm going to ask her about that meeting, right? Either you confess now or I have to pull you both together for lunch sometime. Actually that sounds fun. Interested?"

Looking over the bags, she nodded, "Yes, please actually. I flew here. Any way to tie these bags so my outfits do not end up all over downtown?"

Of course there was the little matter of the bill. She waved over the waitress and paid the bill, with a good gratuity on top of it.

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"I am always up for free food. You set the date and I will see if it fits into my busy unemployed schedule. Anyway, I can't garuentee how well it'll hold in flight since I haven't been able to do the field test, but I can tie these up pretty good."

Pulling up the bags, she reached into her purse and pulled out a zipstrip which she fastened to each bag to hold them together while tieing off the ends.

"Might want to fly a bit slower than usual, winds awfully harsh and it'd be a pain for a bird to run into a flying pair of blue jeans."

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"Thanks, Caroline," Mona replied, slipping the bags on one arm. "They should make it home anyway."

Standing, she adjusted the bags, "I'll get back to you with the dates and time. Fighting alien invasions is a bear on the schedule."

"Speaking of birds," she laughed, "Remember that a lot of fliers do not have helmets or windscreens. Just think about it."

Then she did something unexpected and hugged Caroline. "Thanks again. I really appreciate it."

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"I'd think anything that was unlucky enough to fly into your would be the one needing a helm..."

She was cut off by the hug, which was rather awkward if only because she was so much larger than her. Well at least she was more gentle about it than her brother or father whom she was certian were trying to break her back. Shrugging, she hugged her back,

"It's no problem really, you are after all paying me."

Ducking expertly to slip out of the larger heroines grasp she looked up at her eyes,

"Anyway, you have my number, I have yours. Call me if you're ever thinking of treating anyone to a meal, and I'll call you when I have the next batch ready."

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Yes, the hug was a bit awkward, but at the same time, the giantess knew her limitations and obviously had practiced the move. Given her corresponding strength, she probably spent a lot of time planning simple hugs.

Once Caroline was free, Mona nodded. Her smile seemed to slip somewhat, for whatever reason, but replied normally, "Yeah, well...it helps."

After a moment of awkward silence, she jiggled the bags and looked outside, "I'll keep in touch. Have a good one, Carrie."

Moments later she lifted off from the sidewalk, her shadow trailing inside the cafe and disappearing.

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