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Silhouette PL 7


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So, this is my first time on this forum, or actually doing a play by post game like this. My first character level 7 shapeshifter named Silhouette with the simple ability to turn as flat as paper while maintaining her mass and balance. I sort of didn't think of much past that, but then again I've always been fond of If single trick characters. Plus, I kind of think that there's no one else with a character like mine(I'm probably wrong, as I haven't seen all the other characters yet but yeah). For the stats I got some help from the hero lab demo for a lot of it, but I'm not sure how to tally a lot of the stats. I'm completely open for suggestions and of course, for feats as well as how my stats are laid up and such. Also, some critiquing of the history and appearance as well since I'm not the best writer but I do love trying to creat a good story

Character Name: Silhouette

Power Level: 7 (105/105PP

Trade-Offs: -3 Attack +5 Defense

Unspent PP: 0

Gold Status: 0/30

In Brief: An ambush type character who specializes more in hostage rescue and information gathering then more obvious forms of fighting and super herotry.

Alternate Identity: Caroline Wendle

Identity: Secret

Birthplace: Athens, GA

Occupation: Graphic Designer

Affiliations: ?

Family: Demaro, Marilyn, Alison, Trent Wendle

Age: April 20th 24

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Caucasion/Hispanic

Height: 5'4

Weight: 128

Eyes: Grey

Hair: Brown

Description: Carrie is a bit underweight for her age, and as such lacks noticable hips. She has a decently sized bust at 34C, but her fondness of rather frumpy comfortable clothing so that doesn't help. Her hair is cut just above her collar, and is usually tied back whenever she's working or going around. She lives on a budget, and as such can't afford anything but basic grooming. Her habits as a night owl tends to make her have perpetual bags under her eyes.

Her costume per say isn't actually really a costume as it was a second hand biker one piece suit spraypainted black with a cloth full face mask. It's more form fitting them most of her regular clothing and has several pockets, though she can't actually carry anything in those pockets except cloth and paper since items none flat items won't change shape with her. She doesn't have any logos or contrast in her outfit since the point of it is to black out her body so when she goes flat against walls she can more effectively masquerade as a shadow. Because of this, on more then one occasion she has been accused of being a ninja.

History: Carrie's parents travelled a bit before they had her older brother Trent and her, but settled down into a college town when her sister was born. Her mother was ex military and just got off two six year terms to cover college expenses and put down the payments on a house as well as a lease on a coffee shop that she ran with her father who never managed to finish schooling. Growing up there, Carrie tended to hang out with an older crowd.

When she turned seventeen, her parents sold their coffee shop to a competing franchise named after a character in Moby Dick and used the money to move to the suburbs outside of Freedom City. It was about a year earlier after hitting puberty that Carrie noticed her slight difference to everybody else in the family. Seeing as it was somewhat limited as a whole but not at all dangerous with some prompting from her sister she kept it the ability to herself. She went through life at a relative normal pace, until her sophmore year of college.

While attending a field trip to a museum with her art history class the whole place was seiged by some whack job and his minions as a way to call out some big time hero. The guy's mook promptly bound and blindfolded everyone present to chairs to use as hostages when whatever random hero he was trying to called. When said hero did show up, while everyone was distracted Carrie just slipped out of her restraints when she was 2D, hit the singular henchman who was suppose to watch the hostages on the head with the chair she was tied too and untied everyone else. By the time villian had tried to pull the hostage card after the hero had defeated him or whatever obsticale he had set up there were only empty chairs and a knocked out henchman waiting for his response.

After that she didn't immediately jumping into the hero ring, but she thought it might be a possibility. After she graduated she found a similar situation when a regular guy was trying to hold up a convience story and she turned 2D to avoid gunfire and hit him on the back of a head with a six pack of guinesse.

Personality & Motivation: Carrie is a big believer in choice as the major decider of what happens to someone in life. Growing up in a college town she saw teenagers work hard and learn to do their dream jobs until they graduate, but she also saw the results of students who dropped out early because of pregnancy, accidents, arrest records, drug use, or just plain laziness. This makes her quite blunt and generally insensitive to most peoples situations when she sees a lot of self inflicted miseries throughout the city. She hates it when people complain about their situation and neither try to see what they can do to improve it or see how lucky they themselves are. She hates it even more when villians and sometimes even heros force their own plans on to innocent bystanders. This includes but isn't limited too, hostage situations, access property damage, and meaningless slaughter from either party.

Powers & Tactics: She can turn 2D, or completely flat without altering her overall mass. She can do it both in a horizontal sense as well as a vertical so she can either look like a shadow without a person on the way or black oval on the floor. The way she fights with this in general is surprise attack from her flat form, dodge and repeat. In an ideal situation, whoever it is she's attacking would never see her coming and not get back up. Though given the rarity of that situation with the large amounts of freaks and geeks going supervillian she plays entirely by defense after the first initial attack and looks for openings to try another. She can do this to individual parts of her body as well, and as such can slip out, under, through most traditional forms of restraining and holding. When not fighting, which is her prefered method to deal with anything while she's suited up is to get what she comes for and leave without the villian being the wiser. Usually it helps when other heros are already on the scene as an adequite distraction.


Secret: She does try her best to keep her identity secret by avoiding some of the hazards like her mask falling off(by sewing it to the rest of her suit) or distorting her features with her ability if she's ever caught without it.

No Weapons: She can't actively carry weapons with her because she can't carry make anything that isn't already naturally flat with her when she goes 2D. This has lead to her to improvise a lot.

Abilities: 3 + 1 = 4PP

Strength: 5 (-3)

Dexterity: 17 (+3)

Constitution: 13 (+1)

Intelligence: 8 (-1)

Wisdom: 9 (-1)

Charisma: 4 (-6)

Combat: 13PP

Initiative: +0

Attack: +0

Grapple: -3

Defense: +13

Knockback: -2

Saving Throws: 5 + 7 + 10 + 3 = 25PP

Toughness: +5 (+1 Con, +4 [Other])

Fortitude: +7 (+0 Con, +0)

Reflex: +10 (+0 Dex, +0)

Will: +3 (+0 Wis, +0)

Skills: 0R = 0PP

(Skill) (# of Ranks) (+Total Bonus)

Crafts Artisitc 6

Knowledge (Physics)

Knowledge (Popular Culture)

Knowledge (Art) 3

Computers 6


Gather Information





Feats: 13PP


Defensive Roll 3


Dodge Focus

Improved Disarm 3

Improved Trip

Improvised Tools


Weapon Bind


(Equipment) [XEP]

Powers: 0 + 0 + 0 = 0PP

Power Name (Shapeshift 2D(can make herself completely flat)



Benefit 2 (Cannot be Trampled or Beatened)

Escape Artist

Elusive Target

Evasion 2

Hide in Plain Sight

Improved Block

Improved Defense 2

Sneak Attack 4


Weak Point -1



Flaws: )


Drawbacks: -4PP



Frequency: Very Common

Intensity: Moderate [-4PP]


Frequency: Common

Intensity: Moderate [-3PP]

DC Block:


Unarmed Melee DC15 Toughness (Staged) Damage

Abilities (0) + Combat (0) + Saving Throws (0) + Skills (0) + Feats (0) + Powers (0) - Drawbacks (0) = 0 Power Points

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First things first: The character concept is interesting. Character who can turn 2-D? Don't think I've ever seen it exploited on these boards, so kudos for a new idea. However, there's a lot of things that need fixing with this app.

First, this needs to be put into proper format.

Abilities: -5+7+3-2-1-6 = -4PP

Strength: 5 (-3)

Dexterity: 17 (+3)

Constitution: 13 (+1)

Intelligence: 8 (-1)

Wisdom: 9 (-1)

Charisma: 4 (-3)

Why does a 24-year old woman have the same strength as a child? A young child at that? I'd put it at 8, at the very least. And why are her mental scores so low?

Combat: 0+24 = 24PP

Initiative: +3

Attack: +0

Grapple: -3

Defense: +13 (+6 flat-footed, +1 w/ Dodge Focus)

Knockback: -2

Defense is bought at 2 PP per rank, so +13 Def would cost 26 PP, not 13. Also, there's some advice that can be given about odd-numbered Def and hitting caps, but let's get the formatting down, first.

Oh, and no Attack!? That's gotta change.

Saving Throws: 6+7+4 = 17PP

Toughness: +5 (+1 Con, +3 w/ Defensive Roll)

Fortitude: +7 (+1 Con, +6)

Reflex: +10 (+3 Dex, +7)

Will: +3 (-1 Wis, +4)

Need to list where all these numbers are coming from. Saves are just a touch low; I'd boost Will by another couple of points.

Skills: 15 = 4PP

Crafts (Artisitc) 6 (+5)

Knowledge (Art) 3 (+2)

Computers 6 (+5)

No point in listing skills that your character has no ranks in, and no point in having a number of skill ranks that isn't divisible by 4. Again, factor in your ability bonuses.

Feats: 13PP


Defensive Roll 3


Dodge Focus

Improved Disarm 3

Improved Trip

Improvised Tools


Weapon Bind


Diehard's a bonus on these boards, but if you want to list it for completeness, by my guest. Factoring in that, this is actually counted up properly. Though, again c.f. listing where all modifiers come from. You have Dodge Focus 1, which means you only bought 12 pts of Def, not 13.

Again, no point in listing Equipment if you don't have any.

Powers: 0 + 0 + 0 = 0PP

Shapeshift 2D(can make herself completely flat)



Benefit 2 (Cannot be Trampled or Beatened)

Escape Artist

Elusive Target

Evasion 2

Hide in Plain Sight

Improved Block

Improved Defense 2

Sneak Attack 4


Weak Point -1



Flaws: )


I honestly have no idea what you're trying to do here. You don't list how many ranks you have in Shapeshift, so I can't look at that. Format is, once again, off. I have no idea what "Benefit 2 (Cannot be Trampled or Beatened)" means, and it sounds like Immunity anyway. And Reversible doesn't make sense as a Power Feat here. Unless it's Permanent, you would be able to reverse this anyway; and if it was permanent, there'd be no way to reverse it at all short of Nullify. Oh, and Escape Artist is a skill, not a feat.

Rebuilt version using Ultimate Power.

Dimensional Control (2-D Form) [19 PP]

Insubstantial 1 (Flaw: Limited [To width]) [4 PP]

Concealment 4 (All visual senses; Flaw: Limited [To one side]) [4 PP]

Enhanced Feat 11 (Elusive Target, Evasion 2, Hide in Plain Sight, Improved Block, Improved Defense 2, Sneak Attack 4] [11 PP]

Drawbacks: -4PP



Frequency: Very Common

Intensity: Moderate [-4PP]


Frequency: Common

Intensity: Moderate [-3PP]

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Rav's covered the build points, so I'll cover a slightly more important one.

Description: Carrie is a bit underweight for her age, and as such lacks noticable hips. She has a decently sized bust at 34C, but her fondness of rather frumpy comfortable clothing so that doesn't help.

Your first two lines are on your character's hips and bust. Frankly... not only do we not particularly care, but find specific bra sizes to be, shall we say, "classy".

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First off, thank you very much for the review. I can see where several of the flaws are, and I just hope that the remake doesn't go over the point limit.

Character Name: Silhouette

Power Level: 7 (105/105PP

Trade-Offs: -3 Attack +5 Defense

Unspent PP: 0

Gold Status: 0/30

In Brief: An ambush type character who specializes more in hostage rescue and information gathering then more obvious forms of fighting and super herotry.

Alternate Identity: Caroline Wendle

Identity: Secret

Birthplace: Athens, GA

Occupation: Graphic Designer

Affiliations: ?

Family: Demaro, Marilyn, Alison, Trent Wendle

Age: April 20th 24

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Caucasion/Hispanic

Height: 5'4

Weight: 128

Eyes: Grey

Hair: Brown

Description: Carrie is a bit underweight for her age, and as such lacks noticable hips. She has a classy bust, but her fondness of rather frumpy comfortable clothing so that doesn't help. Her hair is cut just above her collar, and is usually tied back whenever she's working or going around. She lives on a budget, and as such can't afford anything but basic grooming. Her habits as a night owl tends to make her have perpetual bags under her eyes.

Her costume per say isn't actually really a costume as it was a second hand biker one piece suit spraypainted black with a cloth full face mask. It's more form fitting them most of her regular clothing and has several pockets, though she can't actually carry anything in those pockets except cloth and paper since items none flat items won't change shape with her. She doesn't have any logos or contrast in her outfit since the point of it is to black out her body so when she goes flat against walls she can more effectively masquerade as a shadow. Because of this, on more then one occasion she has been accused of being a ninja.

History: Carrie's parents travelled a bit before they had her older brother Trent and her, but settled down into a college town when her sister was born. Her mother was ex military and just got off two six year terms to cover college expenses and put down the payments on a house as well as a lease on a coffee shop that she ran with her father who never managed to finish schooling. Growing up there, Carrie tended to hang out with an older crowd.

When she turned seventeen, her parents sold their coffee shop to a competing franchise named after a character in Moby Dick and used the money to move to the suburbs outside of Freedom City. It was about a year earlier after hitting puberty that Carrie noticed her slight difference to everybody else in the family. Seeing as it was somewhat limited as a whole but not at all dangerous with some prompting from her sister she kept it the ability to herself. She went through life at a relative normal pace, until her sophmore year of college.

While attending a field trip to a museum with her art history class the whole place was seiged by some whack job and his minions as a way to call out some big time hero. The guy's mook promptly bound and blindfolded everyone present to chairs to use as hostages when whatever random hero he was trying to called. When said hero did show up, while everyone was distracted Carrie just slipped out of her restraints when she was 2D, hit the singular henchman who was suppose to watch the hostages on the head with the chair she was tied too and untied everyone else. By the time villian had tried to pull the hostage card after the hero had defeated him or whatever obsticale he had set up there were only empty chairs and a knocked out henchman waiting for his response.

After that she didn't immediately jumping into the hero ring, but she thought it might be a possibility. After she graduated she found a similar situation when a regular guy was trying to hold up a convience story and she turned 2D to avoid gunfire and hit him on the back of a head with a six pack of guinesse.

Personality & Motivation: Carrie is a big believer in choice as the major decider of what happens to someone in life. Growing up in a college town she saw teenagers work hard and learn to do their dream jobs until they graduate, but she also saw the results of students who dropped out early because of pregnancy, accidents, arrest records, drug use, or just plain laziness. This makes her quite blunt and generally insensitive to most peoples situations when she sees a lot of self inflicted miseries throughout the city. She hates it when people complain about their situation and neither try to see what they can do to improve it or see how lucky they themselves are. She hates it even more when villians and sometimes even heros force their own plans on to innocent bystanders. This includes but isn't limited too, hostage situations, access property damage, and meaningless slaughter from either party.

Powers & Tactics: She can turn 2D, or completely flat without altering her overall mass. She can do it both in a horizontal sense as well as a vertical so she can either look like a shadow without a person on the way or black oval on the floor. The way she fights with this in general is surprise attack from her flat form, dodge and repeat. In an ideal situation, whoever it is she's attacking would never see her coming and not get back up. Though given the rarity of that situation with the large amounts of freaks and geeks going supervillian she plays entirely by defense after the first initial attack and looks for openings to try another. She can do this to individual parts of her body as well, and as such can slip out, under, through most traditional forms of restraining and holding. When not fighting, which is her prefered method to deal with anything while she's suited up is to get what she comes for and leave without the villian being the wiser. Usually it helps when other heros are already on the scene as an adequite distraction.


Secret: She does try her best to keep her identity secret by avoiding some of the hazards like her mask falling off(by sewing it to the rest of her suit) or distorting her features with her ability if she's ever caught without it.

No Weapons: She can't actively carry weapons with her because she can't carry make anything that isn't already naturally flat with her when she goes 2D. This has lead to her to improvise a lot.

Abilities: 2+6+4+2+4-2=16PP

Strength: 12 (+2)

Dexterity: 16 (+6)

Constitution: 14 (+4)

Intelligence: 12 (+4)

Wisdom: 12 (+2)

Charisma: 8 (-2)

Combat: 4+6-3+13-2=17PP

Initiative: +4

Attack: +6

Grapple: -3

Defense: +12 (+6 flat-footed, +1 w/ Dodge Focus)

Knockback: -2

Saving Throws: 5 + 7 + 10 + 3 = 25PP

Toughness: +8 (+1 Con, +3 Saving Roll)

Fortitude: +7 (+1 Con, +6)

Reflex: +12 (+5 Dex, +7)

Will: +16 (+12 Wis, +4)

Skills: 52R = 0PP

(Skill) (# of Ranks) (+Total Bonus)

Crafts Artisitic 8 (+7)

Knowledge (Physics) 4 (+3)

Knowledge (Popular Culture) 4 (+3)

Knowledge (Art) 4 (+3)

Computers 8 (+7)

Disguise 4 (+3)

Gather Information 8 (+7

Investigate 4 (+3)

Search 4 (+3)

Stealth 4 (+3)

Feats: 13PP


Defensive Roll 3

Dodge Focus

Improved Disarm 3

Improved Trip

Improvised Tools


Weapon Bind


Powers: 19PP

Dimensional Control (2-D Form) [19 PP]

Insubstantial 1 (Flaw: Limited [To width]) [4 PP]

Concealment 4 (All visual senses; Flaw: Limited [To one side]) [4 PP]

Enhanced Feat 11 (Elusive Target, Evasion 2, Hide in Plain Sight, Improved Block, Improved Defense 2, Sneak Attack 4] [11 PP]

Drawbacks -7PP



Frequency: Very Common

Intensity: Moderate [-4PP]

Balistic Damage

Frequency: Common

Intensity: Moderate [-3PP]

DC Block:


Unarmed Melee DC15 Toughness (Staged) Damage

Abilities (16) + Combat (17) + Saving Throws (25) + Skills (13) + Feats (13) + Powers (19) - Drawbacks (-7) = 95 Power Points

I still don't know how to do the last part, but even with the changes I'm still under so that's good. I'd like another review if no one seems to mind.

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Abilities: 2+6+4+2+4-2=16PP

Strength: 12 (+2)

Dexterity: 16 (+6)

Constitution: 14 (+4)

Intelligence: 12 (+4)

Wisdom: 12 (+2)

Charisma: 8 (-2)

Ability bonuses are off. Check the book for exact ones, but the formula is: Ability Score minus 10, divided by 2.

Combat: 4+6-3+13-2=17PP

Initiative: +4

Attack: +6

Grapple: -3

Defense: +12 (+6 flat-footed, +1 w/ Dodge Focus)

Knockback: -2

Ini is based off Dex, so that's off. You still don't hit caps with your Attack; moreover, you listed your trade-off as -3 Att, but here Att is only 1 under the cap. And w/ 1 rank in Dodge Focus, you should have +13 Def, not +12. Not sure where that total line came from, either, since it's way off.

Saving Throws: 5 + 7 + 10 + 3 = 25PP

Toughness: +8 (+1 Con, +3 Saving Roll)

Fortitude: +7 (+1 Con, +6)

Reflex: +12 (+5 Dex, +7)

Will: +16 (+12 Wis, +4)

Too far off to contemplate. Where does +12 Wis come from? Or +5 Dex? Where are those other 4 pts of Toughness coming from?

Skills: 52R = 0PP

(Skill) (# of Ranks) (+Total Bonus)

Crafts Artisitic 8 (+7)

Knowledge (Physics) 4 (+3)

Knowledge (Popular Culture) 4 (+3)

Knowledge (Art) 4 (+3)

Computers 8 (+7)

Disguise 4 (+3)

Gather Information 8 (+7

Investigate 4 (+3)

Search 4 (+3)

Stealth 4 (+3)

That's 13 PP in skills; make sure you list that. And you'll need to refigure things with your new ability scores. Kudos, though, on using your ranks to their fullest.

Feats: 13PP


Defensive Roll 3

Dodge Focus

Improved Disarm 3

Improved Trip

Improvised Tools


Weapon Bind


Feats are still good, though I'd question some choices, here.

Powers: 19PP

Dimensional Control (2-D Form) [19 PP]

Insubstantial 1 (Flaw: Limited [To width]) [4 PP]

Concealment 4 (All visual senses; Flaw: Limited [To one side]) [4 PP]

Enhanced Feat 11 (Elusive Target, Evasion 2, Hide in Plain Sight, Improved Block, Improved Defense 2, Sneak Attack 4] [11 PP]

*Winces* Uh, look how I had it formatted. The way it is here, it makes it look like all these powers are independent, when in fact your 2-D form is an Alternate Form.

Drawbacks -7PP



Frequency: Very Common

Intensity: Moderate [-4PP]

Balistic Damage

Frequency: Common

Intensity: Moderate [-3PP]

Still haven't answered my question in regards to this.

Abilities (16) + Combat (17) + Saving Throws (25) + Skills (13) + Feats (13) + Powers (19) - Drawbacks (-7) = 95 Power Points

I still don't know how to do the last part, but even with the changes I'm still under so that's good. I'd like another review if no one seems to mind.

What last part? The Drawbacks? The combat section?

Only used 14 pts for Abilities, not 16. Combat is 36 pts, not 17. Your listed saves only use 17 pts, but, well, see what I have to say in that section. Skills are good; feats are good; powers need a different formatting, but other than that are good. I count 105 pts used, and this is nowhere near optimized, so there's probably room for improvement.

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Alright, I think I understand the combat section a little bit. I also got a rulebook so here's my new stats after going through the rules.

Character Name: Silhouette

Power Level: 7 (105/105PP)

Trade-Offs: -3 Attack +3 Defense

Unspent PP: 0

Gold Status: 0/30

In Brief: An ambush type character who specializes more in hostage rescue and information gathering then more obvious forms of fighting and super herotry.

Alternate Identity: Caroline Wendle

Identity: Secret

Birthplace: Athens, GA

Occupation: Graphic Designer

Affiliations: ?

Family: Demarco, Marilyn, Alison, Trent Wendle

Age: April 20th 24

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Caucasion/Hispanic

Height: 5'4

Weight: 128

Eyes: Grey

Hair: Brown

Description: Carrie is a bit underweight for her age, and as such lacks noticable hips. She has a decently sized bust at 34C, but her fondness of rather frumpy comfortable clothing so that doesn't help. Her hair is cut just above her collar, and is usually tied back whenever she's working or going around. She lives on a budget, and as such can't afford anything but basic grooming. Her habits as a night owl tends to make her have perpetual bags under her eyes.

Her costume per say isn't actually really a costume as it was a second hand biker one piece suit spraypainted black with a cloth full face mask. It's more form fitting them most of her regular clothing and has several pockets, though she can't actually carry anything in those pockets except cloth and paper since items none flat items won't change shape with her. She doesn't have any logos or contrast in her outfit since the point of it is to black out her body so when she goes flat against walls she can more effectively masquerade as a shadow. Because of this, on more then one occasion she has been accused of being a ninja.

History: Carrie's parents travelled a bit before they had her older brother Trent and her, but settled down into a college town when her sister was born. Her mother was ex military and just got off two six year terms to cover college expenses and put down the payments on a house as well as a lease on a coffee shop that she ran with her father who never managed to finish schooling. Growing up there, Carrie tended to hang out with an older crowd.

When she turned seventeen, her parents sold their coffee shop to a competing franchise named after a character in Moby Dick and used the money to move to the suburbs outside of Freedom City. It was about a year earlier after hitting puberty that Carrie noticed her slight difference to everybody else in the family. Seeing as it was somewhat limited as a whole but not at all dangerous with some prompting from her sister she kept it the ability to herself. She went through life at a relative normal pace, until her sophmore year of college.

While attending a field trip to a museum with her art history class the whole place was seiged by some whack job and his minions as a way to call out some big time hero. The guy's mook promptly bound and blindfolded everyone present to chairs to use as hostages when whatever random hero he was trying to called. When said hero did show up, while everyone was distracted Carrie just slipped out of her restraints when she was 2D, hit the singular henchman who was suppose to watch the hostages on the head with the chair she was tied too and untied everyone else. By the time villian had tried to pull the hostage card after the hero had defeated him or whatever obsticale he had set up there were only empty chairs and a knocked out henchman waiting for his response.

After that she didn't immediately jumping into the hero ring, but she thought it might be a possibility. After she graduated she found a similar situation when a regular guy was trying to hold up a convience story and she turned 2D to avoid gunfire and hit him on the back of a head with a six pack of guinesse.

Personality & Motivation: Carrie is a big believer in choice as the major decider of what happens to someone in life. Growing up in a college town she saw teenagers work hard and learn to do their dream jobs until they graduate, but she also saw the results of students who dropped out early because of pregnancy, accidents, arrest records, drug use, or just plain laziness. This makes her quite blunt and generally insensitive to most peoples situations when she sees a lot of self inflicted miseries throughout the city. She hates it when people complain about their situation and neither try to see what they can do to improve it or see how lucky they themselves are. She hates it even more when villians and sometimes even heros force their own plans on to innocent bystanders. This includes but isn't limited too, hostage situations, access property damage, and meaningless slaughter from either party.

Powers & Tactics: She can turn 2D, or completely flat without altering her overall mass. She can do it both in a horizontal sense as well as a vertical so she can either look like a shadow without a person on the way or black oval on the floor. The way she fights with this in general is surprise attack from her flat form, dodge and repeat. In an ideal situation, whoever it is she's attacking would never see her coming and not get back up. Though given the rarity of that situation with the large amounts of freaks and geeks going supervillian she plays entirely by defense after the first initial attack and looks for openings to try another. She can do this to individual parts of her body as well, and as such can slip out, under, through most traditional forms of restraining and holding. When not fighting, which is her prefered method to deal with anything while she's suited up is to get what she comes for and leave without the villian being the wiser. Usually it helps when other heros are already on the scene as an adequite distraction.


Secret: She does try her best to keep her identity secret by avoiding some of the hazards like her mask falling off(by sewing it to the rest of her suit) or distorting her features with her ability if she's ever caught without it.

No Weapons: She can't actively carry weapons with her because she can't carry make anything that isn't already naturally flat with her when she goes 2D. This has lead to her to improvise a lot.

Family: She is very much a family person and since they all live within or near the city limits she will almost always try to attend family gatherings and events.

Abilities: 2+6+2+4+2-2=16PP

Strength: 12 (+1)

Dexterity: 16 (+3)

Constitution: 12 (+1)

Intelligence: 14 (+2)

Wisdom: 12 (+2)

Charisma: 8 (-2)

Combat: 4+16=20PP

Initiative: 0 (+4 w/ Improved Initiative)

Attack: +2 (+4 w/ Improved Disarm)

Grapple: -3

Defense: +10 (+6 flat-footed)

Knockback: +5

Saving Throws: 3+7+4=114PP

Toughness: +4 (+1 Con, +3 Saving Roll)

Fortitude: +4 (+1 Con, +3)

Reflex: +12 (+5 Dex, +7)

Will: +8 (+4 Wis, +4)

Skills: 84R = 21PP

(Skill) (# of Ranks) (+Total Bonus)

Acrobatics 6 (+5)

Crafts Artisitic 10 (+9)

Escape Artist 4 (+3)

Disable Device 4 (+3)

Knowledge (Physics) 6 (+5)

Knowledge (Behavioral Sciences) 6 (+5)

Knowledge (Popular Culture) 4 (+3)

Knowledge (Art) 8 (+7)

Computers 8 (+7)

Disguise 6 (+5)

Notice 4 (+3)

Gather Information 8 (+7)

Search 4 (+3)

Stealth 6 (+5)

Feats: 15PP



Defensive Roll 3

Dodge Focus 2

Improved Disarm 2

Improved Initiative

Improved Trip

Improvised Tools


Weapon Bind


Powers: 19PP

Dimensional Control (2-D Form) [19 PP]

Insubstantial 1 (Flaw: Limited [To width]) [4 PP]

Concealment 4 (All visual senses; Flaw: Limited [To one side]) [4 PP]

Enhanced Feat 11 (Elusive Target, Evasion 2, Hide in Plain Sight, Improved Block, Improved Defense 2, Sneak Attack 4] [11 PP]

DC Block

Sneak Attack --- 21 / Toughness --- Bruised (Staged)

Unarmed --- 16 / Toughness --- Bruised (Staged)

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