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Omegadrone (NPC) (Rank 8 Minion)

PL: 7 (120)

Abilities: 4 pp

STR 24 (+7)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON n/a

INT 10 (+0)

WIS 10 (+0)

CHA 10 (+0)

Combat: 16 pp

ATK: +4 (+6 Pike Blast, +7 melee)

DEF: +7 (+2 flat-footed)

Init: +0

Grapple: +14

Saves: 8 pp

TOU +7 (+7 Protection)

FORT n/a

REF +4 (+0 Dex, +4)

WILL +4 (+0 Wis, +4)

Skills: 32 r=8 pp

Intimidate 12 (+12)

Notice 10 (+10)

Sense Motive 5 (+5)

Stealth 5 (+5)

Feats: 8 pp

Attack Focus: Melee 3

Dodge Focus 3



Powers: 76 pp

Device 4 (Power Pike, Easy to Lose, PF: Restricted [Omegadrones]) [13 pp]

Blast 8 (PFs: Accurate, Improved Crit, Incurable) [19+1=20 pp]

AP: Damage 0 (Extras: Penetrating 7, Vampiric 7, PFs: Extended Reach, Improved Crit, Incurable, Precise, Takedown Attack)

Flight 3 (50 MPH/500 fpr) [6 pp]

Immunity 40 (Fortitude Saves, Mental Effects) [40 pp]

Protection 7 (Extra: Impervious 7) [14 pp]

Super-Senses 3 (Darkvision, Radio) [3 pp]


abilities 4 + combat 16 + saves 8 + skills 8/32 + feats 8 + powers 76 = 120 pts


Design Notes:

Theme Music

Here's my revised build for a base Omegadrone, one that I think is considerably more terrifying than the one in the Freedom City book. It may not seem that formidable in a world of superheroes; but in a normal world without heroes it's the most terrifying thing alive, easily capable of fighting an entire army base full of NPC soldiers and SWAT officers and potentially winning, shrugging off all but heavy weapons fire and repairing itself by draining the life-energy of its targets via terrible entropic strikes of its deadly pike. In an agents game, it'd be a monster who could easily fight the entire team at once. In a world of heroes, it's less of a threat: most PL 7s could probably take it without too much trouble. Despite lacking enough volition to be manipulatable by telepaths, It's not hard to fool or trick. But the thing of it is, where there's one Omegadrone, there's usually a thousand or ten thousand, boiling out of screaming rifts in the sky and overwhelming even powerful heroes by sheer numbers as they pull the world into the all-devouring darkness of the Terminus.

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Streetwise Shark

"You callin me a SHARK?"

PL: 10 (150)

Ailities: 36 pp

STR 30/20 (+10/+5)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 30/20 (+10/+5)

INT 14 (+2)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 14 (+2)

Combat: 24 pp

ATK: +6 (+10 Melee)

DEF: +10 (+3 flat-footed)

Grapple: +24

Init: +2

Saves: 11 pp

TOU +10 (+10 Con)

FORT +10 (+10 Con)

REF +8 (+2 Dex, +6)

WILL +7 (+2 Wis, +5)

Skills: 56 r=14 pp

Diplomacy 8 (+10)

Gather Info 8 (+10)

Intimidate 13 (+15)

Knowledge (History) 4 (+6)

Knowledge (Streetwise) 4 (+6)

Language 1 (French, Base: English)

Notice 8 (+10)

Sense Motive 8 (+10)

Survival 2 (+4)

Feats: 16 pp

Attack Focus: Melee 4

Challenge (Fast Startle)

Dodge Focus 4

Environmental Adaptation (Underwater)

Move-By Action

Power Attack


Takedown Attack

Uncanny Dodge (radio)


Powers: 49 pp

Comprehend 2 (speak to and understand animals, Flaw: underwater animals only) [2 pp]

Enhanced Con 10 (to CON 30/+10) [10 pp]

Enhanced Feats 3 (Improved Crit, Precise, Variable Descriptor 1 [bludgeoning/piercing/slashing]) [3 pp]

Enhanced Strength 10 (to STR 30/+10) [10 pp]

Flight 3 (50 MPH/500 fpr) (PF: Subtle) [7 pp]

Immunity 4 (aging, drowning, environmental cold, high pressure) [4 pp]

Super-Senses 5 (electroreception; Accurate Analytical Extended Radio Sense) [5PP]

Super-Strength 4 (Heavy Load: 12 tons) [8 pp]


abilities 36 + combat 24 + saves 11 + skills 14/56 + feats 16 + powers 49 = 150 pts


Design Notes:

Here's my build for Buford, the neighborhood bully and muscle of the Phineas and Ferb gang. Though he appears oafish and stupid, Buford actually turns out to have hidden depths as the series progresses. Buford can best be understood as a Proud Warrior Race Guy, a bully who beats up nerds because it's his duty under the Bully Code, a loyal frenemy who will happily adventure alongside the heroes one day and on other days try to tear down what they've built when they disagree over ethics. (That his family are ethnic outsiders, being descendants of Otto H. Adjacent, founder of the Adjacent Area that was merged unwillingly into the Tri-State Area in which the show takes place, only makes things sharper.) He's devoted to his mother and his goldfish Biff, even to the extent of naming the latter after the former. He's more of a friend who beats you up sometimes (particularly Baljeet) than a real neighborhood bully.

Buford's interest in aquatic life got me to build him as basically a squaline Namor, a shark-man who can "fly like a little woodland pixie" on ankle wings just as he's always dreamed. I've built sharks before, so for this one I opted to focus on combat prowess and super-senses: a shark's electroreception might be more subtle than its teeth, but their ability to track by bioelectricity is quite real, and quite formidable. He's a decent street-level investigator and could function as an Atlantean Luke Cage pretty effectively. He's a solid fighter; maybe he doesn't have Candace's sheer physical power, but he's a better overall fighter.

I think he works fine as an Atlantean hero who happens to have a little shark in him, or maybe he's a Hawaiian were-shark, a man who transforms under the full moon into an aquatic behemoth that can also go on land! If you want a more divine slant to his magical origins, he might be an avatar of Nanaue, the demigod son of Ka-moho-alii, King of the Sharks, trapped between human and squaline worlds just as thoroughly as he's trapped between human and the divine. That might explain the flight, too!

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Night Witch

"Anyone who doesn't regret the passing of the Soviet Union has no heart. Anyone who wants it restored has no brains" -Vladimir Putin

PL: 10 (150)

Abilities: 24 pp

STR 14 (+2)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 14 (+2)

INT 14 (+2)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 14 (+2)

Combat: 24 pp

ATK: +6

DEF: +10 (+3 flat-footed)

Init: +2

Grapple: +8/+20 w/TK

Saves: 14 pp

TOU +10 (+2 Con, +8 Protection)

FORT +7 (+2 Con, +5)

REF +7 (+2 Dex, +4)

WILL +7 (+2 Wis, +5)

Skills: 13 pp=52 r

Intimidate 8 (+10)

Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 3 (+5)

Languages 2 (English, German, Base: Russian)

Notice 8 (+10)

Pilot 8 (+10)

Search 3 (+5)

Sense Motive 8 (+10)

Stealth 8 (+10)

Feats: 8 pp

Dodge Focus 4


Move-By Action


Uncanny Dodge (auditory)

Powers: 63 pp

Flight 3 (50 MPH) [6 pp]

Magic Array [38+6=44 pp]

Damage 10 (Extras: Area [shapeable], Selective, PFs: Indirect 2, Progression 5 [10 500 ft cubes], Variable Descriptor 1 [any elemental)

AP: Damage 10 (Extras: Penetrating 5, Range [Perception], PFs: Indirect 2, Variable Descriptor 1 [any elemental])

AP: ESP 6 (20 miles, all senses) (PFs: Fast Task 4 [full action to search 1 mile], Subtle [DC 24 Notice])

AP: Move Object 10 (Heavy Load: 12 tons) (Extra: Range [Perception], PFs: Indirect 2, Precise, Subtle, Variable Descriptor 1 [any elemental)

AP: Obscure 10 (visual, 1 mile) (Extra: Selective, PFs: Indirect 2, Variable Descriptor 1 [any elemental)

AP: Teleport 6 (20 miles/600 ft) (Extras: Accurate, Portal, PFs: Easy, Progression 2 [25 by 25 ft])

Protection 8 [8 pp]

Super-Senses 5 (Darkvision, Magic Awareness 3 [visual]) [5 pp]


abilities 24 + combat 24 + saves 14 + skills 13/52 + feats 8 + powers 63 = 150 pts


Design Notes:

Inspired by Trollthumper's many military builds, as well my own interest in history and love of Soviet kitsch, here's a Night Witch: a Soviet mystic soldier of the Second World War. She's a creature of raw arcane power, trained hastily in the natural magic of defending the Russian land (based on the Tzimisce koldunic sorcery of White Wolf), and sent out to battle Nazis with nothing more than power, guts, and an iron nerve: the historical Night Witches were pilots (and did not call themselves that; the world is a translation of the German Nachthexen, named in terrified honor of the impossibly brave young women who flew in over Luftwaffe bases in cropdusters and training planes to bomb and strafe their enemies), so she's a good flier, observant and reasonably smart (if not well-trained; Soviet mystics probably were purged heavily before the war), and a decent enough fighter for someone who's primarily about the Perception-range attacks.

She's very versatile, and probably damn near invincible when part of a coven: she can blanket the sky with storms or pure darkness big enough to block the movements of an entire Soviet tank column, she can destroy single targets with lightning bolts, tornados, or even volcanic eruptions: she can sweep away a Nazi base with tremendous winds and kill a square mile full of Krauts in fire, flame, and death with just a thought: she can also fly as fast as her old prop plane, scry on her enemies, and open up gateways in the soil of Mother Russia for herself, her allies, and the brave defender of the motherland to pass through. She knows magic when she sees it, but she's just not as good as a real specialist.

She makes a fine addition to a Golden Age game, a defender of an embattled nation fighting to the last to defeat a terrible enemy. Note that a Great Patriotic War veteran will have had a very different military experience (and thus a different experience) than one who fought on the Western Front; there was nothing gentlemanly about the terrible conflict in the East, it was a war for survival, pure and simple. She doesn't have Immunity to aging, but you could easily add one if you want her to be a still-hearty veteran of World War II. Presumably the Night Witches didn't do that well in the purges after 1945, but perhaps they did keep a military presence in the Soviet Union. She makes a fine all-American (if badly trained) witch too!

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Wealthy Giant

""Bernard of Chartres used to say that we are like dwarfs on the shoulders of giants, so that we can see more than they, and things at a greater distance, not by virtue of any sharpness of sight on our part, or any physical distinction, but because we are carried high and raised up by their giant size." -John of Salisbury, 1159

PL: 10 (150)

Abilities: 30 pp

STR 40 [16] (+15/+3)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 32 [20] (+11/+5)

INT 12 (+1)

WIS 12 (+1)

CHA 20 (+5)

Combat: 28 pp

ATK: +7 (+9 Melee) (+3 w/size/+5 Melee)

DEF: +7 (+3 w/size/+5)

Init: +0

Grapple: +11/+34 w/full size

Saves: 12 pp

TOU +15 (+5 Con, +6 Growth, +4 Protection)

FORT +12 (+5 Con, +6 Growth, +1)

REF +5 (+0 Ref, +5)

WILL +7 (+1 Wis, +6)

Skills: 15pp=60 r

Bluff 10 (+15)

Concentration 9 (+10)

Craft (Mechanical) 4 (+5)

Diplomacy 5 (+10)

Gather Info 5 (+10)

Intimidate 13 (+18/+24)

Knowledge (Technology) 4 (+5)

Notice 4 (+5)

Sense Motive 4 (+5)

Feats: 15 pp

Attack Focus: Melee 2

Benefit (Wealth) 3



Dodge Focus 2

Power Attack

Second Chance (Concentration checks to maintain powers)



Takedown Attack

Ultimate Save (Toughness)


Powers: 50 pp

Device 12 (Giant Suit, Hard to Lose) (PFs: Restricted 2 [only you]) [50 pp]

Growth 12 [36]

-4 ATK/DEF, +12 Grapple, -12 Stealth, +6 Intimidate, 32 ft tall, 32K lbs, 20 ft Space, 15 ft Reach, x3 Carrying Capacity

Impervious TOU 10 [10]

Protection 4 [4]

Super-Senses 1 (Radio) [1]

Super-Strength 4 (Heavy Load: 768 tons) (PF: Groundstrike) [9]


abilities 30 + combat 28 + saves 12 + skills 15/60 + feats 15 + powers 50 = 150 pts


Design Notes:

Here's a rich, beautiful young woman in a costume that lets her grow to thirty-two feet tall, based on the excellent Janet van Dyne (aka Giant Girl) from the sadly canceled Marvel Adventures line. The MA writers were smart enough to totally reinvent Janet van Dyne, presenting her as a brave young woman determined to do good in the world, a philanthropist who one day hired the services of nebbishy scientist Hank Pym (who immediately developed a massive crush on her) to build her a costume to let her become a superhero! Thus was born Giant Girl, a heroic champion and member of her native universe's Avengers.

I've tried to capture the feel of that character here, without being shackled to the continuity stuff that would have given her Comprehend Insects and the like. Her primary strength when she's not thirty feet tall and easily buff enough to be your team's powerhouse is her social abilities, as befits the heir to a vast business empire: she's a master at relating to people and figuring out how to handle them; whether building them up or tearing them down. She's great at feinting and startling in combat as well as doing some information-gathering out there among her vast network of contacts. She's also rich enough to be the team's primary financier, as well as its primary face to the general public. She's PL 6 without her armor, perhaps reflecting some time at the gym learning the basics of martial arts.

If you do want a more straightforward conversion; Comprehend (Insects) would cost you 2 pp, or you could redirect more points and get insect-related ESP or other such powers. As written, she's not smart enough to have built her costume, but she's easily well-trained enough to do field repairs if it takes damage. She could be the heir to a size-changing hero of a previous generation and an inheritor of her costume and legacy if you want to connect her a bit more to history. If you want to make her more tech-minded, it would be easy enough to switch out her INT and CHA, adjust her skills some, and make her a gadgeteer who gets her confidence by smashing all those who stand in her way!

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Hulking Powerhouse

"Hulkamania Gonna Getcha!"

PL: 10 (150)

Abilities: 6 pp

STR 38/10 (14/+0)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 24/10 (+7/+0)

INT 20/10 (+5/+0)

WIS 16 (+3)

CHA 10 (+0)

Combat: 16 pp

ATK: +4 (+6 melee)

DEF: +12 (+2 flat-footed) [+6 (+2 flat-footed) when Hulked-Out]

Init: +0

Grapple: +6/+25

Saves: 13 pp

TOU +2 (+0 Con, +2 Defensive Roll) [+14 (+7 Con, +7 Protection) when Hulked-Out)

FORT +4 (+0 Con, +4) [+11 (+7 Con, +4) when Hulked-Out)]

REF +4 (+0 Dex, +4)

WILL +8 (+3 Wis, +5)

Skills: 12 r=3 pp

Concentration 7 (+10)

Notice 2 (+5)

Sense Motive 2 (+5)

Survival 1 (+4)

Feats: 8 pp

Attack Focus: Melee (2)

Dodge Focus (2)



Takedown Attack

Ultimate Check (Concentration)

Powers: 104 pp

Container 6 (Puny Human) (PF: Innate) (Drawback: Power Loss: When Hulked Out [-2]) [29 pp]

Enhanced Feats 12 (Beginner's Luck, Defensive Roll, Dodge Focus 6, Eidetic Memory, Inventor, Jack of all Trades, Skill Mastery (Computers, Craft [Electronic], Craft [Mechanical], Knowledge [Technology]) [12]

Enhanced INT 10(to INT 20/+5) [10]

Enhanced Skills 32 (Craft (Electronic) 5 [+10], Craft (Mechanical) 5 [+10], Knowledge (Physical Sciences) 10 [+15], Knowledge (Technology) 5 [+10], Medicine 7 [+10]) [8]

Alternate Form 15 (Sustained) (Hulkamania) [75 pp]

Enhanced CON 14 (to CON 24/+7) [14]

Enhanced Skills 3 (Intimidate 12 [+12]) [3]

Enhanced STR 28 (to STR 38/+14) [28]

Leaping 2 (x10) [2+1=3]

AP: Speed 2 (25 MPH)

Protection 7 (Extra: Impervious 10) [17]

Super-Strength 5 (Heavy Load: ~90 tons) [10]


abilities 6 + combat 16 + saves 13 + skills 3/12 + feats 8 + powers 104 = 150 pts


Design Notes:

All right, here's my take on the Incredible Hulk, mechanically based on Doc's Powerhouse with a Power Ring over in his own thread. Most of the time, this character runs around in his puny human state, where he's one of the smartest men on the planet, but when suitably pressed he can transform himself into a unstoppable raging powerhouse easily capable of ripping things apart with tremendous fury! I wanted to make it equally fun to play 'Banner', so in his regular state he's a fully-Defense shifted PL 7 who can at least hide behind his tougher teammates while working on some scientific project to save the day. He can't fight worth a damn that way, but he can at least pull out an invention that'll come in handy in a crisis. He's also not a bad doctor and physicist in addition to his engineering talents! (Banner should primarily be a physicist turned engineer, after all, since his area of expertise in the comics is generally bombs!)

When Hulked-out, he's a solidly-threatening PL 10 powerhouse: note that his defensive caps are very different when he's hulked out, since he doesn't feel the need to dodge anymore! He's not really the strongest one there is, true, but he's certainly very strong and tough indeed, and mobile in combat to boot. As written there's nothing mechanical that keeps him from being hulked out all the time, except that he may not like the loss of his intellect while succumbing to the raging brute inside him! (He doesn't have the Hulk's immunity to radiation, true, but that could easily be acquired in play with PP; his +11 Fortitude save will cover a multiple of sins).

Origins for this fellow are up to you; perhaps he was a doctor experimenting with a new drug whose side-effects were completely unexpected. His choice to use himself as a test subject spared others, but left him with a mighty raging beast inside that craves combat! I put Fearless outside his alternate form, to reflect that he does have enough experience to hold back the monster for a while: he may have gone on the occasional rampage in the past, but all that is pretty far behind him now that he's become a superhero. Unless he's angry. You wouldn't like him when he's angry.

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Armored Sorcerer

"Magic, science, I'm the one with the genius"

PL: 10 (150)

Abilities: 22 pp

STR 10 (+0)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 14 (+2)

INT 24 (+7)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 10 (+0)

Combat: 16 pp

ATK: +4 (+10 Ranged in Suit)

DEF: +4 (+10 in suit/+2 flat-footed)

Grapple: +4/+14 Move Object [+20 Move Object in suit]

Init: +0

Saves: 16 pp

TOU +10 (+2 Con, +8 Force Field)

FORT +5 (+2 Con, +3)

REF +5 (+0 Dex, +5)

WILL +10 (+2 Wis, +8)

Skills: 64 r=16 pp

Craft [artistic] 8 (+15, Skill Mastery)

Craft [electronic] 8 (+15, Skill Mastery)

Craft [mechanical] 8 (+15, Skill Mastery)

Concentration 5 (+7)

Intimidate 10 (+10, Skill Mastery)

Language 1 (Latin; Base: English)

Knowledge [arcane lore] 8 (+15, Skill Mastery)

Knowledge [technology] 8 (+15, Skill Mastery)

Notice 4 (+6, Skill Mastery)

Sense Motive 4 (+6, Skill Mastery)

Feats: 8 pp


Beginner's Luck

Eidetic Memory

Jack of all Trades



Skill Mastery 2 (Craft [artistic], Craft [electronic], Craft [mechanical], Intimidate, Knowledge [arcane lore], Knowledge [technology], Notice, Sense Motive)

Powers: 57 pp

Device 11 (Power Armor, Hard to Lose) (PF: Restricted [voiceprint]) [45 pp]

Enhanced Feats 6 (Attack Focus [Ranged] 6) [6dp]

Enhanced Flight 2 (to Flight 3 [50 MPH]) [4dp]

Feature 12 (Buys Off Action Flaw and Distracting Drawback on Magic) [12dp]

Feature 12 (Adds Impervious Extra to Force Field, Buys Off Dodge Bonus Flaw) [12dp]

Immunity 9 (Life Support) [9dp]

Shield 6 [6dp]

Super-Senses 6 (Accurate Extended Radio Sense, Danger Sense [radio], Uncanny Dodge [radio]) [6dp]

Mystic Array 11 (PFs: Alternate Power 5, Flaws: Action [Full], Drawback: Distracting to Change Configuration [-2]) [15 pp]

BE: Blast 10 (PFs: Indirect 2) 'lightning'

AP: Dazzle 10 (visual) (PFs: Indirect, Longer-Lasting [5 rounds]) 'fire-flash'

AP: ESP 10 (Earth to Moon) (visual) (PFs: Rapid [x10], Subtle) 'scrying'

AP: Move Object 10 (Heavy Load: 12 tons) (PFs: Indirect, Precise) 'mighty winds'

AP: Snare 10 (PFs: Indirect, Reversible) 'ice bonds'

AP: Teleport 10 (1000 ft/Earth to Moon) (PFs: Easy, Turnabout) 'mystic travel'

Flight 1 (10 MPH) [2 pp]

Force Field 8 (Flaw: Not When Flat-Footed) [4 pp]

Quickness 6 (x100) (Flaw: Limited [Mental Tasks]) [3 pp]

Super-Senses 3 (Detect Magic 3 [visual]) [3 pp]


abilities 22 + combat 16 + saves 16 + skills 16/64 + feats 8 + powers 57 = 150 pts


Design Notes:

Prompted by a conversation in chat the other night, here's my build for an armored sorcerer, a master of both science and magic! My concept is that this was a wealthy inventor and industrialist whose plane was shot down while flying over the Himalayas; his rescuers were mystics from Shambala Vale who recognized the heroic soul in the man they saved: they tended his injuries, helped him escape the demons of his past (like alcoholism and womanizing, well, not so much the womanizing) and taught him the mystic arts! He proved a slow study despite his genius, though he proved to have the innate nature required to work magic, his technological and scientific training made it tough for him to reconcile the mystic arts and his scientific training. Rather than abandon one for the other, working alone with the scraps of his plane, he built a powerful suit of armor that let him do both: now wrapped in science and magic, he has returned home to America to fight for what's right in both worlds!

He's a decent PL 7 mystic with an elemental theme without his armor, but the armor makes him much better at his work: its quick processing time makes it easier for him to make the arcane calculations for his spells, while its built-in mechanical and electronic protection makes him much tougher in a fight: the combat computer built in also makes him a much better shot! If his mystic powers are nullified, he has a lot of circuits in the armor to stunt a Force Field or Blast off of, or he can just fly away on his boot jets while his armor shields him from some enemy attacks. (He's PL 5 defensively without his magic powers and in the armor) He's also very very smart, much more so than most mystics, and his Eidetic Memory, Beginner's Luck, and Jack of all Trades means he can just about try his hand at anything as needed. You could rework the sheet to make him PL 10 with magic and science both, but I think that's a little cheesy, plus way expensive!

Season to taste; this guy has a fairly generic set of abilities that could easily be swapped out for one of the mystic styles in Doc's or Trollthumper's threads. He's not terribly socially savvy, but he can do the "scary mystic" thing easily enough. He also doesn't have any money; perhaps he was declared legally dead and he's currently in the courts to get it back, or maybe his executor wasn't thrilled at her employer's new lifestyle and is holding money back to make sure he's not making a fool of himself. Or maybe he's abandoned such material pursuits for a higher, more spiritual calling now that he's in tune with the mystic fabric of the universe. Still, he should at least invest in a nice brownstone to hang his hat, maybe one with a workshop in the basement...

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"One small step..."

PL: 10 (150)

Abilities: 14 pp

STR 10 (+0)

DEX 12 (+1)

CON 16 (+3)

INT 10 (+0)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 12 (+1)

Combat: 24 pp

ATK: +6 (+10 Microkinesis)

DEF: +12 (+3 flat-footed)

Init: +1

Grapple: +6

Saves: 16 pp

TOU +8 (+3 Con, +5 Force Field)

FORT +6 (+3 Con, +3)

REF +6 (+1 Dex, +5)

WILL +10 (+2 Wis, +8)

Skills: 80 r=20 pp

Concentration 11 (+13)

Disable Device 15 (+15, Skill Mastery)

Knowledge (Life Sciences) 6 (+6)

Medicine 13 (+15, Skill Mastery)

Notice 13 (+15, Skill Mastery)

Sense Motive 13 (+15, Skill Mastery)

Stealth 9 (+10, Skill Mastery)

Feats: 6 pp


Move-By Action

Power Attack

Second Chance (Concentration checks)

Skill Mastery (Disable Device, Medicine, Notice, Sense Motive)

Ultimate Save (Will)

Powers: 70 pp

Microkinesis Array 15 (PFs: Accurate 2, Alternate Powers 5, Precise, Subtle) [39 pp]

Blast 10 (Extra: Alternate Save [Fortitude]) 'pinching something vital'

AP: Blast 10 (Extra: Autofire) 'bombardment of many small projectiles'

AP: Blast 10 (Extra: Penetrating) 'single very sharp projectile'

AP: Paralyze 10 (Extras: Alternate Save [Fortitude], Ranged) 'pinching a nerve'

AP: Stun 10 (Extra: Ranged) 'blocking a vein'

Force Field 5 [5 pp]

Leaping 1 (x2) [1 pp]

Move Object 2 (Heavy Load: 100 lbs) (Extras: Damaging, Range [Perception], PFs: Precise, Subtle) [10 pp]

Speed 1 (10 MPH) [1 pp]

Shield 6 [6 pp]

Super-Senses 6 (Tactile [Ranged Penetrates Concealment], Uncanny Dodge [tactile]) 'TK sense' [6 pp]


abilities 14 + combat 24 + saves 16 + skills 20/80 + feats 6 + powers 70 = 150 pts


Design Notes:

Most telekinetic builds in comics are macrokinetics; paragons like Superboy, powerful psions like Jean Grey, or otherwise characters who can move huge things in a hurry. This lady's powers work differently; try as she might, she's never moved beyond the stage of moving small objects around. Her Move Object is about as strong as a normal human's strength, which means she's got enough power to carry a decent-sized person around with effort, or drag a bulky one out of a burning building. She can break windows with it if she has to, and she can't miss with it. She can't even fly; she's stuck with boosting her running and jumping with telekinetic pushes. While she can stop bullets and dodge them, she's not the heavy hitter most of her counterparts are.

But that's okay, because if other telekinetics are hammers, she's a knife. She can pick up small objects and hurl them as fast as bullets, or she can hurl one particular projectile at super-sonic speed. (I'd give her a pocket full of ball bearings as part of her costume, and throw in a debris required complication elsewhere) More ominously, she can reach inside the human body and do things there: crushing muscle and compressing nerves, pinching blood vessels to produce fainting spells or knocking them out entirely. She doesn't have Perception on her Microkinetic Array because it requires precision; she can't hit a moving target automatically when she's reaching out to grab veins and nerves. She's actually quite dangerous versus most other psychics, whose use of Fortitude as a dump stat will work against them versus her.

I've built her as a reasonably competent community doctor; perhaps she's a mutant who turned her ability to reach inside the body towards professional ends as a surgeon, or maybe she unlocked these abilities in herself after testing a psychic serum on her own body when no other scientific test subjects presented themselves. Or maybe she took a blow to the head during a super-battle in the ER! She also makes a fine villain if you want, a serious surprise for other psychics who may not expect to be attacked not in their minds, but in their very brains...

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Fire is catching! And if we burn, you burn with us!

PL: 10 (150)

Abilities: 32 pp

STR 16 (+3)

DEX 24 (+7)

CON 16 (+3)

INT 12 (+1)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 10 (+0)

Combat: 30 pp

ATK: +8 (+9 Ranged, +15 Bows)

DEF: +11 (+3 flat-footed)

Initiative: +15

Grapple: +12

Saves: 13 pp

TOU +9 (+3 Con, +4 Costume, +2 Defensive Roll)

FORT +7 (+3 Con, +4)

REF +11 (+7 Dex, +4)

WILL +7 (+2 Wis, +5)

Skills: 88 r=22 pp

Acrobatics 7 (+14, Skill Mastery)

Climb 12 (+15, Skill Mastery)

Craft (structural) 4 (+5)

Knowledge (Life Sciences) 4 (+5)

Medicine 8 (+10)

Notice 13 (+15, Skill Mastery)

Sense Motive 13 (+15)

Stealth 13 (+20, Skill Mastery)

Survival 13 (+15)

Feats: 30 pp

Accurate Attack

Acrobatic Bluff

Attak Focus (Ranged) 1

Attack Specialization (Bows) 3

Challenge 2 (Accelerated Climb, Acrobatic Bluff)

Defensive Roll

Dodge Focus 4


Hide in Plain Sight

Improved Crit 2 (bows)

Improved Initiative 2


Move-By Action

Power Attack

Second Chance 2 (Sense Motive checks, Survival checks)

Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Climb, Notice, Stealth)

Takedown Attack

Track 3 [full speed/visual]

Uncanny Dodge (auditory)

Powers: 23 pp

Device 1 (Mockingjay Costume, Hard to Lose) [4 pp]

Enhanced Feat 1 [second Chance (TOU saves vs. fire)] [1dp]

Protection 4 [4dp]

Device 1 (Targeting Reticule, Hard to Lose) [4 pp]

Super-Senses 5 (Darkvision, Extended Vision 3 [x1000]) [5dp]

Device 5 (Custom Bow and Arrow, Easy to Lose) [15 pp]

Bow Array 7.1 (15 pp, PFs: Alternate Powers 5, Improved Range 3 [5000 ft], Variable Descriptor 2 [technological]) [25dp]

BE: Blast 5 (Extra: Autofire)

AP: Blast 5 (Extra: Secondary Effect)

AP: Blast 5 (Extra: Targeted Area [shapeable])

AP: Blast 2 (PFs: Mighty 3, Precise, Ranged Pin, Ricochet, Split Attack [2 targets])

AP: Disintegrate 5 (Flaw: Vs. Machines Only [-2])

AP: Speed 1 (10 MPH) and Super-Movement 4 (Slow Fall, Swinging, Wall-Crawling 2)


abilities 32 + combat 30 + saves 13 + skills 22/88 + feats 30 + powers 23 = 150 pts


Design Notes:

Here's my build for Katniss Everdeen, the heroine of Suzanne Collins' Hunger Games trilogy. This build represents Katniss around the time of the third book, when she's been equipped with high-tech weapons and armor and deployed on a futuristic battlefield. She doesn't have the versatility of most comic book archers, but she can pull off most of the tricks she pulls off the novels, including the fire arrows that are something of her signature weapon. She's also got her force field killer, her explosion arrows, and just really really sharp ones in there too. (To build Katniss near her starting weight, drop the armored costume and give her an equipment bow). In the post-apocalyptic world of Panem, the successor state of the modern era in what was once North America, Katniss is a native of Appalachia: the proverbial coal miner's daughter who feeds what's left of her family by illegal hunting with bow and arrow: a skill that comes in handy when she's conscripted into the yearly Hunger Games, where children of the districts of Panem are forced to fight to the death as part of a tournament broadcast to the rest of the nation as a way of showing the power of the state. (If that seems unrealistically brutal, well, Panem's inability to bend to pressure is a running theme in the novels; they're great at brutality, but they don't have a lot else in their toolkit)

Katniss is more focused on rural adventures than your typical archer, as befits her background. She's a world-class hunter and tracker, easily capable of chasing her targets down at full speed, or climbing a tree and making a sniper's nest of it. Her big weakness is melee; if she is deprived of her bow for some reason, she drops to PL 5.5 offensively and will have to use stealth and clever tactics to take down bigger prey. (She does have Takedown Attack, though, so she's not helpless if forced into melee). she lacks interaction skills and has rock-botton Charisma, but that's a running theme of the novels. (Her inability to speak spontaneously without significant circumstance bonuses recurs again and again). She's got just enough Medicine to do the first aid we see her doing in the novel, and is familiar with the plants of her native terrain to get by.

This could work fine as a rural heroine, perhaps the native hero of West Virginia or some similar setting, forced to do her work in Freedom City to track down some enemy. But she could also be someone from a post-apocalyptic setting like Katniss herself, using the cobbled-together remains of the technology of the old world to survive in the new one. If you want to make a world like Panem for her to be from, I've often thought it would work fine as one of the Hundred Worlds of the Terminus...

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  • 1 month later...


"Let my armies be the rocks, the trees, and the birds in the sky." -Charlemagne

PL: 10 (150)

Abilities: 22 pp

STR 24/14 (+7/+2)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 24/14 (+7/+2)

INT 10 (+0)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 20 (+5)

Combat: 24 pp

ATK: +6 (+8 melee/+10 Blast)

DEF: +10 (+3 flat-footed)

Grapple: +16

Init: +4

Saves: 13 pp

TOU: +10 (+7 Con, +3 Protection)

FORT: +8 (+7 Con, +1)

REF: +7 (+0 Ref, +7)

WILL: +7 (+2 Wis, +5)

Skills: 19 pp=76 pp

Diplomacy 5 (+10)

Handle Animal 3 (+8, Skill Mastery)

Intimidate 15 (+20, Skill Mastery)

Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 10 (+10)

Knowledge (Earth Sciences) 5 (+5)

Knowledge (History) 10 (+10)

Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) 10 (+10)

Languages 2 (English, Russian; Base: German)

Notice 8 (+10, Skill Mastery)

Sense Motive 8 (+10, Skill Mastery)

Feats: 20 pp

All-Out Attack

Attack Focus: Melee (2)

Challenge (Fast Startle)

Dodge Focus (4)

Improved Initiative

Inspire (5)

Power Attack

Skill Mastery (Handle Animal, Intimidate, Notice, Sense Motive)


Takedown Attack (2)

Uncanny Dodge (auditory)

Powers: 49 pp

Device 7 (Warrior King's Axe) (easy to lose) (PFs: Restricted 2) [23 pp]

Siegfried Array 10 (20 pp; PFs: Accurate 2, Alternate Powers 3, Variable Descriptor 1 [Earth]) [26dp]

BE: Blast 10 {20/20}

AP: Create Object 9 (PFs: Stationary, Subtle) {20/20}

AP: Damage 5 (PFs: Knockback 4 [DMG 16], Mighty) and Flight 5 (250 MPH) {20/20}

AP: Trip 10 (Extra: Area [burst], Flaw: Range [Touch]) {20/20}

Impervious TOU 10 (Flaw: Unreliable [50%]) [5dp]

Super-Senses 6 (Precognition (Flaw: Uncontrollable), Ranged [Tactile] 2) [4dp]

Enhanced CON 10 (to CON 24/+7) [10 pp]

Enhanced STR 10 (to STR 24/+7) [10 pp]

Immunity 1 (aging) [1 pp]

Protection 3 [3 pp]

Super-Strength 1 (STR 31, Heavy Load: ~800 lbs) [2 pp]


abilities 22 + combat 24 + saves 13 + skills 19/76 + feats 20 + powers 49 = 150 pts


Design Notes:

Returning to the Wargames universe (my favorite setting for Mutants and Masterminds), here's Battleaxe (Streitaxt) in his native German, an auxiliary member of the Freedom Alliance, NATO's superteam posted to West Berlin in the 1980s. In the 1930s, Carolus Schadek was a young farmer who discovered, while plowing his field, a magnificent, ancient axe of incredible power; when he touched the haft, he was transformed into a mighty warrior! The spirit of the Warrior-King inside the axe told Carolus that war was imminent and that he, a mighty warrior, must fight in it! A patriot, Carolus immediately went to the capitol to offer his services to his nation's leader; unfortunately for the young German's soul, that leader was Adolf Hitler. Streitaxt realized too late the monster he served and abandoned Hitler's service in disgust upon witnessing Hitler's atrocities: acquitted after the war and deeply ashamed, Streitaxt hung up his blade and went back to his farm, ignoring the voice of the Warrior King that still sounded in his head.

Until just a few years ago (earlier in the 1980s), when Ymir the Radioactive Viking arrived in Germany. The Warrior-King realized that Ymir's arrival was a potent sign that the _real_ war was coming; that Ragnorak was imminent just as the ancient stories had foretold. So Streitaxt has come out of retirement to fight alongside the real heroes of Germany, and especially alongside the radioactive Norse champion. There was initially some concern that the crazy old man was a danger to himself or others, but he's still the mighty champion he once was, albeit somewhat slowed by age, and he's proved himself as at least an ally to Freedom Alliance. (The Soviet press, meanwhile, draws attention to the "Nazi super-soldier and his American allies" whenever they can) Carolus is in far better shape than most men his age, but he knows his time is drawing short. If he is to make up for the mistakes of his youth, he has to do it soon...

So OK, I've basically built Streitaxt as a terrakinetic Thor: his axe lets him fly, hurl balls of rock or lava at his enemies, throw up rocky fortifications, or strike the ground and cause a big earthquake. (He's primarily a front-line fighter, but he can easily stunt Earth Control if he needs it). The axe lets him grow a suit of armor that can sometimes stop bullets (if it hits one of the armored spots), and the voice of the Warrior-King gives him warnings in battle (and also lets him sense tremors around him!) He has a very strong personality, and really is a good man to have at your side. We're not totally gung-ho about ex-Nazi PCs around here, but there are certainly plenty of bad regimes out there from history who could use a champion looking to redeem himself...

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Iron Hand

"Talk, or you lose your teeth."

Abilities: 38 pp

STR: 18 (+4)

DEX: 18 (+4)

CON: 18 (+4)

INT: 14 (+2)

WIS: 18 (+4)

CHA: 12 (+1)

Combat: 24 pp

ATK: +6 (+10 Electrical Control/Melee)

DEF: +10 (+3 flat-footed)

Init: +8

Grapple: +14/+20 with Magnetic Control

Saves: 9 pp

TOU: +10 (+4 Con, +6 Force Field)

FORT: +7 (+4 Con, +3)

REF: +7 (+4 Ref, +3)

WILL: +7 (4 Will, +3)

Skills: 80 r=20 pp

Acrobatics 6 (+10, Skill Mastery)

Craft (Electronic) 8 (+10)

Craft (Mechanical) 8 (+10)

Gather Info 4 (+5)

Knowledge (Streetwise) 3 (+5)

Knowledge (Technology) 8 (+10)

Languages 2 (English, Russian; Base: German)

Intimidate 14 (+15, Skill Mastery)

Notice 6 (+10, Skill Mastery)

Sense Motive 6 (+10)

Stealth 11 (+15, Skill Mastery)

Feats: 19 pp

Attack Focus: Melee 4

Challenge (Fast Startle)

Dodge Focus 4


Improved Initiative

Move-By Action

Power Attack

Takedown Attack 2

Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Intimidate, Notice, Stealth)


Uncanny Dodge (auditory)

Powers: 40 pp

Device 10 (Electric Gauntlet, 50 pp) (Hard to Lose) [40 pp]

Datalink 1 (10 ft) [1dp]

Electrical Control Array 10 (PFs: Accurate 2, Alternate Powers 3) [25dp]

Blast 10 {20/20}

AP: Move Object 10 (Heavy Load: 12 tons) (Extra: Damaging, Flaw: Limited [Ferrous Materials])

AP: Strike 6 (Extra: Penetrating 6 [DMG 16], PFs: Improved Crit, Knockback 6 [DMG 16], Mighty)

AP: Stun 10 {20/20}

Force Field 6 (Extra: Impervious) [12dp]

Immunity 10 (all electrical effects) (Flaw: Limited [Half]) [5dp]

Movement Array 2 (PFs: Alternate Power 1, Subtle) [6 dp]

Super-Movement 2 (Wall-Crawling 2) {4/4}

AP: Leaping 2 (x5) and Super-Movement 1 (Slow Fall) {4/4}

Speed 1 (10 MPH) [1dp]


Design Notes:

Elke Freimeier was a physics student at the Free University of Berlin when a group of Worker's Army Faction terrorists (funded by, among other people, Dracula) killed her sister during a nightclub bombing. She went a little mad, as happens sometimes, and broke into the engineering museum at her university, where she stole a fragment of a WWII-era Ubersoldaten's battlesuit and repurposed it for her own needs. With the gauntlet, a generator hidden under her black longcoat, Freimeier took to the streets as the Iron Hand; a grim avenger of evil and West Berlin's street-level costumed defender. Freedom Alliance is there to stop World War III; she's there to stop crime. (But hey, no World War III would be nice too) She's not really a team player, but when the good guys need her, she's there. She hasn't admitted it to herself yet, but she's developing feelings for Steel Eagle, West Germany's other native hero: he's a good man, but he may be too good for the world where she lives.

I built Iron Hand with the idea that she's new to the Cowl game; she's not a particularly good investigator, but she has a lot of anger she can channel into making people talk. Without her gauntlet, she's a straightforward PL 7 martial artist; with it she can fire blasts of electricity, stop bullets with a force field, and navigate around the city by using magnetism to climb and pull herself towards all those buildings with metal in them. She can grab cars and toss them around if she has to, and will if she's fighting targets immune to electricity, but she's more about the close, in-your-face style of combat. Her gauntlet makes her a threat to anyone close to her PL, and if she's deprived of it, she can still handle thugs and soldiers with aplomb.

She's smart enough to make all kinds of electrical power stunts as needed, though not an Inventor yet. That may come if she goes back to school, right now she's much more likely to be upping Cowl skills like Investigate and Gather Info. Of course, you can take the build however you want: upped INT would make her more of a pure gadgeteer, perhaps as a result of finally catching her sister's killer (or whatever backstory you give the PC!) Her origin works just fine dropped into Freedom City, though you will probably need to play your cards a little differently about who killed her sister. OVERTHROW is a good candidate; she can even still be German!

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PL: 13 (195)

Abilities: 6 pp

STR 50 [10] (+20)

DEX 20 (+5)

CON 34 [14] (+12/+2)

INT 2 (-4)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 6 (-3)

Combat: 48 pp

ATK: {12} [+0 vs. medium, +6 unarmed vs. medium]

DEF: {12} [+6 vs. medium, +0 flat-footed]

Init: +5

Grapple: +42 vs medium

Saves: 12 pp

TOU +20 (+12 Con, +8 Protection)

FORT +15 (+12 Con, +3)

REF +10 (+5 Dex, +5)

WILL +6 (+2 Wis. +4)

Skills: 40 r=10 pp

Intimidate 13 (+10/+20)

Notice 5 (+7)

Search 5 (+1)

Survival 10 (+12)

Swimming 7 (+7)

Feats: 14 pp

Attack Specialization: Unarmed 3

Challenge (Fast Startle),

Dodge Focus 6,

Environmental Adaptation (Aquatic),

Move-By Action,


Uncanny Dodge (olfactory)

Powers: 109 pp

Growth 20 (Extra: Duration [Permanent] (+0)) (PF: Innate) [61 pp]

+10 Intimidate, +20 Grapple, +25 Effective STR, 100 ft tall

Immunity 14 (aging, environmental cold, high pressure, mental effects, suffocation [underwater]) [14 pp]

Protection 8 (Extra: Impervious) [16 pp]

Super-Senses 9 (Acute Accurate Tracking 3 [full-speed] Olfactory, Darkvision, Ultrahearing) [9 pp]

Super-Strength 2 (Heavy Load: 800 tons) [4 pp]

Swimming 5 (50 MPH) [5 pp]

Drawback: -4 pp

Mute (-4 pp)


abilities 6 + combat 48 + saves 12 + skills 10/40 + feats 14 + powers 109 -drawbacks 4 = 195 pts


Design Notes:

Here's a quick and dirty riff on your standard kaiju, based heavily on Kreuzritter's Cloverfield monster over at the Atomic Think Tank; a hundred foot tall monster ready to stop all over the PCs. (He's basically a somewhat more reasonable Gigantosaur). He's your standard aquatic behemoth, up from the depths to get up to no good. Maybe a giant Deep One? Switch up powers for Additional Limbs and some more combat feats for a giant gorilla up to some business; add a radioactive breath for your walking Hiroshima allegories. He's incredibly tough and faster than he looks; remember when Zilla dodged all those missiles? Yeah, you know you do. He'd be a tough enemy to fight, his +7/-7 tradeoffs in favor of attack and defense making him hard to take out with just conventional firepower, but he's dumb, and has lots of weaknesses a canny PC or group can take advantage of. You can lure him back to Kaiju Island (or to an oxygen destroyer, or whatever) easily enough.

Add more INT and CHA to make him even more of a terror. One thing he may not expect to meet is someone who tries to take him on on his own terms...

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Steel Eagle

"He wanted to be all there was to be."

Abilities: 20 pp

STR 24/14 (+7/+2)

DEX 24/14 (+7/+2)

CON 24/14 (+7/+2)

INT 10 (+0)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 14 (+2)

Combat: 24 pp

ATK: +6 (+8 melee)

DEF: +10 (+3 flat-footed)

Init: +11

Grapple: +15

Saves: 12 pp

TOU +10 (+7 Con, +3 Protection)

FORT +10 (+7 Con, +3)

REF +10 (+7 Dex, +3)

WILL +8 (+2 Wis, +6)

Skills: 56 r=14 pp

Acrobatics 8 (+15, Skill Mastery)

Craft (Mechanical) 5 (+5)

Diplomacy 8 (+10)

Knowledge (Technology) 5 (+5)

Notice 8 (+10, Skill Mastery)

Languages 2 (English, Russian: Base [German])

Pilot 8 (+10/+15)

Sense Motive 8 (+10, Skill Mastery)

Stealth 4 (+11, Skill Mastery)

Feats: 17 pp

Acrobatic Bluff

Attack Focus: Melee (2)

Dodge Focus (4)

Evasion 2

Improved Initiative


Move-By Action

Power Attack

Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Notice, Sense Motive, Stealth)

Takedown Attack (2)

Uncanny Dodge (auditory)

Powers: 63 pp

Device 5 (25dp, Steel Eagle's Sword) (Easy to Lose) (PF: Restricted [+24 Dex]) [16 pp]

Sword Array 12 (24 pp, PF: Alternate Powers 1) [25dp]

Strike 5 (Extras: Autofire [10], Penetrating 4 [DMG 16], PFs: Improved Crit 2, Mighty, Precise, Variable Descriptor 1 [electrical/metal]) {24/24}

AP: Stun 12 {24}

Device 4 (Steel Eagle Armor) (Hard to Lose) (PF: Restricted [+24 CON]) [17 pp]

Immunity 2 (environmental cold, suffocation [altitude]) [2dp]

Flight 6 (500 MPH) [12dp]

Protection 3 [3dp]

Super-Senses 1 (Radio) [1dp]

Enhanced CON 10 (to CON 24/+7) [10 pp]

Enhanced DEX 10 (to DEX 24/+7) [10 pp]

Enhanced STR 10 (to STR 24/+7) [10 pp]


abilities 20 + combat 24 + saves 12 + skills 14/56 + feats 17 + powers 63 = 150 pts


Design Notes:

Here's Steel Eagle, West Germany's patriotic hero in the Wargames setting. When NATO decided West Germany needed a patriotic hero to inspire the populace as the Cold War heated up in the early 1980s, they were left with a pretty serious problem: a lot of the historic symbols of German nationalism are controversial in Germany itself (not to mention the outside world!), particularly with the rise of the anti-nuclear movement in the 1980s. So Steel Eagle was built with a theme like the eagle coat of arms of medieval Germany, combined with a heroic knight in shining armor motif to play to a more innocent era in German history. He's still a controversial figure with a lot of people in his native country, but Steel Eagle is proud to be the hero his country hasn't had in a long time.

Rather than just make him yet another battlesuit (there are a lot of those in Wargames, since after all everyone is a government employee), I went with making him a Hawkman/Captain America merger: his super-soldier-serum enhanced physiology lets him fly around in his super-speed armor, which makes him fast as a jet, as well as wield a powerful electrical sword that can cut through anything or deliver stunning blows to more formidable targets. He doesn't have the Charisma of your typical patriotic hero yet, but he's working on it as more of the German populace comes to respect him for the man he is: he frequently patrols the Wall looking to help people escape to the West, and clashes with Nazis and Communists whenever he can.

Steel Eagle works fine as a native German hero now; Germany's had a lot of time to get over reintegration, but open symbols of nationalism are still pretty controversial over there. Or maybe he's not a patriotic hero at all, just a battlesuit maker (or inheritor) with an interest in medieval German iconography. If he built the suit, he needs higher INT and technical skills, and maybe fewer combat feats. You could also drop the connection to human history altogether; maybe he's an Avian from Greenland who has compensated for an injury by building his own set of metal wings and lightning claws?

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People's Guardian

"My most ardent desire is that my country will recapture its historic opportunity for a peaceful evolution and that Poland will prove to the world that even the most complex situations can be solved by a dialogue and not by force." -Lech Walesa

PL: 10 (150)

Abilities: 24 pp

STR 40/24/14 (+15/+7/+2)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 30/22/12 (+10/+6/+1)

INT 30 (+10)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 14 (+2)

Combat: 24 pp

ATK: +6 (+7 melee) (+4 w/Growth, +5 melee)

DEF: +7 (+3 flat-footed) (+5 w/Growth [+2 flat-footed])

Init: +0

Grapple: +9/+16/+35

Saves: 12 pp

TOU +15/+11/+2 (+10 Con, +5 Protection) (+6 Con, +5 Protection) (+2 Con)

FORT +12/+8/+2 (+10 Con, +2) (+6 Con, +2) (+2)

REF +5 (+0 Dex, +5)

WILL +8 (+3 Wis, +5)

Skills: 60 r=15 pp

Concentration 8 (+10)

Computers 5 (+10, Skill Mastery)

Craft [Electronic] 10 (+20, Skill Mastery)

Craft [Mechanical] 10 (+20, Skill Mastery)

Knowledge [Technology] 10 (+20, Skill Mastery)

Languages 3 (English, German, Russian; Base [Polish])

Medicine 3 (+5)

Notice 3 (+5)

Perform (violin) 5 (+7)

Sense Motive 3 (+5)

Feats: 12 pp

Attack Focus: Melee

Beginner's Luck

Dodge Focus

Eidetic Memory


Jack of all Trades

Master Plan

Second Chance (Concentration checks to maintain powers)

Skill Mastery (Computers, Craft [electronic], Craft [mechanical], Knowledge [Technology])

Takedown Attack

Ultimate Save (TOU)

Uncanny Dodge (auditory)

Powers: 63 pp

Device 15 (Size-Changing Gear; Hard to Lose) (PF: Restricted [iNT 24+]) [61 pp]

Enhanced CON 10 (to 30/+10) [10dp]

Enhanced STR 10 (to 40/+15) [10dp]

Growth 8 (Extra: Duration [sustained] (+0) )(Huge size) [24dp]

(-2 ATK/DEF, +8 Grapple, -8 Stealth, +4 Intimidate, 16 ft tall, 4K-32K lbs, 15 ft space, 10 ft reach, x2 carrying capacity)

Impervious TOU 10 [10dp]

Protection 5 [5dp]

Speed 1 (10 MPH) [1dp]

Super-Strength 7 (Heavy Load: 720 tons) (PF: Groundstrike) [15dp]

Quickness 4 (x25) (Flaw: Mental Tasks Only) [2 pp]


abilities 24 + combat 24 + saves 12 + skills 15/60 + feats 12 + powers 63 = 150 pts


Design Notes:

Osman Bobrański grew up in Gdank, a Polish industrial city, where it soon became apparent he was a prodigy. He played chess with all his teachers simultaneously in grade school, spoke three languages before he was 6, and had his first college degree at the age of 16. He's a trained classical violinist (though he's let his skills get a little rusty there in recent years) who secretly listens to bootleg 8-track tapes of the American Ronnie James Dio. He was working on his sixth Ph.D when he made his greatest discovery; the intrinstic field modulator that lets him change the size of any organic object he desires! He'd built the machine for agricultural and industrial purposes, but the KGB (who'd been watching this young genius for quite some time) swept in and made him an offer he couldn't refuse. He's not thrilled about being a propaganda tool for the Soviets, but he _is_ thrilled about the fully-equipped research lab and complete freedom to study and build they afford him.

His great secret from his fellows is that Osman believes some dangerous things: his father and brothers are all members of Solidarity, the illegal trade union that is the center of Polish resistance to Soviet rule, and Osman himself is a devout Catholic. He's managed to use his position to protect his family (he also like East Berlin because it's easy to go home and visit them), but he's not stupid. The Soviets give him a long leash as long as he does what they want, but if he goes too far, his family and everyone back home he loves will suffer. His biggest worry is actually about his teammate Crimson Tarantula; she's a KGB killer, sure, but she's not the only one like that on his team. There is something _wrong_ with her, something that deeply unsettles the People's Guardian. If he finds out he's been teaming up with a vampire, his reaction is one of the few things he couldn't predict.

OK, so Osman is basically your standard Black Goliath-type: he's big and he's strong thanks to his tech. In something of a role reversal for size-changing guys (who usually take third string behind battlesuits and gadgeteers), I made him very, very smart, with +10 to all his Knowledges thanks to his feats, Osman should know something about almost anything. He's not a very good fighter, but his size and his strength mean he can still be effective if he is forced into confrontations. His inventions will all be pretty powerful. He's big enough to function OK in military and urban settings, since he is a hero in East Berlin and all. Outside of his native setting, this could work fine as a heroic build, or as a genius goon who's made himself huge as a way of getting back at all those who have stood in his way!

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"A world in which elves exist and magic works offers greater opportunities to digress and explore." -Terry Brooks

PL: 10 (150)

Abilities: 18 pp

STR 10 (+0)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 14 (+2)

INT 14 (+2)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 16 (+3)

Combat: 24 pp

ATK: +6 (+10 Norse Magic)

DEF: +10 (+6 w/out staff, +3 flat-footed)

Init: +0

Grapple: +6/+20

Saves: 20 pp

TOU +10 (+2 Con, +8 Protection)

FORT +8 (+2 Con, +6)

REF +8 (+0 Dex, +8)

WILL +8 (+2 Wis, +6)

Skills: 72 r=18 pp

Bluff 12 (+15, Skill Mastery)

Diplomacy 12 (+15, Skill Mastery)

Handle Animal 7 (+10, Skill Mastery)

Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 13 (+15, Skill Mastery)

Knowledge (Life Sciences) 3 (+5)

Languages 3 (English, Old Norse, Russian; Base: German)

Medicine 3 (+5)

Notice 8 (+10)

Sense Motive 8 (+10)

Survival 3 (+5)

Feats: 8 pp

Animal Empathy



Skill Mastery (Bluff, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Knowledge [arcane lore])


Ultimate Save (Will)

Uncanny Dodge (mental)

Powers: 62 pp

Comprehend 2 (speak to and understand animals) [4 pp]

Device 1 (Magic Staff) (Easy to Lose: PF: Restricted [Ritualist]) [4 pp]

Enhanced Feat 1 (Luck) [1dp]

Shield 4 [4dp]

Flight 1 (10 MPH) [2 pp]

Norse Array 15 (30 pp, PFs: Accurate 2, Alternate Powers 6, Indirect 2) [40 pp]

BE: Illusion 10 (all senses) (Flaw: Phantasm) 'Loki's tricks'

AP: Healing 10 (Extra: Ranged) 'Frigg's blessing'

AP: Blast 10 (Extra: Range [Perception]) 'Thor's lightning'

AP: Damage 10 (Extra: Area [burst]) 'Sunna's light'

AP: Create Object 10 (Extra: Moveable) 'Heimdall's shield'

AP: Move Object 10 (Extra: Range [Perception]) 'Njord's winds'

AP: Snare 10 (Extra: Regenerating) 'Hel's grasp'

AP: Teleport 6 (600 ft/20 miles) (Extras: Accurate, Portal) 'Bifrost gateway'

Protection 8 [8 pp]

Super-Senses 3 (Detect Magic 3 [visual]) [3 pp]


abilities 18 + combat 24 + saves 20 + skills 72/18 + feats 8 + powers 62 = 150 pts


Design Notes:

Sparrowhawk is like the little sister to everyone on the People's Revolution. Idunn Werner is young, beautiful, sweet and a little naive, a perfect Soviet propaganda tool. She spends most of her time visiting children in hospitals and meeting dignitaries, where her charming country ways (she's a native of a rural part of East Germany) and sunny personality make her friends wherever she goes. She's a healer and a trickster, using her psionic powers to make everyone's lives better and to fool her opponents in combat. The Red Directorate and some of her fellows on the People's Revolution know her secret: she's not psionic at all, but magic; the official party line is that magic doesn't exist, but unofficially the Soviets maintain a cadre of mystics of whom Sparrowhawk is one of the most well-loved and publically known, albeit one of the weakest. Well, that's what she lets everyone believe, anyway.

Idunn was sweet and naive, once, before the Stasi came to her village and dragged her neo-pagan father away. They'd heard of the girl who could talk to animals and heal the sick, and they wanted her for the People's Revolution. A bargain was struck: she would do what they wanted, and in return her father would be allowed to live. (Her mother, a mysterious woman who her father had always sworn was a Ljósálfar, a light elf of ancient lore, had long since disappeared). So Idunn has played the part of the sweet ingenue, earning the love and trust of the people and of her allies. But one day soon, she will find where the Stasi is keeping her father, and then she will rescue him, and then they will...well, she hasn't figured out what she'll do when they have all of Eastern Europe against them. But when she does, there will be justice.

Idunn here works fine as a Norse-themed mystic, calling on the usual broad range of Norse spells to get by with a theme of calling on the powers of Norse gods. She works OK as a Verbena-style pagan in general if you want to go that route, or with really any other kind of mystic if you switch the descriptors around. Her staff lets her deflect even the most powerful attacks and makes her magic stronger: with the Enhanced Luck built in, she can freely power-stunt or hastily cast a ritual without suffering any fatigue. She could easily justify stunting Weather Control to fit her natural theme, or an animal or plant summoning power. She's a very formidable young woman.

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Comrade Psychonaut

"Nothing can defeat the power of the unleashed mind!"

PL: 10 (150)

Abilities: 22 pp

STR 10 (+0)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 20 (+5)

INT 14 (+2)

WIS 24/14 (+7/+2)

CHA 14 (+2)

Combat: 24 pp

ATK: +6 (+10 Telekinesis)

DEF: +10 (+3 flat-footed)

Init: +0

Grapple: +6/+20 w/Move Object

Saves: 13 pp

TOU +10 (+5 Con, +5 Protection)

FORT +7 (+5 Con, +2)

REF +5 (+0 Dex, +5)

WILL +13/+8 (+7/+2 Wis, +6)

Skills: 10 pp=40 r

Concentration 3 (+5/+10)

Languages 5 (English, French, German, Romanian, Russian; Base: Romany)

Medicine 8 (+10/+15, Skill Mastery)

Notice 8 (+10/+15, Skill Mastery)

Search 8 (+10, Skill Mastery)

Sense Motive 8 (+10/+15, Skill Mastery)

Feats: 9 pp

Attack Specialization (Telekinesis) 2

Dodge Focus 4

Second Chance (Concentration checks)

Skill Mastery (Medicine, Notice, Search, Sense Motive)

Ultimate Save (Will)

Powers: 72 pp

Device 5 (Psychonaut Helmet; Hard to Lose) [20 pp]

Feature 25 (Adds Subtle PF and Buys Off Side-Effect Flaw on Psychonaut Array) [25dp]

Enhanced Wisdom 10 (to WIS 24/+7) [10 pp]

Protection 5 [5 pp]

Psychonaut Array 16 (32 pp, Flaws: Side-Effect 2 [stun], PFs: Alternate Powers 7) [15 pp]

    BE: ESP 4 (Clairvoyance; Auditory + Visual Senses, 1 mile, DC 14 Notice; Extras: Action [Free], Duration [sustained], No Conduit, Simultaneous; PFs: Fast Task 4 [Full Action to search 1-mile-diameter area]) {32/32}
    AP: Blast 10 (Telekinesis; Extra: Range [Perception]; Flaw: Action [Full]; PFs: Knockback 10 [Total 20], Precise, Split Attack) {32/32}
    AP: Mental Transform 10 (Memory Alteration; Extras: Alternate Save [Will], Duration [Continuous/Lasting], Mental, Range [Perception]; Flaw: Action [Full]; PFs: Precise, Reversible) {32/32}
    AP: Mind Control 10 (Domination; Extras: Conscious, Instant Command; Flaw: Action [Full]; PFs: Mental Link, Second Chance [Mind Control checks]) {32/32}
    AP: Move Object 10 (Telekinesis; Str 50, Hvy Load 12 tons; Extra: Range [Perception]; PFs: Precise, Split Attack)) {32/32}
    AP: Stun 10 (Pain or Sleep; Extras: Alternate Save [Will], Mental, Range 2 [Perception]; Flaw: Action [Full]; PFs: Sedation, Variable Descriptor [sleep/pain]) {31/32}

Super-Senses 12 (Danger Sense [Mental], Mental Awareness 2 [Mental], Postcognition [Flaw: Uncontrolled], Precognition [Flaw: Uncontrolled], Uncanny Dodge [Mental]) [8PP]

Telepathy Array 6 (12 pp, PFs: Alternate Power 2) [14 pp]

    Communication 6 (telepathy; Mental, 20 miles; Extras: Linked [Comprehend, Mind Reading]; PFs: Rapid [x10], Subtle) {8} + Comprehend 1 (Speak Any Language; Extras: Linked [Communication, Mind Reading]) {2} + Mind Reading 1 (Extras: Action 2 [Free], Linked [Communication, Comprehend], Effortless, Mental; Flaws: Duration [instant/Lasting], Limited [surface Thoughts]) {2} {8+2+2=12/12}
    AP: Mind Reading 10 (Extras: Mental, Penetrating, Flaw: Duration [instant/Lasting]; PF: Subtle) {11/12}
    AP: Move Object 2 (Heavy Load: 100 lbs) (Extras: Damaging, Range [Perception], PFs: Precise, Subtle) {10/12}


abilities 22 + combat 24 + saves 13 + skills 10/40 + feats 9 + powers 72 = 150 pts


Design Notes:

Comrade Psychonaut was a Romanian gypsy, swept up in a police raid carried out under the authority of Romania's harsh despot Nicolae Ceaușescu. "Volunteered" for a program designed to give test subjects psychic powers, he survived (unlike all the others) and gained fantastic psychic abilities, albeit at the cost of a transparent skullcap. He feigned total amnesia (and had powers enough to convince the low-level psychics working for the government that he was telling the truth) and took the name and costume they gave him: Comrade Psychonaut, among the mightest psychics of the Eastern Bloc! He used his powers to check up on his family; saw his wife remarried and his children being raised well, and decided to leave them safe at home. His destiny lay elsewhere now. His helmet protects him from the effects of his roughly-gained powers: it can't just be ripped off, but OTOH given his low Strength and Reflex save it won't be that hard to Snare or grapple him and work it right off his head. Psychonaut is growing more and more concerned with what he sees in East Berlin; there are significant cracks growing in the People's Revolution, and if his team fractures, it may take the city, and the world with it.

OK, Psychonaut is a fairly straightforward psychic (I just yanked his array from our standard psion archetypes): the difference is that his powers are dangerous to him! With every use of his big array when he's not wearing his helmet, his overwhelmed surgically and drug-altered brain risks mini-strokes, neuro-electrical cascades, and other serious hazards. (He can still use his Telepathy without it, so he's not totally helpless without the Helmet) With his OK Fort save, he can take several hits from his Side-Effect, but eventually they _will_ chip away at him and he will be in serious trouble! The Side-Effect points do allow for strengthening him in other areas; like adding a super-high Wis that gives him an edge over more 'mundane' psychics.

Romania needs a native superhero just like any other country, and his story makes a good reminder of the horrors of the old regime. (Nicolae Ceaușescu consciously modeled himself on the Kims of North Korea, for one thing, though unfortunately they haven't met the same fate...) Outside of his Cold War context, he works just fine as a victim of the DNAscendant process given great power albeit at a significant physical cost, given a high-tech device by the Freedom League so he can live his normal life. But he can't just let the psychic cries of the city go unanswered! Or maybe it's worse; maybe he's a villain who pushed his quest for mental powers too far, at the cost of his very sanity!

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Carolina Crusader

"Y'all come back now, y'heah?"

PL: 10 (150)

Abilities: 34 p

STR 40 [24] (+15/+7)

DEX 12 (+1)

CON 40 [24] (+15/+7)

INT 10 (+0)

WIS 12 (+1)

CHA 12 (+1)

Combat: 12 pp

ATK: +3 (+5 melee)

DEF: +5 (+1 flat-footed)

Init: +1

Grapple: +21/+27/+28

Saves: 10 pp

TOU +15/+7 (+15 Con/+7 Con)

FORT +15/+7 (+15 Con/+7 Con)

REF +5 (+1 Dex, +4)

WILL +7 (+1 Wis, +6)

Skills: 40 r=10 pp

Bluff 5 (+6/+10)

Diplomacy 5 (+6/+10)

Intimidate 14 (+15)

Knowledge (Pop Culture) 5 (+5)

Languages 2 (German, Russian; Base [English])

Notice 4 (+5)

Sense Motive 4 (+5)

Feats: 12 pp

All-Out Attack

Attack Focus: Melee 2


Challenge (Fast Startle)

Dodge Focus 2


Power Attack


Takedown Attack

Ultimate Save (TOU)

Powers: 71 pp

Enhanced CON 16 (to CON 40/+15) [16 pp]

Enhanced STR 16 (to STR 40/+15) [16 pp]

Immunity 9 (life support) [9 pp]

Impervious TOU 10 [10 pp]

Super-Strength 7 (Heavy Load: 720 tons) [14+1=15pp]

AP: Leaping 7 (x250) and Speed 7 (1000 MPH)

Super-Strength 1 (Heavy Load: 6/1440 tons) (PFs: Groundstrike, Shockwave, Thunderclap) [5 pp]


abilities 34 + combat 12 + saves 10 + skills 10/40 + feats 12 + powers 71 = 150 pts


Design Notes:

Carolina Crusader is the youngest member of Freedom's Alliance; she turned 18 just before she was formally signed on. She's native of North Carolina and speaks with a heavy Southern accent. She's a testbed for a great many things, including a prospective program to recruit a native hero for every state in the US. She's something of a loose cannon, much to the frustration of her superiors: she doesn't really want to be a superhero, she got drafted into working for the government after she tore apart a shopping mall in Charlotte when her powers manifested during a shoving match with one of her friends, and she's chafing under the pressure of being this close to the authority figures she's resented most of her life. She likes being able to help people, and she likes the positive attention she gets for helping people, but she doesn't like having to take orders and live under the semi-military discipline of the Alliance in the process. She's hot-headed enough, and naive enough, that if she doesn't get a safety valve of some kind soon, she might just jump the fence and take her chances on the Soviet team.

CC is basically Rogue with the Hulk's powers, so I've tried to build her as such: she's incredibly strong and tough, her sheer physical power helping keep her on Freedom's Alliance even as her personality runs into conflict with the others. She can take massive hits and keep coming, carry tremendous weights (and fight almost anyone on the other team to nearly a standstill), and is pretty solidly a badass. (And also an ass, if played as an NPC). She's tough enough to potentially survive a nuclear detonation nearby, an important skill for a patriotic heroine in a Cold War setting, whatever team she winds up playing for.

She has one rank of Super-Strength (with the PFs) out of her big array so she can run or leap into a fight and still use her Super-Strength power feats without having to surge. She's mighty enough that she's still a tough PL 6 even with her powers completly nullified. A loose cannon and potential traitor is no fun as a PC, of course, but she works just fine as a hotheaded teen heroine learning the ins and outs of heroing. She's also tough enough to be a terrifying threat to a group of low-PL heroes, or an antagonist to a particularly strong one! She's an interesting challenge for a costumed adventurer type as well; one who has to be outsmarted rather than beaten in a standup fight.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Mayan Infernalist

"Any possible system made by a man can be solved or cracked by a man."

PL: 10 (150)

Abilities: 24 pp

STR 14 (+2)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 14 (+2)

INT 14 (+2)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 14 (+2)

Combat: 24 pp

ATK: +6 (+10 Xibalba Array)

DEF: +10 (+3 flat-footed)

Init: +2

Grapple: +8/+20 w/Xic-Patan

Saves: 18 pp

TOU +10 (+2 Con, +8 Protection)

FORT +8 (+2 Con, +6)

REF +8 (+2 Dex, +6)

WILL +8 (+2 Wis, +6)

Skills: 16 pp=64 r

Diplomacy 3 (+5)

Intimidate 13 (+15, Skill Mastery)

Knowledge (Arcane Lore) 13 (+15, Skill Mastery)

Knowledge (History) 8 (+10)

Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) 8 (+10)

Languages 2 (English, Yucatec Maya, Base: Russian)

Notice 8 (+10, Skill Mastery)

Sense Motive 8 (+10)

Feats: 11 pp

Challenge (Fast Startle)

Dodge Focus 4


Power Attack


Skill Mastery (Intimidate, Knowledge (Arcane Lore), Knowledge (History), Notice)


Uncanny Dodge (auditory)

Powers: 57 pp

Flight 2 (25 MPH, 250 fpma) 'wings of Camatotz' [4 pp]

Immunity 1 (aging) [1 pp]

Immunity 2 (environmental cold/heat) (Flaw: Limited [Half-Effect]) [1 pp]

Protection 8 [8 pp]

Super-Senses 5 (Darkvision, Magic Awareness 3 [visual]) [5 pp]

Xibalba Array 16 (32 pp, PFs: Accurate 2, Alternate Powers 4) [38 pp]

BE: Blast 10 (Extra: Fortitude, PFs: Improved Crit 2) 'Xiquiripat-Cuchumaquic'

AP: Concealment 10 (all senses) (Flaw: Phantasm) and Strike 8 (Extra: Penetrating 8 [as DMG 18], PFs: Affects Insubstantial 2, Mighty, Takedown Attack) 'Ahalmez-Ahaltocob'

AP: Corrosion 10 (PFs: Improved Crit 2) 'Chamiabac-Chamiaholom'

AP: Move Object 10 (Heavy Load: 12 tons) (Extra: Damaging, PFs: Split Attack, Subtle) 'Xic-Patan'

AP: Nauseate 10 (Extra: Ranged, PFs: Longer-Lasting 2 [10 rounds]) 'Ahalpuh-Ahalgana'


abilities 24 + combat 24 + saves 18 + skills 16/64 + feats 11 + powers 57 = 150 pts


Design Notes:

Yuri Valentinovich Knorozov was one of the greatest epigraphists of the 20th century. Drafted into the Soviet Army in 1943 at the age of 21, the archaeology student turned artillery spotter served with distinction until 1945 when he rescued a collection of long-neglected Mayan lore from a Nazi library, wherein he used the book (a collection put together by eccentric Spanish bishop Diego de Landa in the 16th century) to play a major role in cracking the long-lost secret of the Mayan language. Though his Soviet ancestry meant he was unable to visit Mayan sites until the 1990s (despite having been a leading scholar of the field for forty years), Knorozov's insights into written Mayan were sound and form the basis of our contemporary understanding of Mesoamerican hieroglyphs. Unfortunately for Knorozov, anti-Communist sentiment among the leaders in Mayan epigraphy in the United States kept his work from being accepted here for a generation. Also, he looked like a damn James Bond villain.

So, what if our self-taught student of Mayan epigraphy above had in fact learned something far darker than the mere Mayan language: what if that book of lost Mayan lore kept hidden by the Nazis had in fact contained the secrets of Mayan sorcery! Xibalba, the Mayan underworld, was an awful place dominated by terrible demons, the mastery of whose power would give a man formidable and terrifying abilities:

These Lords all work in pairs and are Xiquiripat (Flying Scab) and Cuchumaquic (Gathered Blood), who sicken people's blood; Ahalpuh (Pus Demon) and Ahalgana (Jaundice Demon), who cause people's bodies to swell up; Chamiabac (Bone Staff) and Chamiaholom (Skull Staff), who turn dead bodies into skeletons; Ahalmez (Sweepings Demon) and Ahaltocob (Stabbing Demon), who hide in the unswept areas of people houses and stabbed them to death; and Xic (Wing) and Patan (Packstrap), who caused people to die coughing up blood while out walking on a road

This courtly European fellow makes a fine surprise for people expecting a Mayan sorcerer to look Native American, and gives a Soviet superteam a surprising magical edge. Perhaps he has secretly warred against the dark gods of the Mayan underwold for decades now, carrying on a lonely struggle where he has only recently begun to recognize that he has allies. He has survived the Six Houses of Pain and has learned to master the power of their terrible creators! Break with stereotypes; not everyone who uses Native American magic has to be a Magical Native American. He also makes a fine acolyte of the terrible death lords of Xibalba, planning to summon his dark masters to Earth with dire consequences!

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  • 1 month later...

Archer With A Power Ring

"We were never trained for this."

PL: 10 (150)

Abilities: 30 pp

STR 16 (+3)

DEX 16 (+3)

CON 18 (+4)

INT 12 (+1)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 14 (+2)

Combat: 16 pp

ATK: +4 (+6 Ranged/+8 Bow) [+10 Ranged, +14 Bows w/ring]

DEF: +8 (+2 flat-footed, +4 Dodge)

Init: +7

Grapple: +7

Saves: 12 pp

TOU +12 (+4 Con, +2 Defensive Roll, +6 Protection)

FORT +7 (+4 Con, +3)

REF +7 (+3 Dex, +4)

WILL +7 (+2 Wis, +5)

Skills: 72 r=18 pp

Acrobatics 12 (+15, SM)

Climb 7 (+10, SM)

Diplomacy 3 (+5)

Gather Info 8 (+10)

Knowledge (History) 4 (+5)

Language 1 (Russian, Base: English)

Notice 13 (+15, SM)

Search 4 (+5)

Sense Motive 8 (+10)

Stealth 12 (+15, SM)

Feats: 17 pp

Acrobatic Bluff

Attack Focus: Ranged 2

Attack Specialization: Bow

Defensive Roll

Dodge Focus 4


Improved Initiative

Power Attack

Precise Shot 2

Skill Mastery (Acrobatics, Climb, Notice, Stealth)

Quick Draw


Powers: 56 pp

Device 3 (15dp, Easy to Lose) (PFs: Restricted [Attack Specialization] (Bow), Subtle [Collapsible]) [11 pp]

Arrow Array 6 (12 pp, PFs: Alternate Power 3) [15 pp]

Blast 3 (PFs: Improved Crit 2, Mighty 3, Variable Descriptor 1 [bludgeoning/piercing/slashing]) {12/12}

AP: Blast 6 (Extra: Area [burst], Flaw: Unreliable [5 uses]) {12/12}

AP: Dazzle 6 (visual) {12/12}

AP: Speed 1 and Super-Movement 4 (Slow Fall, Swinging, Super-Movement 2 [Wall-Crawling]) {9/12}

Device 11 (Archer's Ring, Hard to Lose, 55dp) (PF: Restricted [Attack Specialization (Bow)) [45 pp]

Arrow Array 15 (PFs: Alternate Powers 3, Indirect 1, Subtle, Variable Descriptor 2 [any magic]) [37dp]

BE: Blast 10 (Extra: Autofire) {30/30}

AP: Blast 10 (Extra: Area [burst]) {30/30}

AP: Dazzle 10 (visual and auditory) {30/30}

AP: Stun 10 (Extra: Ranged) {30/30}

Enhanced Feats 6 (Attack Focus [Ranged] 4, Attack Specialization (Bows), Quick Change) [6DP]

Flight 1 (10 MPH) (PFs: Move-By Action, Subtle) [4DP]

Protection 6 (PF: Subtle) [7DP]

Super-Senses 1 (Extended Vision (x10)

Immunity 1 (own powers) [1 pp]


abilities 30 + combat 16 + saves 12 + skills 18/72 + feats 17 + powers 56 = 150 pts


Design Notes:

Here's a Badass Normal PL 7 archer with something more, a mystic ring of great power that lets him summon any kind of arrow he desires (thanks to the Variable Descriptor on that fantastic Arrows Array), shoot through solid objects (the Indirect feat), take massive hits thanks to mystic wards, and make tremendous acrobatic leaps and run up walls (Subtle Flight). He also becomes a PL 10 archer thanks to the ring upping his visual acuity, letting him be very accurate, but he'll fall back on the ring's arrows when he needs to make a particularly big hit. (Why does he still have the Grappling Arrow when his ring lets him fly? Suspenders and belt, man, suspenders and belt) He's got great skills, and is easily capable of laying opponents out by catching them flat-footed with his leaps and acrobatic tricks, or just by sneaking up on them. He's got the high Notice and Skill Mastery a professional archer really should have.

How did he get his ring? Maybe he was a government sniper who specialized in bows over guns, one who was victimized by a powerful magical entity and took the occasion of that entity's defeat to arm himself against further attack: Norse gods perhaps? Another idea would be something tied into wuxia; perhaps a ring tied into the Wood element giving him master over magical arrows of tremendous power. Or maybe his ring is something more infernal, and came from a battle against demonic centaurs during a trip to Hell to rescue captured POWs, as suggested in a recent crossover.

Lots of room to customize here; more tricks in the bow, more tricks in the ring (some immunities might be nice, even at half-effect), or just upping his skills. Another idea might be a ring-bearing hero whose weapon was depowered (perhaps by the jerk blue elves who made it in the first place), and who got trained as an archer and acrobat by his good buddy that politically-minded archer who was always there for him in a crisis before this. Or maybe he IS that archer, and has recently picked up the weapon of a fallen friend...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Veteran Speedster

"Faster than a speeding P-40 Tomcat!"

PL: 10 (150)

Abilities: 38 pp

STR 20 (+5)

DEX 16 (+3)

CON 20 (+5)

INT 14 (+2)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 14 (+2)

Combat: 24 pp

ATK: +6 (+7 melee/+9 Unarmed) [+13 melee/+15 Unarmed w/Speed Powers])

DEF: [+13 w/Speed Powers] (+7 (+3 flat-footed))

Init: +28

Grapple: +12/+18

Saves: 14 pp

TOU +7 (+5 Con, +2 Defensive Roll)

FORT +7 (+5 Con, +2)

REF +11 (+3 Dex, +8)

WILL +7 (+2 Wis, +4)

Skills: 84 r=21 pp

Acrobatics 3 (+6)

Craft (Chemical) 8 (+0)

Diplomacy 8 (+10, SM)

Knowledge (History) 8 (+10)

Languages 3 (English [base], German, Russian, Spanish)

Medicine 8 (+10)

Notice 13 (+15, SM)

Search 13 (+15, SM)

Sense Motive 8 (+10, SM)

Stealth 12 (+15)

Feats: 16 pp

All-Out Attack

Attack Focus: Melee

Attack Specialization: Unarmed

Defensive Roll

Dodge Focus

Eidetic Memory

Equipment 2


Jack of all Trades

Hide in Plain Sight

Move-By Action

Power Attack

Skill Mastery (Diplomacy, Notice, Search, Sense Motive)

Takedown Attack

Uncanny Dodge (auditory)

Equipment: 10 ep

Brownstone Museum

Size: Medium; Toughness: 15; Features: Communications, Laboratory, Library, Living Space, Power (Emotion Control + Healing), Security System, Workshop

Cost: 1+2+7 = 10 EPs

Power: Emotion Control 10 ([Limited]: Hope Only) + Healing 10 (Flaw: Personal Only) (WWII flags + posters) {20/20}

Powers: 37 pp

Enhanced Feats 20 (Attack Focus: Melee (6), Dodge Focus (6), Evasion (to 2), Fast Overrun, Improved Initiative (5), Improved Overrun) [20PP]

Immunity 1 (aging) [1PP]

Quickness 1 (x2) [1PP]

Speed 1 (10 MPH) [1PP]

Speedster Array 5 (10 pp; PFs: Alternate Powers 2) [12PP]

BE: Damage 0 (Extras: Autofire 5, Penetrating 5) {10/10}

AP: Damage 0 (Extras: Selective 5, Targeted Area [shapeable] 5) {10/10}

AP: Enhanced Quickness 5 (to Quickness 6 [x100]) and Speed 5 (to Speed 6 [500 MPH]) {10/10}

Super-Movement 3 (Wall-Crawling 2, Water-Walking) (Flaw: [Limited] Only While Running]) [3PP]


abilities 38 + combat 24 + saves 14 + skills 21/84 + feats 16 + powers 37 = 150 pts


Design Notes:

Here's my build for a Veteran Speedster like DC's Jay Garrick or Marvel's Whizzer, a Golden Age hero kept young (even if he's in his late 40s, he looks at most half his age) by his speed powers and still able to stay active as a hero. He's slower than the younger generation of heroes; only able to run at 500 MPH and having to exert himself to break the sound barrier, and he doesn't hit as hard as the guys who can routinely push light speed at every opportunity. But he makes up for his lower speed with years of tactical experience and skills, making him a valuable addition to any team. The fact that he still holds the lease on his team's Golden Age headquarters, replete with World War II propaganda posters and team mementos, the sort to remind any hero of why they fight, is another good thing about him.

He's an OK chemist and doctor; my nod to the comic book Jay Garrick and perhaps a callback to his origin: did he inject himself with radioactive cheetah blood in order to gain superpowers, or have the same happen to him through some accident? It's up to you! He's PL 7 without his powers, a reflection of his decades of combat experience, and would make a fine costumed adventurer or martial artist at that level. With his powers, he's a full PL 10 speedster with a high attack shift. A Damage 5 attack with Autofire and Penetrating (and an attack tradeoff) is still going to be a threat in superhero combat, if not in the same way as a character with more of a damage shift, and he can easily clear a room of thugs. He's a great scout with Quickness, Speed, and extremely high Notice and Search.

500 MPH was pretty fast in the Golden Age, if slow for a comic-book speedster: it's up to you whether or not he's slowed down or whether the world around him has just gotten faster. He's still faster than any vehicle and many other superheroes; he can still take 20 on Notice checks if he's concentrating. Note that by deliberately not making his Enhanced Speed the base power of his array, he has to actually concentrate to rev up. In a real crisis, he can always stunt Speed 10 (for a total of Speed 11) off his array if you _really_ have to get far away from that bomb in a hurry. Note In a world where superheroes age like the Freedom City universe, a Golden Age veteran still around is something special; he's seen friends grow old and die, and probably outlived his family. But justice is something that never does age.

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Alien Agent

"The truth is out there"

PL: 10 (150)

Abilities: 40 pp

STR 34/14 (+12/+2)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 20 (+5)

INT 20 (+5)

WIS 20 (+5)

CHA 12 (+1)

Combat: 32 pp

ATK: +8

DEF: +8 (+4 flat-footed)

Init: +5

Grapple: +10/+26

Saves: 11 pp

TOU +12 (+7 Protection, +5 Con)

FORT +8 (+5 Con, +3)

REF +7 (+2 Dex, +5)

WILL +8 (+5 Wis, +3)

Skills: 56 r=14 pp

Bluff 4 (+5/+9)

Craft (Chemical) 5 (+10)

Diplomacy 4 (+5/+9)

Investigate 5 (+10)

Knowledge (Life Sciences) 10 (+15)

Languages 3 (English [base], Grue, Lor, Spanish)

Medicine 10 (+15, Skill Mastery)

Notice 5 (+10, Skill Mastery)

Search 5 (+10, Skill Mastery)

Sense Motive 5 (+10, Skill Mastery)

Feats: 6 pp


Benefit (Security Clearance)


Master Plan

Skill Mastery (Medicine, Notice, Search, Sense Motive)

Speed of Thought

Powers: 47 pp

Alien Array 13 (26 pp, PF: Alternate Power 1) [27PP]

Blast 12 (PFs: Variable Descriptor 2 [any metabiological])

AP: Enhanced STR 20 (to STR 34/+12) and Super-Strength 3 (Heavy Load: ~10 tons)

Flight 2 (25 MPH) [4PP]

Immunity 9 (Life Support) [9PP]

Protection 7 [7PP]


abilities 40 + combat 32 + saves 5 + skills 14/56 + feats 6 + powers 47 = 150 pts


Design Notes:

Inspired by a recent marathon viewing of the X-Files, here's my build for Agent Dana Scully as a superhero. Given her occasional alien abduction and other chicanery, I've basically built as Ms. Marvel. She can fly, even in outer space, fire blasts of energy, and be superstrong. She makes a nice pocket paragon for a team that might be looking for one, as well as a talented gadgeteer (albeit with a focus on the chemical rather than physical sciences) and she's an extremely competent detective and doctor. She's not as smart as a super-gadgeteer, true, but she's extremely intelligent and a good planner. She was something of a nerd sex symbol back when many of my readers were very young indeed, so she's got Attractive to go with a not-great social package.

Origin-wise, she works just fine as an agent (FBI or AEGIS) altered by aliens: maybe she was a Grue abductee and experimental subject rescued by the Lor before the Grue could turn her into some sort of super-mutant, or maybe she accidentally merged with some sort of alien device her agency was studying and mastered its awesome power for her own. Or maybe she got her powers herself from experimentation on alien artifacts! She's got the languages and social skills to have worked with aliens plenty; maybe (as on Superhero Squad) she used to have a thing for that handsome Lor hero from space.

She's around PL 4 without her powers, about right for an FBI agent in a very low-powered setting, but of course with her abilities she's as tough as any superhero. She doesn't carry a gun anymore; that's not really necessary when she can lift cars! The one thing she's missing is a significant amount of Impervious; while she's very tough, she's not bulletproof just yet and could be whittled down by bad guys with guns. Something to buy with earned PP; or maybe one of this otherwise strong character's few vulnerabilities.

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"Son, we need to talk..."

PL: 10 (150)

Abilities: 28 pp

STR 34/24/14 (+12/+7/+2)

DEX 10 (+0)

CON 34/24/14 (+12/+7/+2)

INT 14 (+2)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 12 (+1)

Combat: 16 pp

ATK: +4 (+7 melee) [+8 melee w/Ring]

DEF: +7 (+2 flat-footed) [+8 in w/Ring]

Init: +0

Grapple: +14/+16/up to +26 in suit

Saves: 10 pp

TOU +12 (+7 Con, +5 from Enhanced Con w/Ring)

FORT +12 (+7 Con, +5 from Enhanced Con w/Ring)

REF +5 (+0 Dex, +5)

WILL +7 (+2 Wis, +5)

Skills: 44 r=11 pp

Craft (Electronic) 8 (+10)

Diplomacy 9 (+10)

Knowledge (Technology) 8 (+10)

Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) 3 (+5)

Languages 3 (English [base], Grue, Lor, Spanish)

Notice 5 (+7) [13 (+15) w/Ring]

Search 5 (+7) [13 (+15) w/Ring]

Sense Motive 3 (+5)

Feats: 10 pp

Attack Focus: Melee 3

Dodge Focus 3



Power Attack

Takedown Attack

Powers: 75 pp

Device 11 (Power Ring) (Hard to Lose) (PF: Restricted [DNA scan]) [45 pp]

Comprehend 3 (speak, read, and understand any one language at once) [6dp]

Enhanced Feats 2 (Attack Focus [melee], Dodge Focus) [2dp]

Enhanced Skills 16 (Notice 8, Search 8) [4dp]

Enhanced CON 10 (to CON 34/+12) [10dp]

Enhanced STR 10 (to STR 34/+12) [10dp]

Immunity 9 (Life Support) [9dp]

Impervious TOU 5 [5dp]

Power Reserve 5 (10 pp; Flight [to Flight 6 [500 MPH] and Super-Strength [to Super-Strength 6 (Heavy Load: 48 tons) [10dp]

Super-Senses 1 (Uncanny Dodge [radio]) [1dp]

Enhanced CON 10 (to CON 24/+7) [10 pp]

Enhanced STR 10 (to STR 24/+7) [10 pp]

Flight 1 (10 MPH) [Dynamic] [2+1+2=5 pp]

DAP: Super-Strength 1 (Heavy Load: ~1000 lbs)

Impervious TOU 5 [5 pp]


abilities 28 + combat 16 + saves 10 + skills 11/44 + feats 10 + powers 75 = 150 pts


Design Notes:

Carl Kant grew up in Nebraska, the son of pious parents who volunteered as missionaries for their church. He knew from an early age he was adopted; his parents had adopted him in Mexico when he was a very small baby, or so they told him, a foundling left on their mission's doorstep. He manifested a talent for electronics and science from an early age, and his parents had visions of him one day as a scientist or engineer. When he was a teenager, his supernatural abilities began to manifest themselves: great strength and bulletproof skin, even the power to fly. That was the day his parents finally confessed to him that they had misled him ever-so-slightly about his origins: they'd found him as a baby, all right, in a rocketship they'd found crashed in a rural farming district near Mexico City! Fascinated by the story, on his next mission trip he headed for the crash site, and found the rocket where his father had buried it nearly twenty years earlier.

He opened the rocket...and very nearly lost his mind as the teaching machines inside poured terrible knowledge into his head: he was the scion of an ancient and powerful race, one born to rule and lead rather than protect and defend, gods among insects, and one day when he came into his full power he would be lord and master of this planet. And, worst of all, he wasn't alone here! But the Cuckoo teaching machine had malfunctioned after drifting in space for so many eons, and between that and his heroic heart, the young man had the strength of character to resist the imprecations of his heritage. He took the rocket and smashed it to pieces with his great strength, then forged the machine inside into a ring he could wear, shielded by the fantastic energies that had once powered the rocket itself. He would find the other Cuckoos on Earth and stop them before their plots could be brought to fruition. Of course, he'd have to go to Freedom City for that.

Yet another Paragon with a Power Ring, this time based on my own Cuckoo idea as well as Invincible and Valiant from Edison Rex. He's a tough PL 7 thanks to his alien heritage even without the ring; even if his Cuckoo alien abilities are nullified he's still a PL 7 paragon with the ring! (He's even a lot faster with it!) Lots of room here; Bluff and other interaction skills for investigation and leadership, more science skills to play up his technical skill, more powers in the ring (more Super-Senses, a Detect power perhaps, or maybe a blast) and the like to better fulfill his heroic mission. Hopefully he can find friends in which to confide his secrets before the worst happens...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Earth G-Vampire-1

You were made to be ruled.

150 years ago, the armies of the dead rose and established a grim and bloody-handed empire stretching from the Potomac River to the Gulf of Mexico. On Earth G-Vampire-1, the armies of the Confederate States of America were supplemented by armies of vampires: aristocrats who had come to America to maintain vast herds of human cattle and were eager to protect their feeding stock from the 'depredations' of the abolitionist North. Things were bad, very bad, when bat-winged armies swarmed over Washington and across the Ohio River, feeding gleefully on the blood of the innocent, but the North rebounded in a thousand different ways: the spiritualists of the Union turned their necromantic powers against the living dead, ghostly wars in the skies over Boston and Philadelphia driving back the grey-clad undead, while the holy faith of abolitionists and their allies burned like a fire in the sky over Jonathan Blanchard's Wheaton in Chicago and a dozen other holy sites. Day by day, year by year, the armies of vampires were turned back from the throats of the United States.

The wounds of the war ran deep, with vampirism spreading wherever the hordes of undead went. Many Northern vampires resisted their urges, not inclined to become slaves to the slavemasters, but others didn't, and the armies of vampires swelled like ticks with new recruits wherever they went. European vampires, and others, forced into the open by their too-ambitious brethren, were often slaughtered pre-emptively, but more fled to the Union where (ironically) they found a government all-too-eager for any sort of assistance, even from others undead. Many others went south, transforming what had once been a war for the freedom of some into a war for the freedom of all.

But the Confederates had their necromancers and dark wizards too, and the armies of the North were stopped at what had once been the Confederate border. In 1870, with millions dead on both sides, the bled-white North and South made a reluctant peace with each other. The Union rebounded, as nations do; the tragically doomed good vampire became a staple of Victorian fiction in the United States, while American policy became to fight the power of the undead everywhere: in Cuba (where vampire aristocrats still fed on the blood of freedmen), in the Kaiser's Germany in the First World War and its terrible successor state in the war that followed, the United States has stood forever as the enemy of the power of vampirism. American vampires no longer face execution if their secret comes out (thanks to a 20th century Supreme Court decision) but all are drafted into the Union Army as agents of national defense. The scars of 150 years ago run deep (especially if there are still people who remember those days) and the Union is ever-ready in case the Confederates come again.

As for the South? The Confederate States of America feeds on itself and has since its inception. Vampires rule the night and their servants rule the day, and though 20th century political shifts ended the racial basis of slavery the Confederacy is still a nation of masters and slaves, those of the world's vampires who were unable to adapt to the loss of their power elsewhere having been welcomed with open arms and smiling fanged faces. Though Confederate entertainment glorifies the langorous grace and beauty of their masters, the truth is harsher and uglier: the Confederacy is a pariah state and tottering bankrupt, the Mass Games in Richmond and public veneration of Albert Pike, President of the Confederate States of America for nearly a century, have replaced what mass culture once existed by boot and spur. Confederate schoolchildren are taught that the world outside their border lies fallow and in ruin while only they possess the true key to civilization: eternity itself.

So what place do superheroes have in such a place? Confederate mystics are not above cross-dimensional border raids for new vintages: tight controls exist on the feeding of the slave population of the Confederacy to ensure no overfeeding by their masters (particularly since not every Confederate vampire has the resources to actually own a human, contrary to what their propaganda broadcasts across the border say: indeed, most do not), but there are always those willing to go to a little more work for a taste of what is denied them by law at home. Superpowers exist both in the Union and the Confederacy, with superheroes in Freedom City just like our universe. (Freedom City was a center of particularly vicious fighting during The War, as Northerners and Southerners still call it) The Confederacy has fewer superheroes than the Union does, a legacy of early days when fearful vampires generally executed them, but now vampire heroes with powers of life and death are not uncommon beneath the Mason-Helsing Line. It is a closer parallel to our world than logic would suggest; heroes may well encounter versions of themselves corrupted by bloodlust and hunger into twisted reflections of themselves, or noble demons resisting their urges while making sure no one else suffers at the hands of the undead. Or, just perhaps, as righteous warriors prepared to cleanse the Earth of the dead.

The Confederacy is a place of poisoned glamour; a world of moonlight and magnolia plantations where the hard reality of exploitation and bondage is hidden behind hospitality and a smile, with the eyes of the dead ever on the visitor. The population is fed ignorance and lies, with even many vampires genuinely believing that theirs is the only fair and just society. (and for them perhaps it is, for all that their castles are made of sand) Their leaders are no fools; they know all the world has been watching them since the end of the Great Deception in 1862, and the nations of the Earth stand ready with cross and blade, star and crescent moon, nuclear weapon and incendiary bullets to battle the armies of the dead. But they know too that there are other worlds out there, reachable by grim blood rites along the Cosmic Coil, worlds with a beating heart of human life all too ripe and ready for the devouring. And perhaps this time, there will be powers beyond the curse of undeath granted to the champions of The War...

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Vampire Nation

Defenders of the Confederate States of America on Earth G-Vampire-1

Uses: Hyperclan, Squadron Supreme, Crime Syndicate [if suitably tweaked], etc

Captain Confederacy: Virginia-born Richard Reynolds was a captain by the time the Blood War ended, a veteran of a dozen battles and not incidentally a blood-sucking fiend, having been transformed by no less than Jubal Early himself. A veteran of the Battle of Arlington, the last great Confederate offensive north ultimately broken by the Union necromancers along the Potomac, Reynolds has spent much of his long undead life hostile to the Confederate government. The martial values and camaraderie between soldiers has largely broken down in Albert Pike's CSA, where officers are apt to spend more time competing with each other than commanding their men, but when Pike's government recently reorganized the Vampire Nation, the costumed champions of the Confederate States of America, his very adherence to old values made him the favored candidate for field commander. In his heart of hearts, Reynolds sometimes wants the fighting to be over: he's savvy enough to know the vampire way of life is coming to an end as the values of the Union slowly percolate their way even into the unbeating heart of the Confederacy. But it's been a long time since his heart could beat.

Miss Belle: Jasmine Fishburne is a woman of color in the armies of the Confederacy, not a friendly place to be even with the Blood War. (There's nothing like everyone becoming undead to break down distinctions between genders) She makes up for a skin too dark and a gender too feminine among her peers by being among the most vicious and uncompromising of the fighters under the command of Richard Reynolds, for whom she is a reluctant number 2. When there's a slave uprising, invasion by hostile aliens, or other incursion into the 'peace and order' of the Confederate States of America, she's there in the front lines, tearing apart her enemies and ferociously drinking of their blood. She doesn't enjoy fighting, she _is_ fighting, and if not for her gender might easily have replaced her (much less politically reliable) commanding officer by now. If the Vampire Nation is ordered to scout another dimension for raids or incursion, she'll be there in the front lines.

Doctor Dark: Much-abused pilot Alan Hoban is Texas-born and bred, and also the only human being on the Vampire Nation. And it sucks! He's a second-class citizen in his own nation, something of which he is intimately aware despite his government's very public declaration that humans enjoy their second-class citizenship in the CSA. His power gem (which he found at the site of a crashed alien spaceship on his master's rural estates) sustains his life even when he needs to 'make a donation', he is all too aware of the fact that he has no superpowers of his own. You would think this might make him politically unreliable, but actually he's there in the front lines alongside Miss Belle in every big fight. (She actually respects, and is even attracted to him, not emotions she's used to feeling for humans) After all, if he fails, or is seen to fail, he knows what fate awaits him, and his family back home. Better to just ram their flying machine, the General Lee, straight into the nearest wall than let that happen.

Wolfman: Despite his ferocious appearance, Howell Cobb IV is not that bad when you get to know him. He's devoted to his mama and his family like a good Southern gentleman (despite his ungentlemanly ways), and frequently visits the family estate back in Cherokee County, Georgia. He's not an old veteran like Cap or a dedicated political animal like Jasmine; he's a mercenary (transformed when he came of age like many of his class) who's done all sorts of covert work outside the Confederacy, particularly in vampire-loving Japan, before coming home and getting swept up into the call for defenders of the homeland. Don't mistake a mercenary nature for a lack of commitment; he's getting paid well and often for the chance to hunt down and destroy the enemies of his nation and people, and that's enough to motivate most any man. He likes the idea of raiding other dimensions; so much new blood there, and so much stuff to steal!

Firegirl: They took Summer Grey away when she was a teenager, vampire leaders like her brother Rand eager to use her nascent psychic gifts in the service of the undead. Under Rand's watchful eye, she was gradually transformed into among the most powerful vampires in the Confederacy; her tremendous psychic assets and powerful pyrokinesis making her one of the most dangerous women in the nation. She was a natural recruit for the Vampire Nation, her good looks and silent demeanor making her the ideal image of a more traditional sort of Southern womanhood and (for publicity purposes) a good counterpart to some of the other women on the team. Lately she's been acting more and more mysterious, seeming to listen to voices only she can hear. She has a particular hostility towards Wolfman, one he himself can't figure out, largely because

in his mercenary days, he helped destroy a cult of the Unspeakable One, whose worship she embraces more and more every day as the terrible voices in her ears grow louder and louder.

Firefist: The team's other pyrokinetic is Summer's brother Rand, a jaded athlete and politician who was inspired by his sister's transformation to make something of himself. He used his tremendous influence in Confederate society to acquire various stolen artifacts to augment his already formidable vampiric powers, and wielding the Firefists of Boltagon is a skilled, savvy face man for the Vampire Nation. Rand is more political than most of his teammates (he hopes to replace Albert Pike as President of the Confederacy one day), and better at dealing with high society, for all that he sometimes has trouble with the dirty work the team has to carry out on behalf of the Confederate cause. He's much happier fighting Grue than he is putting down internal rebellions, and sometimes hopes to be the next Confederate liason to the Freedom League.

Nightstar: T-baby Sarah Baccarin fell into bad company in the high society of her native Rome and was an easy recruit for the Vampire Nation there. She's a mercenary like Wolfman, albeit one with more of a scientific bent, and occasionally has had something of a rivalry with Steel Girl (particularly since she just doesn't understand why Ruby is just so dirty all the time when ladies look so much nicer cleaned up) She affects a certain Continental mystery about her background, easy enough to do since her teammates can't exactly go to priest-heavy Italy to investigate. The truth is, she was born to a wealthy family, discovered her powers and fell in love with another outcast, and then became more than she had been. Unlike most of her teammates, she is eager to explore the outside world that she sometimes regrets leaving: she knows that the imaginary gangs of savage murdering free humans so popular in Confederate entertainment don't actually exist outside their borders, and she's the most likely to simply wander off if the team goes to a dimension with new sights and sounds to see.

Steel Girl: Ruby White is the team's gadgeteer, a scientist and inventor despite her down-home accent and rough-and-ready manner. She's a former schoolteacher from Memphis, or so she says, who built her power armor to clean up the streets. She and Richard are lovers, as vampires can be despite certain complications, and they share a certain lack of commitment to the Confederacy's darker traditions. This is one reason why she spends a lot of her time among her beloved machines rather than on the front lines, though with her power armor she's formidable in a fight. Another reason is that

Ruby White is an invention of True North, the superheroic defenders of the

Kingdom of Canada. The former Melissa Lang is still surprised people buy the accent! Formerly the armored heroine Electron, transformed by a vampire attack while in the field some years ago, she's the most successful outside infiltrator so far into the Vampire Nation. But how long can she keep up the mask if her 'allies' spread their evil beyond their own benighted borders?

She has hopes for Richard, who's not really that bad: just spoiled and not terribly bright.

Dark Knight: Barney Glass, swordsman, adventurer, and monster is one of the great horror stories among Northern vampires: formerly a trusted operative of the Union's Patriot Regiment, he defected when confronted with the delightful rewards given to Confederate vampires south of the Mason-Dixon Line. A spiteful man who enjoys playing with his food, he is a firm believer in the unholy glories of vampirism, and will if asked happily speak at length about the divine majesty of the undead state. While the others might invade another dimension for gain, for blood, for love of carnage, to follow orders or to keep themselves alive; he'd do it because he genuinely believes that the living are better off under the rule of the dead.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Frost Giant

"Ice knowing you!"

PL: 10 (150)

Abilities: 30 pp

STR 30 [22] (+10/+6)

DEX 12 (+1)

CON 20 [16] (+5/+3)

INT 10 (+0)

WIS 20 (+5)

CHA 10 (+0)

Combat: 24 pp

ATK: +6 [+7 melee, +11 Jotunheim Array/Unarmed]) [+5 w/Growth, +6 melee, +10 Jotunheim Array/Unarmed]

DEF: +11 [+3 flat-footed]) [+10 w/Growth, +2 flat-footed)

Init: +1

Grapple: +13 [+18], +17 [+22]

Saves : 10 pp

TOU +10/+8 (+3 Con, +2 Growth, +5 Force Field)

FORT +8 (+3 Con, +2 Growth, +3)

REF +5 (+1 Dex, +4)

WILL +8 (+5 Wis, +3)

Skills: 80 r=20 pp

Concentration 5 (+10)

Climb 9 (+15, Skill Mastery)

Handle Animal 10 (+10)

Intimidate 13 (+14/+15, Skill Mastery)

Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) 10 (+10)

Language 3 (Braille, English, Norwegian; Base: Old Norse)

Notice 10 (+15, Skill Mastery)

Sense Motive 10 (+15, Skill Mastery)

Survival 5 (+10)

Feats: 15 pp

Animal Empathy,

Attack Focus: Melee 1,

Attack Specialization: Unarmed 2,

Dodge Focus 5,

Power Attack,

Skill Mastery (Climb, Intimidate, Notice, Sense Motive)


Takedown Attack,


Uncanny Dodge (auditory)

Powers: 55 pp

Flight 1 (10 MPH) (Flaw: Platform, PF: Move-By Action) [2 pp]

Force Field 5 [5 pp]

Growth 4 (Extra: Duration (Continuous) [+1], PF: Innate) [Large size, +8 Str, +4 Con, -1 Combat, +4 Grapple, +2 Intimidate, -4 Stealth, 10 ft. reach] [17 pp]

Immunity 4 (aging, environmental cold, heat, own powers) [4 pp]

Jotunheim Array 10 (20 pp, PFs: Accurate 2, Alternate Powers 4) [26 pp]

BE: Impervious TOU 10 {10} + Super-Strength 5 [6 tons/48 tons]) {10} {10+10=20/20}

AP: Blast 10 {20/20}

AP: Create Object 6 (Extras: Impervious, Independent [+0], PFs: Precise, Selective) {20/20}

AP: Snare 10 {20/20}

AP: Strike 10 (Extra: Alternate Save [Fortitude]) {20/20}

Super-Senses 1 (Infravision) [1 pp]

Drawbacks: -4 pp

Disability (can only see in infravision, functionally illiterate in normal human society) (-2PP)

Vulnerability (heat [common], +1 DC [minor]) (-2PP)


abilities 30 + combat 24 + saves 10 + skills 20/80 + feats 15 + powers 55 - drawbacks 4 = 150 pts


Design Notes:

Here's my build for a Frost Giant hero, based on the Thor movie in which they are the first-act antagonists. He's a big, tough cold-controlling powerhouse, equally able to hurl ice shards, freeze people with a touch, or just pummel them with giant icy fists! (His force field represents the ability to cover himself in icy, protective armor as a Sustained effect.) I've given him the ability to shrink himself down as necessary to pass for a human being; just treat his Jotunheim Array and Force Field as being one rank lower (Complication-wise) to keep him from violating his PL caps if he's forced to fight at normal size. (Another way to do that would be to add some Enhanced Jotunheim powers and Enhanced Force Field to represent being especially tough and cold at Large size, I just found the book-keeping easier to handle this way)

One special note are his drawbacks: I took a page from Dok's Predator build and built this guy without the ability to see visible light, something less of an issue in cold climates like Jotunheim (where presumably seeing heat patterns helps you track prey), but something that'll be an issue in human society since he's basically illiterate! This also has the advantage of making him look stupid and brutish to ignorant people; i.e., exactly the typical stereotype of Frost Giants! I've built this guy with the assumption that he was a hunter and tracker back home, perhaps he's a hero because he didn't fit in well with his fellows and wanted to go exploring elsewhere!

How is a Frost Giant a hero? Well, the Norse pantheon doesn't come across that well in the Freedom City universe, so it'd be easy enough to make a heroic scion of Ymir long at war with the dastardly Asgardians, having come to Earth to secure aid against the dastardly Aesir in the name of brave Jotunheim! A somewhat more thoughtful approach, however, would be to paint the war between Asgard and Jotunheim as just that, a war, with heroes and villains on both sides: perhaps this guy tired of the endless cycle of war and Ragnorak, and decided to take a third option - to adventure on Earth and seek his own destiny!

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  • 4 months later...

Fungal Controller

The vice-president of an advertising agency is a bit of executive fungus that forms on a desk that has been exposed to conference. -Fred Allen

PL: 10 (150)

Abilities: 24 pp

STR 14 (+2)

DEX 14 (+2)

CON 14 (+2)

INT 14 (+2)

WIS 14 (+2)

CHA 14 (+2)

Combat: 24 pp

ATK: +6 (+10 Fungal Mastery)

DEF: +10 (+3 flat-footed)

Init: +6

Grapple: +8

Saves: 17 pp

TOU +10 (+2 Con, +8 Protection)

FORT +10 (+2 Con, +8)

REF +5 (+2 Dex, +3)

WILL +8 (+2 Wis, +6)

Skills: 15 pp=60 r

Climb 8 (+10)*

Craft (Chemical) 8 (+10)

Diplomacy 8 (+10)

Knowledge (Life Sciences) 8 (+10)*

Language 1 (Portuguese, Base: English)

Medicine 8 (+10)

Notice 8 (+10)*

Sense Motive 8 (+10)

Survival 3 (+5)*

Feats: 10 pp

Dodge Focus 4

Improved Initiative


Quick Change

Second Chance (Diplomacy checks)

Skill Mastery (Climb, Knowledge [Life Sciences], Notice, Survival)

Uncanny Dodge (auditory)

Powers: 60 pp

Feature 1 (Can Make Fungi) [1 PP]

Fungal Array 16 (32 pp, PFs: Accurate 2, Alternate Powers 4) [38 PP]

BE: Blast 10 (Extra: Alternate Save [Fortitude], PFs: Indirect 2)

AP: Confuse 10 (Extra: Duration [sustained], PFs: Indirect 2)

AP: Corrosion 10 (PFs: Improved Crit 2)

AP: Healing 10 (Extra: Restorative, PFs: Persistent, Stabilize)

AP: Nauseate 10 (Extra: Ranged, PFs: Indirect 2)

Fungal Senses Array 3 (6 pp, PF: Alternate Power 1) [7 PP]

Super-Senses 6 (Fungal Awareness [mental, Enhancements: Acute, Analytical, Radius, Ranged]) [6+1=7 PP]

AP: Super-Senses 6 (Detect Fungus [mental, Enhancements: Acute, Analytical, Radius, Ranged)

Immunity 6 (disease, poison, sleep, starvation and thirst, suffocation) [6 PP]

Protection 8 [8 PP]


abilities 24 + combat 24 + saves 17 + skills 15/60 + feats 10 + powers 60 = 150 pts


Design Notes:

Here's my build for a fungus controller, a hero with mastery over an entire kingdom! One of the humbler ones, sure, but that's no biggie. He can blast people with fungal toxins, drive minions crazy with ergot, help wounds heal with super-penicillin and fast-knitting fungal growth, and work other powerful effects. He can even corrode robots and undead with fungal attacks that corrode metal and speed the decay of dead flesh. (Sure, imagining a fast-acting fungal poison that he can summon and dismiss at will is a bit of a stretch, but no weirder than throwing fireballs around that don't kill someone) He's not really a fungus himself, but he has the constitution of one of the harder varieties thereof. The strengthened cell walls of a fungus, laden with chitin, helps account for his Protection. He can make any fungus you like and analyze any fungus you put in his hand, given his natural bond with perhaps the most humble (or at least the weirdest) of the classical biological kingdoms.

Real super-brains are much better in their chosen speciality than he is, but OTOH most of them probably are not fungal specialists. He could easily be a college professor with these stats; real world smarts, not comic book ones. He could have any background you want: mycologist, chef, mushroom gardener, or a variety of other things. (If the latter, maybe cultivate some darkvision for him so he can see to get around in his laboratory without having to turn on the lights). In my imagined backstory, this guy traveled the world (and particularly the jungles of the Amazon) looking for exotic fungi for either scientific or culinary purposes before coming across one particular growth that left him much changed!

The picture is of Elias J. Durand, one of the founders of modern mycology. Fungi tend to be plant and insect parasites, so this guy's background means he could be an agricultural scientist who's helping save a lot of lives when he's not in costume. (Does he grow his costume out of fungus? Maybe!) The guy with humble, but profoundly impressive powers is a pretty good niche to have in comics, perhaps best exemplified by our own Gaian Knight. He could use a movement power and more combat feats, but that's probably something to cultivate with time. He may just be an athlete's foot controller, but if you've ever watched that particular X-Files episode you know that's all you need.

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